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I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

A. Content Standards 1. Demonstrates understanding of whole numbers up
to 10 000, ordinal numbers up to 100th, and money
up to PhP1000.

2. demonstrates understanding of addition and

subtraction of whole numbers including money

B. Performance Standards 1. Is able to recognize, represent, compare, and order

whole numbers up to 10 000, and money up to
PhP1000 in various forms and contexts.

2. Is able to apply addition and subtraction of whole

numbers including money in mathematical
problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives 1. Recognizes coins and bills up to PhP1 000. (M3NS-
(Write LC code for each) Ic-19.2)
2. Reads and writes money in symbols through PhP1
000 in pesos and centavos. (M3NS-Ic-20.2)
3. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of
whole numbers including money. (M3NS-If-30.3)
D. Content 1. Telling the value of coins and bills.
2. Applying money in real-life situation.
E. Learning Resources
a. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 3 pp. 49-52
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Na
3. Textbook Pages Na
4. Additional Materials from learning Resources (LR) Na
b. Other Learning Resources Internet (Google, YouTube)
Subject Integration Mathematics
Values Infusion Valuing the importance of using money wisely.
F. PROCEDURES Prayer, greetings, checking of attendance, icebreaker, lesson
a. Review previous lesson/Presenting a new lesson Before we proceed to our next lesson, let us first review the
topic that we have discussed yesterday.

Okay teacher

Who can still remember our lesson yesterday?

(students answered in chorus)

Yes Ms. Daganasol?

(the student present her answer)

Very good! You really listen to our topic yesterday. How about
you Mr. Mantalaba, what have you learned yesterday?
(the student present his answer)

Okay! I am so happy that you really learned our topic


b. Establishing a purpose for the lesson This time, I want you to close your eyes. Imagine that you are
in a store. A store which is full of different toys. A store where
you can see all your favourite toys. Now! Open your eyes.
Come with me and pick your favourite toy.

Do have now your toy?

Yes teacher.

Do you like the toy that you have picked?

Yes teacher.

Good. Now, what have you observed with the toy?

(Students answered in chorus)

Okay, Ms. Alisna what have you observed?

It has price ma’am.

Yes it has price.

How about you Ms. Mimbala?

Teacher same with the answer of Alisna, it has priced.

Okay so what does it mean when it has priced? What do you

need for you to buy it?


Exactly! Money. Because our lesson for this morning is about

“Numbers and Number Sense” in terms of money.

(the teacher read the objectives)

What is money?

Money serves as a medium of exchange. There are two kinds

of money and these are the coins and bills. Coins are those
metal or alloy and are usually disc shaped.

(the teacher shows the examples of coins)

Now, it’s your time to read the coins.

(the students do as told)

Very good. Let’s now move on to the bills.

Bills are that money in papers.

(the teacher shows the examples of bills)

Repeat after me.

(the students do as told)

This time, I will select some of you to read these coins and

Okay teacher.

(the teacher select some students to read)

You can now recognize the value of coins and bills.

c. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson An instance of our lesson is a problem solving.

Maria’s weekly allowance is P500. She spent P195 for his food
and transportation on the first two days and spent another
P70 on the third day. How much money has Maria left on the
other days?

(the teacher shows on how to get the answer using play

d. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Let’s go back to the toy that you have picked.

(the teacher call random students to go in front)

Imagine that your parents gave you P500 and you want to buy
that toy. How much is your change? If you can get the correct
answer, you’ll receive a price.

(students answered depending on the price of their toy)

Good. You can able to subtract money.

e. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 This time I want you to have a partner.

(students do as told)

I want three pairs to come in front.

(the teacher select randomly)

No, imagine that you two have P1000 and you want to buy
the toys you have. One of you will add the price of the toys
you have and the other one will be the one to subtract it from
the money you have. After you come up with your answer,
show to your classmates how you got answer. Am I
understood? If you get the correct answer, you’ll have a price.

(the students do as told)

Very good! You really know how to add and subtract using the
real money.
f. Developing mastery (leads to formative assessment) Now that you are able to recognize the coins and bills and
able to add and subtract, let’s have an activity. This activity is
called “Pick Me”
You group yourselves into three.

(the students do as told)

Okay, kindly move the chairs sideward for this activity needs
to have a big space.

(the students do told)

Everybody, you form your line according to your group.

(the students do as told)

This is what you will do. I have here different balloons with
different amount of money inside it. When I say ‘start’ each
group will pick one and break the balloon by sitting on it. After
you break the balloon, you paste the money on the board.
Each group cannot pick another balloon unless they have
finished the first one. Am I clear?

Yes teacher

Okay, whoever got the biggest amount will have a price.

(after the activity, the teacher will select a representative

from each group to add all the money that they got)

Very good! Do you want more?

Yes teacher

g. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills Now that you learn the different value of money, let’s apply it
in daily life to our day-to-day living.

(the teacher provide a mini-store that contains different


Now who wants to go to the store?

(students answered in chorus)

(the teacher select two students, one of them will be the

buyer and the other one will be the seller)

Okay, I will give you P1000 to go shopping and you to buy at

least 3 items. After that, you give me the change. Am I

Yes teacher

(the students do as told)

Another pair of student will perform.

h. Making generalizations and abstractions about the Okay, what have you learned today?
(the teacher select randomly)

Very good!
Do you have any questions, clarification or violent reactions?

No teacher.

Very good. Let’s review our lesson today.

(the teacher will show different value of money)

What is this?

How about this?

This one?

Very good. Let’s clap our hands for our learning’s today.

(the students do as told)

i. Evaluating learning Because you have mastered our lesson today, let’s have a

Okay teacher.

Get ¼ sheet of paper and answer the following questions.

(the teacher paste the questions on the board)

(After answering)

Exchange your paper with your seat mate for we will be

checking your answer.

(the students do as told)

Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? 0?
Very good. You all got the perfect score.
j. Additional activities for application or remediation Before you go home, copy the assignment that I have posted
on the board and pass it tomorrow. Did you get it class?

Yes teacher.

Okay, that ends our topic today and I hope that you learned it
well. That would be all, God bless everyone.
G. Remarks
H. Reflection

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