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Far Eastern University – Senior High School

S.Y. 2019 – 2020

General Chemistry II
Homework/Written work 1: Bonding and Polarity

Name: Date of Submission:

1. Follow the periodic trend on electronegativity. Underline in each case which bond is more
polar, and indicate in each case which atom has the partial negative charge: (2 points each)

a. B – Cl or C – Cl

b. P – F or P – Cl

2. Identify whether the bonds that exist between the atoms are ionic or covalent. (1 point each)

a. NaCl
b. Cl2
c. CaCl2
d. F2
e. AlF3
f. HCl
g. CH4
h. MgO

3. Calculate the difference in electronegativity of each bond and identify whether the
molecule is polar, nonpolar, or ionic. Use the periodic table with electronegativity values
as reference. (2 points each)

a. H – S bond
b. K – Cl bond
Far Eastern University – Senior High School
S.Y. 2019 – 2020
c. H – H bond
d. O – H bond
e. Li – F bond

4. Label the following molecules as polar or nonpolar and indicate their molecular geometry.
(2 point each)

a. O = C = O


c. BF3
d. Br2
e. HCl

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