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Volume 13, Issue 4, May 2019

KP Ezine May 2019 1

Volume 13, Issue 4, May 2019

KP Ezine May 2019 1

Volume 13, Issue 4, May 2019

KP Ezine May 2019 1

Volume 13, Issue 4, May 2019
Sl.No Particulars Author Page

1 Will I win 1500 million Kyat (1 million US$) Tin Win 4

lottery? If so, when?

2 Is there any chance for Sambit Patra to win Kanak Bosmia 7

parliament election form Puri-Odhisha?

3 When the leaseholder –Ramudu- gets his Gunti Nagaraju 10

registered title deed into his hands from
sub-registrar’s office?

4 Ruling planets reflects what is hidden in the Siva Prasad Gantha 14


5 Khatro Khiladi Season 9 winner Ashish Salunkhe 17

6 If my husband (B.M.R.) get M.P. Ticket, My M. V Guptha 19

husband (B.M.R.) will win?

7 When I be able to go abroad? Mahendrakumar K. Gajjar 22

8 Homicide - an in depth K.P. Analysis VSN Murthy 25

9 Is there any chance for Smurty Irani to win Kanak Bosmia 29

parliament election form Amethi-UP?

10 Will YSRSC party be able to win the AP state Gunti Nagaraju 32

assembly elections to be held in Apri-May2019?

11 Will my wife who is abroad live with me in Kanak Bosmia 34


12 Marriage and divorce Siva Prasad Gantha 36

13 Question-Answer Tin Win 38

14 Prediction in Stellar Astrology Tin Win 41

15 Planetary position May 2019 KPAstro 4.5TM 44

KP Ezine May 2019 2

Volume 13, Issue 4, May 2019



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KP Ezine May 2019 3

By: Tin Win

Consultant, Male, 31 May 1951, 02:00 am, East 6:30 hr, 21n49, 95e59, KP New Ayanamsa 23:05:19,
Balance Dasa 11 Y, 7 M, 2 D
This analysis is an attempt to apply the findings of “A KP Study of Million Dollar Lottery Winners”
based on 22 AA-rated charts and appeared in the KP-Ezine, February 2011 issue.

Ruling House of Lottery

There are two different views on the ruling house of lottery, i.e. 3 rd house (KP Reader VI pp 213) and
5th house for all games of chance (KP Reader II p 197, KP Reader VI p 117), 5th house for
lotteries (Rex Bills: Rulership Book p 81), as shown by many more references in the above mentioned

Cuspal Sub Lord Analysis

In the above study of 22 million dollar winner charts, the 3rd cuspal sub lord (CSL)’s signification of
lottery related 2 (money, wealth), 3 (lottery, ticket), 5 (game of chance), 6 (winning over other players),
8 (unearned, sudden and unexpected gain), 9 (luck), 10 (status change), 11 (gain, fulfillment of desire)
houses shows that 10th house is signified by 82% of 22 charts under study, 5th by 73%, 3rd by 68%,
11th by 64% and 2nd , 6th and 9th houses by 59% each, i.e. mainly houses 10,5,3 and 11.

3rd CSL Sa(6,11-12) is in the star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses
3,5,10 and 11 for promise of winning lottery.

In the above study, the 5th CSL’s signification of lottery related 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses
shows that 5th and 11th houses are signified by 77% each of 22 charts under study, 10th house by
73%, 2nd and 9th houses by 68% each, 8th house by 59%, 3rd and 6th houses by 55% each., i.e.
mainly houses 5,11,10, 2 and 9.

5th CSL Ke+(6) is having no planet in its stars to be a strong 5 th significator; Ke is aspected by Ma+(2,2
-9), +8 having no planet in its stars, and its sign lord is Su(3,5). Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in
sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 2,5,9 and 10 for promise of winning lottery.

Dasa Analysis
The Dasa, Bhukti and Antra (DBA) lords’ signification of lottery related 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11 houses
shows that the 10th house is signified by 95% of 22 charts under study, 5th, 9th and 11th houses by
91% each, 3rd & 6th houses by 86% each, 8th house by 82% and 2nd house by 77%, i.e. mainly
10,5,9 and 11.
The DBA signification appears better synchronized with the 5th CSL signification other than the 3rd

Consultant’s current running joint dasa period is Ra-Sa (08 Feb 2018 to 15 Dec 2020).
Dasa lord Ra+(12), +1,2,12, its sign lord Sa(6,11-12); Ra is in the star and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying
required houses 10 and 11 but not 5 and 9, and indicating possibility of winning lottery.
Bhukti lord Sa(6,11-12) is in star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 10
and 11 but not 5 and 9.

Next Bhukti is Me (15 Dec 2020 to 04 Jul 2022).

Bhukti lord Me(2,4-7) is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Sa(6,11-12), signifying required houses
11 but not 5,9 and 10.

Next Bhukti is Ke (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023).

Bhukti lord Ke+(6), +5, Ma+(2,2-9), +8, Su(3,5); Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10),
signifying required houses 5,9 and 10.

KP Ezine May 2019 4

Sun Rise: 05:22:55 AM Sun Set: 06:44:11 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Ayushman Hora: Venus Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ma Ra
2 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ve Sa
3 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ju Me
Ruling Planets - 27/Apr/2019 11:17:09 AM 4 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ju Ke
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ke Sa Sa
6 Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Sa Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Hasta(2) Me Mo Ju Ve Ve
Lagna Me Ju Mo Sa Ve 8 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ma Me Ve
Moon Sa Mo Ve Ve Me 9 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Mo Ve
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Ma Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ve Mo
12 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Me Sa
Ma 13:22:52 Ra 21:45:52
Su 15:28:56 XII 07:49:42 Planetary Positions
II 19:38:31
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Me 21:57:15
I 14:47:30 Su Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Ra Sa
III 17:36:00 Ju 14:49:51 Mo Revati(2) Ju Me Ve Sa Ve
XI 07:53:19
1 Mo 20:54:35 11 Ma Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ra Ve Ju
2 10 Me Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Sa Me
Ju U.Bhadra(4) Ju Sa Ra Ma Me
Ve Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Su Ra Me
Sa U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ju Su Me
IV 12:24:14 X 12:24:14 Ra P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Ra Ma
Ve 28:57:40
Ke P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ra Me
3 9 Significators - Planets View
6 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 1 3 5 6
Mo 2 1 4, 7 5
VII 14:47:30 Ma+ 1 2 5 2, 9
V 07:53:19 IX 17:36:00 Me 4 2 3, 8 4, 7
Ju 6 1 11, 12 1, 10
4 8 Ve 1 4 1, 10 3, 8
5 7 Sa 3 6 6 11, 12
Ra+ 1 12 1, 10
Sa 02:27:14 VIII 19:38:31 Ke+ 4 6 3, 8
VI 07:49:42
Rahu acts as agent for: Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ke 21:45:52
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Ma. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

II 19:38:31 Ma 13:22:52 IV 12:24:14 Dasa Summary

Me 21:57:15 Su 15:28:56 Ve 28:57:40
III 17:36:00 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
02-Jan-1946 - 02-Jan-1963 02-Jan-1963 - 02-Jan-1970 02-Jan-1970 - 02-Jan-1990
Mercury 02-Jan-1946 Ketu 02-Jan-1963 Venus 02-Jan-1970
Mo 20:54:35 Ketu 31-May-1948 Venus 01-Jun-1963 Sun 04-May-1973
Ju 14:49:51 Venus 28-May-1949 Sun 31-Jul-1964 Moon 04-May-1974
I 14:47:30 Sun 27-Mar-1952 Moon 06-Dec-1964 Mars 03-Jan-1976
Name: Lottery V 07:53:19 Moon 01-Feb-1953 Mars 07-Jul-1965 Rahu 05-Mar-1977
Gender: Male Mars 03-Jul-1954 Rahu 03-Dec-1965 Jupiter 05-Mar-1980
Date: Thursday, 31/May/1951 Rahu 30-Jun-1955 Jupiter 22-Dec-1966 Saturn 03-Nov-1982
Jupiter 17-Jan-1958 Saturn 28-Nov-1967 Mercury 03-Jan-1986
Time: 02:00:00 AM SID: 18:23:56 Saturn 23-Apr-1960 Mercury 06-Jan-1969 Ketu 02-Nov-1988
Lat: 21:49:00 N Lon: 95:59:00 E
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: +06:30 DST: 0.00 02-Jan-1990 - 02-Jan-1996 02-Jan-1996 - 02-Jan-2006 02-Jan-2006 - 02-Jan-2013
Ra 21:45:52 Place: Myanmar Sun 02-Jan-1990 Moon 02-Jan-1996 Mars 02-Jan-2006
XII 07:49:42 Moon 22-Apr-1990 Mars 02-Nov-1996 Rahu 01-Jun-2006
VI 07:49:42 Mars 22-Oct-1990 Rahu 03-Jun-1997 Jupiter 19-Jun-2007
Ayanamsa: 23° 5' 19" Ke 21:45:52 Rahu 26-Feb-1991 Jupiter 02-Dec-1998 Saturn 25-May-2008
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Jupiter 21-Jan-1992 Saturn 02-Apr-2000 Mercury 03-Jul-2009
Star: Revati, Pada 2 Saturn 08-Nov-1992 Mercury 01-Nov-2001 Ketu 01-Jul-2010
Star Lord: Mercury Mercury 21-Oct-1993 Ketu 03-Apr-2003 Venus 27-Nov-2010
Ketu 28-Aug-1994 Venus 02-Nov-2003 Sun 27-Jan-2012
Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Venus 03-Jan-1995 Sun 03-Jul-2005 Moon 02-Jun-2012
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ekadasi
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
XI 07:53:19 Bal. Dasa: Mercury 11 Y, 7 M, 2 D 02-Jan-2013 - 02-Jan-2031 02-Jan-2031 - 02-Jan-2047 02-Jan-2047 - 02-Jan-2066
Sa 02:27:14 Rahu 02-Jan-2013 Jupiter 02-Jan-2031 Saturn 02-Jan-2047
VII 14:47:30 Jupiter 15-Sep-2015 Saturn 20-Feb-2033 Mercury 05-Jan-2050
Saturn 08-Feb-2018 Mercury 03-Sep-2035 Ketu 14-Sep-2052
Mercury 15-Dec-2020 Ketu 09-Dec-2037 Venus 24-Oct-2053
Ketu 04-Jul-2023 Venus 15-Nov-2038 Sun 24-Dec-2056
Venus 22-Jul-2024 Sun 17-Jul-2041 Moon 06-Dec-2057
Sun 22-Jul-2027 Moon 05-May-2042 Mars 07-Jul-2059
Moon 15-Jun-2028 Mars 04-Sep-2043 Rahu 15-Aug-2060
X 12:24:14 IX 17:36:00 VIII 19:38:31 Mars 14-Dec-2029 Rahu 10-Aug-2044 Jupiter 22-Jun-2063
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2019 5
Ra-Ke Dasa-Bhukti (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023) joint period is possible to win lottery in combination
of the signification of required houses 10 and 11 by Dasa lord Ra and the signification of required
houses 5,9 and 10 by Bhukti lord Ke.

Under Ke Bhukti Antra lord Ve(4,3-8) is in the star of Ju(1,1-10), and in sub of Su(3,5), signifying re-
quired house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Su(3,6) is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Mo(1,5) is in the star of Me(2,4-7), and sub of Ve(4,3-8), signifying required house 5 only.
Antra lord Ma+(2,2-9), +8, is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ra+(12), +1,2,12, Sa(6,11-12), signify-
ing required houses 5,9 and 11.

So the Ra-Ke-Ma joint dasa period (18 Nov 2023 to 10 Dec 2023) is a possible period to win lot-

Transit Analysis
The signification of stars and subs in which DBA lords were transiting on the day of lottery winning
indicates that the 6th house is signified by 86% of 22 charts under study, 2nd and 9th houses by
82% each, 3rd , 8th and 10th houses by 73% each, 5th and 11th houses by 68% each, i.e. mainly
houses 6,2 and 9.

The dasa agrees with the transit on 01 Dec 2023 when:

Dasa lord Ra will be transiting in the star of Me(2) and sub of Sa(6).
Bhukti lord Ke will be transiting in the star of Ma(2,9) and sub of Sa(6).
Antra lord Ma will be transiting in the star of Sa(6) and sub of Su(3,5).

KP Ezine May 2019 6

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
A famous BJP spoke person Sambit Patra going to contest from Puri Odisha for MLA. In past
he was contest from Delhi Municipal Corporation and face defat. Election date for Puri is

Question: Is there any chance for Sambit Patra to win parliament election form
Number: 41 (out of 249).generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 12:22:47 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Sambit Patra:

10th Cusp (Aquarius 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star
of Sun and sub of Moon. Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter and Saturn.
Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 8-11. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 9-10. No planet is
in the stars of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 1-2-7-8-9. Star lord Sun is occupant of 11,
owner of 4. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Thus 10 th cusp sub lord Ketu is the
significator of 8-7-11-9-10-1-2-4-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Leo 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner 8-11. Thus 10th cusp
sub lord Ketu is the significator of 4-7-12-1-2-5-8-11. Hence the wining in election is sure.

KP Ezine May 2019 7

Horary No. 41/249
Sun Rise: 06:23:26 AM Sun Set: 06:58:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Moon Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 41 1 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Sa Sa
Question : Is there any chance for Sambit Patra to win parliament election form Puri- 2 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Sa Ju
3 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Me Ma
Ruling Planets - 11/Apr/2019 12:22:47 PM 4 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Sa Ju
6 Visakha(2) Ve Ju Me Ke Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Sa
Lagna Me Ju Ve Ke Me 8 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Sa Su
Moon Me Ra Ra Ke Ve 9 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Su Ra
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Sa Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Sa Ve
12 Bharani(4) Ma Ve Me Me Ju
II 02:22:04:15 XII 00:24:12:25
Ra 02:28:13:15 Ma 01:13:14:43 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Mo 02:07:51:30 Su Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Ve Mo
III 03:16:48:28 I 01:27:53:20 Mo Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ke Ve
Su 11:27:04:17
3 1 XI 11:18:23:18 Ma Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ve Mo
4 12 Me P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Su Ve Me
Ju[R] Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Ma Ve
Ve P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Su Ra
Sa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ma Me
IV 04:15:06:23 Me 10:29:25:55 Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Sa Ma
Ve 10:24:36:42
Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ve Ve
2 X 10:15:06:23
5 11 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 11 2, 5 4
Mo 2 1 3
VII 07:27:53:20 Ma+ 1 12 3 7, 12
V 05:18:23:18 Ju[R] 08:00:18:50 IX 09:16:48:28 Me 7 10 8, 11 2, 5
Ju 8 7 8, 11
6 10 Ve 7 10 8, 11 1, 6
7 9 Sa+ 10 8 1, 6 9, 10
Ra 7 2 8, 11
VI 06:24:12:25 Ke 08:28:13:15 Ke 11 8 4
Sa 08:26:11:46
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Ju, Sa.
VIII 08:22:04:15 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XII 24:12:25 Ma 13:14:43 Mo 07:51:30 Dasa Summary

I 27:53:20 II 22:04:15
Ra 28:13:15 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
02-Sep-2017 - 02-Sep-2035 02-Sep-2035 - 02-Sep-2051 02-Sep-2051 - 02-Sep-2070
Rahu 02-Sep-2017 Jupiter 02-Sep-2035 Saturn 02-Sep-2051
Jupiter 15-May-2020 Saturn 21-Oct-2037 Mercury 05-Sep-2054
Su 27:04:17 Saturn 08-Oct-2022 Mercury 03-May-2040 Ketu 16-May-2057
XI 18:23:18 Mercury 14-Aug-2025 Ketu 08-Aug-2042 Venus 24-Jun-2058
Name: Sambit Patra 2019 III 16:48:28 Ketu 02-Mar-2028 Venus 15-Jul-2043 Sun 24-Aug-2061
Gender: Male Venus 21-Mar-2029 Sun 15-Mar-2046 Moon 06-Aug-2062
Date: Thursday, 11/Apr/2019 Sun 21-Mar-2032 Moon 02-Jan-2047 Mars 06-Mar-2064
Moon 12-Feb-2033 Mars 02-May-2048 Rahu 15-Apr-2065
Time: 12:22:47 PM SID: 01:00:00 Mars 14-Aug-2034 Rahu 08-Apr-2049 Jupiter 19-Feb-2068
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Me 29:25:55 TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 02-Sep-2070 - 02-Sep-2087 02-Sep-2087 - 02-Sep-2094 02-Sep-2094 - 02-Sep-2114
Ve 24:36:42 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Mercury 02-Sep-2070 Ketu 02-Sep-2087 Venus 02-Sep-2094
X 15:06:23 Ketu 29-Jan-2073 Venus 29-Jan-2088 Sun 02-Jan-2098
IV 15:06:23 Venus 26-Jan-2074 Sun 31-Mar-2089 Moon 02-Jan-2099
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 9" Sun 26-Nov-2076 Moon 06-Aug-2089 Mars 02-Sep-2100
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 02-Oct-2077 Mars 07-Mar-2090 Rahu 02-Nov-2101
Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Mars 03-Mar-2079 Rahu 03-Aug-2090 Jupiter 02-Nov-2104
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 29-Feb-2080 Jupiter 21-Aug-2091 Saturn 04-Jul-2107
Jupiter 18-Sep-2082 Saturn 27-Jul-2092 Mercury 03-Sep-2110
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Saturn 24-Dec-2084 Mercury 05-Sep-2093 Ketu 04-Jul-2113
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
IX 16:48:28 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 16 Y, 4 M, 21 D 02-Sep-2114 - 02-Sep-2120 02-Sep-2120 - 02-Sep-2130 02-Sep-2130 - 02-Sep-2137
V 18:23:18 Sun 02-Sep-2114 Moon 02-Sep-2120 Mars 02-Sep-2130
Moon 21-Dec-2114 Mars 03-Jul-2121 Rahu 29-Jan-2131
Mars 21-Jun-2115 Rahu 02-Feb-2122 Jupiter 16-Feb-2132
Rahu 27-Oct-2115 Jupiter 03-Aug-2123 Saturn 22-Jan-2133
Jupiter 20-Sep-2116 Saturn 03-Dec-2124 Mercury 03-Mar-2134
Ke 28:13:15 Saturn 09-Jul-2117 Mercury 04-Jul-2126 Ketu 28-Feb-2135
Sa 26:11:46 Mercury 21-Jun-2118 Ketu 03-Dec-2127 Venus 27-Jul-2135
VIII 22:04:15 Ketu 28-Apr-2119 Venus 03-Jul-2128 Sun 26-Sep-2136
Ju[R] 00:18:50 VII 27:53:20 VI 24:12:25 Venus 02-Sep-2119 Sun 04-Mar-2130 Moon 01-Feb-2137
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 8
Joint period for Sambit Patra:
On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 2.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Star lord Jupiter is occu-
pant of 7, owner of 8-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 10, owner of 1-6. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 2-1-3-7-8-11-10-6. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 8.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 9. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 8-7-9-1-2-5-4-12. Hence dasa lord not indicates wining in election.
My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Sambit Patra and 11 for oppo-
nent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Dasa-Bhukti lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Sambit Patra will win this election.

KP Ezine May 2019 9

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

(this article is written in continuation of my earlier article on the possibilities of registration

of the land in favour of the leaseholder with the help of RPs, in March 2019 issue).

The issue here is that the leaseholder has to get the registered document into his hands
which have been withheld due to the failure of some govt. procedural formalities.

A Time –chart is erected on 06 March 2019 @12-20-21 P.M at my place which is attached.
(Since the question is put for myself I have dealt it directly without rotating for a 3 rd party.)

1) Coordinates for the issue—

3rd house indicates – a document in any form preferably in physical form.
11th house- the fulfilment of once desire to get his document into his hands.

2) KP rule says- if the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 3 or 11 the ascendant’s event will be
fructified during the conjoined period of the significations of 3 and 11 houses.
Before proceeding further let me check up whether there is a promise of the event—

3)11th cusp sub lord is Moon lord of 3rd is placed in 9. Moon is in the star of Rahu is in 2 nd,
and in the sub of Venus lord of 1 and 6 in 8th.
Rahu represents Moon-(3 in 9) Mars-(7 and 12 in 11) Jupiter (8 &11 in 6) and Venus (1&6 in
Thus the 11sub lord Moon signifies @STL 3 and @SB_ 6-(loss to the opposite party),8- some
breaks in the issue.
From this, it can be seen that the event is promised.

4) Since the event has to take place within a few days I feel I can seek the help of the transit
of the Moon with the help of Ruling Planets at TOJ.

5) Ruling planets at TOJ- (06-03-2019 @12-20-21 p.m.---

ASC Star-lord- Mars.
ASC Sign lord-Venus.
MOON Star lord-Rahu.
MOON Sign lord-Saturn.
Day lord---- Mercury.
NOTE-1)Moon is aspected by Saturn giving rise to PP dosha. So I feel there may be some
minor hic-ups in the issue of the final event.
Rahu represents Moon, so take Moon also.
Even though Mercury is in retro motion by being in the star of Saturn which is not in retro
motion and in the Mercury sub which is in retro motion, is taken for our consideration as RP
on the assumption that when the planet, it star lord and /or sub lord will give the positive
results when they become direct in their motion.

let me check up the strength of each RP—

--MARS+ is in the sub of Rahu signifies 3 and 11 is O.K.
--VENUS- is in the sub of Mars signifies 11 is O.K.
--RAHU—is in the sub of Moon signifies 3 is O.K.
--SATURN-is in the sub of Mercury signifies 2,5,10 is O.K.
--MOON is in the sub of Venus signifies 3 and 11 is favourable.

KP Ezine May 2019 10

Time Chart
Sun Rise: 06:31:26 AM Sun Set: 06:23:33 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Sun Karana: Nag Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Mo Ra
2 Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ke Ve
3 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Ve Ma Ve
Ruling Planets - 06/Mar/2019 12:20:21 PM 4 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Mo
6 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Mo Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Mo Ra
Lagna Ve Ma Sa Mo Ra 8 P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Me Ra
Moon Sa Ra Ve Me Ma 9 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ke Ra Mo
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ma Ju Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Revati(2) Ju Me Mo Sa Ve
12 Krittika(1) Ma Su Su Me Ve
Ra 00:07:45 XII 27:07:11
II 24:10:11 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 29:08:39 Su P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Mo Ke
III 20:05:50 Mo Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Me Ma
XI 22:47:09
3 1 Ma 19:19:11 Ma Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ke Ma
4 12 Me[R] U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Me Ma
Ju Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Me Ra
Ve Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ma Sa Me
Sa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Me Ma
IV 19:28:38 Su 21:22:10 Ra Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Mo Me Ve
X 19:28:38
Ke U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Me Me
2 Me[R] 05:35:38
5 11 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 10 8, 11 4
Mo 2 10 3
VII 29:08:39 Ma+ 8 11 1, 6 7, 12
V 22:47:09 Sa 24:08:54 IX 20:05:50 Me 8 10 9, 10 2, 5
Mo 17:10:16 Ju 10 7 2, 5 8, 11
6 10 Ve 10 8 3 1, 6
7 9 Sa 8 8 1, 6 9, 10
Ra 7 2 8, 11
VI 27:07:11 VIII 24:10:11 Ke+ 10 8 4
Ju 28:25:09 Ve 11:24:22
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, (A)
Ve. - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ke 00:07:45
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ma 19:19:11 I 29:08:39 II 24:10:11 Dasa Summary

XII 27:07:11
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
01-Jan-2005 - 01-Jan-2023 01-Jan-2023 - 01-Jan-2039 01-Jan-2039 - 01-Jan-2058
Rahu 01-Jan-2005 Jupiter 01-Jan-2023 Saturn 01-Jan-2039
Jupiter 14-Sep-2007 Saturn 19-Feb-2025 Mercury 04-Jan-2042
XI 22:47:09 Saturn 07-Feb-2010 Mercury 01-Sep-2027 Ketu 13-Sep-2044
Me[R] 05:35:38 Mercury 13-Dec-2012 Ketu 08-Dec-2029 Venus 22-Oct-2045
Name: Time Chart Ra 00:07:45 Ketu 02-Jul-2015 Venus 14-Nov-2030 Sun 22-Dec-2048
III 20:05:50 Venus 20-Jul-2016 Sun 15-Jul-2033 Moon 04-Dec-2049
Date: Wednesday, 06/Mar/2019 Sun 20-Jul-2019 Moon 03-May-2034 Mars 05-Jul-2051
Moon 13-Jun-2020 Mars 02-Sep-2035 Rahu 14-Aug-2052
Time: 12:20:21 PM SID: 22:59:14 Mars 13-Dec-2021 Rahu 08-Aug-2036 Jupiter 20-Jun-2055
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Su 21:22:10 Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA 01-Jan-2058 - 01-Jan-2075 01-Jan-2075 - 01-Jan-2082 01-Jan-2082 - 01-Jan-2102
X 19:28:38 PRADESH, India
Mercury 01-Jan-2058 Ketu 01-Jan-2075 Venus 01-Jan-2082
Mo 17:10:16 Ketu 29-May-2060 Venus 30-May-2075 Sun 03-May-2085
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 5" IV 19:28:38 Venus 26-May-2061 Sun 30-Jul-2076 Moon 03-May-2086
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 26-Mar-2064 Moon 05-Dec-2076 Mars 01-Jan-2088
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 4 Moon 30-Jan-2065 Mars 06-Jul-2077 Rahu 03-Mar-2089
Star Lord: Rahu Mars 01-Jul-2066 Rahu 02-Dec-2077 Jupiter 03-Mar-2092
Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Rahu 29-Jun-2067 Jupiter 20-Dec-2078 Saturn 02-Nov-2094
Jupiter 15-Jan-2070 Saturn 26-Nov-2079 Mercury 01-Jan-2098
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
IX 20:05:50 Saturn 22-Apr-2072 Mercury 05-Jan-2081 Ketu 02-Nov-2100
Ve 11:24:22 Tithi: Amavasya
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Ke 00:07:45 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 3 Y, 9 M, 25 D 01-Jan-2102 - 01-Jan-2108 01-Jan-2108 - 01-Jan-2118 01-Jan-2118 - 01-Jan-2125
V 22:47:09 Sun 01-Jan-2102 Moon 01-Jan-2108 Mars 01-Jan-2118
Moon 20-Apr-2102 Mars 31-Oct-2108 Rahu 30-May-2118
Mars 20-Oct-2102 Rahu 01-Jun-2109 Jupiter 17-Jun-2119
Rahu 25-Feb-2103 Jupiter 01-Dec-2110 Saturn 23-May-2120
Jupiter 20-Jan-2104 Saturn 01-Apr-2112 Mercury 02-Jul-2121
Saturn 07-Nov-2104 Mercury 31-Oct-2113 Ketu 29-Jun-2122
Mercury 20-Oct-2105 Ketu 01-Apr-2115 Venus 25-Nov-2122
VIII 24:10:11 VII 29:08:39 Ketu 26-Aug-2106 Venus 31-Oct-2115 Sun 25-Jan-2124
Sa 24:08:54 Ju 28:25:09 VI 27:07:11 Venus 01-Jan-2107 Sun 02-Jul-2117 Moon 01-Jun-2124
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 11
--Mercury is in the star of Saturn and sub of Mercury signifies 2&5 in 10 is also O.K.

6) We know that if the event is to happen within a few days only and so I seek the help of
Moon’s transit.
The event will happen only when ---
A) Moon transits on a day whose lord is in our RPs,
B) Moon should transit in a sign whose lord should be in our RPs,
C) Moon should transit on a star whose lord should be in our RPs,
D) and Moon should transit on a Sub lord whose lord be in our RPs.
In conformity of the above rules let me try to arrive at the date of the event by checking the
Moon’s transit in the month of March 2019 itself with the help of our Panchanga----

----07-03-2019-Thursday—Jupiter is not in our RPs.

----08-03-2019—Friday—yes in RPs. Moon will be transiting in Jupiter sign whose lord is
Jupiter is not in RPs.
----09-03-2019—Saturday- yes in RPs. Moon will be transiting in Jupiter sign –Pisces which
is not in RPs.
----10-03-2019—Sun day—holiday and Sun is not in RPs.
----11-03-2019—Monday- Moon is in our RPs. Moon will be transiting in Mars sign (in our
RPs) on Venus star (in our RPs) throughout the day time.

Note- The effect of 11th cusp sub lord Moon- being a fast moving planet in giving the result is

During the transit time of the Moon in the Mars sign and Venus star,the following
ascendants will be rising----

---Aries ascendant will be rising from 08-20-00 a.m to 10-05-00 a.m.

---Taurus ascendant will be rising from 10-05-00 a.m to 12-05-00 p.m.
---Gemini ascendant will be rising from 12-05-00 p.m to 02-17-00 p.m
---Cancer ascendant will be rising from 02-17-00 p.m to 04-29-00 p.m.

Note- we have observed that there is PP yoga (Saturn is aspecting Moon by its 3rd aspect)
though it will give good results, it will surely cause some delay in the final result.
Even though Mercury is in our RPs I have given preference to Moon sign Cancer-as Moon is
in our RPs.

Under Cancer ascendant Jupiter star, Saturn star and Mercury star will be appearing.
Jupiter is not in our RPs. So I am left with only Saturn star is available next in our RPs,
(which has caused delay to give the result). The ascendant runs on Saturn star from 02-31-
30 p.m and on 03-20-02 longitude from 02-32-00 p.m to 03-45-00 p.m.

Here as our KP rules, the transit of Moon agrees fully by transiting at all level of RPs and so I
feel that the event should get fructified on 11 March 2019 when it comes to Saturn sub from
11-07-55 to 02-47-33 P.M.

Saturn alone should give the results and I feel when it comes to Saturn sub (in our RPs) the
event gets fructified.

Facts of the case—

The official formalities of the document work at sub registrar’s office was completed on 11
March at 03.15.00 p. m, but the document was not handed over to the beneficiary due to
some office formalities like stamping of the official stamps on the reverse of the registered

Note- the R Ps chart of 11-03-2019 is appended below--

KP Ezine May 2019 12

Facts of the Case
The actual delivery of the registered documents took place on –
18 March 2019 Monday—when the Moon was transiting in Cancer sign –MOON SGL in our
RPs, on MERCURY star (in retrograde motion) – in our RPs, on Mars sub (in our RPs) on
RAHU sub-sub (in our RPs) at 11-05-15 a. m to the leaseholder.

KP Ezine May 2019 13

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

On 17th November 2018 a communication was received about the hospitalization of one of
my relatives. As I am curious about his fate, because of the old age of the hospitalized
person, I have casted a time chart immediately at about 11-47-32 am same day in
Hyderabad and the ruling planets at that time are as follows:

Signlord Starlod
Asc. Sat Mon
Mon Sat Rah
Daylord (Saturday) Sat

We will study what the ruling planets would like to communicate in this regard. Saturn is
figured thrice in the ruling planets. Saturn occupies 11 th house lord of 1, 2. As lagna falls in
the movable sign Capricorn, the 11th house Scorpio is the badhakasthana so Saturn is the
occupant of badhakasthana. The badaka lord Mars occupied lagna. Saturn deposited in the
star of kethu. Kethu is in 12th house. Saturn is in the sub of Mercury lord of 6th house.
Kethu represents Saturn being in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is a malefic by nature and
becomes detrimental to the life of native as it signifies maraca houses 2, 12 connected to 6 th
and badhaka house 11th.

The ruling planet moon is a lord of 7 in lagna conjoined with badhaka lord Mars. Moon is in
the star of rahu and in its own sub and aspected by Saturn significator of maraca and
badhaka. Rahu the starlord of moon is in 6th house. Hence moon becomes malefic due to its
connection with Rahu, Mars and Saturn and detrimental to the health of the native. It is
also 6th cuspal sublord.

The ruling planet rahu is in 6th house aspected by 12th lord jupitor who is conjoined with
Sun (8th lord) and Mercury (6th lord). Rahu represents moon being in the sign of cancer.
Rahu being significator of 6,8,12 becomes more malefic and detrimental to the survival of
native besides Saturn and moon.

As all the ruling planets signifies maraca, badhaka houses and connected to 6,8,12 it
denotes that the native is in a state of critical condition in hospital.

We will examine the co-rulers of ascendant and 8th house for determining the longevity of the
native. The co-rulers of ascendant are Saturn and moon which are already discussed above.
The co-rulers of 8th house are Sun, venus and Saturn. We have already discussed about
Saturn and sun is the 8th lord. The 5th cuspal sublord Mars not signifying 5th house at all
but 6th. The significators are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
6 Ma, Mon Rah Mer Mer
8 ------ ---- Ket Sun
2 ------ ---- Jup,Rah Sat.
7 ---- ---- ---- Mon
12 Sat Ket Sun Jup
The common significators of ruling planets and significators are Rahu, Moon and Saturn.
On the date of judgment the ruling planets Rahu, Moon and Saturn are not only the common
significators but they are joint rulers of DBA. They are evil for longevity as explained above

KP Ezine May 2019 14

Sun Rise: 06:22:03 AM Sun Set: 05:39:53 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata Hora: Mercury Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Mo Sa
2 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Sa Su Me
3 Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Ma Ve
Ruling Planets - 15/Apr/2019 12:42:13 PM 4 Krittika(1) Ma Su Mo Ra Ra
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ma Sa Me
6 Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ke Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Me Ke Ma
Lagna Mo Sa Me Ma Ve 8 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Ve Me
Moon Su Ke Mo Ju Ra 9 Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Ma Ve
Day Lord: Moon 10 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ra Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Sa Me
12 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Sa Ra
II 10:22:57:59 XII 08:18:55:22
Ke 09:05:54:22 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ma 10:06:47:16 Su Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ma Ju Ra
III 11:27:36:13 I 09:16:58:45 Mo Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Mo Sa Ju
XI 07:23:37:32
11 Mo 10:18:45:28 9 Sa 08:12:22:18 Ma Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ra Sa
12 8 Me[R] Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Ve Ma
Ju Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Sa Me
Ve Chitra(3) Ve Ma Me Ra Ke
Sa Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Mo Ve
IV 00:27:30:12 X 06:27:30:12 Ra Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Me Ve Mo
Me[R] 07:19:27:30
Ke U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Mo Mo
10 Ju 07:07:53:59
Su 07:00:48:38 Significators - Planets View
1 7
4 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 10 3, 12 8
Mo+ 6 1 7
VII 03:16:58:45 Ma 6 1 4, 11
V 01:23:37:32 IX 05:27:36:13 Me 10 10 6, 9 6, 9
Ve 06:01:13:30 Ju 11 10 1, 2 3, 12
2 6 Ve+ 1 9 4, 11 5, 10
3 5 Sa 12 11 1, 2
Ra 11 6 1, 2
Ra 03:05:54:22 VIII 04:22:57:59 Ke 10 12 8
VI 02:18:55:22
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IV 27:30:12 V 23:37:32 VI 18:55:22 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
21-Jul-2002 - 21-Jul-2020 21-Jul-2020 - 21-Jul-2036 21-Jul-2036 - 21-Jul-2055
Rahu 21-Jul-2002 Jupiter 21-Jul-2020 Saturn 21-Jul-2036
Jupiter 03-Apr-2005 Saturn 08-Sep-2022 Mercury 24-Jul-2039
Saturn 27-Aug-2007 Mercury 21-Mar-2025 Ketu 03-Apr-2042
III 27:36:13 Mercury 03-Jul-2010 Ketu 27-Jun-2027 Venus 12-May-2043
Name: BKRO Ra 05:54:22 Ketu 20-Jan-2013 Venus 02-Jun-2028 Sun 12-Jul-2046
Gender: Male VII 16:58:45 Venus 07-Feb-2014 Sun 31-Jan-2031 Moon 24-Jun-2047
Date: Saturday, 17/Nov/2018 Sun 07-Feb-2017 Moon 20-Nov-2031 Mars 23-Jan-2049
Moon 02-Jan-2018 Mars 21-Mar-2033 Rahu 04-Mar-2050
Time: 11:47:32 AM SID: 15:16:27 Mars 04-Jul-2019 Rahu 25-Feb-2034 Jupiter 08-Jan-2053
Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
II 22:57:59 TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 21-Jul-2055 - 21-Jul-2072 21-Jul-2072 - 21-Jul-2079 21-Jul-2079 - 21-Jul-2099
Mo 18:45:28 Place: HYDERABAD, ANDHRA Mercury 21-Jul-2055 Ketu 21-Jul-2072 Venus 21-Jul-2079
Ma 06:47:16 PRADESH, India Ketu 17-Dec-2057 Venus 17-Dec-2072 Sun 20-Nov-2082
VIII 22:57:59 Venus 14-Dec-2058 Sun 16-Feb-2074 Moon 20-Nov-2083
Ayanamsa: 24° 1' 50" Sun 15-Oct-2061 Moon 24-Jun-2074 Mars 21-Jul-2085
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 21-Aug-2062 Mars 23-Jan-2075 Rahu 20-Sep-2086
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 4 Mars 20-Jan-2064 Rahu 21-Jun-2075 Jupiter 20-Sep-2089
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 17-Jan-2065 Jupiter 09-Jul-2076 Saturn 21-May-2092
Jupiter 05-Aug-2067 Saturn 15-Jun-2077 Mercury 21-Jul-2095
Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn
Saturn 11-Nov-2069 Mercury 25-Jul-2078 Ketu 21-May-2098
I 16:58:45 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Ke 05:54:22 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 1 Y, 8 M, 3 D 21-Jul-2099 - 21-Jul-2105 21-Jul-2105 - 21-Jul-2115 21-Jul-2115 - 21-Jul-2122
IX 27:36:13 Sun 21-Jul-2099 Moon 21-Jul-2105 Mars 21-Jul-2115
Moon 08-Nov-2099 Mars 21-May-2106 Rahu 17-Dec-2115
Mars 09-May-2100 Rahu 20-Dec-2106 Jupiter 04-Jan-2117
Rahu 14-Sep-2100 Jupiter 20-Jun-2108 Saturn 11-Dec-2117
Jupiter 09-Aug-2101 Saturn 20-Oct-2109 Mercury 20-Jan-2119
XI 23:37:32 Saturn 28-May-2102 Mercury 21-May-2111 Ketu 17-Jan-2120
Me[R] 19:27:30 Mercury 10-May-2103 Ketu 20-Oct-2112 Venus 14-Jun-2120
XII 18:55:22 Ju 07:53:59 X 27:30:12 Ketu 15-Mar-2104 Venus 21-May-2113 Sun 14-Aug-2121
Sa 12:22:18 Su 00:48:38 Ve 01:13:30 Venus 21-Jul-2104 Sun 20-Jan-2115 Moon 20-Dec-2121
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 15
and hence their joint period is very critical. The luminary Sun is transiting in Scorpio the
badhaka sign ruled by Mars. The Moon which was in lagna in transit when touches the 2 nd
cusp, the life of the native will come to end. However we heard the death news the next day
i.e. on 18-11-2018. This is how the ruling planets reflects the fate. This is the greatness of
ruling planets in KP system.

KP Ezine May 2019 16

By: Ashish Salunkhe
Ashish Salunkhe
B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication)
At Keshav Plasa, Malwadi, Hadapsar Pune-411028
Mob -9284355280; Email:

Timing Details:
Date: 10 March 2019 Time: 23:24:15 Place: Hadapsar (Pune)

Its almost 23 hrs over of the Day, I looks the daily stuff to rollout while I saw a reality Show
running on Channel Khatro Ke Khiladi on 10th March 2019.

In this Chart analysis, I used the Timing Prashan kundali Instead of KpSeed.
There we 2 finalists on that day and winner will be declared 10-15 later, I choose to predict
the winner with the timing kundali as referenced.

Punit Pathak
Aditya Narayan
Let’s consider, 1st for Punit Pathak and 7th House for Aditya Narayan.
Compare the 1st and 7th House Sub lords to decide the winner.
1st House sub lord is Rahu.
7th House sub lord is Jupiter.
Rahu is in 8th House and Jupiter are in 1st House.
It would be difficult to predict in complicated situation and never expected to lose the
7Th House representing candidate must lose this competition as it intentionally placed in the
1st House which will cause to lose the competition.
1st House Sub lord Rahu, as nature is malefic and karakas tells some negative to Punit
Pathak, it was true, Aditya gave tough fight to Punit Pathak because of this.
Rahu gives ultimate success in competition at any cost if he is acting as sub lord for any
Rahu have mutual inclination with Jupiter so Jupiter will assist Rahu in this Chart.
Rahu give the resultant success to Punit Pathak in this Chart.
Finally, Punit Pathak wins the competition.

KP Ezine May 2019 17

Khatro Ke Khiladi
Sun Rise: 06:47:06 AM Sun Set: 06:42:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Mercury Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Sa Ra
2 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Mo Su
3 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ve
Ruling Planets - 22/Apr/2019 10:23:11 AM 4 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Sa Ju
6 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ra Ju Ma
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ju Ve Mo
Lagna Me Ra Sa Ma Ma 8 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ju Me
Moon Ma Sa Ra Ju Ju 9 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Sa Ma
Day Lord: Moon 10 Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Me Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ju Ve
12 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Sa Me
II 08:01:26:33 XII 06:06:04:00
Sa 08:24:29:48 Planetary Positions
Ke 08:29:53:33
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:02:09:51 Su P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Ke Ve Ve
III 09:02:07:31 Ju 07:28:51:16 Mo Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Me Mo
XI 05:06:36:04
Ve 09:16:42:56 9 7 Ma Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Me Ve
10 6 Me[R] U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Me Ma
Ju Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ve Ju
Ve Sravana(3) Sa Mo Sa Ve Me
Sa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Me Ve Ra
Me[R] 11:03:49:18 X 04:04:25:19 Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Mo Ju Ma
IV 10:04:25:19
Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ra Sa Ke
Su 10:25:50:00 8
11 5 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 2 4 2, 5 10
Mo 3 6 9
VII 01:02:09:51 Ma+ 3 6 7, 12 1, 6
V 11:06:36:04 IX 03:02:07:31 Me 2 5 3, 4 8, 11
Ju 5 2 8, 11 2, 5
12 4 Ve 6 3 9 7, 12
1 3 Sa 3 2 7, 12 3, 4
Ra+ 2 9 2, 5
VI 00:06:04:00 Ra 02:29:53:33 Ke 4 3 10
Mo 00:11:33:53 VIII 02:01:26:33
Rahu acts as agent for: Me, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ma 00:22:18:33
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VI 06:04:00 VII 02:09:51 VIII 01:26:33 Dasa Summary

Mo 11:33:53 Ra 29:53:33
Ma 22:18:33 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
15-Feb-2013 - 15-Feb-2020 15-Feb-2020 - 15-Feb-2040 15-Feb-2040 - 15-Feb-2046
Ketu 15-Feb-2013 Venus 15-Feb-2020 Sun 15-Feb-2040
Venus 14-Jul-2013 Sun 16-Jun-2023 Moon 03-Jun-2040
V 06:36:04 Sun 13-Sep-2014 Moon 16-Jun-2024 Mars 03-Dec-2040
Me[R] 03:49:18 Moon 19-Jan-2015 Mars 15-Feb-2026 Rahu 10-Apr-2041
Name: Khatro Ke Khiladi IX 02:07:31 Mars 20-Aug-2015 Rahu 17-Apr-2027 Jupiter 04-Mar-2042
Gender: Male Rahu 16-Jan-2016 Jupiter 17-Apr-2030 Saturn 22-Dec-2042
Date: Sunday, 10/Mar/2019 Jupiter 03-Feb-2017 Saturn 16-Dec-2032 Mercury 04-Dec-2043
Saturn 10-Jan-2018 Mercury 15-Feb-2036 Ketu 09-Oct-2044
Time: 11:24:15 PM SID: 10:02:27 Mercury 18-Feb-2019 Ketu 17-Dec-2038 Venus 14-Feb-2045
Lat: 18:30:00 N Lon: 73:56:00 E
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 15-Feb-2046 - 15-Feb-2056 15-Feb-2056 - 15-Feb-2063 15-Feb-2063 - 15-Feb-2081
Su 25:50:00 Place: POONA (PUNE), MAHARASHTRA, Moon 15-Feb-2046 Mars 15-Feb-2056 Rahu 15-Feb-2063
IV 04:25:19 India Mars 16-Dec-2046 Rahu 13-Jul-2056 Jupiter 28-Oct-2065
X 04:25:19 Rahu 17-Jul-2047 Jupiter 31-Jul-2057 Saturn 22-Mar-2068
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 5" Jupiter 16-Jan-2049 Saturn 07-Jul-2058 Mercury 27-Jan-2071
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Saturn 18-May-2050 Mercury 16-Aug-2059 Ketu 16-Aug-2073
Star: Aswini, Pada 4 Mercury 17-Dec-2051 Ketu 12-Aug-2060 Venus 03-Sep-2074
Star Lord: Ketu Ketu 18-May-2053 Venus 08-Jan-2061 Sun 03-Sep-2077
Venus 17-Dec-2053 Sun 10-Mar-2062 Moon 29-Jul-2078
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Sun 17-Aug-2055 Moon 16-Jul-2062 Mars 28-Jan-2080
Ve 16:42:56 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Chaturti
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
III 02:07:31 Bal. Dasa: Ketu 0 Y, 11 M, 4 D 15-Feb-2081 - 15-Feb-2097 15-Feb-2097 - 15-Feb-2116 15-Feb-2116 - 15-Feb-2133
XI 06:36:04 Jupiter 15-Feb-2081 Saturn 15-Feb-2097 Mercury 15-Feb-2116
Saturn 04-Apr-2083 Mercury 18-Feb-2100 Ketu 14-Jul-2118
Mercury 16-Oct-2085 Ketu 28-Oct-2102 Venus 11-Jul-2119
Ketu 22-Jan-2088 Venus 07-Dec-2103 Sun 11-May-2122
Venus 28-Dec-2088 Sun 06-Feb-2107 Moon 18-Mar-2123
Sun 28-Aug-2091 Moon 19-Jan-2108 Mars 17-Aug-2124
Ke 29:53:33 Moon 15-Jun-2092 Mars 20-Aug-2109 Rahu 14-Aug-2125
Sa 24:29:48 Ju 28:51:16 Mars 15-Oct-2093 Rahu 29-Sep-2110 Jupiter 02-Mar-2128
II 01:26:33 I 02:09:51 XII 06:04:00 Rahu 21-Sep-2094 Jupiter 05-Aug-2113 Saturn 08-Jun-2130
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 18
By: M. V Guptha - Kavali
10-9-2/A, Dharavari Street, Kavali, 524201, SPSR Nellore Dist.,AP.
Phone: +91 92478 26145; Email:

Name: Smt. B.Manjula garu

Query: If my husband (B.M.R.) gets M.P. ticket, will he win?
Horary Number: 9 (1 to 249)
Time of Judgement: 26.01.2019 10.08.02 P.M
Place of Judgement: Kavali, 14.57 N, 80.02 E. SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
Ayanamsa: 240.01'.54".

The above chart is rotated to 7th house for her husband.

For Getting Ticket:

Sri. Kanak kumar Bosmia's rule:

One can be selected as a candidate for election, if Asc (tendency of people of country) sub
lord signifies 6 (victory), 10 (One's political position), 11 (gain).
For opponent candidate Asc (tendency of people of country) sub lord signifies 12 (victory of
opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent).

One can be selected as a candidate for election if 3 rd (view of people) Sublord signifies 6
(victory), 10 (one's political position), 11 (gain). But if 9th (view of people) Sublord signifies 12
(victory of opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent), the opponent will
be selected as a candidate.

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Libra 11.26.40): The sub lord of the Ascendant is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence Ascendant sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas1-3
-6-10 .For this native it is sure to get ticket.

3rd Cusp (Sagittarius 07.35.04): Sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and
sub of Moon. Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owns 9
and 12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12 and owns 10. Thus 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signi-
fies 2-3-6 and connected with 4-9-12-10. Hence 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 2-3-6-4-9
-12-10. Finally 3rd cusp sub lord signifies positive bhavas 6-10. The native will get ticket defi-

This prediction came correct as the native got ticket for Loksabha.

Next question is whether B.M.R. will win?

Sri. Kanak Kumar Bosmia's Rule:

If 10th (One's position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (One's reputation), 3 (One's abil-
ity), 11 (one's reputation as a winner) in the DBAS of the Significators of 3-10-11 then Suc-
cess is assured.

KP Ezine May 2019 19

Horary No. 9/249
Sun Rise: 06:39:37 AM Sun Set: 06:05:07 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Dhrti Hora: Jupiter Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 9 1 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ve Sa
Question : If my husband (B.M.R.) get M.P. Ticket, My husband (B.M.R.) will win? 2 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Ju Ke
3 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ju Ju
Ruling Planets - 26/Jan/2019 10:08:02 PM 4 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Me Su
KAVALI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India 5 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Mo Ra
6 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Ju Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Me Me
Lagna Me Mo Mo Su Ra 8 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Sa Me
Moon Me Ma Ju Mo Ve 9 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Me Me
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Sa Ke
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ju Su
12 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ke Ra
II 07:11:23:49 Mo 05:27:30:01
Ju 07:22:47:48 XII 05:05:26:00 Planetary Positions
Ve 07:26:39:34
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:11:26:40 Su Sravana(1) Sa Mo Ra Ju Mo
Ke 09:02:10:27 Mo Chitra(2) Me Ma Ju Mo Ve
XI 04:02:06:46
III 08:07:35:04 8
Sa 08:20:20:03 6 Ma Revati(2) Ju Me Mo Ve Me
9 5 Me Sravana(1) Sa Mo Mo Mo Sa
Ju Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Sa Mo
Ve Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Me Me
Sa P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Ju Ju Ra
IV 09:03:26:48 X 03:03:26:48 Ra Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Sa Ra
Me 09:10:03:12
Ke U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Mo
Su 09:12:23:34 7
10 4 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 4 10 11
Mo 6 12 2, 7 10
VII 00:11:26:40 Ma 4 6 9, 12 2, 7
V 10:02:06:46 IX 02:07:35:04 Me 12 4 10 9, 12
Ra 03:02:10:27 Ju 4 2 9, 12 3, 6
11 3 Ve 4 2 9, 12 1, 8
12 2 Sa+ 2 3 1, 8 4, 5
Ra+ 2 10 3, 6
VI 11:05:26:00 VIII 01:11:23:49 Ke+ 4 4 11
Ma 11:23:15:59
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Mo, Me,(A)
Ju. - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Me, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 11:26:40 VIII 11:23:49 IX 07:35:04 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
18-Nov-2016 - 18-Nov-2023 18-Nov-2023 - 18-Nov-2041 18-Nov-2041 - 18-Nov-2057
Mars 18-Nov-2016 Rahu 18-Nov-2023 Jupiter 18-Nov-2041
Rahu 16-Apr-2017 Jupiter 01-Aug-2026 Saturn 06-Jan-2044
Ma 23:15:59 Jupiter 04-May-2018 Saturn 25-Dec-2028 Mercury 20-Jul-2046
VI 05:26:00 Saturn 10-Apr-2019 Mercury 31-Oct-2031 Ketu 25-Oct-2048
Name: M.P. Ticket Ra 02:10:27 Mercury 20-May-2020 Ketu 20-May-2034 Venus 01-Oct-2049
Gender: Female X 03:26:48 Ketu 17-May-2021 Venus 08-Jun-2035 Sun 31-May-2052
Date: Saturday, 26/Jan/2019 Venus 13-Oct-2021 Sun 08-Jun-2038 Moon 20-Mar-2053
Sun 13-Dec-2022 Moon 02-May-2039 Mars 19-Jul-2054
Time: 10:08:02 PM SID: 06:20:53 Moon 20-Apr-2023 Mars 01-Nov-2040 Rahu 25-Jun-2055
Lat: 14:57:00 N Lon: 80:02:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 18-Nov-2057 - 18-Nov-2076 18-Nov-2076 - 18-Nov-2093 18-Nov-2093 - 18-Nov-2100
Place: KAVALI, ANDHRA PRADESH, India Saturn 18-Nov-2057 Mercury 18-Nov-2076 Ketu 18-Nov-2093
V 02:06:46 Mercury 21-Nov-2060 Ketu 16-Apr-2079 Venus 16-Apr-2094
XI 02:06:46 Ketu 01-Aug-2063 Venus 12-Apr-2080 Sun 16-Jun-2095
Ayanamsa: 24° 1' 59" Venus 09-Sep-2064 Sun 11-Feb-2083 Moon 22-Oct-2095
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Sun 09-Nov-2067 Moon 18-Dec-2083 Mars 22-May-2096
Star: Chitra, Pada 2 Moon 21-Oct-2068 Mars 20-May-2085 Rahu 18-Oct-2096
Star Lord: Mars Mars 22-May-2070 Rahu 17-May-2086 Jupiter 05-Nov-2097
Su 12:23:34 Rahu 01-Jul-2071 Jupiter 04-Dec-2088 Saturn 12-Oct-2098
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Me 10:03:12 Jupiter 07-May-2074 Saturn 11-Mar-2091 Mercury 21-Nov-2099
IV 03:26:48 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Saptami
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Ke 02:10:27 Bal. Dasa: Mars 4 Y, 9 M, 22 D 18-Nov-2100 - 18-Nov-2120 18-Nov-2120 - 18-Nov-2126 18-Nov-2126 - 18-Nov-2136
XII 05:26:00 Venus 18-Nov-2100 Sun 18-Nov-2120 Moon 18-Nov-2126
Mo 27:30:01 Sun 19-Mar-2104 Moon 08-Mar-2121 Mars 18-Sep-2127
Moon 19-Mar-2105 Mars 06-Sep-2121 Rahu 19-Apr-2128
Mars 17-Nov-2106 Rahu 12-Jan-2122 Jupiter 18-Oct-2129
Rahu 17-Jan-2108 Jupiter 07-Dec-2122 Saturn 17-Feb-2131
Jupiter 17-Jan-2111 Saturn 25-Sep-2123 Mercury 17-Sep-2132
Ve 26:39:34 Saturn 18-Sep-2113 Mercury 06-Sep-2124 Ketu 16-Feb-2134
Sa 20:20:03 Ju 22:47:48 Mercury 18-Nov-2116 Ketu 14-Jul-2125 Venus 17-Sep-2134
III 07:35:04 II 11:23:49 I 11:26:40 Ketu 18-Sep-2119 Venus 18-Nov-2125 Sun 18-May-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 20
For opponent 4th (opponent position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 4 (Opponent position
in politics), 9 (opponent ability) 5 (gain of opponent) 12 (opponent victory) then success is for


Cuspal Sub lord

10th cusp (Cancer 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence 10th cusp sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas 3-
10 and negative bhavas 4-5. So winning is sure.

4th cusp (Capricorn 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is discussed
above. Hence winning is not sure for opponent.

Joint period
Coming to DBAS, Mars dasa - Saturn bhukthi - Saturn anthara - Saturn sookshma on poll-
ing date 11.04.2019.

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Moon. Mars is occupant of 6, owns
2-7. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4 and owns 9-12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12
owns 10. Hence Dasa lord Mars signifies 2-6-7 and is connected to 4-9-10-12. Dasa lord
Mars signifies house10.

Hence Dasha Lord Mars strongly signifies 1-3-6-10-11 so native’s winning is sure.

Next Bhukthi-Anthara- Sookshma is Saturn. Regarding Saturn as discussed above.

In K.P. System Sub lord is final. That is Bhukthi. So the native winning is sure through as-

This Prediction is given with the blessings of “Lord Mahaganapathi” and Sri.Late
K.S.Krishnamurthy the founder of K.P.System and also my Guru. Sri.M.R.Prasad.

KP Ezine May 2019 21

By: Mahendrakumar K. Gajjar
B/2/161, Madhuvrund Society, Swee Park,
Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad – 380061; Email:
Mobile: + 91 7878484993

My friend’s daughter came with her husband on date 9th June 2015. They came back from
UK. They are want to go abroad again. He asked when he will be able to go abroad? I checked
the horoscope as per given birth details of her husband Mr. Samir sinh Zala regarding their

Ouerant name: Samirsinh Zala

Date of birth: 7th Septembre 1981. Time of birth: 05:55 A.M. Place of birth: Ahmedabad.
Latitude: 23°:15’:00”, Longitude: 72°:54’:00”, Ayanamsa: 23°:30’:46”

Hint: If cuspal sub lord of 12th be the significator of house 3, 9 and 12, then there is assur-
ance of going to abroad during the joint dasa period of significators of house 3,9,12.

Cusp 12th (Virgo 03°:00’:55”): the sub lord of 12th is Mars. The Mars is in the star of Venus
and sub of Sun. Mars is an occupant of 11 and owner of 2 and 7. The star lord Venus is an
occupant of 3 and owner of 1 and 8. Sub lord Sun is an occupant 1 and owner of 11.
The sub lord of 12th Mars is the significator of 1, 2,3,7,8 and 11. So it is assurance to going

Significator table

Bhav Planet in the Planet in the Occu- Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of star of occu- pant the sub of the star of (F)
occupant pant (C) owner owner
(A) (B) (D) (E)
3 Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Sun, Jupiter
Mercury, Venus Ketu Venus, Rahu
Jupiter Ketu
9 Rahu Moon Rahu - - Mercury
12 Sun, Sun, Mercury, - - Mercury
Venus, Rahu Jupiter,
Ketu Saturn

Ruling planets: At the time of prediction on 9th June 2015, Time: 12:55:15 PM
Asc: Sun, Sun, Moon
Moon: Saturn, Rahu, Mars
Day lord: Mars

Common Planets: Sun, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Rahu.

Running dasa of Saturn from Date: 03/04/2005 to Date: 03/04/2024. Saturn is in common
planet, so dasa is favorable. Running Bhukti dasa of Sun from Date: 25/03/2015 to Date:
06/03/2016. Sun is in common planet but Sun is in sign of Saturn so there will be delay, so
Bhukti dasa of Sun is omitted. Next Bhukti dasa of Moon is from Date: 06 / 03/ 2016 to
Date: 05/10/2017, Moon is in common planets, so Bhukti dasa of Moon is considered. Anta-

KP Ezine May 2019 22

Sun Rise: 06:46:57 AM Sun Set: 05:57:01 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Dhruva Hora: Saturn Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Ma Ve
2 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Ju Sa
3 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Sa Ju
Ruling Planets - 09/Jun/2015 12:55:15 PM 4 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Sa Ra
GHATLODIA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Ve Ma
6 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Sa Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ju Ve Sa
Lagna Su Su Mo Sa Mo 8 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ve Ve
Moon Sa Ra Ma Me Ve 9 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ve Ma
Day Lord: Mars 10 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Ju Mo
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Ju Ve
12 Hasta(1) Me Mo Ma Me Sa
II 07:47:27 Sa 23:07:57
Ve 08:01:34 XII 11:36:09 Planetary Positions
Me 03:00:55
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ju 02:22:13
I 08:38:15 Su Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Ve Ra
Ke 02:34:57 Su 20:59:47 Ma 16:11:37 Mo Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Ve Su
III 08:03:58 8 6 XI 11:18:51 Ma P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Ve Sa
9 5 Me Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ve Ve Me
Ju Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ke Ju Me
Ve Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Sa Ra
Sa Hasta(4) Me Mo Su Me Mo
IV 09:28:11 X 09:28:11 Ra Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ke Sa
Ke U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Mo Me
10 4 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 12 1 3, 6 11
Mo 9 5 10
VII 08:38:15 Ma 3 11 1, 8 2, 7
V 11:18:51 IX 08:03:58 Me+ 11 12 2, 7 9, 12
Mo 14:30:54 Ra 02:34:57 Ju 11 12 2, 7 3, 6
11 3 Ve 3 3 1, 8
12 2 Sa+ 5 12 10 4, 5
Ra 12 9 3, 6
VI 11:36:09 VIII 07:47:27 Ke 1 3 11
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 08:38:15 VIII 07:47:27 IX 08:03:58 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
03-Apr-1971 - 03-Apr-1989 03-Apr-1989 - 03-Apr-2005 03-Apr-2005 - 03-Apr-2024
Rahu 03-Apr-1971 Jupiter 03-Apr-1989 Saturn 03-Apr-2005
Jupiter 14-Dec-1973 Saturn 21-May-1991 Mercury 06-Apr-2008
Saturn 08-May-1976 Mercury 02-Dec-1993 Ketu 14-Dec-2010
VI 11:36:09 Mercury 15-Mar-1979 Ketu 09-Mar-1996 Venus 23-Jan-2012
Name: Ra 02:34:57 Ketu 02-Oct-1981 Venus 13-Feb-1997 Sun 25-Mar-2015
Gender: Male X 09:28:11 Venus 20-Oct-1982 Sun 14-Oct-1999 Moon 06-Mar-2016
Date: Saturday, 07/Nov/1981 Sun 20-Oct-1985 Moon 01-Aug-2000 Mars 05-Oct-2017
Moon 14-Sep-1986 Mars 01-Dec-2001 Rahu 13-Nov-2018
Time: 05:55:00 AM SID: 08:21:06
Mars 15-Mar-1988 Rahu 07-Nov-2002 Jupiter 20-Sep-2021
Lat: 23:15:00 N[G] Lon: 72:54:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
03-Apr-2024 - 03-Apr-2041 03-Apr-2041 - 03-Apr-2048 03-Apr-2048 - 03-Apr-2068
Mo 14:30:54 Mercury 03-Apr-2024 Ketu 03-Apr-2041 Venus 03-Apr-2048
V 11:18:51 Ketu 30-Aug-2026 Venus 30-Aug-2041 Sun 02-Aug-2051
Ayanamsa: 23° 30' 48" XI 11:18:51 Venus 27-Aug-2027 Sun 30-Oct-2042 Moon 02-Aug-2052
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ma 16:11:37 Sun 27-Jun-2030 Moon 07-Mar-2043 Mars 03-Apr-2054
Star: Satabhisha, Pada 3 Moon 04-May-2031 Mars 06-Oct-2043 Rahu 03-Jun-2055
Star Lord: Rahu Mars 03-Oct-2032 Rahu 03-Mar-2044 Jupiter 03-Jun-2058
Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Rahu 30-Sep-2033 Jupiter 21-Mar-2045 Saturn 01-Feb-2061
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Jupiter 18-Apr-2036 Saturn 25-Feb-2046 Mercury 02-Apr-2064
Saturn 25-Jul-2038 Mercury 05-Apr-2047 Ketu 01-Feb-2067
IV 09:28:11 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dasami
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Ke 02:34:57 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 7 Y, 4 M, 26 D
03-Apr-2068 - 03-Apr-2074 03-Apr-2074 - 03-Apr-2084 03-Apr-2084 - 03-Apr-2091
XII 11:36:09 Sun 03-Apr-2068 Moon 03-Apr-2074 Mars 03-Apr-2084
Sa 23:07:57 Moon 21-Jul-2068 Mars 01-Feb-2075 Rahu 30-Aug-2084
Mars 20-Jan-2069 Rahu 02-Sep-2075 Jupiter 17-Sep-2085
Rahu 28-May-2069 Jupiter 04-Mar-2077 Saturn 24-Aug-2086
Jupiter 21-Apr-2070 Saturn 03-Jul-2078 Mercury 03-Oct-2087
Su 20:59:47 Saturn 08-Feb-2071 Mercury 02-Feb-2080 Ketu 29-Sep-2088
I 08:38:15 Mercury 21-Jan-2072 Ketu 04-Jul-2081 Venus 25-Feb-2089
III 08:03:58 Me 03:00:55 Ketu 26-Nov-2072 Venus 02-Feb-2082 Sun 27-Apr-2090
Ve 08:01:34 II 07:47:27 Ju 02:22:13 Venus 03-Apr-2073 Sun 03-Oct-2083 Moon 02-Sep-2090
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars. (G) Denotes geocentric correction applied to latitude.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2019 23
ra dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 to Date: 27/05/2016. Mars is in common planets,
so Mars Antar dasa is favorable.

My Judgment: You will go to abroad during joint dasa period of Saturn, bhukti of Moon and
Antar dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 TO Date: 27/05/2016.

Outcome: They are gone to abroad on Date: 23/04/2016.

KP Ezine May 2019 24

By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874. E-mail:-;

I am very happy to inform you that the following birth particulars of a German Homicide are
taken with the curtesy of
Name:-Peter Kurten; Sex:-Male; DOB:-26-05-1883; TOB:-03-30 AM: POB:-
COLOGNE>KOLN; (50-59 N; 07-01 E); K.P. Ayanamsa:-22-08-22; Lagna:-Taurus=00-21-58;

Before going to analyze the chart of this native, let us know briefly about him.

Peter Kurten murdered, mutilated and dismembered some 68 female victims. He was pervert-
ed and sadistic from his childhood. His outer mannerisms were so mild and courteous that it
seemed incredible that he was the “Monster of Dusseldorf”. He was brought up by an
abusive, alcoholic father. He homicides a small child by drowning. He used to experience
pleasure while torturing animals. He was also having sex with sheep and goats, reaching
orgasm while stabbing the animals. He committed his first sex-murder on 25th May 1913
with a victim of 13 year old girl whom he strangled, cutting her throat. He used to drink the
blood of his victims. He was beheaded at Cologne on 2nd July 1931, 06-00-00 AM, MET.

Conviction(s) Arson
Attempted robbery
Attempted murder
Breaking and entering
Threatening behaviour
Criminal penalty Death & died on 02 July
1931.Cause of death- Decapitation
by guillotine.
Victims Murders: 9+
Attempted murder: 31+
Span of crimes 25 May 1913–7 November 1929
Country Germany
State(s) Rhine Province, Prussia
Date apprehended 24 May 1930

“The nature of a native is identified by the sub-lords of the Ascendant, Moon and Mercury. If
all these planets are in the stars or subs of planets which are connected with bhavas 6-8-12,
the native will be cruel, malicious and spiteful. He will be fraudulent, a villain or a murderer.
Remember to predict this type of prediction one needs to be very careful and use his or her
commonsense. If the Ascendant sublord signifies 6th, he does activities which are harmful to
others. If the Ascendant sublord is Mars and signifies the 6th, he will commit crimes openly
without any fear. If the Ascendant sublord is Saturn and signifies the 6 th, he will commit
crime in secrecy”. (Jyotish Abhigyan—Page. No. 74).

KP Ezine May 2019 25

Peter Kurten (Homicide)
Sun Rise: 03:57:04 AM Sun Set: 07:57:12 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shukla Hora: Saturn Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Krittika(2) Ve Su Ra Me Sa
2 Mrigasira(1) Ve Ma Ra Ve Me
3 Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Ra Ma
Ruling Planets - 15/Apr/2019 11:38:13 AM 4 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ju Su
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ra Mo
6 U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ra Ve Ke
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Visakha(4) Ma Ju Mo Ve Mo
Lagna Me Ju Sa Ke Ve 8 Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ra Ve Me
Moon Su Ke Su Me Ju 9 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Mo Ju
Day Lord: Moon 10 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ra Mo
12 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Sa Sa
Ju 02:12:05:48 Ke 00:18:07:33
II 01:25:42:26 Ve 00:11:25:48 Planetary Positions
Me 01:29:08:35 Ma 00:04:48:23
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
XII 11:00:49:47
I 01:00:21:58 Su Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ju Ve
III 02:13:52:48 Sa 01:08:03:48 Mo U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Ma Me Ve
XI 09:24:23:31
2 Su 01:12:21:23 12 Ma Aswini(2) Ma Ke Ma Ma Me
3 10 Me Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Mo Ra
Ju Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Sa
Ve Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ju Ra
Sa Krittika(4) Ve Su Ve Ve Sa
IV 03:01:49:13 X 09:01:49:13 Ra Swati(4) Ve Ra Mo Mo Ra
Ke Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ra Ra
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 1 4, 5
Mo 1 10 4, 5
VII 07:00:21:58 Ma 12 12 7, 8
V 03:24:23:31 Mo 08:28:51:45 Me+ 12 2 7, 8 3, 6
IX 08:13:52:48 Ju+ 6 3 9, 12
4 9 Ve 12 12 1, 2
6 8 Sa+ 1 1 10, 11
Ra 6 6
VI 05:00:49:47 VIII 07:25:42:26 Ke 12 12 1, 2
Ra 06:18:07:33
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Ju, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

Ma 04:48:23 I 00:21:58 Ju 12:05:48 Dasa Summary

Ve 11:25:48 Sa 08:03:48 III 13:52:48
Ke 18:07:33 Su 12:21:23 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
II 25:42:26 Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Me 29:08:35 30-May-1882 - 30-May-1888 30-May-1888 - 30-May-1898 30-May-1898 - 30-May-1905
Sun 30-May-1882 Moon 30-May-1888 Mars 30-May-1898
Moon 17-Sep-1882 Mars 30-Mar-1889 Rahu 26-Oct-1898
Mars 18-Mar-1883 Rahu 29-Oct-1889 Jupiter 13-Nov-1899
XII 00:49:47 Rahu 24-Jul-1883 Jupiter 30-Apr-1891 Saturn 20-Oct-1900
Name: Peter Kurten (Homicide) IV 01:49:13 Jupiter 17-Jun-1884 Saturn 30-Aug-1892 Mercury 29-Nov-1901
Gender: Male V 24:23:31 Saturn 05-Apr-1885 Mercury 31-Mar-1894 Ketu 26-Nov-1902
Date: Saturday, 26/May/1883 Mercury 18-Mar-1886 Ketu 30-Aug-1895 Venus 24-Apr-1903
Ketu 22-Jan-1887 Venus 30-Mar-1896 Sun 24-Jun-1904
Time: 03:30:00 AM SID: 19:43:23 Venus 30-May-1887 Sun 29-Nov-1897 Moon 30-Oct-1904
Lat: 50:59:00 N Lon: 07:01:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +00:27 DST: 0.00 30-May-1905 - 30-May-1923 30-May-1923 - 30-May-1939 30-May-1939 - 30-May-1958
Place: Cologne > Köln, Rahu 30-May-1905 Jupiter 30-May-1923 Saturn 30-May-1939
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany Jupiter 10-Feb-1908 Saturn 18-Jul-1925 Mercury 02-Jun-1942
Saturn 06-Jul-1910 Mercury 28-Jan-1928 Ketu 10-Feb-1945
Ayanamsa: 22° 8' 22" Mercury 12-May-1913 Ketu 06-May-1930 Venus 21-Mar-1946
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 29-Nov-1915 Venus 12-Apr-1931 Sun 21-May-1949
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 1 Venus 17-Dec-1916 Sun 11-Dec-1933 Moon 03-May-1950
Star Lord: Sun Sun 17-Dec-1919 Moon 30-Sep-1934 Mars 02-Dec-1951
Moon 10-Nov-1920 Mars 29-Jan-1936 Rahu 11-Jan-1953
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Mars 12-May-1922 Rahu 04-Jan-1937 Jupiter 17-Nov-1955
XI 24:23:31 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturti
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
X 01:49:13 Bal. Dasa: Sun 5 Y, 0 M, 4 D 30-May-1958 - 30-May-1975 30-May-1975 - 30-May-1982 30-May-1982 - 30-May-2002
VI 00:49:47 Mercury 30-May-1958 Ketu 30-May-1975 Venus 30-May-1982
Ketu 26-Oct-1960 Venus 26-Oct-1975 Sun 29-Sep-1985
Venus 23-Oct-1961 Sun 26-Dec-1976 Moon 29-Sep-1986
Sun 23-Aug-1964 Moon 03-May-1977 Mars 29-May-1988
Moon 29-Jun-1965 Mars 02-Dec-1977 Rahu 29-Jul-1989
Mars 28-Nov-1966 Rahu 30-Apr-1978 Jupiter 29-Jul-1992
Rahu 26-Nov-1967 Jupiter 18-May-1979 Saturn 30-Mar-1995
Mo 28:51:45 VIII 25:42:26 Jupiter 15-Jun-1970 Saturn 23-Apr-1980 Mercury 30-May-1998
IX 13:52:48 VII 00:21:58 Ra 18:07:33 Saturn 20-Sep-1972 Mercury 02-Jun-1981 Ketu 30-Mar-2001
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 26
“If the sublords of the two cusps are the same then they are deemed to be connected”.(K.P.&
Astrology, 2007—Page no. 18).

In this natal chart, Rahu is not only the Ascendant cuspal Sub-lord but also the cuspal
sub-lords of 2-4-5-6-8-11. Such Rahu is in his own star and in the sub of Moon. Rahu is the
occupant of 6. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 10 and the lord of 4 & 5. Rahu is aspected
by Mars (12-7,8) & Jupiter (3-9,12) and in the sign of Venus (12-1,2). Thus Rahu signifies

The Karaka for one’s mind is Moon and it is in the star of Sun and in the sub of Mars. Planet
Moon is an occupant of 10 and the lord of 4 & 5. Star lord Sun is an occupant of 1. Sub-lord
Mars is an occupant of 12 and the owner of 7 & 8. Thus Moon signifies 8 & 12.

Mercury is in the star of Mars and in the sub of Saturn. Planet Mercury is an occupant of 2
and the lord of 3 & 6. Star lord Mars is an occupant of 12 and the owner of 7 & 8. Sublord
Saturn is an occupant of 1 and the lord of 10 & 11. Thus Mercury signifies 6-8-12.

Ascendant cuspal sublord Rahu is aspected by Mars directly and both of them are the
significators of 6-8-12. So this native committed number of crimes openly without any fear.

Mr Sumana dasa a reputed senior K.P. Astrologer of Srilanka is his article in our KP Ezine
issue of NOV 2017 has given following hints on subject in question (reproduced hereunder)--
1) “Sun and Mars afflicted at birth, which are the positive, electric and heat producing
planets tend to produce Assassins” - Encyclopedia of Medical Astrology by Dr. H.L.Cornell

2) “Assassins are ruled by Mars, Neptune and 12th house”. - The Rulership Book by Rex

As per above rule (1), when the native’s chart is analyzed.

Sun is in the star of Moon and in the sub of Rahu. Planet Sun is the occupant of 1. Star lord
Moon is an occupant of 10 and the owner of 4 & 5. Sublord Rahu is an occupant of 6. Rahu
is aspected by Mars(12-7,8) & Jupiter(3-9,12) and in the sign of Venus(12-1,2). Both 7th and
8th houses are aspected by Sun, Saturn and Mercury.
Mars(12-7,8) is in the star of Ketu(12) and in the sub of Mars(12-7,8). Mars is in association
of Venus, Ketu and Neptune in the 12th house. Venus is the lord of 1 and 2(maraca).
Note:- 12th house denotes assassinations, drug addictions etc. etc. 8th indicates Victims of
murder, violent crime, wickedness etc. etc. 7th indicates outlawed person and outrage. 2nd
and 7th are known as marakasthanas.

As per 2nd rule assassins are ruled by Mars and Neptune and 12th house.
Mars(12-7,8) is in the star of Ketu(12) and in the sub of Mars(12-7,8). Mars is in
association of Venus, Ketu and Neptune in the 12th house. Venus is the lord of 1 and
-Mars is in 12th cusp in the company of Neptune is fully responsible for shaping this
native as assassin, by the influence of its star lord and the company of other planets.
Venus, Ketu and Mars are in the company of Neptune and all the three are placed in the
important evil house12th. Scorpio the 8th and Aries the 12 Mars signs have added
strength by being in these signs.

Criminal Proceedings
KP Rule - If the sub lord of the 10th cusp (Status) be the significator (in the star of the
occupantr owner) of houses 7 (court proceedings), 8 (infamy) or 12 (crimes), the native will be
involved in court proceedings relating to crimes, will be ill-reputed and will be inflicted with
punishment, during the joint period of the significators of houses 7, 8 and 12. (Ref: Prashna
Jyotish by C R Bhatt, page no: 316)—

KP Ezine May 2019 27

In this natal chart, 10th CSL Jupiter+(3-9,12) is in the star of Rahu(6) and in the sub of
Saturn(1-10,11). 9th is badhakasthana for Taurus Lagna. Rahu represents Mars, the lord of
7,8,12 is in 12.

Thus Jupiter signifies at star level 6, and at it’s sub level 1,10 and 11 and is connected with
7= court proceedings, 8 =infamy and danger,12= crimes, clearly indicates that the native will
be involved in the court proceedings, became ill-reputed (status) and be inflicted with capital
punishment. The native was punished by the court of law of the country and died by way of
decapitation by guillotine.

Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) by the court of Law:- If a native is to be put to death by a
third party in any manner, it is an unnatural death. In KP, unnatural death is indicated by
1st and 8th CSLs’ signification of Badhaka, Maraka, 8 & 12th houses along with connection
to Mars.

Death by Law is denoted when Saturn is involved in the configuration otherwise indicating a
violent death, as Saturn is said to rule Judges and the Law. (Encycl. of Medical Astrology by
Dr. H.L.Cornell).

In my view, though this is an unnatural death, it is an execution of sentence to be put to

death, which comes through the order of the court of law. Hence, the houses 9 (Law suit) and
11 (Court Order- 3rd from 9th court) are also to be considered to complete the rule.

According to the natal chart of the native—1st cusp sub lord Rahu, having no planets in his
stars and holds the sublord ship of 2-4-5-8-11 cusps. Rahu signifies 6 at star level and
sub lord level (MOON) lord of 4,5 in 9 and connected with 7,8,12 by Mars, 9 and 12 by
Jupiter and 10 and 12 by Venus.
Thus Rahu as the sub lord of 1 and 8th signifies 2 and 7 – maracasthanas; 12- final
emancipation; 4- end of life; 9th- badhaka house and 8th- danger and un natural death. It is
also connected with Mars. OK.

Significators Table of Houses Veiw of 4-8-12 & Maraka-badhaka houses is as follows:-

House No. Planets in Oc- Occupant of Planets in House owners.
cupant’s star houses Owners stars
4th house — — Sun Moon
8th house — — Mercury Mars
12th house Mercury, Ketu, Mars, Venus, — Jupiter
Mars, Venus Ketu,
2nd house — Mercury Ketu Venus
7th house. — — Mercury Mars
9th house — — — Jupiter.

The death occurred by way of capital punishment by being beheaded during the conjoined
period of the significators of Jupiter (9-12) dasa/Venus(12-2) bhukthi/Venus(12-2) anthra/
Rahu(6-7-8-12-9-2) sookshms 09-06-1931 to 03-07-1931.
Thus astrologically the natal chart of German Homicide, Peter Kurten is justified.

KP Ezine May 2019 28

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
In parliament election 2014 first time Smurty Irani fight against Rahul Gandhi from Amethi
and lost. Voting date is 06-05-2019.

Question: Is there any chance for Smurty Irani to win parliament election form Amethi-UP?
Number: 93 (out of 249), generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 13:23:55 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3-10-11 then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Smurty Irani:

10th Cusp (Taurus 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 11-10-12-
4-5-8-7-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Scorpio 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star
of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 5-4-6-10-
11-2-1-9. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Joint period for Smurty Irani:

On the day of election (06-05-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Moon-
Saturn will start from 24-04-2019 to 7-05-2019.

KP Ezine May 2019 29

Horary No. 93/249
Sun Rise: 06:23:26 AM Sun Set: 06:58:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Jupiter Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 93 1 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ve Ve
Question : Is there any chance for Smurty Irani to win parliament election form Amethi- 2 Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Su Ve
3 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Su Me
Ruling Planets - 11/Apr/2019 01:23:55 PM 4 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Ra Ra Ve
6 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Sa Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Su Ve
Lagna Mo Sa Ma Ra Ju 8 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Mo Ma Ju
Moon Me Ra Ra Mo Ju 9 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Me Ra
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ke Su
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Aridra(3) Me Ra Me Ju Ve
12 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ve
II 05:11:06:27 XII 03:14:11:39
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:13:20:00 Su Revati(4) Ju Me Ju Ve Ra
III 06:11:37:48 Mo Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Mo Ju
Ra 02:28:13:06
6 4 XI 02:14:02:26 Ma Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ve Ma
7 3 Me P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Mo Mo Ju
Ju[R] Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Ma Ve
Ve P.Bhadra(2) Sa Ju Me Su Ve
Sa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Ke Ma Ke
Ju[R] 08:00:18:49 Ma 01:13:16:23 Ra Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Sa Ma
IV 07:13:05:01 X 01:13:05:01
Ke U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ve Ve
5 Mo 02:08:26:00
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 8 2, 11 1
Mo 11 10 12
Me 10:29:28:22 Ma+ 10 10 12 4, 9
V 08:14:02:26 Ve 10:24:39:46 IX 00:11:37:48 Me 4 7 5, 8 2, 11
Sa 08:26:11:50 VII 10:13:20:00 Ju 5 4 5, 8
Ke 08:28:13:06 9 Ve 4 7 5, 8 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 7 5 3, 10 6, 7
Ra 4 11 5, 8
VI 09:14:11:39 Su 11:27:06:47 Ke 8 5 1
VIII 11:11:06:27
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Ju, Sa.
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 11:37:48 X 13:05:01 Mo 08:26:00 Dasa Summary

Ma 13:16:23 XI 14:02:26
Ra 28:13:06 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
23-Nov-2016 - 23-Nov-2034 23-Nov-2034 - 23-Nov-2050 23-Nov-2050 - 23-Nov-2069
Rahu 23-Nov-2016 Jupiter 23-Nov-2034 Saturn 23-Nov-2050
Jupiter 06-Aug-2019 Saturn 11-Jan-2037 Mercury 26-Nov-2053
Su 27:06:47 Saturn 30-Dec-2021 Mercury 25-Jul-2039 Ketu 05-Aug-2056
VIII 11:06:27 Mercury 04-Nov-2024 Ketu 30-Oct-2041 Venus 13-Sep-2057
Name: Smurty Irani 2019 XII 14:11:39 Ketu 24-May-2027 Venus 06-Oct-2042 Sun 13-Nov-2060
Gender: Female Venus 12-Jun-2028 Sun 06-Jun-2045 Moon 26-Oct-2061
Date: Thursday, 11/Apr/2019 Sun 12-Jun-2031 Moon 26-Mar-2046 Mars 27-May-2063
Moon 05-May-2032 Mars 25-Jul-2047 Rahu 06-Jul-2064
Time: 01:23:55 PM SID: 02:01:18 Mars 04-Nov-2033 Rahu 30-Jun-2048 Jupiter 12-May-2067
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Me 29:28:22 TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 23-Nov-2069 - 23-Nov-2086 23-Nov-2086 - 23-Nov-2093 23-Nov-2093 - 23-Nov-2113
Ve 24:39:46 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Mercury 23-Nov-2069 Ketu 23-Nov-2086 Venus 23-Nov-2093
VII 13:20:00 Ketu 20-Apr-2072 Venus 21-Apr-2087 Sun 25-Mar-2097
I 13:20:00 Venus 17-Apr-2073 Sun 21-Jun-2088 Moon 25-Mar-2098
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 9" Sun 16-Feb-2076 Moon 27-Oct-2088 Mars 23-Nov-2099
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Moon 22-Dec-2076 Mars 28-May-2089 Rahu 23-Jan-2101
Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Mars 24-May-2078 Rahu 24-Oct-2089 Jupiter 23-Jan-2104
Star Lord: Rahu Rahu 21-May-2079 Jupiter 11-Nov-2090 Saturn 24-Sep-2106
Jupiter 08-Dec-2081 Saturn 18-Oct-2091 Mercury 24-Nov-2109
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Saturn 14-Mar-2084 Mercury 27-Nov-2092 Ketu 23-Sep-2112
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Sashti
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
VI 14:11:39 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 15 Y, 7 M, 11 D 23-Nov-2113 - 23-Nov-2119 23-Nov-2119 - 23-Nov-2129 23-Nov-2129 - 23-Nov-2136
II 11:06:27 Sun 23-Nov-2113 Moon 23-Nov-2119 Mars 23-Nov-2129
Moon 13-Mar-2114 Mars 22-Sep-2120 Rahu 21-Apr-2130
Mars 11-Sep-2114 Rahu 24-Apr-2121 Jupiter 10-May-2131
Rahu 17-Jan-2115 Jupiter 23-Oct-2122 Saturn 14-Apr-2132
Jupiter 12-Dec-2115 Saturn 22-Feb-2124 Mercury 24-May-2133
Ke 28:13:06 Saturn 29-Sep-2116 Mercury 23-Sep-2125 Ketu 21-May-2134
Sa 26:11:50 Mercury 11-Sep-2117 Ketu 22-Feb-2127 Venus 17-Oct-2134
V 14:02:26 Ketu 19-Jul-2118 Venus 23-Sep-2127 Sun 17-Dec-2135
Ju[R] 00:18:49 IV 13:05:01 III 11:37:48 Venus 23-Nov-2118 Sun 25-May-2129 Moon 23-Apr-2136
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 30
Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 11-10-12-4-5-8-7-3. Hence dasa-bhukti lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star
and sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10,
owner of 12. Antra lord Moon signifies 10-12-11. Hence Antra lord indicates wining in

Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 5,
owner of 6-7. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Star lord Venus is
occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter
and Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 6-7. No
planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Sookshma lord Saturn signifies 5-6-7-3-
10-5-4-8. Hence Sookshma lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 5-4-6-10-11-2-1-9. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star and
sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner
of 6. Antra lord Moon signifies 4-5-6. Hence Antra lord not indicates wining in election.

My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Smurty Irani and 10-11 for
opponent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Antra lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Smurty Irani will win this election.


KP Ezine May 2019 31

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

This is the horary question raised in my mind suddenly in the morning hours of 26-02-2019
@09-00-00 A.M and immediately I opened my laptop and chose a random number 111 and
erected a horary chart @09-00-13 A.M @ my place –Tarnaka, Secundrabad. (the chart is at-

Following are the KP rules on winning elections—

1) Tin Win says in his “Navaratnamala-KP House grouping –part I”---
For gains in any sort of competition (Elections/litigations/sports matches etc:)- if the 6th
cusp sub lord signifies 1-personal efforts, 6- competitions-11-success and gains,(6 and 11
jointly) one will win any completion here-elections- during the conjoined period of the signifi-
cations of 1-6-11 houses.
Also, check 11th cusp sub lord significations and Ascendant cusp sub lord significations for
relevant houses.
If 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1-2-3-6-10-11, but without any connection to 4-5-7-8-9-12,
one will win the elections.
1) The loss in competitions- if the 6rh cusp sub lord signifies 4,5,7,8,9,12 one will lose in
the competition of any sort.
2) If the Ascendant cusp sub lord signifies 2-gains-6-competition and 11- success in his ef-
forts, one will win in his competitions of any sort.

As per the Horary chart---

1) 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu. It co-rules 2, 8, 10 houses also.
Rahu is placed in the star of Jupiter lord of 4 & 7 in 3 rd and in the sub of Mars lord of 3 and
8 in 8th.
Rahu represents –Moon lord of 11in 3rd, Mars lord of 3 and 8 in 8, Jupiter lord of 4 and 7 in
3 and Venus lord of 2 and 9 in 4th.
Thus 6th cusp sub lord Rahu signifies @STL level-4, 7, 3 and @SBL- 8 and 3 and connected
to 2,9,10 and 11.
From the above significations, it is clear that no houses from the group of 01-6-11 are signi-
fied. In addition to this Rahu has signified 10 and 8- negative houses also.

2) 11th cusp sub lord is Kethu+. Ketu signifies @its star lord (Sun) lord of 12 in 6 and in the
sub of Rahu in 10th.
Ketu represents Venus- lord of 2 and 9 in 4, Saturn lord of 5 and 6 in 4. Rahu representa-
tions and its significations are already discussed above.
Thus Ketu signifies @STL-4,6,12 and @SBL -2,3,4,7,8,9,10 and 11.
Since both 6-8-12,7-8-12 and 8-12 along with 6-9-10-11 are signified there are chances for
both (winning and losing) to the extent of 50-to-50 %.
But 11th significations are only supporting house significations and they will give the results
only if the main cusp that is the 6th signifies any of the relevant houses.

3) Ascendant cusp sub lord is Venus signifies @its star lord(Sun) 2,4,6,9,12 and @its SBL-
(Jupiter)-3,4,7 houses.
------Here also it has not indicated any relevant houses of winning the completion of elec-
tions (1-10-11) except 6 at star level.
From the above analysis of all relevant houses, it has become very clear that YSRC party has
only bleak chances of getting a majority of the seats in the next elections.

KP Ezine May 2019 32

Horary No. 111/249
Sun Rise: 06:36:52 AM Sun Set: 06:21:16 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyaghata Hora: Venus Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 111 1 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ve Ve Ve
3 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Ra Me
Ruling Planets - 26/Feb/2019 09:00:13 AM 4 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Ju Ve
6 Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ve Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Ju Ju
Lagna Ju Me Ju Ke Ve 8 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ra Ma Ra
Moon Ma Sa Ve Ju Sa 9 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ke Me Su
Day Lord: Mars 10 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Me Ma
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ke Ra Mo
12 Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Me Ve
II 07:27:23 XII 08:08:22
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:46:40 Su Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Me Ve Me
III 07:42:35 Mo Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ju Sa
XI 07:46:00
Mo 09:17:33 7
Ju 27:29:43 5 Ma Bharani(1) Ma Ve Ve Mo Ra
8 4 Me P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Su Ju
Ju Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Ju Mo Ve
Ve U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Me Me
Sa P.Ashada(4) Ju Ve Sa Ra Ju
Ke 00:33:37 X 07:41:59 Ra Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ma Ra
Ve 01:46:06 Ra 00:33:37
Ke U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ve Ve
IV 07:41:59 6
Sa 23:27:14 Significators - Planets View
9 3
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 6 12
Mo+ 4 3 5, 6 11
VII 07:46:40 Ma+ 4 8 2, 9 3, 8
V 07:46:00 IX 07:42:35 Me 3 6 4, 7 1, 10
Ju 6 3 1, 10 4, 7
10 2 Ve 6 4 12 2, 9
11 1 Sa 4 4 2, 9 5, 6
Ra 3 10 4, 7
Me 01:14:42 Ma 13:51:07 Ke+ 6 4 12
VI 08:08:22 VIII 07:27:23
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Ve.
Su 13:12:01
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 07:27:23 IX 07:42:35 X 07:41:59 Dasa Summary

Ma 13:51:07
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
01-Sep-2010 - 01-Sep-2029 01-Sep-2029 - 01-Sep-2046 01-Sep-2046 - 01-Sep-2053
Saturn 01-Sep-2010 Mercury 01-Sep-2029 Ketu 01-Sep-2046
Mercury 04-Sep-2013 Ketu 28-Jan-2032 Venus 28-Jan-2047
VII 07:46:40 Ketu 14-May-2016 Venus 24-Jan-2033 Sun 29-Mar-2048
Me 01:14:42 Venus 22-Jun-2017 Sun 25-Nov-2035 Moon 04-Aug-2048
Name: YSRC Ra 00:33:37 Sun 22-Aug-2020 Moon 30-Sep-2036 Mars 05-Mar-2049
Gender: Male XI 07:46:00 Moon 04-Aug-2021 Mars 01-Mar-2038 Rahu 01-Aug-2049
Date: Tuesday, 26/Feb/2019 Mars 05-Mar-2023 Rahu 27-Feb-2039 Jupiter 19-Aug-2050
Rahu 14-Apr-2024 Jupiter 16-Sep-2041 Saturn 26-Jul-2051
Time: 09:00:13 AM SID: 19:07:00 Jupiter 18-Feb-2027 Saturn 22-Dec-2043 Mercury 04-Sep-2052
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA 01-Sep-2053 - 01-Sep-2073 01-Sep-2073 - 01-Sep-2079 01-Sep-2079 - 01-Sep-2089
Su 13:12:01 PRADESH, India
Venus 01-Sep-2053 Sun 01-Sep-2073 Moon 01-Sep-2079
VI 08:08:22 Sun 01-Jan-2057 Moon 20-Dec-2073 Mars 01-Jul-2080
Ayanamsa: 24° 2' 3" XII 08:08:22 Moon 01-Jan-2058 Mars 20-Jun-2074 Rahu 30-Jan-2081
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mars 01-Sep-2059 Rahu 26-Oct-2074 Jupiter 01-Aug-2082
Star: Anuradha, Pada 2 Rahu 01-Nov-2060 Jupiter 20-Sep-2075 Saturn 01-Dec-2083
Star Lord: Saturn Jupiter 01-Nov-2063 Saturn 08-Jul-2076 Mercury 02-Jul-2085
Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Saturn 03-Jul-2066 Mercury 20-Jun-2077 Ketu 01-Dec-2086
Mercury 02-Sep-2069 Ketu 26-Apr-2078 Venus 02-Jul-2087
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
V 07:46:00 Ketu 02-Jul-2072 Venus 01-Sep-2078 Sun 03-Mar-2089
Ve 01:46:06 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Ashtami
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
Ke 00:33:37 Bal. Dasa: Saturn 10 Y, 6 M, 3 D 01-Sep-2089 - 01-Sep-2096 01-Sep-2096 - 01-Sep-2114 01-Sep-2114 - 01-Sep-2130
I 07:46:40 Mars 01-Sep-2089 Rahu 01-Sep-2096 Jupiter 01-Sep-2114
Rahu 28-Jan-2090 Jupiter 15-May-2099 Saturn 20-Oct-2116
Jupiter 15-Feb-2091 Saturn 08-Oct-2101 Mercury 02-May-2119
Saturn 22-Jan-2092 Mercury 13-Aug-2104 Ketu 08-Aug-2121
Mercury 03-Mar-2093 Ketu 02-Mar-2107 Venus 15-Jul-2122
Ketu 28-Feb-2094 Venus 20-Mar-2108 Sun 15-Mar-2125
Ju 27:29:43 Venus 27-Jul-2094 Sun 20-Mar-2111 Moon 02-Jan-2126
Sa 23:27:14 Mo 09:17:33 Sun 26-Sep-2095 Moon 12-Feb-2112 Mars 03-May-2127
IV 07:41:59 III 07:42:35 II 07:27:23 Moon 01-Feb-2096 Mars 14-Aug-2113 Rahu 08-Apr-2128
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine May 2019 33
By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question 1 Will my wife who is abroad live with me in future?

Date of birth. 28/10/1978, Tuesday; Time of birth. 07:11:24 AM IST
Place of Birth: Chandigarh -UT Lon/Lat: 30° N 42', 76° E 48',
Aynamsha 230.28'.16"

If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th & 11th be the significator of 2, 7 or 11 reunion with spouse is
promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11.

7th cusp (Aries 170.51'.38”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mars. Mars is in the star of Jupiter
and Rahu. Mars is occupant of 1, owner of 2-7. No planet in the star of Mars and Mars is
CSL of 6-7-12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner of 3-6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of
11. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of
9-12. No planet in the star of Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Thus 7th sub lord Mars
signifies 2-7-11 with negative bhava 1-6-12.

11th cusp (Leo 240.42'.33”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 9-12. No planet in the star of
Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Star lord Jupiter is occupant 9, owner of 3-6. Sub
lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 1-8. Thus Mercury is signifies 3-6-9 and connected
with 1-9-12-2-5-11-8. Positive bhava are 2-11 and negative bhava are 1-6-12.

My opinion: I do not think reunion is good for you or possible.

KP Ezine May 2019 34

Tilak Verma
Sun Rise: 06:34:12 AM Sun Set: 05:38:44 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Saturn Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Sa Ju
2 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ve Ve
3 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Sa Ve
Ruling Planets - 27/May/2014 09:32:18 AM 4 Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Me Ke
6 Revati(3) Ju Me Ma Ra Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ma Ke Ju
Lagna Mo Ju Ma Mo Me 8 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Sa Ma Ra
Moon Ma Ve Sa Ve Mo 9 Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Me Mo
Day Lord: Mars 10 Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Mo Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Su Ma
12 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ma Ra Sa
II 07:17:04:07 XII 05:23:24:56
Su 06:10:48:41 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Ma 07:02:57:48 Su Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Me Me
III 08:18:49:48 I 06:17:51:38 Mo P.Phalguni(4) Su Ve Me Ju Ke
Mo 04:25:27:36
8 Ve[R] 06:27:23:10 6 XI 04:24:42:33 Ma Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Su Ma
Me 06:27:38:44 Ra 05:01:11:34
9 5 Me Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ra Mo
Ju Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ma
Ve[R] Visakha(3) Ve Ju Ve Ra Ra
Sa P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ma Ju Ra
IV 09:22:16:20 X 03:22:16:20 Ra U.Phalguni(2) Me Su Ra Ma Ve
Sa 04:17:35:43
Ke P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Ve Sa
10 4 Significators - Planets View
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 11 12 11
Mo+ 1 11 1, 8 10
VII 00:17:51:38 Ma+ 9 1 3, 6 2, 7
Ke 11:01:11:34 IX 02:18:49:48 Me+ 9 1 3, 6 9, 12
V 10:24:42:33 Ju 03:14:16:23 Ju 10 9 4, 5 3, 6
11 3 Ve 9 1 3, 6 1, 8
12 2 Sa 1 10 1, 8 4, 5
Ra 12 11 11
VI 11:23:24:56 VIII 01:17:04:07 Ke+ 9 5 3, 6
Rahu acts as agent for: Me. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 17:51:38 VIII 17:04:07 IX 18:49:48 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
19-Aug-1960 - 19-Aug-1980 19-Aug-1980 - 19-Aug-1986 19-Aug-1986 - 19-Aug-1996
Venus 19-Aug-1960 Sun 19-Aug-1980 Moon 19-Aug-1986
Sun 19-Dec-1963 Moon 07-Dec-1980 Mars 20-Jun-1987
VI 23:24:56 Moon 19-Dec-1964 Mars 07-Jun-1981 Rahu 19-Jan-1988
Ke 01:11:34 Mars 19-Aug-1966 Rahu 13-Oct-1981 Jupiter 20-Jul-1989
Name: Tilak Verma Ju 14:16:23 Rahu 19-Oct-1967 Jupiter 07-Sep-1982 Saturn 19-Nov-1990
Gender: Male X 22:16:20 Jupiter 19-Oct-1970 Saturn 26-Jun-1983 Mercury 19-Jun-1992
Date: Saturday, 28/Oct/1978 Saturn 20-Jun-1973 Mercury 07-Jun-1984 Ketu 18-Nov-1993
Mercury 20-Aug-1976 Ketu 14-Apr-1985 Venus 19-Jun-1994
Time: 07:11:24 AM SID: 09:12:49 Ketu 20-Jun-1979 Venus 19-Aug-1985 Sun 18-Feb-1996
Lat: 30:42:00 N Lon: 76:48:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
Place: CHANDIGARH, UNION 19-Aug-1996 - 19-Aug-2003 19-Aug-2003 - 19-Aug-2021 19-Aug-2021 - 19-Aug-2037
Mars 19-Aug-1996 Rahu 19-Aug-2003 Jupiter 19-Aug-2021
V 24:42:33 Rahu 15-Jan-1997 Jupiter 02-May-2006 Saturn 07-Oct-2023
Ayanamsa: 23° 28' 16" Sa 17:35:43 Jupiter 03-Feb-1998 Saturn 25-Sep-2008 Mercury 20-Apr-2026
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus XI 24:42:33 Saturn 09-Jan-1999 Mercury 01-Aug-2011 Ketu 26-Jul-2028
Star: P.Phalguni, Pada 4 Mo 25:27:36 Mercury 18-Feb-2000 Ketu 18-Feb-2014 Venus 02-Jul-2029
Star Lord: Venus Ketu 14-Feb-2001 Venus 09-Mar-2015 Sun 02-Mar-2032
Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Venus 13-Jul-2001 Sun 09-Mar-2018 Moon 19-Dec-2032
Sun 12-Sep-2002 Moon 31-Jan-2019 Mars 20-Apr-2034
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Moon 18-Jan-2003 Mars 01-Aug-2020 Rahu 26-Mar-2035
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dvadasi
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
IV 22:16:20 Bal. Dasa: Venus 1 Y, 9 M, 21 D 19-Aug-2037 - 19-Aug-2056 19-Aug-2056 - 19-Aug-2073 19-Aug-2073 - 19-Aug-2080
Ra 01:11:34 Saturn 19-Aug-2037 Mercury 19-Aug-2056 Ketu 19-Aug-2073
XII 23:24:56 Mercury 22-Aug-2040 Ketu 15-Jan-2059 Venus 15-Jan-2074
Ketu 02-May-2043 Venus 13-Jan-2060 Sun 17-Mar-2075
Venus 10-Jun-2044 Sun 13-Nov-2062 Moon 23-Jul-2075
Sun 10-Aug-2047 Moon 19-Sep-2063 Mars 21-Feb-2076
Me 27:38:44 Moon 22-Jul-2048 Mars 19-Feb-2065 Rahu 19-Jul-2076
Ve[R] 27:23:10 Mars 20-Feb-2050 Rahu 16-Feb-2066 Jupiter 07-Aug-2077
II 17:04:07 I 17:51:38 Rahu 01-Apr-2051 Jupiter 04-Sep-2068 Saturn 13-Jul-2078
III 18:49:48 Ma 02:57:48 Su 10:48:41 Jupiter 05-Feb-2054 Saturn 10-Dec-2070 Mercury 22-Aug-2079
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 35
By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

The relevant houses of marriage are 2,7 and 11. If the 7 th cuspal sublord signifies 2 or 7 or
11 marriage is promised. If the 7th CSL signifies 1,6,10 and 12 in addition to 2,7,11 separa-
tion follows after marriage. If the 7th CSL happens to be the mercury or any planet in a dual
sign the native will have more than one marriage.

My office colleague has furnished the birth details of his son, in connection with his married
life, as given below:

DOB: 9-11-1974; TOB:8-53-55 AM; POB: Ramachandrapuram Long:82-1’ Lat: 16-51’

The native was borne in Purva phalguni (Leo) with Sagittarius as ascendant. The sublord of
7th cusp in this chart is Mercury. It is in 10th house, lord of 7, 10 and in the star of Mars in
11 lord of 5, 12. It is in the sub of Venus in 11 lord of 6, 11. Finally Mercury signifies 11, 5,
12 connected to 7, 10, 6, 11. By signification of 7, 11 it promises marriage and by 6, 10 it
indicates separation after marriage. When Mercury is a cuspal sublord it gives more than
one marriage. The significators for the marriage as well as separation are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
2 ---- ----- ----- Sat
7 ---- Sat Rah Mer
11 Mer,Mon Mar,Sun,Ven Mon Ven
1 --- ---- Ven, Sun, Sat Jup
6 ---- Ket Mon Ven
10 Rah Mer Rah Mer

Saturn is having no planets in its stars. Hence it is strong. Occupation of 7 th house by

Saturn indicates delay in marriage but not denial when it is significator of 2, 7, 11. So the
marriage was delayed. The native attains marriageable age in Mars dasa but Mars has not
given the result of marriage, though it is a significator, due to its occupation of sub of Kethu
in 6th house.

The marriage was took place on 12-8-2012 in the joint period of DBA of Rahu-Jup-Sun-Sun.
The dasalord Rahu is favourable for conducting marriage event being in the star and sub of
Mercury 7th lord. As Mercury is having the lordship of 10 th house also the dasalord Rahu
denotes separation. The bhukthi lord Jupiter is in the star of dasalord Rahu gives the result
of dasalord i.e. favourable for conducting the marriage event as well as separation. The
period of Rahu-Jupiter commences from 11-01-2011 and ends on 06-6-2013. Both the
anthara-Sookshma lord Sun (significator of 11, 1) are also for and against the marriage
event. As all the DBA lords are having double role in this event, the native has got married
on 12-8-2012 and separated within a week of celebration of marriage as the period of
sookshma lord Sun ends by 13-8-2012 and the native obtained divorce legally before the end
of Jupiter bhukthi.

Transit: The dasalord Rahu transited in the star of Saturn (Anuradha), the bhukthi lord
Jupiter is transited in the star of Moon (rohini), the anthara lord sun is transited in the star
of Mercury (aslesha), the sookshma lord Venus is transited in the star of Rahu (aridra) and
Moon is transited in its own star Rohini. This shows no body can escape the fate if it decides

KP Ezine May 2019 36

Sun Rise: 06:03:04 AM Sun Set: 05:28:14 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Mars Karana: Badreva Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ke Sa Sa
2 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Mo Ve
3 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Ju Ma
Ruling Planets - 15/Apr/2019 12:08:17 PM 4 U.Bhadra(2) Ju Sa Ke Mo Me
6 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Ve Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ve Ju
Lagna Me Ju Su Ju Ke 8 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ma Ke Sa
Moon Su Ke Mo Ma Me 9 Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Ju Me
Day Lord: Moon 10 U.Phalguni(4) Me Su Ke Sa Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Mo Ra
12 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Me Ve
II 09:01:05:17 Ra 07:17:58:46
XII 07:05:31:38 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 08:00:32:53 Su Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Su Ju
III 10:04:02:31 Mo P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ve Me
Ve 06:23:34:45
Ju 10:14:37:30 10 8 Su 06:22:55:38 Ma Swati(3) Ve Ra Ke Ve Me
7 Ma 06:14:36:14 Me Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ju Ra
11 XI 06:08:25:53
Ju Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ke Su Ma
Ve Visakha(2) Ve Ju Sa Ra Mo
Sa[R] Punarvasu(2) Me Ju Me Ju Mo
IV 11:07:35:19 X 05:07:35:19 Ra Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ra Mo
Me 06:04:04:13
Ke Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Me Ju
12 6 Significators - Planets View
3 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 3 11 1, 4 9
Mo 11 9 6, 11 8
Sa[R] 02:25:25:28 Ma 12 11 5, 12
V 00:08:25:53 VII 02:00:32:53 Mo 04:19:41:01 Me 11 10 5, 12 7, 10
IX 04:04:02:31 Ju 12 3 1, 4
1 5 Ve 3 11 1, 4 6, 11
2 4 Sa+ 3 7 1, 4 2, 3
Ra 10 12 7, 10
VI 01:05:31:38 VIII 03:01:05:17 Ke+ 9 6 8
Ke 01:17:58:46
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Ve. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

V 08:25:53 VI 05:31:38 VII 00:32:53 Dasa Summary

Ke 17:58:46 Sa[R] 25:25:28
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
01-May-1965 - 01-May-1985 01-May-1985 - 01-May-1991 01-May-1991 - 01-May-2001
Venus 01-May-1965 Sun 01-May-1985 Moon 01-May-1991
Sun 30-Aug-1968 Moon 18-Aug-1985 Mars 29-Feb-1992
Moon 30-Aug-1969 Mars 17-Feb-1986 Rahu 29-Sep-1992
IV 07:35:19 Mars 01-May-1971 Rahu 25-Jun-1986 Jupiter 31-Mar-1994
Name: VADDADI VIII 01:05:17 Rahu 01-Jul-1972 Jupiter 19-May-1987 Saturn 30-Jul-1995
Gender: Male Jupiter 01-Jul-1975 Saturn 07-Mar-1988 Mercury 01-Mar-1997
Date: Saturday, 09/Nov/1974 Saturn 01-Mar-1978 Mercury 17-Feb-1989 Ketu 31-Jul-1998
Mercury 01-May-1981 Ketu 24-Dec-1989 Venus 01-Mar-1999
Time: 08:53:55 AM SID: 12:03:41 Ketu 01-Mar-1984 Venus 01-May-1990 Sun 30-Oct-2000
Lat: 16:51:00 N Lon: 82:01:00 E
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 01-May-2001 - 01-May-2008 01-May-2008 - 01-May-2026 01-May-2026 - 01-May-2042
Ju 14:37:30 Place: RAMACHANDRAPURAM, Mars 01-May-2001 Rahu 01-May-2008 Jupiter 01-May-2026
III 04:02:31 ANDHRA PRADESH, India Rahu 27-Sep-2001 Jupiter 11-Jan-2011 Saturn 18-Jun-2028
IX 04:02:31 Jupiter 15-Oct-2002 Saturn 06-Jun-2013 Mercury 30-Dec-2030
Ayanamsa: 23° 24' 57" Mo 19:41:01 Saturn 21-Sep-2003 Mercury 12-Apr-2016 Ketu 07-Apr-2033
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mercury 31-Oct-2004 Ketu 30-Oct-2018 Venus 14-Mar-2034
Star: P.Phalguni, Pada 2 Ketu 28-Oct-2005 Venus 17-Nov-2019 Sun 12-Nov-2036
Star Lord: Venus Venus 26-Mar-2006 Sun 17-Nov-2022 Moon 31-Aug-2037
Sun 26-May-2007 Moon 12-Oct-2023 Mars 31-Dec-2038
Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Moon 01-Oct-2007 Mars 13-Apr-2025 Rahu 07-Dec-2039
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
II 01:05:17 Bal. Dasa: Venus 10 Y, 5 M, 21 D 01-May-2042 - 01-May-2061 01-May-2061 - 01-May-2078 01-May-2078 - 01-May-2085
X 07:35:19 Saturn 01-May-2042 Mercury 01-May-2061 Ketu 01-May-2078
Mercury 04-May-2045 Ketu 27-Sep-2063 Venus 27-Sep-2078
Ketu 11-Jan-2048 Venus 23-Sep-2064 Sun 27-Nov-2079
Venus 20-Feb-2049 Sun 24-Jul-2067 Moon 03-Apr-2080
Ve 23:34:45 Sun 21-Apr-2052 Moon 30-May-2068 Mars 02-Nov-2080
Su 22:55:38 Moon 03-Apr-2053 Mars 29-Oct-2069 Rahu 31-Mar-2081
Ma 14:36:14 Mars 02-Nov-2054 Rahu 26-Oct-2070 Jupiter 18-Apr-2082
Ra 17:58:46 XI 08:25:53 Rahu 11-Dec-2055 Jupiter 15-May-2073 Saturn 25-Mar-2083
I 00:32:53 XII 05:31:38 Me 04:04:13 Jupiter 18-Oct-2058 Saturn 21-Aug-2075 Mercury 03-May-2084
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 37
By: Tin Win

Question 1: Variations in KP
Can you please clarify below things as I've been reading a couple of books and got confused:

1. Can you help me understand some history on how did the variations of KP system came
into place? Like Sunil ji came with 4-step theory, Khular ji came with cuspal interlinks
theory, and then there's Gulbarga theory.
2. I dont see KSK garu has said Rahu/Ketu has aspects in KP Reader 3. But why did people
modify these and say Rahu/Ketu have aspects 5, 7, 9 and still refer that as KP system? I
read a book by by SK Kapoor which says this and some other details like when conjunct with
Rahu, these results will only come to fruition during period/sub periods of Rahu in DBA
3. I believe in KSK reader books, Sublord indicates the end result while modern books which
say KP system still go far to consider the star-lord of this sub-lord to indicate the end result.
Is there a proper book on KP system which strictly refers to the methods laid out by KSK
garu and not implement their theories?
Please acknowledge my doubts and excuse if any mistakes, and make me learn :)
Answer 1:
1. KP (Krishnamurti Padhdhati) astrology is what is written and consistently applied in
the “KP Readers I to VI” by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti after doing empirical research over 30
years .

2. As Late Sunil Gondhaleka said, KP is three steps: planet, its star lord and its sub lord as
final decider and four step theory is four steps: further step up to the star lord of that sub

3. The best narrated KP books which almost strictly refers to six “KP Readers” are Sri
Chandrakant R. Bhatt’s books, namely:
1) Nakshatra Chintamani
2) Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani, and
3) Prashna Jyotish translated by Kanak Bosmia
4) Jyotish Abhigyan translated by Kanak Bosmia
4. Further research has been encouraged by Guruji KSK to find new truth and simple
way. There are more than one hundred KP related astrological books in English, including
S.K. Kapoor’s “Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology”, 2017, which has many variations for six
KP Readers..
5. Many KP based methods with variations from KP have been introduced, for instance
Dr. Kar’s Sub Sub theory including Theory of short prediction (TSP) of modified Gulbarga
theory, Baskaran’s KB Cuspal Interlinks at sub level & similarly Khullar’s KCIL Cuspal
Interlinks at sub sub level, Sunil Gondhalekar’s Four Step Theory based on K.M.
Subramanium’s Sublord- Speaks articles, Dr. Kasinath’s EPS system etc. But any solid and
simple method has not yet been found.
6. Rahu or Ketu (whether it is a planet or star lord or sub lord) the following significators are
taken in the six KP Readers depending on relevance to the event under consideration
regardless of their sequence of order:
1) House occupied by Rahu/Ketu,
2) Planet in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu,
3) Planet in aspect to Rahu/Ketu,
4) Star lord of Rahu/Ketu and
5) Sign lord of (rasi) sign occupied by Rahu/Ketu.
Note: Conjunction in the same (rasi) sign and Hindu aspects without orb are used.

KP Ezine May 2019 38

Sun Rise: 06:36:33 AM Sun Set: 05:57:49 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Sadhya Hora: Jupiter Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ve Su
2 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ke Ve Ve
3 P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ma Ma Ve
Ruling Planets - 28/Apr/2019 09:58:18 AM 4 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Ju Ve
Rockville, Maryland, USA 5 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Sa Ju
6 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Mo Ve Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Ke Ju
Lagna Me Ra Me Sa Ve 8 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Mo Ju
Moon Sa Ma Ke Ke Ju 9 Satabhisha(4) Sa Ra Ve Ke Ma
Day Lord: Sun 10 Revati(1) Ju Me Ke Me Su
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Sa Su
12 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Su Ve Ma
Sa 01:12:26 Mo 27:18:57
II 18:37:00 XII 23:15:39 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 22:36:26 Su Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Ve Ma
III 17:21:58 Mo Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Su Ju
XI 22:04:32
Ke 27:12:08 4 2 Ma Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ke Ve
5 1 Me Visakha(4) Ma Ju Ra Me Ve
Ju Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Mo Ju
Ve Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Su Ve
Sa Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Su Sa
IV 19:16:03 X 19:16:03 Ra P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Mo Ve
Ke U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ke Ra
6 12 Significators - Planets View
9 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 5 5 1, 4 3
Mo+ 5 12 6, 11 2
VII 22:36:26 Ma 2 5 8, 9 6, 11
Me 02:18:59 Ra 27:12:08 Me 5 5 7, 10 1, 4
Ma 05:43:13 IX 17:21:58 Ju 2 5 8, 9 7, 10
Ju 08:40:14 7 Ve+ 5 6 1, 4 5, 12
Su 19:27:36
8 10 Sa 3 2 8, 9
V 22:04:32
Ra+ 5 9 7, 10
VI 23:15:39 VIII 18:37:00 Ke 5 3 3
Ve 29:05:20
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Su, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XI 22:04:32 XII 23:15:39 I 22:36:26 Dasa Summary

Mo 27:18:57
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa
03-Nov-2004 - 03-Nov-2011 03-Nov-2011 - 03-Nov-2029 03-Nov-2029 - 03-Nov-2045
Mars 03-Nov-2004 Rahu 03-Nov-2011 Jupiter 03-Nov-2029
Rahu 01-Apr-2005 Jupiter 16-Jul-2014 Saturn 21-Dec-2031
Jupiter 19-Apr-2006 Saturn 10-Dec-2016 Mercury 04-Jul-2034
X 19:16:03 Saturn 26-Mar-2007 Mercury 16-Oct-2019 Ketu 10-Oct-2036
Name: Boy II 18:37:00 Mercury 05-May-2008 Ketu 05-May-2022 Venus 16-Sep-2037
Gender: Male Ketu 02-May-2009 Venus 23-May-2023 Sun 16-May-2040
Date: Tuesday, 05/Dec/2006 Venus 28-Sep-2009 Sun 23-May-2026 Moon 04-Mar-2041
Sun 28-Nov-2010 Moon 17-Apr-2027 Mars 04-Jul-2042
Time: 08:18:00 PM SID: 00:48:19 Moon 05-Apr-2011 Mars 17-Oct-2028 Rahu 10-Jun-2043
Lat: 13:43:00 N Lon: 75:49:00 E
Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 03-Nov-2045 - 03-Nov-2064 03-Nov-2064 - 03-Nov-2081 03-Nov-2081 - 03-Nov-2088
Ra 27:12:08 Place: TARIKERE, KARNATAKA, India Saturn 03-Nov-2045 Mercury 03-Nov-2064 Ketu 03-Nov-2081
IX 17:21:58 Mercury 06-Nov-2048 Ketu 01-Apr-2067 Venus 01-Apr-2082
Sa 01:12:26 Ketu 16-Jul-2051 Venus 28-Mar-2068 Sun 01-Jun-2083
Ayanamsa: 23° 51' 49" III 17:21:58 Venus 25-Aug-2052 Sun 27-Jan-2071 Moon 07-Oct-2083
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ke 27:12:08 Sun 25-Oct-2055 Moon 03-Dec-2071 Mars 07-May-2084
Star: Mrigasira, Pada 2 Moon 06-Oct-2056 Mars 04-May-2073 Rahu 03-Oct-2084
Star Lord: Mars Mars 07-May-2058 Rahu 01-May-2074 Jupiter 21-Oct-2085
Rahu 16-Jun-2059 Jupiter 18-Nov-2076 Saturn 27-Sep-2086
Lagna: Gemini Lagna Lord: Mercury
Jupiter 22-Apr-2062 Saturn 24-Feb-2079 Mercury 06-Nov-2087
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Pratipad
Venus Dasa Sun Dasa Moon Dasa
VIII 18:37:00 Bal. Dasa: Mars 4 Y, 10 M, 27 D 03-Nov-2088 - 03-Nov-2108 03-Nov-2108 - 03-Nov-2114 03-Nov-2114 - 03-Nov-2124
IV 19:16:03 Venus 03-Nov-2088 Sun 03-Nov-2108 Moon 03-Nov-2114
Sun 04-Mar-2092 Moon 20-Feb-2109 Mars 03-Sep-2115
Moon 04-Mar-2093 Mars 22-Aug-2109 Rahu 03-Apr-2116
Ve 29:05:20 Mars 02-Nov-2094 Rahu 28-Dec-2109 Jupiter 03-Oct-2117
VI 23:15:39 Rahu 02-Jan-2096 Jupiter 22-Nov-2110 Saturn 02-Feb-2119
Su 19:27:36 Jupiter 02-Jan-2099 Saturn 10-Sep-2111 Mercury 02-Sep-2120
Ju 08:40:14 Saturn 02-Sep-2101 Mercury 22-Aug-2112 Ketu 01-Feb-2122
Ma 05:43:13 Mercury 02-Nov-2104 Ketu 28-Jun-2113 Venus 02-Sep-2122
VII 22:36:26 Me 02:18:59 V 22:04:32 Ketu 03-Sep-2107 Venus 03-Nov-2113 Sun 02-May-2124
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: KP Ezine May 2019 39
7. Rahu or Ketu does not aspect any planet or house since it is not a planet having physical
body but it is only a sensitive intersecting mathematical point in the pathway of Sun and
Moon. So in case of conjunction or aspect with other planets, Rahu/Ketu will give whatever
the conjoined or aspecting planet is to give but not that planet to give whatever Rahu/Ketu is
to give, i.e. only one way effect from conj/aspecting planets to Rahu but not from Rahu to
those planets. Aspects of Rahu or Ketu iare not mentioned in any of Hindu astrology
classics. But some astrologers including Prof. Dr. P.S. Sastri, American Vedic astrologer
James Braha are saying about Rahu’s 5,7,9 and 12 aspect s quoting Sage Parashara without
giving any particular reference.

Question 2: Five planets in 6th house

It is observed Five planets in 6th house of the janma kundali of my grandson,
D.O.B. 05-12-2006.time, 75E49. 13N43, (Tarikere-Karnataka), Mrigashira
Mithuna lagna, boy suffering from frequent general health problem, lacking in concentrate in
his studies.
please advise,

Answer 2:
1st (self) CSL Sa(2,8-9) is in the star of Ke(3), Sa(2,8-9), Su(5,3), and in sub of Ve+(6,5-12),
+9 having no planet in its stars, indicating houses 2,6,8,12 for poor health.

4th (basic education) CSL Me(5,1-4) is in the star of Ju(5,7-10), and in sub of Ra+(9), Ma(5,
6-11), Sa(2,8-9), indicating houses 4,9,11 for good education.
Current running Dasa lord Ra+(9), Ma(5,6-11), Sa(2,8-9) is in the star of Ju(5,7-10), and in
sub of Ve+(6,5-12), +9, signifying 2,6,7 (Bdk),8, and 12 for bad health and poor learning.

KP Ezine May 2019 40

By: Tin Win

Prediction in Stellar Astrology

by Dr. M.N. Muley
CBH Publications, 2019, 264 pages

This “Prediction in Stellar Astrology” is the third book in KP by Dr. M.N. Muley after publish-
ing “Stellar Astrology - Events in Life, 2016 and Health and Diseases in Stellar Astrology,

In this book the case studies of major and important events of life have been presented, with
the help of the horoscopes of the natives and with illustrations.

Here one thing to note is that the birth time rectification rule of connection between ASC
sublord and MOON starlord (Moon-Star = ASC Sublord) used in this book is not a reliable
technique for rectifying birth time. Because a study of 300 AA-Rated (as per BC/BR) charts
by Dr.
Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy in January 2008 shows that this rule is satisfied or highly bias
to acceptance for 76% to 84% of 300 charts under study whether the original TOB or
OTOB+/- 5 min or OTOB+/- 10 min or OTOB+/- 15 min or OTOB+/-20 min or OTOB+/-25
min or OTOB+/- 30 min is taken.

1. Business, profession
2. The fortunate and unfortunate periods of life
3. Annual horoscope
4. When the wedding bell ring?
5. Astrological indications for adoption

KP Ezine May 2019 41

6. Nature of profession
7. Marital bliss
8. Health problem, complete cure when?
9. Absconding son, safe return, how?
10. Marriage or re-marriage
11. Change of job, if so when?
12. Will the daughter be blessed by child?
13. Going abroad for further postgraduate studies
14. Longevity
15. When will be debt free?
16. Overseas, when?
17. Number shows the marriage date.
18. Suicide, a case study
19. Indicators for mental diseases
20. Regarding progeny
21. Correct marriage time
22. Marriage, when?
23. Second marriage?
24. Success in litigation
25. Death inflicting forces
26. Outcome of elections
27. Promotion in the same job
28. Punarphoo- progeny and childbirth

1. Simple method to find out Bhukti dasa, Anthra dasa, Sookshma dasa
and prana dasa
2. Duration of transit of each planet counted from the position of Moon
in each sign
3. Krishnamurthi tables – expanded by Muley
4. Durations of Bhukti dasas during 120 years

KP Ezine May 2019 42

This book base on KP Birth time rectification technique. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Horary. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 750 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Natal. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 700 Rs.
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This book base on KP rules and Bhava signification. Written by Kanak

The best selling reference book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs.
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This book base on KP Muhurat. Written by Kanak Bosmia.

The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
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This book base on Dr. Kar’s Theory of short prediction. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 500 Rs.
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This book base on all kind of KP relationship like marriage, Guru-Shishya etc.
Written by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
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KP Ezine May 2019 43

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/May/2019 19:24:56 Ar 16:18:45 Pi 00:42:58 Ta 26:08:49 Pi 25:52:00 Sc 29:40:46 Pi 18:28:35 Sg 26:28:53 Ge 27:10:33 Sg 27:10:33
02/May/2019 19:28:53 Ar 17:17:00 Pi 12:53:26 Ta 26:47:53 Pi 27:32:41 Sc 29:36:59 Pi 19:41:22 Sg 26:28:44 Ge 27:07:23 Sg 27:07:23
03/May/2019 19:32:49 Ar 18:15:15 Pi 25:17:17 Ta 27:26:55 Pi 29:15:11 Sc 29:33:02 Pi 20:54:09 Sg 26:28:29 Ge 27:04:12 Sg 27:04:12
04/May/2019 19:36:46 Ar 19:13:27 Ar 07:55:47 Ta 28:05:56 Ar 00:59:31 Sc 29:28:55 Pi 22:06:57 Sg 26:28:09 Ge 27:01:01 Sg 27:01:01
05/May/2019 19:40:42 Ar 20:11:38 Ar 20:49:05 Ta 28:44:56 Ar 02:45:41 Sc 29:24:38 Pi 23:19:45 Sg 26:27:42 Ge 26:57:50 Sg 26:57:50
06/May/2019 19:44:39 Ar 21:09:48 Ta 03:56:26 Ta 29:23:55 Ar 04:33:40 Sc 29:20:12 Pi 24:32:34 Sg 26:27:10 Ge 26:54:39 Sg 26:54:39
07/May/2019 19:48:35 Ar 22:07:55 Ta 17:16:27 Ge 00:02:53 Ar 06:23:30 Sc 29:15:36 Pi 25:45:23 Sg 26:26:32 Ge 26:51:28 Sg 26:51:28
08/May/2019 19:52:32 Ar 23:06:01 Ge 00:47:31 Ge 00:41:50 Ar 08:15:11 Sc 29:10:51 Pi 26:58:12 Sg 26:25:49 Ge 26:48:18 Sg 26:48:18
09/May/2019 19:56:29 Ar 24:04:05 Ge 14:28:13 Ge 01:20:45 Ar 10:08:42 Sc 29:05:57 Pi 28:11:02 Sg 26:24:59 Ge 26:45:07 Sg 26:45:07
10/May/2019 20:00:25 Ar 25:02:08 Ge 28:17:25 Ge 01:59:40 Ar 12:04:02 Sc 29:00:54 Pi 29:23:53 Sg 26:24:04 Ge 26:41:56 Sg 26:41:56
11/May/2019 20:04:22 Ar 26:00:08 Cn 12:14:25 Ge 02:38:33 Ar 14:01:11 Sc 28:55:42 Ar 00:36:43 Sg 26:23:03 Ge 26:38:46 Sg 26:38:46
12/May/2019 20:08:18 Ar 26:58:06 Cn 26:18:36 Ge 03:17:25 Ar 16:00:07 Sc 28:50:22 Ar 01:49:34 Sg 26:21:57 Ge 26:35:35 Sg 26:35:35
13/May/2019 20:12:15 Ar 27:56:03 Le 10:29:08 Ge 03:56:16 Ar 18:00:48 Sc 28:44:53 Ar 03:02:25 Sg 26:20:45 Ge 26:32:24 Sg 26:32:24
14/May/2019 20:16:11 Ar 28:53:57 Le 24:44:29 Ge 04:35:05 Ar 20:03:10 Sc 28:39:16 Ar 04:15:16 Sg 26:19:27 Ge 26:29:13 Sg 26:29:13
15/May/2019 20:20:08 Ar 29:51:50 Vi 09:02:07 Ge 05:13:53 Ar 22:07:09 Sc 28:33:31 Ar 05:28:08 Sg 26:18:03 Ge 26:26:03 Sg 26:26:03
16/May/2019 20:24:04 Ta 00:49:41 Vi 23:18:19 Ge 05:52:40 Ar 24:12:41 Sc 28:27:39 Ar 06:41:00 Sg 26:16:35 Ge 26:22:52 Sg 26:22:52
17/May/2019 20:28:01 Ta 01:47:30 Li 07:28:33 Ge 06:31:26 Ar 26:19:37 Sc 28:21:39 Ar 07:53:52 Sg 26:15:00 Ge 26:19:41 Sg 26:19:41
18/May/2019 20:31:58 Ta 02:45:18 Li 21:27:55 Ge 07:10:10 Ar 28:27:49 Sc 28:15:32 Ar 09:06:45 Sg 26:13:21 Ge 26:16:30 Sg 26:16:30
19/May/2019 20:35:54 Ta 03:43:05 Sc 05:12:01 Ge 07:48:54 Ta 00:37:09 Sc 28:09:18 Ar 10:19:39 Sg 26:11:36 Ge 26:13:19 Sg 26:13:19
20/May/2019 20:39:51 Ta 04:40:50 Sc 18:37:32 Ge 08:27:36 Ta 02:47:23 Sc 28:02:57 Ar 11:32:33 Sg 26:09:46 Ge 26:10:09 Sg 26:10:09
21/May/2019 20:43:47 Ta 05:38:33 Sg 01:42:44 Ge 09:06:18 Ta 04:58:20 Sc 27:56:30 Ar 12:45:28 Sg 26:07:50 Ge 26:06:58 Sg 26:06:58
22/May/2019 20:47:44 Ta 06:36:16 Sg 14:27:39 Ge 09:44:58 Ta 07:09:45 Sc 27:49:56 Ar 13:58:23 Sg 26:05:50 Ge 26:03:47 Sg 26:03:47
23/May/2019 20:51:40 Ta 07:33:57 Sg 26:53:59 Ge 10:23:37 Ta 09:21:22 Sc 27:43:16 Ar 15:11:20 Sg 26:03:44 Ge 26:00:37 Sg 26:00:37
24/May/2019 20:55:37 Ta 08:31:37 Cp 09:04:45 Ge 11:02:15 Ta 11:32:56 Sc 27:36:31 Ar 16:24:16 Sg 26:01:33 Ge 25:57:26 Sg 25:57:26
25/May/2019 20:59:33 Ta 09:29:17 Cp 21:04:01 Ge 11:40:53 Ta 13:44:10 Sc 27:29:40 Ar 17:37:14 Sg 25:59:17 Ge 25:54:15 Sg 25:54:15
26/May/2019 21:03:30 Ta 10:26:55 Aq 02:56:29 Ge 12:19:29 Ta 15:54:47 Sc 27:22:43 Ar 18:50:12 Sg 25:56:56 Ge 25:51:04 Sg 25:51:04
27/May/2019 21:07:27 Ta 11:24:32 Aq 14:47:13 Ge 12:58:04 Ta 18:04:30 Sc 27:15:42 Ar 20:03:10 Sg 25:54:30 Ge 25:47:54 Sg 25:47:54
28/May/2019 21:11:23 Ta 12:22:08 Aq 26:41:16 Ge 13:36:39 Ta 20:13:04 Sc 27:08:35 Ar 21:16:10 Sg 25:51:59 Ge 25:44:43 Sg 25:44:43
29/May/2019 21:15:20 Ta 13:19:43 Pi 08:43:27 Ge 14:15:13 Ta 22:20:15 Sc 27:01:25 Ar 22:29:09 Sg 25:49:23 Ge 25:41:32 Sg 25:41:32
30/May/2019 21:19:16 Ta 14:17:17 Pi 20:58:00 Ge 14:53:46 Ta 24:25:49 Sc 26:54:10 Ar 23:42:10 Sg 25:46:43 Ge 25:38:21 Sg 25:38:21
31/May/2019 21:23:13 Ta 15:14:51 Ar 03:28:20 Ge 15:32:18 Ta 26:29:34 Sc 26:46:51 Ar 24:55:11 Sg 25:43:58 Ge 25:35:10 Sg 25:35:10

KPEzine May 2019 44

By: Tin Win

Consultant, Male, 31 May 1951, 02:00 am, East 6:30 hr, 21n49, 95e59, KP New Ayanamsa 23:05:19,
Balance Dasa 11 Y, 7 M, 2 D
This analysis is an attempt to apply the findings of “A KP Study of Million Dollar Lottery Winners”
based on 22 AA-rated charts and appeared in the KP-Ezine, February 2011 issue.

Ruling House of Lottery

There are two different views on the ruling house of lottery, i.e. 3 rd house (KP Reader VI pp 213) and
5th house for all games of chance (KP Reader II p 197, KP Reader VI p 117), 5th house for
lotteries (Rex Bills: Rulership Book p 81), as shown by many more references in the above mentioned

Cuspal Sub Lord Analysis

In the above study of 22 million dollar winner charts, the 3rd cuspal sub lord (CSL)’s signification of
lottery related 2 (money, wealth), 3 (lottery, ticket), 5 (game of chance), 6 (winning over other players),
8 (unearned, sudden and unexpected gain), 9 (luck), 10 (status change), 11 (gain, fulfillment of desire)
houses shows that 10th house is signified by 82% of 22 charts under study, 5th by 73%, 3rd by 68%,
11th by 64% and 2nd , 6th and 9th houses by 59% each, i.e. mainly houses 10,5,3 and 11.

3rd CSL Sa(6,11-12) is in the star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses
3,5,10 and 11 for promise of winning lottery.

In the above study, the 5th CSL’s signification of lottery related 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses
shows that 5th and 11th houses are signified by 77% each of 22 charts under study, 10th house by
73%, 2nd and 9th houses by 68% each, 8th house by 59%, 3rd and 6th houses by 55% each., i.e.
mainly houses 5,11,10, 2 and 9.

5th CSL Ke+(6) is having no planet in its stars to be a strong 5 th significator; Ke is aspected by Ma+(2,2
-9), +8 having no planet in its stars, and its sign lord is Su(3,5). Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in
sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 2,5,9 and 10 for promise of winning lottery.

Dasa Analysis
The Dasa, Bhukti and Antra (DBA) lords’ signification of lottery related 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11 houses
shows that the 10th house is signified by 95% of 22 charts under study, 5th, 9th and 11th houses by
91% each, 3rd & 6th houses by 86% each, 8th house by 82% and 2nd house by 77%, i.e. mainly
10,5,9 and 11.
The DBA signification appears better synchronized with the 5th CSL signification other than the 3rd

Consultant’s current running joint dasa period is Ra-Sa (08 Feb 2018 to 15 Dec 2020).
Dasa lord Ra+(12), +1,2,12, its sign lord Sa(6,11-12); Ra is in the star and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying
required houses 10 and 11 but not 5 and 9, and indicating possibility of winning lottery.
Bhukti lord Sa(6,11-12) is in star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 10
and 11 but not 5 and 9.

Next Bhukti is Me (15 Dec 2020 to 04 Jul 2022).

Bhukti lord Me(2,4-7) is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Sa(6,11-12), signifying required houses
11 but not 5,9 and 10.

Next Bhukti is Ke (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023).

Bhukti lord Ke+(6), +5, Ma+(2,2-9), +8, Su(3,5); Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10),
signifying required houses 5,9 and 10.

KP Ezine May 2019 4

Ra-Ke Dasa-Bhukti (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023) joint period is possible to win lottery in combination
of the signification of required houses 10 and 11 by Dasa lord Ra and the signification of required
houses 5,9 and 10 by Bhukti lord Ke.

Under Ke Bhukti Antra lord Ve(4,3-8) is in the star of Ju(1,1-10), and in sub of Su(3,5), signifying re-
quired house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Su(3,6) is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Mo(1,5) is in the star of Me(2,4-7), and sub of Ve(4,3-8), signifying required house 5 only.
Antra lord Ma+(2,2-9), +8, is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ra+(12), +1,2,12, Sa(6,11-12), signify-
ing required houses 5,9 and 11.

So the Ra-Ke-Ma joint dasa period (18 Nov 2023 to 10 Dec 2023) is a possible period to win lot-

Transit Analysis
The signification of stars and subs in which DBA lords were transiting on the day of lottery winning
indicates that the 6th house is signified by 86% of 22 charts under study, 2nd and 9th houses by
82% each, 3rd , 8th and 10th houses by 73% each, 5th and 11th houses by 68% each, i.e. mainly
houses 6,2 and 9.

The dasa agrees with the transit on 01 Dec 2023 when:

Dasa lord Ra will be transiting in the star of Me(2) and sub of Sa(6).
Bhukti lord Ke will be transiting in the star of Ma(2,9) and sub of Sa(6).
Antra lord Ma will be transiting in the star of Sa(6) and sub of Su(3,5).

KP Ezine May 2019 6

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
A famous BJP spoke person Sambit Patra going to contest from Puri Odisha for MLA. In past
he was contest from Delhi Municipal Corporation and face defat. Election date for Puri is

Question: Is there any chance for Sambit Patra to win parliament election form
Number: 41 (out of 249).generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 12:22:47 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Sambit Patra:

10th Cusp (Aquarius 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star
of Sun and sub of Moon. Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter and Saturn.
Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 8-11. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 9-10. No planet is
in the stars of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 1-2-7-8-9. Star lord Sun is occupant of 11,
owner of 4. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Thus 10 th cusp sub lord Ketu is the
significator of 8-7-11-9-10-1-2-4-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Leo 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner 8-11. Thus 10th cusp
sub lord Ketu is the significator of 4-7-12-1-2-5-8-11. Hence the wining in election is sure.

KP Ezine May 2019 7

Joint period for Sambit Patra:
On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 2.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Star lord Jupiter is occu-
pant of 7, owner of 8-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 10, owner of 1-6. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 2-1-3-7-8-11-10-6. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 8.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 9. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 8-7-9-1-2-5-4-12. Hence dasa lord not indicates wining in election.
My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Sambit Patra and 11 for oppo-
nent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Dasa-Bhukti lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Sambit Patra will win this election.

KP Ezine May 2019 9

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

(this article is written in continuation of my earlier article on the possibilities of registration

of the land in favour of the leaseholder with the help of RPs, in March 2019 issue).

The issue here is that the leaseholder has to get the registered document into his hands
which have been withheld due to the failure of some govt. procedural formalities.

A Time –chart is erected on 06 March 2019 @12-20-21 P.M at my place which is attached.
(Since the question is put for myself I have dealt it directly without rotating for a 3 rd party.)

1) Coordinates for the issue—

3rd house indicates – a document in any form preferably in physical form.
11th house- the fulfilment of once desire to get his document into his hands.

2) KP rule says- if the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 3 or 11 the ascendant’s event will be
fructified during the conjoined period of the significations of 3 and 11 houses.
Before proceeding further let me check up whether there is a promise of the event—

3)11th cusp sub lord is Moon lord of 3rd is placed in 9. Moon is in the star of Rahu is in 2 nd,
and in the sub of Venus lord of 1 and 6 in 8th.
Rahu represents Moon-(3 in 9) Mars-(7 and 12 in 11) Jupiter (8 &11 in 6) and Venus (1&6 in
Thus the 11sub lord Moon signifies @STL 3 and @SB_ 6-(loss to the opposite party),8- some
breaks in the issue.
From this, it can be seen that the event is promised.

4) Since the event has to take place within a few days I feel I can seek the help of the transit
of the Moon with the help of Ruling Planets at TOJ.

5) Ruling planets at TOJ- (06-03-2019 @12-20-21 p.m.---

ASC Star-lord- Mars.
ASC Sign lord-Venus.
MOON Star lord-Rahu.
MOON Sign lord-Saturn.
Day lord---- Mercury.
NOTE-1)Moon is aspected by Saturn giving rise to PP dosha. So I feel there may be some
minor hic-ups in the issue of the final event.
Rahu represents Moon, so take Moon also.
Even though Mercury is in retro motion by being in the star of Saturn which is not in retro
motion and in the Mercury sub which is in retro motion, is taken for our consideration as RP
on the assumption that when the planet, it star lord and /or sub lord will give the positive
results when they become direct in their motion.

let me check up the strength of each RP—

--MARS+ is in the sub of Rahu signifies 3 and 11 is O.K.
--VENUS- is in the sub of Mars signifies 11 is O.K.
--RAHU—is in the sub of Moon signifies 3 is O.K.
--SATURN-is in the sub of Mercury signifies 2,5,10 is O.K.
--MOON is in the sub of Venus signifies 3 and 11 is favourable.

KP Ezine May 2019 10

Facts of the Case
The actual delivery of the registered documents took place on –
18 March 2019 Monday—when the Moon was transiting in Cancer sign –MOON SGL in our
RPs, on MERCURY star (in retrograde motion) – in our RPs, on Mars sub (in our RPs) on
RAHU sub-sub (in our RPs) at 11-05-15 a. m to the leaseholder.

KP Ezine May 2019 13

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

On 17th November 2018 a communication was received about the hospitalization of one of
my relatives. As I am curious about his fate, because of the old age of the hospitalized
person, I have casted a time chart immediately at about 11-47-32 am same day in
Hyderabad and the ruling planets at that time are as follows:

Signlord Starlod
Asc. Sat Mon
Mon Sat Rah
Daylord (Saturday) Sat

We will study what the ruling planets would like to communicate in this regard. Saturn is
figured thrice in the ruling planets. Saturn occupies 11 th house lord of 1, 2. As lagna falls in
the movable sign Capricorn, the 11th house Scorpio is the badhakasthana so Saturn is the
occupant of badhakasthana. The badaka lord Mars occupied lagna. Saturn deposited in the
star of kethu. Kethu is in 12th house. Saturn is in the sub of Mercury lord of 6th house.
Kethu represents Saturn being in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is a malefic by nature and
becomes detrimental to the life of native as it signifies maraca houses 2, 12 connected to 6 th
and badhaka house 11th.

The ruling planet moon is a lord of 7 in lagna conjoined with badhaka lord Mars. Moon is in
the star of rahu and in its own sub and aspected by Saturn significator of maraca and
badhaka. Rahu the starlord of moon is in 6th house. Hence moon becomes malefic due to its
connection with Rahu, Mars and Saturn and detrimental to the health of the native. It is
also 6th cuspal sublord.

The ruling planet rahu is in 6th house aspected by 12th lord jupitor who is conjoined with
Sun (8th lord) and Mercury (6th lord). Rahu represents moon being in the sign of cancer.
Rahu being significator of 6,8,12 becomes more malefic and detrimental to the survival of
native besides Saturn and moon.

As all the ruling planets signifies maraca, badhaka houses and connected to 6,8,12 it
denotes that the native is in a state of critical condition in hospital.

We will examine the co-rulers of ascendant and 8th house for determining the longevity of the
native. The co-rulers of ascendant are Saturn and moon which are already discussed above.
The co-rulers of 8th house are Sun, venus and Saturn. We have already discussed about
Saturn and sun is the 8th lord. The 5th cuspal sublord Mars not signifying 5th house at all
but 6th. The significators are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
6 Ma, Mon Rah Mer Mer
8 ------ ---- Ket Sun
2 ------ ---- Jup,Rah Sat.
7 ---- ---- ---- Mon
12 Sat Ket Sun Jup
The common significators of ruling planets and significators are Rahu, Moon and Saturn.
On the date of judgment the ruling planets Rahu, Moon and Saturn are not only the common
significators but they are joint rulers of DBA. They are evil for longevity as explained above

KP Ezine May 2019 14

and hence their joint period is very critical. The luminary Sun is transiting in Scorpio the
badhaka sign ruled by Mars. The Moon which was in lagna in transit when touches the 2 nd
cusp, the life of the native will come to end. However we heard the death news the next day
i.e. on 18-11-2018. This is how the ruling planets reflects the fate. This is the greatness of
ruling planets in KP system.

KP Ezine May 2019 16

By: Ashish Salunkhe
Ashish Salunkhe
B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication)
At Keshav Plasa, Malwadi, Hadapsar Pune-411028
Mob -9284355280; Email:

Timing Details:
Date: 10 March 2019 Time: 23:24:15 Place: Hadapsar (Pune)

Its almost 23 hrs over of the Day, I looks the daily stuff to rollout while I saw a reality Show
running on Channel Khatro Ke Khiladi on 10th March 2019.

In this Chart analysis, I used the Timing Prashan kundali Instead of KpSeed.
There we 2 finalists on that day and winner will be declared 10-15 later, I choose to predict
the winner with the timing kundali as referenced.

Punit Pathak
Aditya Narayan
Let’s consider, 1st for Punit Pathak and 7th House for Aditya Narayan.
Compare the 1st and 7th House Sub lords to decide the winner.
1st House sub lord is Rahu.
7th House sub lord is Jupiter.
Rahu is in 8th House and Jupiter are in 1st House.
It would be difficult to predict in complicated situation and never expected to lose the
7Th House representing candidate must lose this competition as it intentionally placed in the
1st House which will cause to lose the competition.
1st House Sub lord Rahu, as nature is malefic and karakas tells some negative to Punit
Pathak, it was true, Aditya gave tough fight to Punit Pathak because of this.
Rahu gives ultimate success in competition at any cost if he is acting as sub lord for any
Rahu have mutual inclination with Jupiter so Jupiter will assist Rahu in this Chart.
Rahu give the resultant success to Punit Pathak in this Chart.
Finally, Punit Pathak wins the competition.

KP Ezine May 2019 17

By: M. V Guptha - Kavali
10-9-2/A, Dharavari Street, Kavali, 524201, SPSR Nellore Dist.,AP.
Phone: +91 92478 26145; Email:

Name: Smt. B.Manjula garu

Query: If my husband (B.M.R.) gets M.P. ticket, will he win?
Horary Number: 9 (1 to 249)
Time of Judgement: 26.01.2019 10.08.02 P.M
Place of Judgement: Kavali, 14.57 N, 80.02 E. SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
Ayanamsa: 240.01'.54".

The above chart is rotated to 7th house for her husband.

For Getting Ticket:

Sri. Kanak kumar Bosmia's rule:

One can be selected as a candidate for election, if Asc (tendency of people of country) sub
lord signifies 6 (victory), 10 (One's political position), 11 (gain).
For opponent candidate Asc (tendency of people of country) sub lord signifies 12 (victory of
opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent).

One can be selected as a candidate for election if 3 rd (view of people) Sublord signifies 6
(victory), 10 (one's political position), 11 (gain). But if 9th (view of people) Sublord signifies 12
(victory of opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent), the opponent will
be selected as a candidate.

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Libra 11.26.40): The sub lord of the Ascendant is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence Ascendant sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas1-3
-6-10 .For this native it is sure to get ticket.

3rd Cusp (Sagittarius 07.35.04): Sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and
sub of Moon. Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owns 9
and 12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12 and owns 10. Thus 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signi-
fies 2-3-6 and connected with 4-9-12-10. Hence 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 2-3-6-4-9
-12-10. Finally 3rd cusp sub lord signifies positive bhavas 6-10. The native will get ticket defi-

This prediction came correct as the native got ticket for Loksabha.

Next question is whether B.M.R. will win?

Sri. Kanak Kumar Bosmia's Rule:

If 10th (One's position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (One's reputation), 3 (One's abil-
ity), 11 (one's reputation as a winner) in the DBAS of the Significators of 3-10-11 then Suc-
cess is assured.

KP Ezine May 2019 19

For opponent 4th (opponent position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 4 (Opponent position
in politics), 9 (opponent ability) 5 (gain of opponent) 12 (opponent victory) then success is for


Cuspal Sub lord

10th cusp (Cancer 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence 10th cusp sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas 3-
10 and negative bhavas 4-5. So winning is sure.

4th cusp (Capricorn 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is discussed
above. Hence winning is not sure for opponent.

Joint period
Coming to DBAS, Mars dasa - Saturn bhukthi - Saturn anthara - Saturn sookshma on poll-
ing date 11.04.2019.

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Moon. Mars is occupant of 6, owns
2-7. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4 and owns 9-12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12
owns 10. Hence Dasa lord Mars signifies 2-6-7 and is connected to 4-9-10-12. Dasa lord
Mars signifies house10.

Hence Dasha Lord Mars strongly signifies 1-3-6-10-11 so native’s winning is sure.

Next Bhukthi-Anthara- Sookshma is Saturn. Regarding Saturn as discussed above.

In K.P. System Sub lord is final. That is Bhukthi. So the native winning is sure through as-

This Prediction is given with the blessings of “Lord Mahaganapathi” and Sri.Late
K.S.Krishnamurthy the founder of K.P.System and also my Guru. Sri.M.R.Prasad.

KP Ezine May 2019 21

By: Mahendrakumar K. Gajjar
B/2/161, Madhuvrund Society, Swee Park,
Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad – 380061; Email:
Mobile: + 91 7878484993

My friend’s daughter came with her husband on date 9th June 2015. They came back from
UK. They are want to go abroad again. He asked when he will be able to go abroad? I checked
the horoscope as per given birth details of her husband Mr. Samir sinh Zala regarding their

Ouerant name: Samirsinh Zala

Date of birth: 7th Septembre 1981. Time of birth: 05:55 A.M. Place of birth: Ahmedabad.
Latitude: 23°:15’:00”, Longitude: 72°:54’:00”, Ayanamsa: 23°:30’:46”

Hint: If cuspal sub lord of 12th be the significator of house 3, 9 and 12, then there is assur-
ance of going to abroad during the joint dasa period of significators of house 3,9,12.

Cusp 12th (Virgo 03°:00’:55”): the sub lord of 12th is Mars. The Mars is in the star of Venus
and sub of Sun. Mars is an occupant of 11 and owner of 2 and 7. The star lord Venus is an
occupant of 3 and owner of 1 and 8. Sub lord Sun is an occupant 1 and owner of 11.
The sub lord of 12th Mars is the significator of 1, 2,3,7,8 and 11. So it is assurance to going

Significator table

Bhav Planet in the Planet in the Occu- Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of star of occu- pant the sub of the star of (F)
occupant pant (C) owner owner
(A) (B) (D) (E)
3 Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Sun, Jupiter
Mercury, Venus Ketu Venus, Rahu
Jupiter Ketu
9 Rahu Moon Rahu - - Mercury
12 Sun, Sun, Mercury, - - Mercury
Venus, Rahu Jupiter,
Ketu Saturn

Ruling planets: At the time of prediction on 9th June 2015, Time: 12:55:15 PM
Asc: Sun, Sun, Moon
Moon: Saturn, Rahu, Mars
Day lord: Mars

Common Planets: Sun, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Rahu.

Running dasa of Saturn from Date: 03/04/2005 to Date: 03/04/2024. Saturn is in common
planet, so dasa is favorable. Running Bhukti dasa of Sun from Date: 25/03/2015 to Date:
06/03/2016. Sun is in common planet but Sun is in sign of Saturn so there will be delay, so
Bhukti dasa of Sun is omitted. Next Bhukti dasa of Moon is from Date: 06 / 03/ 2016 to
Date: 05/10/2017, Moon is in common planets, so Bhukti dasa of Moon is considered. Anta-

KP Ezine May 2019 22

ra dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 to Date: 27/05/2016. Mars is in common planets,
so Mars Antar dasa is favorable.

My Judgment: You will go to abroad during joint dasa period of Saturn, bhukti of Moon and
Antar dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 TO Date: 27/05/2016.

Outcome: They are gone to abroad on Date: 23/04/2016.

KP Ezine May 2019 24

By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874. E-mail:-;

I am very happy to inform you that the following birth particulars of a German Homicide are
taken with the curtesy of
Name:-Peter Kurten; Sex:-Male; DOB:-26-05-1883; TOB:-03-30 AM: POB:-
COLOGNE>KOLN; (50-59 N; 07-01 E); K.P. Ayanamsa:-22-08-22; Lagna:-Taurus=00-21-58;

Before going to analyze the chart of this native, let us know briefly about him.

Peter Kurten murdered, mutilated and dismembered some 68 female victims. He was pervert-
ed and sadistic from his childhood. His outer mannerisms were so mild and courteous that it
seemed incredible that he was the “Monster of Dusseldorf”. He was brought up by an
abusive, alcoholic father. He homicides a small child by drowning. He used to experience
pleasure while torturing animals. He was also having sex with sheep and goats, reaching
orgasm while stabbing the animals. He committed his first sex-murder on 25th May 1913
with a victim of 13 year old girl whom he strangled, cutting her throat. He used to drink the
blood of his victims. He was beheaded at Cologne on 2nd July 1931, 06-00-00 AM, MET.

Conviction(s) Arson
Attempted robbery
Attempted murder
Breaking and entering
Threatening behaviour
Criminal penalty Death & died on 02 July
1931.Cause of death- Decapitation
by guillotine.
Victims Murders: 9+
Attempted murder: 31+
Span of crimes 25 May 1913–7 November 1929
Country Germany
State(s) Rhine Province, Prussia
Date apprehended 24 May 1930

“The nature of a native is identified by the sub-lords of the Ascendant, Moon and Mercury. If
all these planets are in the stars or subs of planets which are connected with bhavas 6-8-12,
the native will be cruel, malicious and spiteful. He will be fraudulent, a villain or a murderer.
Remember to predict this type of prediction one needs to be very careful and use his or her
commonsense. If the Ascendant sublord signifies 6th, he does activities which are harmful to
others. If the Ascendant sublord is Mars and signifies the 6th, he will commit crimes openly
without any fear. If the Ascendant sublord is Saturn and signifies the 6 th, he will commit
crime in secrecy”. (Jyotish Abhigyan—Page. No. 74).

KP Ezine May 2019 25

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
In parliament election 2014 first time Smurty Irani fight against Rahul Gandhi from Amethi
and lost. Voting date is 06-05-2019.

Question: Is there any chance for Smurty Irani to win parliament election form Amethi-UP?
Number: 93 (out of 249), generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 13:23:55 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3-10-11 then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Smurty Irani:

10th Cusp (Taurus 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 11-10-12-
4-5-8-7-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Scorpio 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star
of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 5-4-6-10-
11-2-1-9. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Joint period for Smurty Irani:

On the day of election (06-05-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Moon-
Saturn will start from 24-04-2019 to 7-05-2019.

KP Ezine May 2019 29

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 11-10-12-4-5-8-7-3. Hence dasa-bhukti lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star
and sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10,
owner of 12. Antra lord Moon signifies 10-12-11. Hence Antra lord indicates wining in

Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 5,
owner of 6-7. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Star lord Venus is
occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter
and Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 6-7. No
planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Sookshma lord Saturn signifies 5-6-7-3-
10-5-4-8. Hence Sookshma lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 5-4-6-10-11-2-1-9. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star and
sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner
of 6. Antra lord Moon signifies 4-5-6. Hence Antra lord not indicates wining in election.

My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Smurty Irani and 10-11 for
opponent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Antra lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Smurty Irani will win this election.


KP Ezine May 2019 31

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

This is the horary question raised in my mind suddenly in the morning hours of 26-02-2019
@09-00-00 A.M and immediately I opened my laptop and chose a random number 111 and
erected a horary chart @09-00-13 A.M @ my place –Tarnaka, Secundrabad. (the chart is at-

Following are the KP rules on winning elections—

1) Tin Win says in his “Navaratnamala-KP House grouping –part I”---
For gains in any sort of competition (Elections/litigations/sports matches etc:)- if the 6th
cusp sub lord signifies 1-personal efforts, 6- competitions-11-success and gains,(6 and 11
jointly) one will win any completion here-elections- during the conjoined period of the signifi-
cations of 1-6-11 houses.
Also, check 11th cusp sub lord significations and Ascendant cusp sub lord significations for
relevant houses.
If 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1-2-3-6-10-11, but without any connection to 4-5-7-8-9-12,
one will win the elections.
1) The loss in competitions- if the 6rh cusp sub lord signifies 4,5,7,8,9,12 one will lose in
the competition of any sort.
2) If the Ascendant cusp sub lord signifies 2-gains-6-competition and 11- success in his ef-
forts, one will win in his competitions of any sort.

As per the Horary chart---

1) 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu. It co-rules 2, 8, 10 houses also.
Rahu is placed in the star of Jupiter lord of 4 & 7 in 3 rd and in the sub of Mars lord of 3 and
8 in 8th.
Rahu represents –Moon lord of 11in 3rd, Mars lord of 3 and 8 in 8, Jupiter lord of 4 and 7 in
3 and Venus lord of 2 and 9 in 4th.
Thus 6th cusp sub lord Rahu signifies @STL level-4, 7, 3 and @SBL- 8 and 3 and connected
to 2,9,10 and 11.
From the above significations, it is clear that no houses from the group of 01-6-11 are signi-
fied. In addition to this Rahu has signified 10 and 8- negative houses also.

2) 11th cusp sub lord is Kethu+. Ketu signifies @its star lord (Sun) lord of 12 in 6 and in the
sub of Rahu in 10th.
Ketu represents Venus- lord of 2 and 9 in 4, Saturn lord of 5 and 6 in 4. Rahu representa-
tions and its significations are already discussed above.
Thus Ketu signifies @STL-4,6,12 and @SBL -2,3,4,7,8,9,10 and 11.
Since both 6-8-12,7-8-12 and 8-12 along with 6-9-10-11 are signified there are chances for
both (winning and losing) to the extent of 50-to-50 %.
But 11th significations are only supporting house significations and they will give the results
only if the main cusp that is the 6th signifies any of the relevant houses.

3) Ascendant cusp sub lord is Venus signifies @its star lord(Sun) 2,4,6,9,12 and @its SBL-
(Jupiter)-3,4,7 houses.
------Here also it has not indicated any relevant houses of winning the completion of elec-
tions (1-10-11) except 6 at star level.
From the above analysis of all relevant houses, it has become very clear that YSRC party has
only bleak chances of getting a majority of the seats in the next elections.

KP Ezine May 2019 32

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question 1 Will my wife who is abroad live with me in future?

Date of birth. 28/10/1978, Tuesday; Time of birth. 07:11:24 AM IST
Place of Birth: Chandigarh -UT Lon/Lat: 30° N 42', 76° E 48',
Aynamsha 230.28'.16"

If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th & 11th be the significator of 2, 7 or 11 reunion with spouse is
promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11.

7th cusp (Aries 170.51'.38”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mars. Mars is in the star of Jupiter
and Rahu. Mars is occupant of 1, owner of 2-7. No planet in the star of Mars and Mars is
CSL of 6-7-12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner of 3-6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of
11. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of
9-12. No planet in the star of Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Thus 7th sub lord Mars
signifies 2-7-11 with negative bhava 1-6-12.

11th cusp (Leo 240.42'.33”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 9-12. No planet in the star of
Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Star lord Jupiter is occupant 9, owner of 3-6. Sub
lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 1-8. Thus Mercury is signifies 3-6-9 and connected
with 1-9-12-2-5-11-8. Positive bhava are 2-11 and negative bhava are 1-6-12.

My opinion: I do not think reunion is good for you or possible.

KP Ezine May 2019 34

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

The relevant houses of marriage are 2,7 and 11. If the 7 th cuspal sublord signifies 2 or 7 or
11 marriage is promised. If the 7th CSL signifies 1,6,10 and 12 in addition to 2,7,11 separa-
tion follows after marriage. If the 7th CSL happens to be the mercury or any planet in a dual
sign the native will have more than one marriage.

My office colleague has furnished the birth details of his son, in connection with his married
life, as given below:

DOB: 9-11-1974; TOB:8-53-55 AM; POB: Ramachandrapuram Long:82-1’ Lat: 16-51’

The native was borne in Purva phalguni (Leo) with Sagittarius as ascendant. The sublord of
7th cusp in this chart is Mercury. It is in 10th house, lord of 7, 10 and in the star of Mars in
11 lord of 5, 12. It is in the sub of Venus in 11 lord of 6, 11. Finally Mercury signifies 11, 5,
12 connected to 7, 10, 6, 11. By signification of 7, 11 it promises marriage and by 6, 10 it
indicates separation after marriage. When Mercury is a cuspal sublord it gives more than
one marriage. The significators for the marriage as well as separation are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
2 ---- ----- ----- Sat
7 ---- Sat Rah Mer
11 Mer,Mon Mar,Sun,Ven Mon Ven
1 --- ---- Ven, Sun, Sat Jup
6 ---- Ket Mon Ven
10 Rah Mer Rah Mer

Saturn is having no planets in its stars. Hence it is strong. Occupation of 7 th house by

Saturn indicates delay in marriage but not denial when it is significator of 2, 7, 11. So the
marriage was delayed. The native attains marriageable age in Mars dasa but Mars has not
given the result of marriage, though it is a significator, due to its occupation of sub of Kethu
in 6th house.

The marriage was took place on 12-8-2012 in the joint period of DBA of Rahu-Jup-Sun-Sun.
The dasalord Rahu is favourable for conducting marriage event being in the star and sub of
Mercury 7th lord. As Mercury is having the lordship of 10 th house also the dasalord Rahu
denotes separation. The bhukthi lord Jupiter is in the star of dasalord Rahu gives the result
of dasalord i.e. favourable for conducting the marriage event as well as separation. The
period of Rahu-Jupiter commences from 11-01-2011 and ends on 06-6-2013. Both the
anthara-Sookshma lord Sun (significator of 11, 1) are also for and against the marriage
event. As all the DBA lords are having double role in this event, the native has got married
on 12-8-2012 and separated within a week of celebration of marriage as the period of
sookshma lord Sun ends by 13-8-2012 and the native obtained divorce legally before the end
of Jupiter bhukthi.

Transit: The dasalord Rahu transited in the star of Saturn (Anuradha), the bhukthi lord
Jupiter is transited in the star of Moon (rohini), the anthara lord sun is transited in the star
of Mercury (aslesha), the sookshma lord Venus is transited in the star of Rahu (aridra) and
Moon is transited in its own star Rohini. This shows no body can escape the fate if it decides

KP Ezine May 2019 36

By: Tin Win

Question 1: Variations in KP
Can you please clarify below things as I've been reading a couple of books and got confused:

1. Can you help me understand some history on how did the variations of KP system came
into place? Like Sunil ji came with 4-step theory, Khular ji came with cuspal interlinks
theory, and then there's Gulbarga theory.
2. I dont see KSK garu has said Rahu/Ketu has aspects in KP Reader 3. But why did people
modify these and say Rahu/Ketu have aspects 5, 7, 9 and still refer that as KP system? I
read a book by by SK Kapoor which says this and some other details like when conjunct with
Rahu, these results will only come to fruition during period/sub periods of Rahu in DBA
3. I believe in KSK reader books, Sublord indicates the end result while modern books which
say KP system still go far to consider the star-lord of this sub-lord to indicate the end result.
Is there a proper book on KP system which strictly refers to the methods laid out by KSK
garu and not implement their theories?
Please acknowledge my doubts and excuse if any mistakes, and make me learn :)
Answer 1:
1. KP (Krishnamurti Padhdhati) astrology is what is written and consistently applied in
the “KP Readers I to VI” by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti after doing empirical research over 30
years .

2. As Late Sunil Gondhaleka said, KP is three steps: planet, its star lord and its sub lord as
final decider and four step theory is four steps: further step up to the star lord of that sub

3. The best narrated KP books which almost strictly refers to six “KP Readers” are Sri
Chandrakant R. Bhatt’s books, namely:
1) Nakshatra Chintamani
2) Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani, and
3) Prashna Jyotish translated by Kanak Bosmia
4) Jyotish Abhigyan translated by Kanak Bosmia
4. Further research has been encouraged by Guruji KSK to find new truth and simple
way. There are more than one hundred KP related astrological books in English, including
S.K. Kapoor’s “Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology”, 2017, which has many variations for six
KP Readers..
5. Many KP based methods with variations from KP have been introduced, for instance
Dr. Kar’s Sub Sub theory including Theory of short prediction (TSP) of modified Gulbarga
theory, Baskaran’s KB Cuspal Interlinks at sub level & similarly Khullar’s KCIL Cuspal
Interlinks at sub sub level, Sunil Gondhalekar’s Four Step Theory based on K.M.
Subramanium’s Sublord- Speaks articles, Dr. Kasinath’s EPS system etc. But any solid and
simple method has not yet been found.
6. Rahu or Ketu (whether it is a planet or star lord or sub lord) the following significators are
taken in the six KP Readers depending on relevance to the event under consideration
regardless of their sequence of order:
1) House occupied by Rahu/Ketu,
2) Planet in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu,
3) Planet in aspect to Rahu/Ketu,
4) Star lord of Rahu/Ketu and
5) Sign lord of (rasi) sign occupied by Rahu/Ketu.
Note: Conjunction in the same (rasi) sign and Hindu aspects without orb are used.

KP Ezine May 2019 38

By: Tin Win

Prediction in Stellar Astrology

by Dr. M.N. Muley
CBH Publications, 2019, 264 pages

This “Prediction in Stellar Astrology” is the third book in KP by Dr. M.N. Muley after publish-
ing “Stellar Astrology - Events in Life, 2016 and Health and Diseases in Stellar Astrology,

In this book the case studies of major and important events of life have been presented, with
the help of the horoscopes of the natives and with illustrations.

Here one thing to note is that the birth time rectification rule of connection between ASC
sublord and MOON starlord (Moon-Star = ASC Sublord) used in this book is not a reliable
technique for rectifying birth time. Because a study of 300 AA-Rated (as per BC/BR) charts
by Dr.
Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy in January 2008 shows that this rule is satisfied or highly bias
to acceptance for 76% to 84% of 300 charts under study whether the original TOB or
OTOB+/- 5 min or OTOB+/- 10 min or OTOB+/- 15 min or OTOB+/-20 min or OTOB+/-25
min or OTOB+/- 30 min is taken.

1. Business, profession
2. The fortunate and unfortunate periods of life
3. Annual horoscope
4. When the wedding bell ring?
5. Astrological indications for adoption

KP Ezine May 2019 41

This book base on KP Birth time rectification technique. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Horary. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 750 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Natal. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 700 Rs.
Buy from

This book base on KP rules and Bhava signification. Written by Kanak

The best selling reference book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs.
Buy from

This book base on KP Muhurat. Written by Kanak Bosmia.

The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
Buy from

This book base on Dr. Kar’s Theory of short prediction. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 500 Rs.
Buy from

This book base on all kind of KP relationship like marriage, Guru-Shishya etc.
Written by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
Buy from

KP Ezine May 2019 43

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/May/2019 19:24:56 Ar 16:18:45 Pi 00:42:58 Ta 26:08:49 Pi 25:52:00 Sc 29:40:46 Pi 18:28:35 Sg 26:28:53 Ge 27:10:33 Sg 27:10:33
02/May/2019 19:28:53 Ar 17:17:00 Pi 12:53:26 Ta 26:47:53 Pi 27:32:41 Sc 29:36:59 Pi 19:41:22 Sg 26:28:44 Ge 27:07:23 Sg 27:07:23
03/May/2019 19:32:49 Ar 18:15:15 Pi 25:17:17 Ta 27:26:55 Pi 29:15:11 Sc 29:33:02 Pi 20:54:09 Sg 26:28:29 Ge 27:04:12 Sg 27:04:12
04/May/2019 19:36:46 Ar 19:13:27 Ar 07:55:47 Ta 28:05:56 Ar 00:59:31 Sc 29:28:55 Pi 22:06:57 Sg 26:28:09 Ge 27:01:01 Sg 27:01:01
05/May/2019 19:40:42 Ar 20:11:38 Ar 20:49:05 Ta 28:44:56 Ar 02:45:41 Sc 29:24:38 Pi 23:19:45 Sg 26:27:42 Ge 26:57:50 Sg 26:57:50
06/May/2019 19:44:39 Ar 21:09:48 Ta 03:56:26 Ta 29:23:55 Ar 04:33:40 Sc 29:20:12 Pi 24:32:34 Sg 26:27:10 Ge 26:54:39 Sg 26:54:39
07/May/2019 19:48:35 Ar 22:07:55 Ta 17:16:27 Ge 00:02:53 Ar 06:23:30 Sc 29:15:36 Pi 25:45:23 Sg 26:26:32 Ge 26:51:28 Sg 26:51:28
08/May/2019 19:52:32 Ar 23:06:01 Ge 00:47:31 Ge 00:41:50 Ar 08:15:11 Sc 29:10:51 Pi 26:58:12 Sg 26:25:49 Ge 26:48:18 Sg 26:48:18
09/May/2019 19:56:29 Ar 24:04:05 Ge 14:28:13 Ge 01:20:45 Ar 10:08:42 Sc 29:05:57 Pi 28:11:02 Sg 26:24:59 Ge 26:45:07 Sg 26:45:07
10/May/2019 20:00:25 Ar 25:02:08 Ge 28:17:25 Ge 01:59:40 Ar 12:04:02 Sc 29:00:54 Pi 29:23:53 Sg 26:24:04 Ge 26:41:56 Sg 26:41:56
11/May/2019 20:04:22 Ar 26:00:08 Cn 12:14:25 Ge 02:38:33 Ar 14:01:11 Sc 28:55:42 Ar 00:36:43 Sg 26:23:03 Ge 26:38:46 Sg 26:38:46
12/May/2019 20:08:18 Ar 26:58:06 Cn 26:18:36 Ge 03:17:25 Ar 16:00:07 Sc 28:50:22 Ar 01:49:34 Sg 26:21:57 Ge 26:35:35 Sg 26:35:35
13/May/2019 20:12:15 Ar 27:56:03 Le 10:29:08 Ge 03:56:16 Ar 18:00:48 Sc 28:44:53 Ar 03:02:25 Sg 26:20:45 Ge 26:32:24 Sg 26:32:24
14/May/2019 20:16:11 Ar 28:53:57 Le 24:44:29 Ge 04:35:05 Ar 20:03:10 Sc 28:39:16 Ar 04:15:16 Sg 26:19:27 Ge 26:29:13 Sg 26:29:13
15/May/2019 20:20:08 Ar 29:51:50 Vi 09:02:07 Ge 05:13:53 Ar 22:07:09 Sc 28:33:31 Ar 05:28:08 Sg 26:18:03 Ge 26:26:03 Sg 26:26:03
16/May/2019 20:24:04 Ta 00:49:41 Vi 23:18:19 Ge 05:52:40 Ar 24:12:41 Sc 28:27:39 Ar 06:41:00 Sg 26:16:35 Ge 26:22:52 Sg 26:22:52
17/May/2019 20:28:01 Ta 01:47:30 Li 07:28:33 Ge 06:31:26 Ar 26:19:37 Sc 28:21:39 Ar 07:53:52 Sg 26:15:00 Ge 26:19:41 Sg 26:19:41
18/May/2019 20:31:58 Ta 02:45:18 Li 21:27:55 Ge 07:10:10 Ar 28:27:49 Sc 28:15:32 Ar 09:06:45 Sg 26:13:21 Ge 26:16:30 Sg 26:16:30
19/May/2019 20:35:54 Ta 03:43:05 Sc 05:12:01 Ge 07:48:54 Ta 00:37:09 Sc 28:09:18 Ar 10:19:39 Sg 26:11:36 Ge 26:13:19 Sg 26:13:19
20/May/2019 20:39:51 Ta 04:40:50 Sc 18:37:32 Ge 08:27:36 Ta 02:47:23 Sc 28:02:57 Ar 11:32:33 Sg 26:09:46 Ge 26:10:09 Sg 26:10:09
21/May/2019 20:43:47 Ta 05:38:33 Sg 01:42:44 Ge 09:06:18 Ta 04:58:20 Sc 27:56:30 Ar 12:45:28 Sg 26:07:50 Ge 26:06:58 Sg 26:06:58
22/May/2019 20:47:44 Ta 06:36:16 Sg 14:27:39 Ge 09:44:58 Ta 07:09:45 Sc 27:49:56 Ar 13:58:23 Sg 26:05:50 Ge 26:03:47 Sg 26:03:47
23/May/2019 20:51:40 Ta 07:33:57 Sg 26:53:59 Ge 10:23:37 Ta 09:21:22 Sc 27:43:16 Ar 15:11:20 Sg 26:03:44 Ge 26:00:37 Sg 26:00:37
24/May/2019 20:55:37 Ta 08:31:37 Cp 09:04:45 Ge 11:02:15 Ta 11:32:56 Sc 27:36:31 Ar 16:24:16 Sg 26:01:33 Ge 25:57:26 Sg 25:57:26
25/May/2019 20:59:33 Ta 09:29:17 Cp 21:04:01 Ge 11:40:53 Ta 13:44:10 Sc 27:29:40 Ar 17:37:14 Sg 25:59:17 Ge 25:54:15 Sg 25:54:15
26/May/2019 21:03:30 Ta 10:26:55 Aq 02:56:29 Ge 12:19:29 Ta 15:54:47 Sc 27:22:43 Ar 18:50:12 Sg 25:56:56 Ge 25:51:04 Sg 25:51:04
27/May/2019 21:07:27 Ta 11:24:32 Aq 14:47:13 Ge 12:58:04 Ta 18:04:30 Sc 27:15:42 Ar 20:03:10 Sg 25:54:30 Ge 25:47:54 Sg 25:47:54
28/May/2019 21:11:23 Ta 12:22:08 Aq 26:41:16 Ge 13:36:39 Ta 20:13:04 Sc 27:08:35 Ar 21:16:10 Sg 25:51:59 Ge 25:44:43 Sg 25:44:43
29/May/2019 21:15:20 Ta 13:19:43 Pi 08:43:27 Ge 14:15:13 Ta 22:20:15 Sc 27:01:25 Ar 22:29:09 Sg 25:49:23 Ge 25:41:32 Sg 25:41:32
30/May/2019 21:19:16 Ta 14:17:17 Pi 20:58:00 Ge 14:53:46 Ta 24:25:49 Sc 26:54:10 Ar 23:42:10 Sg 25:46:43 Ge 25:38:21 Sg 25:38:21
31/May/2019 21:23:13 Ta 15:14:51 Ar 03:28:20 Ge 15:32:18 Ta 26:29:34 Sc 26:46:51 Ar 24:55:11 Sg 25:43:58 Ge 25:35:10 Sg 25:35:10

KPEzine May 2019 44

By: Tin Win

Consultant, Male, 31 May 1951, 02:00 am, East 6:30 hr, 21n49, 95e59, KP New Ayanamsa 23:05:19,
Balance Dasa 11 Y, 7 M, 2 D
This analysis is an attempt to apply the findings of “A KP Study of Million Dollar Lottery Winners”
based on 22 AA-rated charts and appeared in the KP-Ezine, February 2011 issue.

Ruling House of Lottery

There are two different views on the ruling house of lottery, i.e. 3 rd house (KP Reader VI pp 213) and
5th house for all games of chance (KP Reader II p 197, KP Reader VI p 117), 5th house for
lotteries (Rex Bills: Rulership Book p 81), as shown by many more references in the above mentioned

Cuspal Sub Lord Analysis

In the above study of 22 million dollar winner charts, the 3rd cuspal sub lord (CSL)’s signification of
lottery related 2 (money, wealth), 3 (lottery, ticket), 5 (game of chance), 6 (winning over other players),
8 (unearned, sudden and unexpected gain), 9 (luck), 10 (status change), 11 (gain, fulfillment of desire)
houses shows that 10th house is signified by 82% of 22 charts under study, 5th by 73%, 3rd by 68%,
11th by 64% and 2nd , 6th and 9th houses by 59% each, i.e. mainly houses 10,5,3 and 11.

3rd CSL Sa(6,11-12) is in the star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses
3,5,10 and 11 for promise of winning lottery.

In the above study, the 5th CSL’s signification of lottery related 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 houses
shows that 5th and 11th houses are signified by 77% each of 22 charts under study, 10th house by
73%, 2nd and 9th houses by 68% each, 8th house by 59%, 3rd and 6th houses by 55% each., i.e.
mainly houses 5,11,10, 2 and 9.

5th CSL Ke+(6) is having no planet in its stars to be a strong 5 th significator; Ke is aspected by Ma+(2,2
-9), +8 having no planet in its stars, and its sign lord is Su(3,5). Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in
sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 2,5,9 and 10 for promise of winning lottery.

Dasa Analysis
The Dasa, Bhukti and Antra (DBA) lords’ signification of lottery related 2,3,5,6,8,9,10,11 houses
shows that the 10th house is signified by 95% of 22 charts under study, 5th, 9th and 11th houses by
91% each, 3rd & 6th houses by 86% each, 8th house by 82% and 2nd house by 77%, i.e. mainly
10,5,9 and 11.
The DBA signification appears better synchronized with the 5th CSL signification other than the 3rd

Consultant’s current running joint dasa period is Ra-Sa (08 Feb 2018 to 15 Dec 2020).
Dasa lord Ra+(12), +1,2,12, its sign lord Sa(6,11-12); Ra is in the star and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying
required houses 10 and 11 but not 5 and 9, and indicating possibility of winning lottery.
Bhukti lord Sa(6,11-12) is in star of Su(3,5), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required houses 10
and 11 but not 5 and 9.

Next Bhukti is Me (15 Dec 2020 to 04 Jul 2022).

Bhukti lord Me(2,4-7) is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Sa(6,11-12), signifying required houses
11 but not 5,9 and 10.

Next Bhukti is Ke (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023).

Bhukti lord Ke+(6), +5, Ma+(2,2-9), +8, Su(3,5); Ke is in the star of Ve(4,3-8), and in sub of Ju(1,1-10),
signifying required houses 5,9 and 10.

KP Ezine May 2019 4

Ra-Ke Dasa-Bhukti (04 Jul 2022 to 04 Jul 2023) joint period is possible to win lottery in combination
of the signification of required houses 10 and 11 by Dasa lord Ra and the signification of required
houses 5,9 and 10 by Bhukti lord Ke.

Under Ke Bhukti Antra lord Ve(4,3-8) is in the star of Ju(1,1-10), and in sub of Su(3,5), signifying re-
quired house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Su(3,6) is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ju(1,1-10), signifying required house 5,10 only.
Antra lord Mo(1,5) is in the star of Me(2,4-7), and sub of Ve(4,3-8), signifying required house 5 only.
Antra lord Ma+(2,2-9), +8, is in the star of Mo(1,5), and sub of Ra+(12), +1,2,12, Sa(6,11-12), signify-
ing required houses 5,9 and 11.

So the Ra-Ke-Ma joint dasa period (18 Nov 2023 to 10 Dec 2023) is a possible period to win lot-

Transit Analysis
The signification of stars and subs in which DBA lords were transiting on the day of lottery winning
indicates that the 6th house is signified by 86% of 22 charts under study, 2nd and 9th houses by
82% each, 3rd , 8th and 10th houses by 73% each, 5th and 11th houses by 68% each, i.e. mainly
houses 6,2 and 9.

The dasa agrees with the transit on 01 Dec 2023 when:

Dasa lord Ra will be transiting in the star of Me(2) and sub of Sa(6).
Bhukti lord Ke will be transiting in the star of Ma(2,9) and sub of Sa(6).
Antra lord Ma will be transiting in the star of Sa(6) and sub of Su(3,5).

KP Ezine May 2019 6

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
A famous BJP spoke person Sambit Patra going to contest from Puri Odisha for MLA. In past
he was contest from Delhi Municipal Corporation and face defat. Election date for Puri is

Question: Is there any chance for Sambit Patra to win parliament election form
Number: 41 (out of 249).generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 12:22:47 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3, 10, 11, then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Sambit Patra:

10th Cusp (Aquarius 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star
of Sun and sub of Moon. Ketu is occupant of 8. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter and Saturn.
Jupiter is occupant of 7, owner of 8-11. Saturn is occupant of 8, owner of 9-10. No planet is
in the stars of Saturn and Saturn is the CSL of 1-2-7-8-9. Star lord Sun is occupant of 11,
owner of 4. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Thus 10 th cusp sub lord Ketu is the
significator of 8-7-11-9-10-1-2-4-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Leo 150.06’.23”): The sub lord of the 10 cusp is Venus. Venus is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Mercury. Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owner 8-11. Thus 10th cusp
sub lord Ketu is the significator of 4-7-12-1-2-5-8-11. Hence the wining in election is sure.

KP Ezine May 2019 7

Joint period for Sambit Patra:
On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 2.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 1, owner of 3. Star lord Jupiter is occu-
pant of 7, owner of 8-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 10, owner of 1-6. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 2-1-3-7-8-11-10-6. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 8.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 7, owner of 9. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 1, owner of 2-5. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 4, owner of 7-12. Dasa lord Rahu
signifies 8-7-9-1-2-5-4-12. Hence dasa lord not indicates wining in election.
My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Sambit Patra and 11 for oppo-
nent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Dasa-Bhukti lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Sambit Patra will win this election.

KP Ezine May 2019 9

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

(this article is written in continuation of my earlier article on the possibilities of registration

of the land in favour of the leaseholder with the help of RPs, in March 2019 issue).

The issue here is that the leaseholder has to get the registered document into his hands
which have been withheld due to the failure of some govt. procedural formalities.

A Time –chart is erected on 06 March 2019 @12-20-21 P.M at my place which is attached.
(Since the question is put for myself I have dealt it directly without rotating for a 3 rd party.)

1) Coordinates for the issue—

3rd house indicates – a document in any form preferably in physical form.
11th house- the fulfilment of once desire to get his document into his hands.

2) KP rule says- if the 3rd cusp sub lord signifies 3 or 11 the ascendant’s event will be
fructified during the conjoined period of the significations of 3 and 11 houses.
Before proceeding further let me check up whether there is a promise of the event—

3)11th cusp sub lord is Moon lord of 3rd is placed in 9. Moon is in the star of Rahu is in 2 nd,
and in the sub of Venus lord of 1 and 6 in 8th.
Rahu represents Moon-(3 in 9) Mars-(7 and 12 in 11) Jupiter (8 &11 in 6) and Venus (1&6 in
Thus the 11sub lord Moon signifies @STL 3 and @SB_ 6-(loss to the opposite party),8- some
breaks in the issue.
From this, it can be seen that the event is promised.

4) Since the event has to take place within a few days I feel I can seek the help of the transit
of the Moon with the help of Ruling Planets at TOJ.

5) Ruling planets at TOJ- (06-03-2019 @12-20-21 p.m.---

ASC Star-lord- Mars.
ASC Sign lord-Venus.
MOON Star lord-Rahu.
MOON Sign lord-Saturn.
Day lord---- Mercury.
NOTE-1)Moon is aspected by Saturn giving rise to PP dosha. So I feel there may be some
minor hic-ups in the issue of the final event.
Rahu represents Moon, so take Moon also.
Even though Mercury is in retro motion by being in the star of Saturn which is not in retro
motion and in the Mercury sub which is in retro motion, is taken for our consideration as RP
on the assumption that when the planet, it star lord and /or sub lord will give the positive
results when they become direct in their motion.

let me check up the strength of each RP—

--MARS+ is in the sub of Rahu signifies 3 and 11 is O.K.
--VENUS- is in the sub of Mars signifies 11 is O.K.
--RAHU—is in the sub of Moon signifies 3 is O.K.
--SATURN-is in the sub of Mercury signifies 2,5,10 is O.K.
--MOON is in the sub of Venus signifies 3 and 11 is favourable.

KP Ezine May 2019 10

Facts of the Case
The actual delivery of the registered documents took place on –
18 March 2019 Monday—when the Moon was transiting in Cancer sign –MOON SGL in our
RPs, on MERCURY star (in retrograde motion) – in our RPs, on Mars sub (in our RPs) on
RAHU sub-sub (in our RPs) at 11-05-15 a. m to the leaseholder.

KP Ezine May 2019 13

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

On 17th November 2018 a communication was received about the hospitalization of one of
my relatives. As I am curious about his fate, because of the old age of the hospitalized
person, I have casted a time chart immediately at about 11-47-32 am same day in
Hyderabad and the ruling planets at that time are as follows:

Signlord Starlod
Asc. Sat Mon
Mon Sat Rah
Daylord (Saturday) Sat

We will study what the ruling planets would like to communicate in this regard. Saturn is
figured thrice in the ruling planets. Saturn occupies 11 th house lord of 1, 2. As lagna falls in
the movable sign Capricorn, the 11th house Scorpio is the badhakasthana so Saturn is the
occupant of badhakasthana. The badaka lord Mars occupied lagna. Saturn deposited in the
star of kethu. Kethu is in 12th house. Saturn is in the sub of Mercury lord of 6th house.
Kethu represents Saturn being in the sign of Capricorn. Saturn is a malefic by nature and
becomes detrimental to the life of native as it signifies maraca houses 2, 12 connected to 6 th
and badhaka house 11th.

The ruling planet moon is a lord of 7 in lagna conjoined with badhaka lord Mars. Moon is in
the star of rahu and in its own sub and aspected by Saturn significator of maraca and
badhaka. Rahu the starlord of moon is in 6th house. Hence moon becomes malefic due to its
connection with Rahu, Mars and Saturn and detrimental to the health of the native. It is
also 6th cuspal sublord.

The ruling planet rahu is in 6th house aspected by 12th lord jupitor who is conjoined with
Sun (8th lord) and Mercury (6th lord). Rahu represents moon being in the sign of cancer.
Rahu being significator of 6,8,12 becomes more malefic and detrimental to the survival of
native besides Saturn and moon.

As all the ruling planets signifies maraca, badhaka houses and connected to 6,8,12 it
denotes that the native is in a state of critical condition in hospital.

We will examine the co-rulers of ascendant and 8th house for determining the longevity of the
native. The co-rulers of ascendant are Saturn and moon which are already discussed above.
The co-rulers of 8th house are Sun, venus and Saturn. We have already discussed about
Saturn and sun is the 8th lord. The 5th cuspal sublord Mars not signifying 5th house at all
but 6th. The significators are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
6 Ma, Mon Rah Mer Mer
8 ------ ---- Ket Sun
2 ------ ---- Jup,Rah Sat.
7 ---- ---- ---- Mon
12 Sat Ket Sun Jup
The common significators of ruling planets and significators are Rahu, Moon and Saturn.
On the date of judgment the ruling planets Rahu, Moon and Saturn are not only the common
significators but they are joint rulers of DBA. They are evil for longevity as explained above

KP Ezine May 2019 14

and hence their joint period is very critical. The luminary Sun is transiting in Scorpio the
badhaka sign ruled by Mars. The Moon which was in lagna in transit when touches the 2 nd
cusp, the life of the native will come to end. However we heard the death news the next day
i.e. on 18-11-2018. This is how the ruling planets reflects the fate. This is the greatness of
ruling planets in KP system.

KP Ezine May 2019 16

By: Ashish Salunkhe
Ashish Salunkhe
B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication)
At Keshav Plasa, Malwadi, Hadapsar Pune-411028
Mob -9284355280; Email:

Timing Details:
Date: 10 March 2019 Time: 23:24:15 Place: Hadapsar (Pune)

Its almost 23 hrs over of the Day, I looks the daily stuff to rollout while I saw a reality Show
running on Channel Khatro Ke Khiladi on 10th March 2019.

In this Chart analysis, I used the Timing Prashan kundali Instead of KpSeed.
There we 2 finalists on that day and winner will be declared 10-15 later, I choose to predict
the winner with the timing kundali as referenced.

Punit Pathak
Aditya Narayan
Let’s consider, 1st for Punit Pathak and 7th House for Aditya Narayan.
Compare the 1st and 7th House Sub lords to decide the winner.
1st House sub lord is Rahu.
7th House sub lord is Jupiter.
Rahu is in 8th House and Jupiter are in 1st House.
It would be difficult to predict in complicated situation and never expected to lose the
7Th House representing candidate must lose this competition as it intentionally placed in the
1st House which will cause to lose the competition.
1st House Sub lord Rahu, as nature is malefic and karakas tells some negative to Punit
Pathak, it was true, Aditya gave tough fight to Punit Pathak because of this.
Rahu gives ultimate success in competition at any cost if he is acting as sub lord for any
Rahu have mutual inclination with Jupiter so Jupiter will assist Rahu in this Chart.
Rahu give the resultant success to Punit Pathak in this Chart.
Finally, Punit Pathak wins the competition.

KP Ezine May 2019 17

By: M. V Guptha - Kavali
10-9-2/A, Dharavari Street, Kavali, 524201, SPSR Nellore Dist.,AP.
Phone: +91 92478 26145; Email:

Name: Smt. B.Manjula garu

Query: If my husband (B.M.R.) gets M.P. ticket, will he win?
Horary Number: 9 (1 to 249)
Time of Judgement: 26.01.2019 10.08.02 P.M
Place of Judgement: Kavali, 14.57 N, 80.02 E. SPSR Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh.
Ayanamsa: 240.01'.54".

The above chart is rotated to 7th house for her husband.

For Getting Ticket:

Sri. Kanak kumar Bosmia's rule:

One can be selected as a candidate for election, if Asc (tendency of people of country) sub
lord signifies 6 (victory), 10 (One's political position), 11 (gain).
For opponent candidate Asc (tendency of people of country) sub lord signifies 12 (victory of
opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent).

One can be selected as a candidate for election if 3 rd (view of people) Sublord signifies 6
(victory), 10 (one's political position), 11 (gain). But if 9th (view of people) Sublord signifies 12
(victory of opponent), 4 (opponent's political position), 5 (gain of opponent), the opponent will
be selected as a candidate.

Cuspal Sub lord

Ascendant (Libra 11.26.40): The sub lord of the Ascendant is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence Ascendant sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas1-3
-6-10 .For this native it is sure to get ticket.

3rd Cusp (Sagittarius 07.35.04): Sub lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the star of Mercury and
sub of Moon. Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4, owns 9
and 12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12 and owns 10. Thus 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signi-
fies 2-3-6 and connected with 4-9-12-10. Hence 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signifies 2-3-6-4-9
-12-10. Finally 3rd cusp sub lord signifies positive bhavas 6-10. The native will get ticket defi-

This prediction came correct as the native got ticket for Loksabha.

Next question is whether B.M.R. will win?

Sri. Kanak Kumar Bosmia's Rule:

If 10th (One's position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (One's reputation), 3 (One's abil-
ity), 11 (one's reputation as a winner) in the DBAS of the Significators of 3-10-11 then Suc-
cess is assured.

KP Ezine May 2019 19

For opponent 4th (opponent position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 4 (Opponent position
in politics), 9 (opponent ability) 5 (gain of opponent) 12 (opponent victory) then success is for


Cuspal Sub lord

10th cusp (Cancer 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is in the star
of Venus and sub of Jupiter. Saturn is occupant of 3, owner of 4-5. In Saturn star no planet
is there. Saturn is CSL 1-4-6-10. Star lord Venus is occupant of 2 and owns 1-8. Sub lord
Jupiter is occupant of 2, owns 3-6. So Ascendant sub lord is the significator of 1-3-4-5-6-10
and connected with 1-2-3-6-8. Hence 10th cusp sub lord Saturn signifies positive bhavas 3-
10 and negative bhavas 4-5. So winning is sure.

4th cusp (Capricorn 03.26.48): The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Saturn. Saturn is discussed
above. Hence winning is not sure for opponent.

Joint period
Coming to DBAS, Mars dasa - Saturn bhukthi - Saturn anthara - Saturn sookshma on poll-
ing date 11.04.2019.

Dasa lord Mars is in the star of Mercury and in the sub of Moon. Mars is occupant of 6, owns
2-7. Star Lord Mercury is occupant of 4 and owns 9-12. Sub lord Moon is occupant of 12
owns 10. Hence Dasa lord Mars signifies 2-6-7 and is connected to 4-9-10-12. Dasa lord
Mars signifies house10.

Hence Dasha Lord Mars strongly signifies 1-3-6-10-11 so native’s winning is sure.

Next Bhukthi-Anthara- Sookshma is Saturn. Regarding Saturn as discussed above.

In K.P. System Sub lord is final. That is Bhukthi. So the native winning is sure through as-

This Prediction is given with the blessings of “Lord Mahaganapathi” and Sri.Late
K.S.Krishnamurthy the founder of K.P.System and also my Guru. Sri.M.R.Prasad.

KP Ezine May 2019 21

By: Mahendrakumar K. Gajjar
B/2/161, Madhuvrund Society, Swee Park,
Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad – 380061; Email:
Mobile: + 91 7878484993

My friend’s daughter came with her husband on date 9th June 2015. They came back from
UK. They are want to go abroad again. He asked when he will be able to go abroad? I checked
the horoscope as per given birth details of her husband Mr. Samir sinh Zala regarding their

Ouerant name: Samirsinh Zala

Date of birth: 7th Septembre 1981. Time of birth: 05:55 A.M. Place of birth: Ahmedabad.
Latitude: 23°:15’:00”, Longitude: 72°:54’:00”, Ayanamsa: 23°:30’:46”

Hint: If cuspal sub lord of 12th be the significator of house 3, 9 and 12, then there is assur-
ance of going to abroad during the joint dasa period of significators of house 3,9,12.

Cusp 12th (Virgo 03°:00’:55”): the sub lord of 12th is Mars. The Mars is in the star of Venus
and sub of Sun. Mars is an occupant of 11 and owner of 2 and 7. The star lord Venus is an
occupant of 3 and owner of 1 and 8. Sub lord Sun is an occupant 1 and owner of 11.
The sub lord of 12th Mars is the significator of 1, 2,3,7,8 and 11. So it is assurance to going

Significator table

Bhav Planet in the Planet in the Occu- Planet in Planet in Owner

sub of star of occu- pant the sub of the star of (F)
occupant pant (C) owner owner
(A) (B) (D) (E)
3 Moon, Mars, Venus, Sun, Sun, Jupiter
Mercury, Venus Ketu Venus, Rahu
Jupiter Ketu
9 Rahu Moon Rahu - - Mercury
12 Sun, Sun, Mercury, - - Mercury
Venus, Rahu Jupiter,
Ketu Saturn

Ruling planets: At the time of prediction on 9th June 2015, Time: 12:55:15 PM
Asc: Sun, Sun, Moon
Moon: Saturn, Rahu, Mars
Day lord: Mars

Common Planets: Sun, Mars, Moon, Saturn, Rahu.

Running dasa of Saturn from Date: 03/04/2005 to Date: 03/04/2024. Saturn is in common
planet, so dasa is favorable. Running Bhukti dasa of Sun from Date: 25/03/2015 to Date:
06/03/2016. Sun is in common planet but Sun is in sign of Saturn so there will be delay, so
Bhukti dasa of Sun is omitted. Next Bhukti dasa of Moon is from Date: 06 / 03/ 2016 to
Date: 05/10/2017, Moon is in common planets, so Bhukti dasa of Moon is considered. Anta-

KP Ezine May 2019 22

ra dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 to Date: 27/05/2016. Mars is in common planets,
so Mars Antar dasa is favorable.

My Judgment: You will go to abroad during joint dasa period of Saturn, bhukti of Moon and
Antar dasa of Mars from Date: 23/04/2016 TO Date: 27/05/2016.

Outcome: They are gone to abroad on Date: 23/04/2016.

KP Ezine May 2019 24

By: VSN. Murthy, (K.P. Astro Consultant)
#404, Teja Garden Apartments, Prakashnagar,
KURNOOL- 4. (AP) Mobile:- 09440220874. E-mail:-;

I am very happy to inform you that the following birth particulars of a German Homicide are
taken with the curtesy of
Name:-Peter Kurten; Sex:-Male; DOB:-26-05-1883; TOB:-03-30 AM: POB:-
COLOGNE>KOLN; (50-59 N; 07-01 E); K.P. Ayanamsa:-22-08-22; Lagna:-Taurus=00-21-58;

Before going to analyze the chart of this native, let us know briefly about him.

Peter Kurten murdered, mutilated and dismembered some 68 female victims. He was pervert-
ed and sadistic from his childhood. His outer mannerisms were so mild and courteous that it
seemed incredible that he was the “Monster of Dusseldorf”. He was brought up by an
abusive, alcoholic father. He homicides a small child by drowning. He used to experience
pleasure while torturing animals. He was also having sex with sheep and goats, reaching
orgasm while stabbing the animals. He committed his first sex-murder on 25th May 1913
with a victim of 13 year old girl whom he strangled, cutting her throat. He used to drink the
blood of his victims. He was beheaded at Cologne on 2nd July 1931, 06-00-00 AM, MET.

Conviction(s) Arson
Attempted robbery
Attempted murder
Breaking and entering
Threatening behaviour
Criminal penalty Death & died on 02 July
1931.Cause of death- Decapitation
by guillotine.
Victims Murders: 9+
Attempted murder: 31+
Span of crimes 25 May 1913–7 November 1929
Country Germany
State(s) Rhine Province, Prussia
Date apprehended 24 May 1930

“The nature of a native is identified by the sub-lords of the Ascendant, Moon and Mercury. If
all these planets are in the stars or subs of planets which are connected with bhavas 6-8-12,
the native will be cruel, malicious and spiteful. He will be fraudulent, a villain or a murderer.
Remember to predict this type of prediction one needs to be very careful and use his or her
commonsense. If the Ascendant sublord signifies 6th, he does activities which are harmful to
others. If the Ascendant sublord is Mars and signifies the 6th, he will commit crimes openly
without any fear. If the Ascendant sublord is Saturn and signifies the 6 th, he will commit
crime in secrecy”. (Jyotish Abhigyan—Page. No. 74).

KP Ezine May 2019 25

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Short History:
In parliament election 2014 first time Smurty Irani fight against Rahul Gandhi from Amethi
and lost. Voting date is 06-05-2019.

Question: Is there any chance for Smurty Irani to win parliament election form Amethi-UP?
Number: 93 (out of 249), generated random by software KPAstro 4.5TM
Time of Judgment: 11-04-2019, Thursday; 13:23:55 PM; IST
Place of Judgment. Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Aynamsha 240.02’.09”

If 10th (one’s position in politics) cusp sub lord signifies 10 (one’s reputation), 3 (one’s ability),
11 (one’s reputation as a winner) in the DBA of the significators of 3-10-11 then success is

Cuspal Sub lord for Smurty Irani:

10th Cusp (Taurus 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 11-10-12-
4-5-8-7-3. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Cuspal Sub lord for opponent:

10th Cusp (Scorpio 130.05’.01”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is in the star
of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is
occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus
is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Thus 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is the significator of 5-4-6-10-
11-2-1-9. Hence the wining in election is sure.

Joint period for Smurty Irani:

On the day of election (06-05-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Moon-
Saturn will start from 24-04-2019 to 7-05-2019.

KP Ezine May 2019 29

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 11.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 11-10-12-4-5-8-7-3. Hence dasa-bhukti lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 10, owner of 12. Star
and sub lord Rahu is occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 10,
owner of 12. Antra lord Moon signifies 10-12-11. Hence Antra lord indicates wining in

Sookshma lord Saturn is in the star of Venus and sub of Ketu. Saturn is occupant of 5,
owner of 6-7. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Star lord Venus is
occupant of 7, owner of 3-10. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of 5. Ketu is conjoined with Jupiter
and Saturn. Jupiter is occupant of 4, owner of 5-8. Saturn is occupant of 5, owner of 6-7. No
planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 3. Sookshma lord Saturn signifies 5-6-7-3-
10-5-4-8. Hence Sookshma lord indicates wining in election.

Joint period for Opponent:

On the day of election (23-04-2019) the running joint period dasa is Rahu-Rahu-Ketu-Mars
will start from 21-04-2019 to 24-04-2019.

Dasa-Bhukti lord Rahu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. Rahu is occupant of 5.
Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star lord Jupiter is
occupant of 10, owner of 2-11. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 4-9. Dasa-Bhukti
lord Rahu signifies 5-4-6-10-11-2-1-9. Hence dasa lord indicates wining in election.

Antra lord Moon is in the star and sub of Rahu. Moon is occupant of 4, owner of 6. Star and
sub lord Rahu is occupant of 5. Rahu is conjoined with Moon. Moon is occupant of 4, owner
of 6. Antra lord Moon signifies 4-5-6. Hence Antra lord not indicates wining in election.

My opinion: The cuspal sub lord of 10th signifies 3-10-11 for Smurty Irani and 10-11 for
opponent indicating the chance of winning for both, but Antra lord for opponent does not
indicate 3-10-11 at all. Hence it is clear that Smurty Irani will win this election.


KP Ezine May 2019 31

By: Gunti Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

This is the horary question raised in my mind suddenly in the morning hours of 26-02-2019
@09-00-00 A.M and immediately I opened my laptop and chose a random number 111 and
erected a horary chart @09-00-13 A.M @ my place –Tarnaka, Secundrabad. (the chart is at-

Following are the KP rules on winning elections—

1) Tin Win says in his “Navaratnamala-KP House grouping –part I”---
For gains in any sort of competition (Elections/litigations/sports matches etc:)- if the 6th
cusp sub lord signifies 1-personal efforts, 6- competitions-11-success and gains,(6 and 11
jointly) one will win any completion here-elections- during the conjoined period of the signifi-
cations of 1-6-11 houses.
Also, check 11th cusp sub lord significations and Ascendant cusp sub lord significations for
relevant houses.
If 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1-2-3-6-10-11, but without any connection to 4-5-7-8-9-12,
one will win the elections.
1) The loss in competitions- if the 6rh cusp sub lord signifies 4,5,7,8,9,12 one will lose in
the competition of any sort.
2) If the Ascendant cusp sub lord signifies 2-gains-6-competition and 11- success in his ef-
forts, one will win in his competitions of any sort.

As per the Horary chart---

1) 6th cusp sub lord is Rahu. It co-rules 2, 8, 10 houses also.
Rahu is placed in the star of Jupiter lord of 4 & 7 in 3 rd and in the sub of Mars lord of 3 and
8 in 8th.
Rahu represents –Moon lord of 11in 3rd, Mars lord of 3 and 8 in 8, Jupiter lord of 4 and 7 in
3 and Venus lord of 2 and 9 in 4th.
Thus 6th cusp sub lord Rahu signifies @STL level-4, 7, 3 and @SBL- 8 and 3 and connected
to 2,9,10 and 11.
From the above significations, it is clear that no houses from the group of 01-6-11 are signi-
fied. In addition to this Rahu has signified 10 and 8- negative houses also.

2) 11th cusp sub lord is Kethu+. Ketu signifies @its star lord (Sun) lord of 12 in 6 and in the
sub of Rahu in 10th.
Ketu represents Venus- lord of 2 and 9 in 4, Saturn lord of 5 and 6 in 4. Rahu representa-
tions and its significations are already discussed above.
Thus Ketu signifies @STL-4,6,12 and @SBL -2,3,4,7,8,9,10 and 11.
Since both 6-8-12,7-8-12 and 8-12 along with 6-9-10-11 are signified there are chances for
both (winning and losing) to the extent of 50-to-50 %.
But 11th significations are only supporting house significations and they will give the results
only if the main cusp that is the 6th signifies any of the relevant houses.

3) Ascendant cusp sub lord is Venus signifies @its star lord(Sun) 2,4,6,9,12 and @its SBL-
(Jupiter)-3,4,7 houses.
------Here also it has not indicated any relevant houses of winning the completion of elec-
tions (1-10-11) except 6 at star level.
From the above analysis of all relevant houses, it has become very clear that YSRC party has
only bleak chances of getting a majority of the seats in the next elections.

KP Ezine May 2019 32

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia
613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School,
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: Pin: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Email :;

Question 1 Will my wife who is abroad live with me in future?

Date of birth. 28/10/1978, Tuesday; Time of birth. 07:11:24 AM IST
Place of Birth: Chandigarh -UT Lon/Lat: 30° N 42', 76° E 48',
Aynamsha 230.28'.16"

If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th & 11th be the significator of 2, 7 or 11 reunion with spouse is
promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11.

7th cusp (Aries 170.51'.38”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mars. Mars is in the star of Jupiter
and Rahu. Mars is occupant of 1, owner of 2-7. No planet in the star of Mars and Mars is
CSL of 6-7-12. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 9, owner of 3-6. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of
11. Rahu is in Virgo sign, hence Rahu represent Mercury. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of
9-12. No planet in the star of Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Thus 7th sub lord Mars
signifies 2-7-11 with negative bhava 1-6-12.

11th cusp (Leo 240.42'.33”): The sub lord of the 11th is Mercury. Mercury is in the star of
Jupiter and sub of Venus. Mercury is occupant of 1, owner of 9-12. No planet in the star of
Mercury and Mercury is CSL of 2-5-11. Star lord Jupiter is occupant 9, owner of 3-6. Sub
lord Venus is occupant of 1, owner of 1-8. Thus Mercury is signifies 3-6-9 and connected
with 1-9-12-2-5-11-8. Positive bhava are 2-11 and negative bhava are 1-6-12.

My opinion: I do not think reunion is good for you or possible.

KP Ezine May 2019 34

By: Siva Prasad Gantha
HIG 72, Bharatnagar Colony, Hyderabad-500018.
Mobile: 9440152397; E-mail:

The relevant houses of marriage are 2,7 and 11. If the 7 th cuspal sublord signifies 2 or 7 or
11 marriage is promised. If the 7th CSL signifies 1,6,10 and 12 in addition to 2,7,11 separa-
tion follows after marriage. If the 7th CSL happens to be the mercury or any planet in a dual
sign the native will have more than one marriage.

My office colleague has furnished the birth details of his son, in connection with his married
life, as given below:

DOB: 9-11-1974; TOB:8-53-55 AM; POB: Ramachandrapuram Long:82-1’ Lat: 16-51’

The native was borne in Purva phalguni (Leo) with Sagittarius as ascendant. The sublord of
7th cusp in this chart is Mercury. It is in 10th house, lord of 7, 10 and in the star of Mars in
11 lord of 5, 12. It is in the sub of Venus in 11 lord of 6, 11. Finally Mercury signifies 11, 5,
12 connected to 7, 10, 6, 11. By signification of 7, 11 it promises marriage and by 6, 10 it
indicates separation after marriage. When Mercury is a cuspal sublord it gives more than
one marriage. The significators for the marriage as well as separation are as follows:

Cusp A B C D
2 ---- ----- ----- Sat
7 ---- Sat Rah Mer
11 Mer,Mon Mar,Sun,Ven Mon Ven
1 --- ---- Ven, Sun, Sat Jup
6 ---- Ket Mon Ven
10 Rah Mer Rah Mer

Saturn is having no planets in its stars. Hence it is strong. Occupation of 7 th house by

Saturn indicates delay in marriage but not denial when it is significator of 2, 7, 11. So the
marriage was delayed. The native attains marriageable age in Mars dasa but Mars has not
given the result of marriage, though it is a significator, due to its occupation of sub of Kethu
in 6th house.

The marriage was took place on 12-8-2012 in the joint period of DBA of Rahu-Jup-Sun-Sun.
The dasalord Rahu is favourable for conducting marriage event being in the star and sub of
Mercury 7th lord. As Mercury is having the lordship of 10 th house also the dasalord Rahu
denotes separation. The bhukthi lord Jupiter is in the star of dasalord Rahu gives the result
of dasalord i.e. favourable for conducting the marriage event as well as separation. The
period of Rahu-Jupiter commences from 11-01-2011 and ends on 06-6-2013. Both the
anthara-Sookshma lord Sun (significator of 11, 1) are also for and against the marriage
event. As all the DBA lords are having double role in this event, the native has got married
on 12-8-2012 and separated within a week of celebration of marriage as the period of
sookshma lord Sun ends by 13-8-2012 and the native obtained divorce legally before the end
of Jupiter bhukthi.

Transit: The dasalord Rahu transited in the star of Saturn (Anuradha), the bhukthi lord
Jupiter is transited in the star of Moon (rohini), the anthara lord sun is transited in the star
of Mercury (aslesha), the sookshma lord Venus is transited in the star of Rahu (aridra) and
Moon is transited in its own star Rohini. This shows no body can escape the fate if it decides

KP Ezine May 2019 36

By: Tin Win

Question 1: Variations in KP
Can you please clarify below things as I've been reading a couple of books and got confused:

1. Can you help me understand some history on how did the variations of KP system came
into place? Like Sunil ji came with 4-step theory, Khular ji came with cuspal interlinks
theory, and then there's Gulbarga theory.
2. I dont see KSK garu has said Rahu/Ketu has aspects in KP Reader 3. But why did people
modify these and say Rahu/Ketu have aspects 5, 7, 9 and still refer that as KP system? I
read a book by by SK Kapoor which says this and some other details like when conjunct with
Rahu, these results will only come to fruition during period/sub periods of Rahu in DBA
3. I believe in KSK reader books, Sublord indicates the end result while modern books which
say KP system still go far to consider the star-lord of this sub-lord to indicate the end result.
Is there a proper book on KP system which strictly refers to the methods laid out by KSK
garu and not implement their theories?
Please acknowledge my doubts and excuse if any mistakes, and make me learn :)
Answer 1:
1. KP (Krishnamurti Padhdhati) astrology is what is written and consistently applied in
the “KP Readers I to VI” by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti after doing empirical research over 30
years .

2. As Late Sunil Gondhaleka said, KP is three steps: planet, its star lord and its sub lord as
final decider and four step theory is four steps: further step up to the star lord of that sub

3. The best narrated KP books which almost strictly refers to six “KP Readers” are Sri
Chandrakant R. Bhatt’s books, namely:
1) Nakshatra Chintamani
2) Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani, and
3) Prashna Jyotish translated by Kanak Bosmia
4) Jyotish Abhigyan translated by Kanak Bosmia
4. Further research has been encouraged by Guruji KSK to find new truth and simple
way. There are more than one hundred KP related astrological books in English, including
S.K. Kapoor’s “Elements of K. P. Stellar Astrology”, 2017, which has many variations for six
KP Readers..
5. Many KP based methods with variations from KP have been introduced, for instance
Dr. Kar’s Sub Sub theory including Theory of short prediction (TSP) of modified Gulbarga
theory, Baskaran’s KB Cuspal Interlinks at sub level & similarly Khullar’s KCIL Cuspal
Interlinks at sub sub level, Sunil Gondhalekar’s Four Step Theory based on K.M.
Subramanium’s Sublord- Speaks articles, Dr. Kasinath’s EPS system etc. But any solid and
simple method has not yet been found.
6. Rahu or Ketu (whether it is a planet or star lord or sub lord) the following significators are
taken in the six KP Readers depending on relevance to the event under consideration
regardless of their sequence of order:
1) House occupied by Rahu/Ketu,
2) Planet in conjunction with Rahu/Ketu,
3) Planet in aspect to Rahu/Ketu,
4) Star lord of Rahu/Ketu and
5) Sign lord of (rasi) sign occupied by Rahu/Ketu.
Note: Conjunction in the same (rasi) sign and Hindu aspects without orb are used.

KP Ezine May 2019 38

By: Tin Win

Prediction in Stellar Astrology

by Dr. M.N. Muley
CBH Publications, 2019, 264 pages

This “Prediction in Stellar Astrology” is the third book in KP by Dr. M.N. Muley after publish-
ing “Stellar Astrology - Events in Life, 2016 and Health and Diseases in Stellar Astrology,

In this book the case studies of major and important events of life have been presented, with
the help of the horoscopes of the natives and with illustrations.

Here one thing to note is that the birth time rectification rule of connection between ASC
sublord and MOON starlord (Moon-Star = ASC Sublord) used in this book is not a reliable
technique for rectifying birth time. Because a study of 300 AA-Rated (as per BC/BR) charts
by Dr.
Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy in January 2008 shows that this rule is satisfied or highly bias
to acceptance for 76% to 84% of 300 charts under study whether the original TOB or
OTOB+/- 5 min or OTOB+/- 10 min or OTOB+/- 15 min or OTOB+/-20 min or OTOB+/-25
min or OTOB+/- 30 min is taken.

1. Business, profession
2. The fortunate and unfortunate periods of life
3. Annual horoscope
4. When the wedding bell ring?
5. Astrological indications for adoption

KP Ezine May 2019 41

This book base on KP Birth time rectification technique. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Horary. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 750 Rs. (Limited copies)
Buy from

This book base on KP Natal. Written by Late Sri C R Bhatt and Translated
by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 700 Rs.
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This book base on KP rules and Bhava signification. Written by Kanak

The best selling reference book on KP astrology.
Book price: 1000 Rs.
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This book base on KP Muhurat. Written by Kanak Bosmia.

The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
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This book base on Dr. Kar’s Theory of short prediction. Written by Kanak
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 500 Rs.
Buy from

This book base on all kind of KP relationship like marriage, Guru-Shishya etc.
Written by Kanak Bosmia.
The best selling book on KP astrology.
Book price: 800 Rs.
Buy from

KP Ezine May 2019 43

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/May/2019 19:24:56 Ar 16:18:45 Pi 00:42:58 Ta 26:08:49 Pi 25:52:00 Sc 29:40:46 Pi 18:28:35 Sg 26:28:53 Ge 27:10:33 Sg 27:10:33
02/May/2019 19:28:53 Ar 17:17:00 Pi 12:53:26 Ta 26:47:53 Pi 27:32:41 Sc 29:36:59 Pi 19:41:22 Sg 26:28:44 Ge 27:07:23 Sg 27:07:23
03/May/2019 19:32:49 Ar 18:15:15 Pi 25:17:17 Ta 27:26:55 Pi 29:15:11 Sc 29:33:02 Pi 20:54:09 Sg 26:28:29 Ge 27:04:12 Sg 27:04:12
04/May/2019 19:36:46 Ar 19:13:27 Ar 07:55:47 Ta 28:05:56 Ar 00:59:31 Sc 29:28:55 Pi 22:06:57 Sg 26:28:09 Ge 27:01:01 Sg 27:01:01
05/May/2019 19:40:42 Ar 20:11:38 Ar 20:49:05 Ta 28:44:56 Ar 02:45:41 Sc 29:24:38 Pi 23:19:45 Sg 26:27:42 Ge 26:57:50 Sg 26:57:50
06/May/2019 19:44:39 Ar 21:09:48 Ta 03:56:26 Ta 29:23:55 Ar 04:33:40 Sc 29:20:12 Pi 24:32:34 Sg 26:27:10 Ge 26:54:39 Sg 26:54:39
07/May/2019 19:48:35 Ar 22:07:55 Ta 17:16:27 Ge 00:02:53 Ar 06:23:30 Sc 29:15:36 Pi 25:45:23 Sg 26:26:32 Ge 26:51:28 Sg 26:51:28
08/May/2019 19:52:32 Ar 23:06:01 Ge 00:47:31 Ge 00:41:50 Ar 08:15:11 Sc 29:10:51 Pi 26:58:12 Sg 26:25:49 Ge 26:48:18 Sg 26:48:18
09/May/2019 19:56:29 Ar 24:04:05 Ge 14:28:13 Ge 01:20:45 Ar 10:08:42 Sc 29:05:57 Pi 28:11:02 Sg 26:24:59 Ge 26:45:07 Sg 26:45:07
10/May/2019 20:00:25 Ar 25:02:08 Ge 28:17:25 Ge 01:59:40 Ar 12:04:02 Sc 29:00:54 Pi 29:23:53 Sg 26:24:04 Ge 26:41:56 Sg 26:41:56
11/May/2019 20:04:22 Ar 26:00:08 Cn 12:14:25 Ge 02:38:33 Ar 14:01:11 Sc 28:55:42 Ar 00:36:43 Sg 26:23:03 Ge 26:38:46 Sg 26:38:46
12/May/2019 20:08:18 Ar 26:58:06 Cn 26:18:36 Ge 03:17:25 Ar 16:00:07 Sc 28:50:22 Ar 01:49:34 Sg 26:21:57 Ge 26:35:35 Sg 26:35:35
13/May/2019 20:12:15 Ar 27:56:03 Le 10:29:08 Ge 03:56:16 Ar 18:00:48 Sc 28:44:53 Ar 03:02:25 Sg 26:20:45 Ge 26:32:24 Sg 26:32:24
14/May/2019 20:16:11 Ar 28:53:57 Le 24:44:29 Ge 04:35:05 Ar 20:03:10 Sc 28:39:16 Ar 04:15:16 Sg 26:19:27 Ge 26:29:13 Sg 26:29:13
15/May/2019 20:20:08 Ar 29:51:50 Vi 09:02:07 Ge 05:13:53 Ar 22:07:09 Sc 28:33:31 Ar 05:28:08 Sg 26:18:03 Ge 26:26:03 Sg 26:26:03
16/May/2019 20:24:04 Ta 00:49:41 Vi 23:18:19 Ge 05:52:40 Ar 24:12:41 Sc 28:27:39 Ar 06:41:00 Sg 26:16:35 Ge 26:22:52 Sg 26:22:52
17/May/2019 20:28:01 Ta 01:47:30 Li 07:28:33 Ge 06:31:26 Ar 26:19:37 Sc 28:21:39 Ar 07:53:52 Sg 26:15:00 Ge 26:19:41 Sg 26:19:41
18/May/2019 20:31:58 Ta 02:45:18 Li 21:27:55 Ge 07:10:10 Ar 28:27:49 Sc 28:15:32 Ar 09:06:45 Sg 26:13:21 Ge 26:16:30 Sg 26:16:30
19/May/2019 20:35:54 Ta 03:43:05 Sc 05:12:01 Ge 07:48:54 Ta 00:37:09 Sc 28:09:18 Ar 10:19:39 Sg 26:11:36 Ge 26:13:19 Sg 26:13:19
20/May/2019 20:39:51 Ta 04:40:50 Sc 18:37:32 Ge 08:27:36 Ta 02:47:23 Sc 28:02:57 Ar 11:32:33 Sg 26:09:46 Ge 26:10:09 Sg 26:10:09
21/May/2019 20:43:47 Ta 05:38:33 Sg 01:42:44 Ge 09:06:18 Ta 04:58:20 Sc 27:56:30 Ar 12:45:28 Sg 26:07:50 Ge 26:06:58 Sg 26:06:58
22/May/2019 20:47:44 Ta 06:36:16 Sg 14:27:39 Ge 09:44:58 Ta 07:09:45 Sc 27:49:56 Ar 13:58:23 Sg 26:05:50 Ge 26:03:47 Sg 26:03:47
23/May/2019 20:51:40 Ta 07:33:57 Sg 26:53:59 Ge 10:23:37 Ta 09:21:22 Sc 27:43:16 Ar 15:11:20 Sg 26:03:44 Ge 26:00:37 Sg 26:00:37
24/May/2019 20:55:37 Ta 08:31:37 Cp 09:04:45 Ge 11:02:15 Ta 11:32:56 Sc 27:36:31 Ar 16:24:16 Sg 26:01:33 Ge 25:57:26 Sg 25:57:26
25/May/2019 20:59:33 Ta 09:29:17 Cp 21:04:01 Ge 11:40:53 Ta 13:44:10 Sc 27:29:40 Ar 17:37:14 Sg 25:59:17 Ge 25:54:15 Sg 25:54:15
26/May/2019 21:03:30 Ta 10:26:55 Aq 02:56:29 Ge 12:19:29 Ta 15:54:47 Sc 27:22:43 Ar 18:50:12 Sg 25:56:56 Ge 25:51:04 Sg 25:51:04
27/May/2019 21:07:27 Ta 11:24:32 Aq 14:47:13 Ge 12:58:04 Ta 18:04:30 Sc 27:15:42 Ar 20:03:10 Sg 25:54:30 Ge 25:47:54 Sg 25:47:54
28/May/2019 21:11:23 Ta 12:22:08 Aq 26:41:16 Ge 13:36:39 Ta 20:13:04 Sc 27:08:35 Ar 21:16:10 Sg 25:51:59 Ge 25:44:43 Sg 25:44:43
29/May/2019 21:15:20 Ta 13:19:43 Pi 08:43:27 Ge 14:15:13 Ta 22:20:15 Sc 27:01:25 Ar 22:29:09 Sg 25:49:23 Ge 25:41:32 Sg 25:41:32
30/May/2019 21:19:16 Ta 14:17:17 Pi 20:58:00 Ge 14:53:46 Ta 24:25:49 Sc 26:54:10 Ar 23:42:10 Sg 25:46:43 Ge 25:38:21 Sg 25:38:21
31/May/2019 21:23:13 Ta 15:14:51 Ar 03:28:20 Ge 15:32:18 Ta 26:29:34 Sc 26:46:51 Ar 24:55:11 Sg 25:43:58 Ge 25:35:10 Sg 25:35:10

KPEzine May 2019 44

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