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Student ID: BSBADM502 Manage Meetings

Assessment Task 2

Adept Owl Games Company

Meeting Evaluation Form

Candidate name Mark Sam

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

The chairperson clearly explained the meeting

purpose and the expected outcomes.
I was provided with a list of the attendees and their

roles prior to the meeting.
I was provided a copy of a minute template to use to

record the meeting discussions.
The chairperson explained any organisational
requirements/conventions for recording the 
meeting minutes.
The chairperson explained the required method for
recording meeting notes and their expectations with

regards to the level of detail of information
I was provided with examples of previous minutes to

assist me with understanding what was required.

It was clear to me what was expected. 

General feedback regarding the information you were provided regarding taking
minutes for the meeting:

Conduct, Follow up and Report on a Meeting 1

Student ID: BSBADM502 Manage Meetings
Assessment Task 2

1) The meeting members have attended the meeting on time which been a great help to
start the meeting on time.
2) The chair man has addressed on the requirement/ improvement of sales in the
company outlets.
3) An examples follows as below :
The games like Ludo, Snake and Ladder, Monopoly is very common and can play
people of all ages
The revolution of games in all android phone apps results in sales of monopoly game.
Thus, the Chair-Man has provided the innovative idea of introducing electric money
Monopoly in which the money is transferred using smart card instead of paper notes.
4) I have been given a clear picture on how to control costing and improve budget.
5) A meeting likewise will help us to detect the areas where we have been lagging and
would be a great thing to organise every month.

Conduct, Follow up and Report on a Meeting 2

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