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#Park first day experience of PKL Up to first month #

At the time At school fitting to receive a license for street vendors in ploso to deliver the letter,
fitting already arrived at my workshop initially dare to enter because crowded once people
finally I dare to enter and meet with the mechanics and shake hands and I was directed to meet
the child from the head workshop, I was asked asked '' want to come here '' ?? '' For what '' so
!! "From which school '' yes I answered I want street vendors here '' I am from SMK
GLOBAL and there is a question and answer there, time lapse passed, I was finished, and
before going home I was asked no hp by mbakNya, he wanted dikabarin again ,, Trataan
already until monday and it's timing of my street vendors have not dikabarin also, without
any news that I was immediately departed to the national motor, I was leaving from home at 5
am until here very early morning open, I waited outside and finally in the open Also I
immediately shake hands with the owner of the workshop that is my yanto pack in order to
enter and asked again asked by his father and already finished I was asked, I was told to go
back and pray before working, early "I want to do this I asked first as the mechanics what I
have to do me in order to dismantle this and I do, every day yes like so Rus as usual ,, the day
passes and over time I seem to have been familiar with my new environment, start familiar
with all, I never had experience with the female customers who change the oil really fussy,
coincidence that I myself replace the oil, tank bolt tap oil I have open ,, and out all the olinya
continue pas I want to close the bolt his mother it said the oil must be clean and replaced new ,,
while the net netes continue, yaudah biarin aja until very long, so keselnya yes rather than
time consuming, I finish aja itu and I close the bolt and I fill ,, and finished

So many months ahead then again



Tiyo Putra P.

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