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Science 7 Final Exam

Test I
1. What do you call a line that runs parallel to the equator?
a. longitude b. latitude c. axis d. orbit
2. It is an invisible line that identify a point as being east or west of the Prime Meridian.
a. orbit b. longitude c. latitude d. axis
3. What do you call the things that are gathered from nature?
a. Greenhouse effect b. Global warming c. Natural Resources d. Energy
4. It is a land or a slope which drains its water into a stream and its tributaries.
a. Energy b. Greenhouse c. Watershed d. Global Warming
5. One of the layers of the atmosphere in which the satellites are stationed.
a. Exosphere b. Mesosphere c. Troposphere d. Thermosphere
6. Layer of the atmosphere where the space shuttles fly and the auroras can be found.
a. Thermosphere b. Mesosphere c. Troposphere d.Exosphere
7.How many degrees is the Earth tilting point?
a. 23.5 degrees b. 25.3 degrees c. 26 degrees d. 23.6 degrees
8. Which of the following does not describes a wise conservation of energy ?
a. construction dams near waterfall b. using solar power cells to run electricity
c. dumping of garbage into rivers d. making windmills in areas with strong seasonal winds
9. What is the abundant element on earths atmosphere?
a. Argon b. Carbon Dioxide c. Nitrogen d. Oxygen
10. What happens when air is heated?
a. It expands then rises b. It stays in place c. It spreads in all direction d. It moves towards lower elevation
11. Which pair or resources is Renewable?
a. cotton and leather b. aluminum and iron c. soil and minerals d. coal and solar energy
12. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced?
a. renewable c. recyclable d. reliable d. unlimited
13. Which warms up faster?
a. land b. water c. both d. neither
14. What do you call an energy that came from the water?
a. solar b. hydroelectric c. biogas d. none
15. A naturally occurring phenomenon that is responsible for heating of Earths surface and atmosphere.
a. sun b. light c. Greenhouse effect d. coal
16. It is the result of greenhouse gases trapping heat and light from the sun in the Earths atmosphere.
a. Solar energy b. Hydropower c. Greenhouse d. Global warming
17. The wind from the sea is called...
a. sea breeze b. monsoon c. land breeze d. ITCZ
18. The wind from the land is called.....
a. ITCZ b. sea breeze c . monsoon d. land breeze
19. What do you call the place in which the warm air is rising?
a. monsoon b. low pressure area d. high pressure area d. ITCZ
20. A place where cool air is sinking..
a. high pressure area b. monsoon c. low pressure area d. ITCZ

Test II Enumeration:
1-5 Layers of the Atmosphere
6-7 Types of monsoon
8-12 Natural water forms
13- 18 Meaning of PAG-ASA
19-20 Example of natural resources

Test III
Explain how inter tropical convergence zone occurs. 10pts

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