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6.45 Determine the value of EIv at end D of the overhanging beam in figure bellow.

6.46 For the cantilever beam ABC, compute the value of EIv at end C.

6.47 The cantilever beam ABC has the rectangular cross section shown in the figure. Using
E = 70 GPa, determine the maximum displacement of the beam.

6.48 The properties of the timber cantilever beam ABC are I = 60 in4 and E =1:5 x 106 psi.
Determine the displacement of the free end A.

6.49 For the beam described in Prob. 6.48, compute the displacement of point B.

6.50 The cantilever beam AB supporting a linearly distributed load of maximum intensity
w0 is propped at end A by the force P. (a) Find the value of P for which the deflection of A
is zero. (b) Compute the corresponding value of EIv at A.

6.51 Determine the magnitude of the couple M0 for which the slope of the beam at A is
6.52 Compute the value of EIv at point B for the simply supported beam ABC.

6.53 For the simply supported beam ABCD, determine the values of EIv at (a) point B; and
(b) point C.

6.54 Find the maximum displacement of the simply supported beam ABC that is loaded by
a couple M0 at its midspan.

6.55 Determine the value of EIv at point C for the simply supported beam ABCD.

6.56 For the simply supported beam ABC, determine EIv at point B.

6.57 Compute the maximum displacement for the wooden cantilever beam that has the
cross section shown. Use E = 10 GPa for wood.
6.58 Determine the value of EId at end A of the overhanging beam ABCD.

6.59 For the overhanging beam ABCD, compute the magnitude of the load P that would
cause the elastic curve to be horizontal at support C.

6.60 Determine the displacement at point B of the cantilever beam ABC. Use E = 10 GPa
and I =30 X106 mm4..

6.61 For the overhanging beam ABCD, compute (a) the value of the force P for which the
slope of the elastic curve at C is zero, and (b) the corresponding value of EId at B.
6.62 For the overhanging beam ABCD, compute (a) the value of the force P for which the
slope of the elastic curve at C is zero, and (b) the corresponding value of EId at B.

6.63 The overhanging beam ABCD carries the uniformly distributed load of intensity 200
lb/ft over the segments AB and CD. Find the value of EId at point B.

6.64 Determine the value of EId at point A of the overhanging beam ABC.

6.65 The two segments of the cantilever beam ABC have diferent cross sections with the
moments of inertia shown in the figure. Determine the expression for the maximum
displacement of the beam.

6.66 The simply supported beam ABC contains two segments. The moment of inertia of the
cross-sectional area for segment AB is three times larger than the moment of inertia for
segment BC. Find the expression for the displacement for point B.

6.67 Calculate the value of EId at point B of the simply supported beam ABC.

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