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Manuscript Number:- SCI-1007 Psychological stressors have a major influence over our mode of living,
sense of wellbeing, behaviour and health. Acute stress response in healthy
Received date:- 23rd june, 2019 individuals may be adapted automatically as experience grows. As per the
definition of WHO, ―Health is the state of complete physical, mental and
Final accepted:- 26th june, 2019 social wellbeing and not only the absence of disease or infirmity.‖ There are
many indicators of health and have 6 - main dimensions such as…..physical,
Publishing date:- 1st july, 2019 mental, social, spiritual, emotional and vocational. The signs of physical
health includes a good complexion, clear skin, good appetite, regular
activities of bowel and bladder. Due to the mental illness - poor nutrition
intake and poor hygiene, after that physical illness should be overcome. The
communication, intimacy, respect, equality are the component of social
dimension of health. Mental health is a state of wellbeing by which the
individual realizes his own ability. If we want to know about mind, Mind is
defined as the sum of the cognitive abilities. There is a major relation within
the mind, nervous system and endocrine system, mainly the adrenal gland
and the Hypothalamus has the major role here.

Stress is a body reaction due to any changes that requires an adjustment.

There are 3 types of stress – acute stress, episodic acute stress and chronic
stress. The psychological factors are …perception, motivation, learning,
attitudes etc. Its mechanism depends on PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY. It
is related with behaviour, neural, endocrine and immune systems. Here takes
place the neuropsychiatric mechanism. Now, we should tell about the
HOMEOSTASIS, it is the process which maintains the state of psychology in
individuals. The receptor, the control centre and the effector are the 3
components of homeostasis. Physical stressors are the physical condition of
our body and environment. It is two types – Environmental stressors and
Physiological stressors. The stress management process includes
in……Exercise, Travel, motivation, relaxation, hobby, and music etc. Stress
is one of the common outcome of life as life grows faster. But as the body is a
self- maintained organism, the mechanism of Homoeostasis is programmed
by birth as natural programming. We have to maintain such a condition where
it can functions smoothly, in equilibrium.
Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo



Stress is a state of mental abnormalities caused by intrinsic or extrinsic adverse reaction (stressors) and counteracted.
The adaptive stress response depends upon a highly interconnected mechanism between the mind, nervous and
endocrine system, cellular and molecular infrastructure of the stress system. The components of the stress system are
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which interact with many
vital centres in the central nervous system (CNS) and organs in the periphery to mobilize a successful adaptive
response against the stressor. Dysregulation of the stress is associated with chronic stress can disrupt the body.
Homeostasis leads to the state of allostasis, with the clinical manifestations.

HEALTH:– Health is wealth. It is a state of complete physical, psychological, mental, social wellbeing, free from illness
or injury and the absence of disease.

For a healthy life cycle, we have to balanced the dietary requirements and exercise regularly. Environment is
the important factor in our health; here public cleanliness is also important.

PHYLOSOPHY OF HEALTH:- Recently, we have included the modern philosophy of health, those are :

● Health is a fundamental Component of human being.

● Health is the unit of productive life, and not the result of increasing medical care.
● Health is the integral and valuable part of development.
● Health and its maintenance has a major role of psychological and social investment.
● Health is the central part of the quality of lifestyle.

Health indicators are the characteristics of a population. The health indicator which is used for the description
of global health. There are some following peculiarities ….
● It should be defined in a pathway that can be measured uniformly.
● It must have the statistical validation.
● The indicator must have some data which can be collected.
The analysis of this data must be resulted in a recommendation, for which people should make changes to improve
their lifestyle.

Health indicators must be required to measure the health status of peoples. This is the most preferable method to
measure all the parameter of health and rates such as: Life expectancy, infant mortality rates, maternal mortality rate,
prevalence etc.

⮚ Types of Health indicators

o Mortality indicators
o Morbidity indicators
o Indicators of the behavioural risk factors
o Health service indicator

⮚ Indication for the formulation of health indicators

o Defining the period of reference.

o Define a new event
o Defining the denominator also
o Comparing indicators in different population.
o Standardize the mortality rate


Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


Health is multidimensional Subject. There are 4 main dimensions-- physical, mental, social and others. The other
dimensions are spiritual, emotional, vocational and political dimension also. These dimensions are interacted with
each other. Each has own nature but in many purpose those will treat separately.

Fig 1

So, overall description should be given below………


Mental health is not only the absence of mental illness. Mental health refers to the cognitive aspect of health. Often
mental health is connected with emotional health. Mental health is mostly functioning on the brain, while emotional
health refers to a persons mood, those are connected to their hormones. Mental health includes many mental health
issues such as Alzheimer and dementia etc. The focus is on the cognitive aspect of the person.

▪ Mental health is a state which leads to balanced between body and mind. This body and mind is considered
two separate entities.
▪ But these are interrelated with physical illnesses can result mental illness.
▪ How mental illness influences physical health has been shown…….

Fig 2

⮚ Characteristics of Mentally healthy person :-

1. Mentally healthy person will be capable of making personal and adjustment of social matters.
2. Mentally healthy person is free from internal strife.
3. He faces problems and try to solve this.
4. He has good and self control balance rationally and emotionally.
5. He searches for his identity.
6. He has strong sense of his self esteem.
7. He will well adjusted.
8. He accept criticism.


Social wellbeing signifies the integration with in the individual and other peoples of society.
Social health rooted in positive material and human environment which is concerned with the social

⮚ The social dimension of health includes-

1. Communication

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


2. Intimacy
3. Respect
4. Equality
5. Social functioning


Proponents of holistic health believe that the time has come to give serious consideration to the spiritual
dimension and to the role. Which play on health and diseases.

⮚ Spirituality means - exploration the purpose of life, as people believe in some force that cross the physiology
and psychology of human beings.
⮚ It includes charity, love, purpose, principles etc.
⮚ Meditation and spiritual gatherings are organised to maintain spiritual health.

The mental and emotional dimensions have been seen in one or two related elements. Mental health can
be seen as cognition when emotional health is related with ―feeling‖. Experts in psychobiology have been relatively
successful to isolate these two separate dimensions.

1. It is closely related to the mental health and deliberated as the emotional response
2. Cognition is related to the mental health, whereas emotional health is related to the feelings of a person.
3. Emotional health includes :
I. An emotionally healthy person have a positive thinking and able to capable the coping.
II. This persons are participated in all activities which are related to his personal growth and self homage.
III. These persons are able to expressed their own feelings and manage that carefully.
IV. They are awarded the wide range of feelings.

Mental Health is a state of well-being, in which the individual realizes the people with his own abilities, can imitate with
the normal stresses of life, and is able to make a contribution to his community.


Positive mental health allows people to:

● Realize their full potential

● Imitate the stresses of life
● Work productively
● Make meaningful contribution to their communities

Maintaining the ways of positive mental health include:

● Getting professional help if you need it

● Staying positive
● Getting enough sleep
● Developing coping skills
● Getting physically active


Psyche is the principal governing authority of the entire organism. It is the supreme authority in order to govern the
body & systems. Visualization, Perception, Understanding & thought are the basic foundation step to make a blue-
print for the actions of bodily systems.

The mind is defined as the essence of the cognitive abilities that enables consciousness, perception, memory,
thinking. It is also be defined as the conscious and unconscious mental activity of a person.

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


What is mental activity?

Mind and mental activity are different from each other. Mind is he plan maker of mental activities. Mental activity is
manifested as the intuition & thought.

Neuroscience in our mind

Neurosciences are mainly studied the nervous system, the physical basis of the mind. Neuroscientists are
investigated how biological neural networks form and physiologically interact to produce mental functions and motor

Figure 3

Main proposed parts of the brain responsible for daily mental activities includes… the thalamus, basal ganglia, motor
cortex, and occipital cortex, and simulated respond to coordinate the motor responses, form short-term memories,
By contrast, affective neuroscience studies the neural mechanisms of personality and emotions through
experimental tasks.

Psychology in mind

Psychology is the neuro scientific study of the human behaviour, mental functioning, and experience. Psychology
is involved the scientific study of mental processes such as perception, cognition, as well as environmental influences.

In short, Cognitive Science is highly interdisciplinary on the relation of the brain to cognition and behaviour.


⮚ The Hypothalamus:-
▪ The portion of the brain maintains the body’s balance mechanism
▪ The hypothalamus is the link between the endocrine and nervous systems.
▪ The Hypothalamus produces hormones, which regulates the production of other hormones throughout the
The Hypothalamus plays a significant role in endocrine system. It is responsible for maintaining the balance of body .
So, the Hypothalamus helps to inhibit many kind of process. Including……..

1. Temperature, Heart rate and blood pressure

2. Appetite and body weight
3. Glandular secretion of the stomach and intestines

The hypothalamus is involved in many functions of the autonomic nervous system, as it receives information from all
parts of the nervous system and adjust between the nervous system and the endocrine system.

⮚ Anatomy of the Hypothalamus

The hypothalamus is located above the pituitary gland and brain stem below to the thalamus. It is like an almond

⮚ Hormones of the Hypothalamus

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo

The hypothalamus is interrelated with pituitary gland function. When it receives a signal from the nervous system, the
hypothalamus secretes neurohormones that regulates the secretion of pituitary hormones. Hypothalamus affects in
many different parts of the endocrine system.The hypothalamus is the most essential connectors of the endocrine
system. The hypothalamus is worked in the internal scheme of our body they should be balanced and worked.


Stress is the normal part of life ,and it is the reaction mechanism of the body due to any changes that requires an
adjustment. The body reacts with the changes of physical, mental, and emotional responses.

Psychological stress :- Psychological stress is defined as the particular relationship between human beings and the
environment that is exceeding the resources of well-being.

The human body have designed the experience the stress and reaction . Stress can be positive. Stress becomes
negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relaxation. As a result, the persons has build up the
stress-related tension.
Distress can lead to some physical symptoms including headaches, blood pressure, chest pain, and problems of

Health problems are caused by stress include:

● Depression and anxiety

● Any kind
● Sleep problems
● Autoimmune diseases
● Digestive problems
● Skin conditions, such as eczema
● Heart disease
● Weight problems
● Reproductive issues
● Thinking and memory problems
● Asthma
● Arthritis
● Diabetes etc

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


Figure 4

TYPES OF STRESS IN PSYCHOLOGY:- There are 3 different types stress —

■ acute stress

■ episodic acute stress

■ chronic stress

The 3 types of stress each have their own characteristics, symptoms, duration, and treatment


Chronic stress can cause many serious health problems, including: Mental health problems,
depression, anxiety. Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, stroke and
heart attack also.

● Consequences depend on physiology :- sleep disturbances, psychosomatic illness.

● Consequences depend on psychology :- Negative moods or emotions , negative attitudes, burn out :
psychological, emotional, or physical exhaustion.
● Consequences depend on behaviour :- performance, absenteeism and turnover.
Where stay the psychological influence?

Definition of Psychological influence :- The influences are originated from Psychological Factors. Motivation it is
the important psychological problem, the level of motivation influences the behaviour of the consumers.

Stress can creates the health problems, such as headaches, hypertension, heart attacks and skin problems. Stress
may influence the cognitive processes because it is associated with the elevation of the cortisol level, that can
influence brain functioning .

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo

Figure 5

Because of pain sensation there will be elevation of cortisol levels in the blood.
Psychological influence takes place :
Stressors have some major influence upon the behaviour, and health. Acute stress responses in young and healthy
individuals may be adaptive. if the threat is particularly in older, the long-term effects of stressors can damage health
and disease is affected by the nature, as well as by the biological vulnerability (e.g. genetics) of people, and
psychosocial resources.

Psychoneuroimmunology is the subject of interactions between behaviour, neural and endocrine, and immune system
and physiology. The brain try to contact with the immune system through autonomic nervous system and
neuroendocrine activity. Both pathways generate signals and that is perceived through receptors of immune system.
An activated immune system generates chemical signals (cytokines). It provides the foundation on immune functions.


Short acting suppression of immune system is not dangerous.
Stress responses arise strain upon circulatory system due to Tachycardia, heart attacks, and heart failure
etc. This may increase the risk of developing disorders of the heart and circulation (e.g. coronary heart disease.)

Figure 6

The immune system is involved the physiological regulation in the body. The immune system interacts with other
systems, such as the endocrine and the nervous systems. The immune system also plays a role in embryogenesis
and regeneration. Some substance included here……
● Hormones
● Vitamin – D
● Sleep and rest
● Nutrition and diet
● Repair and regeneration.


❖ Pathophysiological regulation of the stress response interacts at the organismal, cellular and molecular levels.
❖ The stress response is helps to the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal mechanism.
❖ Molecular studies of this mechanism have found a number of genes which are differentially expressed in
❖ The transcription factor NF-kappaB controls many of these genes, this evidence plays on the cellular stress
❖ Stress regulates the transcription factor genes that control cell growth, chromatin structure, cell cycle
❖ Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder which develops as a reaction to an extreme
traumatic event but only in a small proportion of population.
❖ It is still unknown that what molecular mechanisms trigger its progression.
❖ Both genetic and epigenetic factors play a role in this condition.
❖ the environmental component is necessary for developing PTSD, 30% of the variance in PTSD symptoms
could be attributed to genetic influences. Development and elucidate is the molecular pathways which are
❖ This may facilitate the identification of novel biomarkers that may help in PTSD diagnosis and treatment.

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


Neuropsychiatric mechanism and Mechanism of acute and chronic stresss

Figure 7

The pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric mechanism is believed to include the entry of circulating neuropathic antibodies
to the brain through pathologically permeable blood-brain barrier (BBB). Direct evidence of BBB pathology
dysfunction is missing. Here, we are examined BBB integrity in an established neuropsychiatric model.
Furthermore, electron microscopy showed no ultrastructure changes supporting hyper-permeability. We found that
abnormal function of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in the choroid plexus to neuropathic antibodies.
Intrathecal lymphocyte infiltration occurs through the blood cerebro spinal fluid barrier, accompanied by epithelial
hyper-permeability to antibodies and supports to shift in focus to Blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier and dysfunction as a
causative factor in the disease.

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


Figure 8


⮚ What is Homeostasis
homeostasis is the process of maintaining the stable mental and psychological state in the individual, under
varying psychological pressures, social, environmental factors. It is the bottom line to understand that, 'homeo' means
'same' and 'stasis' means stable.
⮚ Concept of Homeostasis and stress :-
Every living organisms maintain a complex dynamic equilibrium, which is constantly challenged by internal or external
adverse effects of the body, Thus, stress is defined as a state in which homeostasis is actually threatened or
perceived; homeostasis is also established by a complex of behavioural and physiological adaptive responses of the
⮚ 3 – components of Homeostasis:-
Homeostatic regulation involves three parts or mechanisms: such as ….1) the receptor, 2) the control centre and 3)
the effector. The receptor receives information that something in the environment is changing. The control
centre or integration centre receives and processes information from the receptor.
 How the body maintain Homeostasis:-
The nervous system helps to keep homeostasis in breathing patterns which include in respiratory physiology. Because
breathing is involuntary, the nervous system ensures that the body is needed through breathing the appropriate
amount of oxygen. When toxins get into the blood, they disrupt the homeostasis of the body.

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo


Figure 9

⮚ Mechanism of Homeostasis:-
Human body include mechanisms helps to regulate the internal and external balance of the body, this
includes organs, glands, tissues and cells. The main mechanisms of homeostasis are body temperature, body fluid
composition, blood sugar, gas concentrations, and blood pressure.

Stress is a central concept or psychological phenomenon for understanding both life and also for evolution. It has
more pathway to communicate its status. In this point, the psychological stress takes place in the middle stage ,Where
it is connected with health, mind, all system of the body.
It creates the abnormal sequence and it formed by any kind of disease not so it also occurs in person who has
mental disorders. The mechanism of Homeostasis in our body which helps to develop our mind and managed stress.
So, we should able to manage stress. We don't know about the relationship between stress and health, but scientific
findings being made in the areas of cognitive, emotional psychology, neuroscience and medicine will lead to improved
health outcomes.

● “Preventive and Social Medicine" by K.PARK
● “Clinical Psychology” by Andrew M Pomerantz
● “Abnormal and clinical Psychology” PAUL BENNETT
● “Hand Book of Clinical Psychology” – Springer publication
● Clinical Medicine by KUMAR AND CLERK

Corresponding author- Ayan Sahoo

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