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Predicting Psychological Disorders by Astrology

Article · October 2014

DOI: 10.4172/2327-4654.1000102


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1 author:

Dr Ashish Chauhan
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research


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Ashish C, J Psychother Psychol Disor 2014, 2:1
Journal of Psychotherapy
& Psychological

Predicting Psychological Disorders mind intellect and affliction to Moon will cause mental excitement or
depression. Mercury controls the entire nervous system,
by Astrology communications, active thinking processes, intelligence and any
affliction to Mercury will cause mental imbalance. Gemini is the sign
Ashish Chauhan* of reasoning and Cancer is the sign of emotions and severe afflictions
1SMPIC, Mohali, Punjab, India, to these signs will also cause mental disorder [1-5].
*Corresponding author: Ashish Chauhan, SMPIC, Mohali, Punjab, India, Ph:
09464616773 E-mail:
Rec date: Jul 24, 2014, Acc date: Aug 29, 2014, Pub date: Sep 06, 2014


This paper presents a brief overview of an important

application of astrology in field of medical science. In this
scientifically and technologically developed world when the
medical science has immensely progressed, there are a
number of unanswered queries that could not be justified.
Astrology can assist to diagnose these problems and answer
them scientifically. Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are the key
planets responsible for the soundness of the mind. When these
planets along with fifth, sixth house in the horoscope of an Figure 1: The twelve houses of the horoscope where lord of the 1st
individual is afflicted by any means then mental illness occurs. house (ruling planet) is the ascendant
Astrology plays a key role to guide and enlighten the man and
his thoughts to get the right approach and put in the best efforts
to improve and achieve the goal.
In Astrology, the mental status could briefly be assessed by the
Introduction Moon (the stability of mind), Mercury (nervous system) and Jupiter
(maturity / wisdom / ethical value). When all three of these planets are
A person's horoscope gives plenty of clues to what makes him sick. afflicted in the horoscope of an individual, conditions leading to
All of the signs have their positive and negative qualities but the water mental illness are high. The fifth house corresponds to learning,
signs are more susceptible to mental illness. Water signs are education, logic and wisdom where as the sixth house refers to the
sympathetic and thoughtful of others as a rule. They can be turned mental ability and thought process. The presence of Jupiter in fifth
inside out and they can just as easily feel sorry for themselves. house in its own or friendly sign without malefic influence (especially
Afflictions in water signs produce depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol from eleventh house) can give the best results. The students with
addiction, bipolar illness or schizophrenia. Jupiter in fifth house are extraordinary intelligent and high rank
Astrology is one of the distinguished branch of Science that helps a achievers. The presence of Rahu in its own sign Virgo and in its own
man to know about himself and evaluates the life. It relates us to the position i.e. sixth house of the horoscope leads to most efficient
family, informs about the financial and health status, predict the businessman and intellectuals. Even Saturn in Libra at sixth house of
misfortunes, provides the right direction for the efforts and provides horoscope gives a high intellectual level. However, the planet placed in
insight to improve the deeds for a better future. It can answer all the first house of the horoscope (referring to head) also contributes
quarries of the man and inform him what is good for him and what he equally to mental ability. As a rule the seventh house adjacent to each
needs to avoid. Astrology is one the most ancient science that gives house has significant effect on it. So, the planet at position 1 and 7, 5
magnificent results but still remains a mystery due to lack of authentic and 11, 6 and 12 should be keenly observed to access the situation
research, undue association with mythology, misinterpretation of the [1-7].
data and lack of recognition as a subject worldwide [1-5]. Based on results obtained after studying numerous natal charts of
Every aspect in the life of a person is determined at the time of his psychological disorder cases, the findings have been systematically
birth. According to Indian Vedic Astrology, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, summarized below that can help parents and relative to initiate
Venus, Mercury, Saturn are the seven main celestial bodies along with preventions and seek remedy well in time, in case their child shows
two shadow planet Rahu and Ketu (dragon head and tail) that govern any symptom of Psychological Disorder.
the horoscope or the life of a person. Each of these nine heavenly
bodies serve as influencing factor for the life. Each has its distinct 1. Psychological Disorders due to malefic Moon
profile, chemistry and significance. It is very important to understand
Mental disorders manifest when moon is afflicted. These vary from
the chemistry of each planet to give prediction. Moon, Mercury and
mental aberrations to neuro-psychotic disorders. Moon suffers
Jupiter are the key planets responsible for the soundness of the mind.
afflictions when it is weakly placed in sixth, eighth and twelfth house
When these planets along with fifth, sixth house of the horoscope are
and under the aspect or association of malefic planets. Moon can very
afflicted by any means then mental illness occurs. Moon governs the
easily get afflicted.

All articles published in Journal of Psychotherapy & Psychological Disorders are the property of SciTechnol, and is
protected by copyright laws. Copyright © 2014, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Citation: Ashish Chauhan (2014) Predicting Psychological Disorders by Astrology. J Psychother Psychol Disor 2:1000102.


• Moon afflicted by Sun makes a person quarrelsome, self There is increase in sexual frustration when Venus is afflicted by
aggrandizement. Mars, Ketu and Saturn. A combination or malefic influence on Venus
• Moon afflicted by Mars makes a person aggressive and violent. by Saturn, Ketu and Rahu can be easily seen in the horoscope of a
• Moon afflicted by Saturn causes acute depression, mania, person of low moral character. This sexual frustration can even lead to
depressive psychosis. disturbed mental setup and anxiety. They are always involved in
seeking multiple sex partner, rape tendency or criminal. Presence or
• Moon afflicted by Rahu leads to schizophrenia, phobia and
influence of Sun in addition to these combinations with further
enhances the sexual desire.
• Moon afflicted by Ketu causes suicidal tendency and irrational
behavior. A combination of Venus and Rahu makes a person slave to never
• Moon afflicted by Mercury causes depression, isolation and ending sex desire, especially in Virgo sign leads a man to cross all the
suicidal. ethical, moral limits and lead to bisexual, homosexual behavior.
However, the influence of Sun, presence of Jupiter and Mercury in
Depression is very common problem associated with afflicted ineffective state in addition to these combinations can deteriorate the
moon. The condition can worsen if the moon is placed in unfriendly situation further. Effect of Rahu on Venus leads to sexual
sign in first house alone and the person is under Moon mahadasha dissatisfaction, sexual dysfunction, the person can affect his own
(ruling period). The condition of the patient changes drastically in no health and be a sexual maniac [5-11].
moon and full moon night. Moon in combination with Jupiter in
Cancer sign makes a person highly emotional. Moon in Cancer sign
5. Psychological Effect due to malefic Mars
leads to a condition of over excitement and frequent mood swings as
well. Presence of moon in sixth, eighth and twelfth house is also one of Mars has pronounced effect on mans velour, fidelity, energy and
the indications in the horoscope of an individual of his sudden, sportsmanship. An adverse affects of Mars strengths the disorder to be
premature or untimely death [4-11]. more chronic and physical. A man with Mars and Rahu in first, third,
fifth house has a criminal bend or can be a terrorist. Grave mental
2. Psychological Effect due to malefic Mercury bipolar disorders are to be feared if Mars, Saturn and Rahu cast
adverse aspects on the Moon, Mercury and the 5th, 6th and 8th
Mercury should be well placed in the horoscope for the proper houses. Every normal human being is liable to some disturbing mental
functioning of nervous system. Nervous breakdown can be easily malady due to the influence of Mars or Saturn during a lifetime but it
predicted by the combination of Mercury and Saturn depending on its is only in the extreme case of mental derangement that the destructive
placement in the horoscope. Speech disorder is frequent if Mercury is effects are visible. A combination of Mars and Saturn leads to
weak. A weak or retrograde mercury in fifth house can lead to insane, isolation, harsh and unsocial behavior [5-11].
mental problems or poor reflex action [4-11].
6. Psychological Effect of malefic Rahu, Ketu
3. Psychological Effects due to malefic Saturn
Rahu affects the thinking, imagination. The person can complain
Saturn is a planet that checks the human strength under tricky phobia or interactions with evil spirits if the lord of first house is weak
conditions, time and again. Like a judge it classifies our deeds and pays or placed in unfriendly sign or in sixth, eighth or twelfth house. It
off the consequences when Saturn comes into rule, according to the happens when Rahu is placed in first house or the lord of first house is
horoscope in mahadasha, anterdasha and mainly in varshfal (yearly in combination with Rahu in certain house. Rahu and Moon
horoscope that governs for a specific year). Saturn alone or in combination too gives similar results. Rahu / Ketu / Saturn / Sun in
combination with Rahu at position first and second in horoscope position second of the horoscope leads to “vaani dosh” in which a
makes a person addict in some way either to drug, smoking, tobacco person speaks something that hurts other feeling. It can ruin the
or alcohol. Saturn in its own as well as unfriendly sign in position first personal and professional life very easy and leads to depression. Rahu
of the horoscope easily leads to unwise decision, inhuman, immoral or and Ketu at position fifth makes a person fussy, illogical, irrational
insane behavior. Saturn in first house and mars at fifth, seventh even at chatter. Rahu placed in 8th house creates a situation where the health
ninth position leads to insane behavior. Saturn with moon at position problem of the patient is either not identified or diagnosed properly
twelfth house too leads to insane condition. Saturn with Sun leads to [6-11].
aggressive behavior, anxiety, isolation and psychological disorders.
Saturn gives worst results in 8th house [4-9].
7. Psychological Effect of malefic Jupiter and Sun
4. Psychological Effects due to malefic Venus A good aspect of Jupiter can evade mental disorders. Jupiter in
retrograde stage or under malefic influence or situated in sixth, eighth,
Venus is mainly associated with sexual behavior in humans’ life. twelfth house can lead to several unnatural behavior, psychological /
Venus gives worst results in Virgo sign and sixth house of the neural disorders and phobias. Visiting religious places, temples is not
horoscope. It leads to over excitement in Cancer sign. Venus affects favorable in such cases when native has Jupiter in such positions in
the sexual behavior if afflicted by Saturn, Ketu and Rahu. birth chart or in varshfal, Sun in second house can enhance the ego
• The sexual desire drastically increases when Venus is afflicted by problem or lead to over confidence. Over excitement in Virgo, Gemini
Sun. sign due to Sun can be observed. Lack of confidence can be seen in
• The sexual desire drastically decreases when Venus is afflicted by horoscope with Sun at position sixth and twelve [7-11].
Moon. The malefic influences of the planets have been discussed above but
the cumulative effect of the planets present in group or under variable
influence at position 1, 5 and 6 may further complicate the situation.

Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1 • Page 2 of 4 •

Citation: Ashish Chauhan (2014) Predicting Psychological Disorders by Astrology. J Psychother Psychol Disor 2:1000102.


Several influencing factors determine the Psychological and Neural Conclusions

Disorders There are various factors in the horoscope that influence the
incidents and the life of an individual. Some of the major parameters Astrology is the inference of planet’s chemistry for an individual in
have been discussed below [1-11]. the form of his birth chart or horoscope. We shall understand the
planetary chemistry like its properties, behavior, type of the
There are several common factors prevalent in patients with interaction, conjugation effect, neighboring group effect, dominating
psycho-neurological disorders. Some of the factors are given below. group to elucidate the life by a horoscope. It is a useful scientific tool
[1-11] that needs keen observations to help a man to know about himself and
• The child born on no moon night generally face major health the bio-medical problems like psychological and neural disorder. It is
issue. confined in twelve houses of the horoscope but has a vast horizon with
variable impacts on life due to minor changes. Neurological and
• The child born on Tuesday and Saturday has been found to have
Psychological disorder can be well predicted by natives birth chart.
more psychological disorders.
Astrology can help to seek remedy, strengthen the diagnosis and
• The ruling planet is placed in sixth, eighth and twelfth house.
treatment of all bio-medical problems and disorder.
• The degree of the ruling planet is near zero.
• The ruling planet is retrograde.
• The ruling planet is placed in unfriendly sign or under the malefic
influence. Author likes to express grateful to his respected mother Mrs.
• Retrograde Saturn and Mars can enhance the disorder. Madhvi Chauhan for her love and blessings and also his sister Mrs.
• Presence of Moon or Sun or both in sixth, eight, twelfth house or Rekha Jarial (Govt. Chemistry Lecturer, Hamirpur, H.P.) who has
under the malefic influence. recently expired, for her precious guidance and helping him during his
hard times .
• Jupiter is placed in sixth, eight, twelfth house or under the malefic
influence. Author likes to express thanks to Acharya Mukesh Mittal, Mata Ji
• Mercury in fifth, twelfth house in retrograde condition or in and Sh. Anil Vats for inspirational lectures on Astrology.
unfriendly sign or under the malefic influence.
• Malefic influence of Saturn in first, fifth, sixth house of the References
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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1 • Page 3 of 4 •

Citation: Ashish Chauhan (2014) Predicting Psychological Disorders by Astrology. J Psychother Psychol Disor 2:1000102.


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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • 1 • Page 4 of 4 •

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