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28 VOL. 100 NO. 1

Published by the Duke Law Center for Judicial Studies and reprinted with permission.
© 2016 Duke University School of Law. All rights reserved.

C ongress is finally
considering easing
sentencing judges to calcu-
late a Guidelines sentencing

mandatory mini- range before they may elect
mum penalties. However, to impose a non-Guidelines
this effort, even if successful, sentence. Once they make the
will need to be comple- required calculation, federal

mented by actions taken by judges impose a sentence
the United States Sentencing within the calculated range
Commission and federal in nearly half of all cases, and
district judges. impose a sentence within or

If some mandatory above the range (or below
minimum requirements are when the government requests
repealed or at least modified, a cooperation reduction) in
there will be two immediate more than three-quarters of

consequences. First, prosecu- all cases.5 So the Commission
tors will be deprived of the needs to revise its sentencing
awesome power to coerce a ranges for offenses that have
guilty plea by threatening been subject to mandatory

to charge an offense that minimums if and when those
will subject a defendant minimums, or at least some of
to a mandatory minimum them, are eliminated.
sentence. Second, sentencing In making such revisions,
judges will be spared the the Commission also needs to
often distasteful obligation rethink its basic approach to
to impose a required sentence setting sentencing ranges for
that is more severe than the BY JON O. NEWMAN offenses that have been subject
one they would have selected to mandatory minimums,
had they been free to use primarily narcotics offenses.
their sentencing discretion. The Commission elected to
But these immediate make the amount of narcotics
consequences, desirable as the primary determinant of
they are, will be only the first the sentence. The Commission
of three steps needed to reduce prescribed a table with 17
the severity of sentences currently subject mandatory minimum sentence for selling distinct quantities and assigned an offense
to mandatory minimum requirements. more than 280 grams of cocaine base is ten level to each quantity.6 These offense levels
The Sentencing Commission must take years.1 The current Sentencing Guideline translate into sentencing ranges. For exam-
the second step of revising the Sentencing range for selling between 840 grams and ple, selling between 112 and 196 grams of
Guidelines, and then district judges must 2.8 kilograms of cocaine base is 12 years, cocaine base places a defendant at offense
take the third step of using their authority 7 months to 15 years, 3 months.2 So a level 28,7 which, with no prior offenses,
to impose non-Guidelines sentences. defendant who sells 840 grams of cocaine translates to a sentencing range of 78 to
The Sentencing Commission was base is subject to the bottom of the appli- 97 months.8 Selling between 196 and 280
created to use its expertise to set the cable Guidelines range that is 2-and-1/2 grams of cocaine base places a defendant
ranges for federal sentences. However, years longer than the mandatory minimum; at offense level 30, which, with no prior
the Commission, with respect to many the top of the applicable Guidelines range offenses, translates to a sentencing range of
offenses, did not prescribe the ranges it is 5 years longer. 97 to 121 months.9
thought were appropriate, but instead True, the Guidelines are now “advisory” This detailed calibration of a narcotics
used the statutory mandatory minimum as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision sentencing table reflects the Commission’s
sentences as a floor and built its sentencing in United States v. Booker 3 , but the Court original view, never altered, that every
ranges on top. For example, the current in Kimbrough v. United States 4 required increment of wrongdoing, even small ones,

must incur an increase in punishment. Of to act, federal district judges need to
course, a narcotics transaction involving take the third step in a post-manda- WHETHER OR NOT THE
huge quantities of narcotics merits more tory-minimum regime. They need to COMMISSION MAKES ANY OF
punishment than a transaction involving take full advantage of the opportunity
a very small amount. But a table with 17 provided by the Supreme Court in Booker THESE CHANGES AFTER SOME
categories of quantities makes little sense. to impose a non-Guidelines sentence,
The Commission took a similar usually a sentence below the calculated
approach for monetary crimes, establish- Guidelines sentencing range. ELIMINATED, AND ESPECIALLY
ing a loss table with 16 categories.10 For Unfortunately, many district judges,
example, theft of $5,000 to $10,000 places obliged by Kimbrough to calculate a IF THE COMMISSION FAILS
a defendant at level 8,11 which translates Guidelines sentencing range, end their TO ACT, FEDERAL DISTRICT
to a sentencing range of 0 to 6 months,12 sentencing consideration at that point
while theft of $10,000 to $30,000 places and simply impose a sentence within the JUDGES NEED TO TAKE THE
a defendant at level 10,13 which translates applicable range. If the Commission does
to a sentencing range of 6 to 12 months.14 not make the revisions suggested above,
This approach, which I have termed that range will often be considerably in MANDATORY-MINIMUM
“incremental immorality,” i.e., adding a excess of an appropriate sentence, but
precise increment of punishment for each not so high that a Court of Appeals, reluc- REGIME. THEY NEED TO TAKE
increment of wrongdoing, is unknown to tant to alter any sentence, will reject it FULL ADVANTAGE OF THE
any sentencing system in the world. As I as unreasonable.
have told the Commission in the past, no It is not clear whether Congress OPPORTUNITY PROVIDED
thief wakes up and decides to steal $8,000 will actually eliminate any mandatory
rather than $12,000. He might decide minimum sentences. But if it does, the
between robbing a bank and robbing Commission and district judges need to IN BOOKER TO IMPOSE A
a convenience store, but if he chooses a do their part in making sentence reduc-
convenience store, he takes whatever is in tion a reality. NON-GUIDELINES SENTENCE,
the cash register. USUALLY A SENTENCE BELOW
A far more sensible approach to both
narcotics and monetary crimes would

  21 U.S.C. § 841(b)(iii) (2012). THE CALCULATED GUIDELINES
be to establish just four categories of 2 
  United States Sentencing Commission, Guide-
amounts of narcotics and money — small, lines Manual § 2D1.1(c)(4) (Drug Quantity SENTENCING RANGE.
medium, large, and very large. Then, Table) (2014) (“Guidelines Manual”).
the major determinant of sentencing 3 
  United States v. Booker, 543 U.S. 220 (2005).
ranges should be changed to role in the 4 
  Kimbrough v. United States, 562 U.S. 85 (2007).
offense, which is now just a basis for a 5 
  U.S. Sentencing Comm’n, Annual Report
small adjustment in the sentence range A-5 (2014).
calculation. The head of a major narcotics 6
Guidelines Manual § 2D1.1(c) (Drug Quantity
organization should receive a very harsh Table) (2014).
sentence; the girlfriend who on one occa- 7
Id. at § 2D1.1(c)(6).
sion drives a seller to a transaction should
receive a minor sentence, but with the Id. at Ch. 5, Pt. A (Sentencing Table).
Commission’s narcotics quantity table, 9
Id. JON O.
she will likely face a sentencing range 10
Id. at § 2B1.1(b)(1). NEWMAN is
of many years if the boyfriend handles a 11
a senior judge
Id. at § 2B1.1(b)(1)(a).
large quantity. of the United
Id. at Ch. 5, Pt. A (Sentencing Table). States Court of
Whether or not the Commission
makes any of these changes after some Id. at § 2B1.1(b)(1)(c). Appeals for the
mandatory minimums are eliminated, 14
Id. at Ch. 5, Pt. A (Sentencing Table). Second Circuit.
and especially if the Commission fails

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