Aws Questions

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1. What is Cloud Computing give some example ?

2. What is AWS ?
3. What are the services available in AWS?
4. What is the difference between AWS Region and Zone?
5. How to secure AWS root account?
6. What is IAM and its purpose?
7. What is the purpose of assigning policies to IAM users?
8. What are the two types of access for IAM users?
9. What is EC2 service and its purpose?
10. What are security groups?
11. What are inbound and outbound rules?
12. What are key pairs?
13. Name few types of instances available in AWS?
14. What are AMIs?
15. What is the difference between AMI and snapshot?
16. What is EBS?
17. What are different types of volumes?
18. How can you create volume from snapshot?
19. Can we create volume in one zone and attach it to a instance in other zone?
20. Is it possible to resize running EBS volumes, can we attach running volume to
another instance ?
21. What is bifference between s3 & EBS volume ?
22. What are Elastic IPs and how it is different from a public IP assigned to an EC2
23. What is ELB?
24. What are target groups?
25. What is RDS?
26. What are different DB Engines supported by RDS?
27. What is the use of Multi-AZ RDS instance?
28. What is the difference between Application Load Balancer and Classic Load
29. On which port does load balancer listens?
30. How many s3 buckets can be created in an aws account ?
31. Explain s3 bucket lifecycle policy ?
32. What is vpc ?
33. What is the difference between private ip & public ip ?
34. What is purpose of NAT & Internet Gateway ?
35. What is NACL ?
36. What is VPC Peering ?
37. Can we mount s3-bucket into multiple instances ?
38. What is the maximum size of an object on s3-bucket ?
39. What is the difference between vertical & horizontal scaling in aws ?
40. List the component required to build Amazon vpc ?

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