Subuiga Small Dam - Fianl Design Report

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ee eS SS ye REPUBLIC OF KENYA MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITIES EWASO NGIRO NORTH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EWASO NG’IRO NORTH NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION PROJECT Contract No.: ENNDA/SD/111/2 SUBUIGA SMALL DAM FINAL DESIGN REPORT AUGUST 2010 Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND GRAPHS. LST OF ACRONYMS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. General 2, Background Information 3. Sodio Economic Activites . 4 Envitoamental Report. 5. _ Existing Water Resources. 4 INTRODUCTION. 41 Project Background 412 _ Project location and area 4.2.1. Project Contact Information 4122 Geographical Location. 4123 Climate, Soil ané Vegetation 4124 Physiography, Topography and Geology... 1.28 Catchment Area 4.28 Existing water situation 1.3” Apprcach and Methodology. 4.3.1 Approach 4.32 Methodology. 2 SOCIO -ECONOMIS ACTIVITIES. 2.1 Socio-Economic infrastructure 2.1 Population 21.2 Economic Activities 2.43 Transport and communication. 2.1.4 Community Partcipations, 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT. 3.1. Environmental Study 4 DESIGN OF WATER FACILITIES 4.4 Introduction. 4.2. Water Source 4.2 Baseline Information. 43.1 Population Projection 422 Expected Run-off... 43.3 Sediment Yield/Dead Storage. 4344 Human and Ivestock Water Demand Projection. 435 Evaporation 4.4 Required storage. 4.5 Reservior Volume 4.5.1 Impounded Volume, 452 Excavated Volume 45.3 Gross Volure 4.8 Embankment design. 4.7 _ Spillway Design 4.7.1. Estimation of Flood 472 Inlet Section. 4.7.3 Subertica few in outfiow section. 4.7.4 Super ertca flow in the outfiow section a Tajo Consulting Engineers sien AAT BE mien 16410406. 7) “August, 2010 — 478 Gross Fresboad 18 | i 43° Water Supply gyeem.. 7 48 Phe werk ce | S50 "Pancng "7 i 5 2tecenaiee 3 | 3 IMPLENENTATION PLA 20 5.2 Implementation Schedule. 20 | i 83 _ Operations and Mantenence Pan 21 | 6 ApoENDiCeS 2 AePRNDIC 1 BBLIOGRABIIY 2 i APPENDIX 2, DESIGN CALCULATION AND SKETCHES ae APPENDIK 8 TECHNICAL DRAWINGS 35 : APPENDIX 4| DAM STABILITY ANALYSIS 28 LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND GRAPHS: [Figure 1st oeation of Subuiga Dam Water Project, Four 2: Upstean vew che bas. {Fave 3 bometeam von fe Dem oe, Table : Dot ofthe poet Contot Persons [Tate 2-atemen promos terrane ‘abl 8 Baseline Data | ‘abe 4PeplatonPiejecton Table | i ‘Table 5: Projected Sediment Yield j Table & Hunan ae Lvesbek water demand projection | Table 7 Projected four fo Evaporston i [Table Regu srege Sapacty \ Taleo: Minna nit eto te lay Table 10: Project cost Estimates | { ‘Table 11; Operation and Maintenance Measures | August, 2010 \

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