Islam: Mosque in Marawi City in The Philippines

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CABRERA, Kathleen Anne A.

BS - Accountancy 2B

As of 2013. According to CIA World Factbook,
the Muslim population of Philippines reported by
the 2000 census was 6%. The vast majority
of Muslims in Philippines follow Sunni
Islam of Shafi school of jurisprudence, with
small Shiite and Ahmadiyya minorities. Islam is
the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in the
Philippines. Islam reached the Philippines in the
14th century with the arrival of Muslim traders Mosque in Marawi City in the
from the Persian Gulf, Southern India, and their Philippines.
followers from several sultanate governments
in Maritime Southeast Asia. Islam's predominance reached all the way to the shores
of Manila Bay, home to several Muslim kingdoms. During the Spanish conquest, Islam
reached a rapid decline as the predominant monotheistic faith in the Philippines as a
result of the introducing of Roman Catholicism by Spanish missionaries and in other
instances via Spanish inquisition. The southern Filipino tribes were among the few
indigenous Filipino communities that resisted Spanish rule and conversions to Roman

In 1380 Karim ul' Makhdum the first Arabian trader reached the Sulu
Archipelago and Jolo in the Philippines and through trade throughout the island
established Islam in the country. In 1390 the Minangkabau's Prince Rajah Baguinda and
his followers preached Islam on the islands. The Sheik Karimal Makdum Mosque was
the first mosque established in the Philippines on Simunul in Mindanao in the 14th
century. Subsequent settlements by Arab missionaries traveling
to Malaysia and Indonesia helped strengthen Islam in the Philippines and each
settlement was governed by a Datu, Rajah and a Sultan. Islam was introduced
by Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims, and Persians. Islamic provinces founded in the
Philippines included the Sultanate of Maguindanao, Sultanate of Sulu, Sultanate of
Lanao and other parts of the southern Philippines.When the Spanish fleet led by Miguel
López de Legazpi arrived in the Philippines in 1565, they were met by local datus as
they traveled in the islands. Arriving in the Kingdom of Maynila, a vassal-state of the
Sultanate of Brunei, in 1570 they were met by the Muslim rajah, Rajah Sulaiman III.

By the next century conquests had reached the Sulu islands in the southern tip of
the Philippines where the population was Buddhist and Hindu and they took up the task
of converting the animistic population to Islam with renewed zeal. By the 15th century,
half of Luzon (Northern Philippines) and the islands of Mindanao in the south had
become subject to the various Muslim sultanates of Borneo and much of the population
in the almost of South were converted to Islam. However, the Visayas was largely
dominated by Hindu-Buddhist societies led by rajahs and datus who strongly
resisted Islam. One reason could be due to the economic and political disasters
prehispanic Muslim pirates from the Mindanao region bring during raids. These frequent
attacks gave way to naming present-day Cebu as then-Sugbo or scorched earth which
was a defensive technique implemented by the Visayans so the pirates have nothing
much to loot.

Invasion of Bruneian Sultanate

In the year 1498-99, the Bruneian Empire conducted

a series of raids against the natives of the Kingdom
of Taytay in Palawan and the island of Mindoro which
had been subjugated to the Islamic Bruniean Empire
under Sultan Bolkiah. The Muslim conquest reached
as far as the Kingdom of Tondo which was
supplanted by Brunei's vassal-state the Kingdom of The extent of the Bruneian Empire
Maynila. and the spread of Islam in
Southeast Asia in the 15th century
The Muslim Bruneian Empire under the rule
of Sultan Bolkiah, who is an ancestor of the current Sultan of Brunei. He subjugated
the Kingdom of Tondo which is ruled by Rajah Sukwu during 1500. The aftermath of the
battle was the formation of an alliance between the newly established Kingdom of
Maynila (Selurong) and the Sultanate of Brunei, to crush the power of the Kingdom of
Tondo and the subsequent installation of the Pro-Islamic Rajah Sulaiman into power.
Furthermore, Sultan Bolkiah's victory over Sulu and Seludong (modern day Manila), as
well as his marriages to Laila Mecanai the daughter of Sulu Sultan Amir Ul-Ombra (an
uncle of Sharifa Mahandun married to Nakhoda Angging or Maharaja Anddin of Sulu),
and to the daughter of Datu Kemin, widened Brunei's influence in the Philippines.

A new dynasty under the a local Lumad leader who accepted Islam and became Rajah
Salalila or Rajah Sulayman I. He also started to established a trading challenge the
already rich House of Rajah Lakandula in Tondo. Islam was further strengthened by the
arrival of Muslim traders and from Jolo, Mindanao, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Islamization by forced conversion to the citizens of Tondo and Manila make the
divisions into Muslim domains and installed Rajah Suleyman and Rajah Matanda in the
south (now the Intramuros district) and the Buddhist-Hindu settlement under Raja
Lakandula in northern Tundun (now Tondo.) With the rise of Islam, other religions in the
archipelago gradually disappeared.

Influences of Zheng He's voyages

Chinese mariner Zheng He is credited to have

settled Chinese Muslim communities
in Palembang and along the shores of Java,
the Malay Peninsula, and
the Philippines during China's early Ming dynasty. Stamps
These Muslims allegedly followed the Hanafi school of Indonesia commemorating Zhe
in the Chinese language. This Chinese Muslim ng He's voyages to secure the
community was led by Hajji Yan Ying Yu, who maritime routes, usher
urged his followers to assimilate and take local urbanization and assist in creating
names. a common identity.

Spanish encounter

Rajah Sulayman was the Muslim Rajah of Maynila, a kingdom at the mouth of the Pasig
River where it meets Manila Bay, at the time the Spanish forces first came to Luzon.

Sulayman resisted the Spanish forces, and thus, along with Rajah Matanda and Lakan
Dula, was one of three Rajahs who played significant roles in what was the Spanish
conquest of their kingdoms of the Pasig River delta in the early 1570s.

Moro (derived from the Spanish word meaning Moors) is the appellation inherited from
the Spaniards, for Filipino Muslims of Mindanao. The Moros seek to establish an
independent Islamic province in Mindanao to be named Bangsamoro. The
term Bangsamoro is a combination of an Old Malay word meaning nation or state with
the Spanish word Moro which means Muslim. A significant Moro Rebellion occurred
during the Philippine–American War. Conflicts and rebellion have continued in the
Philippines from the pre-colonial period up to the present. Other related issue with the
Moro secession is the territorial dispute of eastern Sabah in Malaysia which claimed by
the Sultanate of Sulu as their territory.
The Moros have a history of resistance against Spanish, American, and Japanese rule
for over 400 years. The violent armed struggle against the Japanese, Filipinos, Spanish,
and Americans is considered by current Moro (Muslim) leaders as part of the four
centuries long "national liberation movement" of the Bangsamoro (Muslim Nation). The
400-year-long resistance against the Japanese, Americans, and Spanish by the Moro
Muslims persisted and morphed into their current war for independence against the
Philippine state.

There is also a growing community of Filipino converts to Islam known popularly

as Balik Islam (return or returnees to Islam), often led by former Christian missionary

The Philippine Statistics Authority in October 2015 reported that 80.58% of the total
Filipino population were Roman Catholics, 10.8% were Protestant and 5.57%
were Islamic.
Solution of Social Problems

 Many laws are formed today to fight poverty that are either throughout taxation
system or lawmaking projects to supply for the needs of the poor? But is poverty
eliminated? No, it hasn’t. We still have a large poverty percentage in today’s
world. This is because rich people know how to keep away from taxes, and
governments, instead of doing their jobs in letting go people’s pains, steal the
incomes and push the people to more and more poverty. Poor people are
becoming poorer and rich people are growing richer.

This dilemma is easily solved by the move of Islamic law. Islam obligates the
payment of Zakat, which is a charity to the poor ones.

The Quran states: “O you who believe! Give in charity of the good things you
earn and of what We have brought forth for you out of the earth, and do not aim
at giving in charity what is bad” (2: 267).

This was held on a yearly basis. In addition to that people can give out charity
even if they want to by the goodness of their hearts. If all the Muslims today give
their zakat properly it can assure the death of poverty.

 This leads us to the second central Islamic principle, viz ‘adl or equity and justice,
which provide basis for peace in society. The Qur’an refers to at least seven
important dimensions of ‘adl which lead to meaningful peace in society. First and
foremost is the rule of law and equality and value of human life. Realization of
rule of law cuts across different sections of society. Law does not discriminate
between Muslims and non-Muslims in the basic human rights. Life, honor,
property and security of non-Muslim citizen is as much valuable as that of a
Muslim. Protection and promotion of life becomes a primary value. It under
scores that peace in society is only possible when protection of human life is
given highest priority. Its promotion and protection of human life offers a solid
foundation for peace, security and a sustainable society. The Qur’an not only
condemns manslaughter, as, it claims, was done in preceding religious traditions,
it declares killing one human soul unjustly as killing the whole of humanity and
protecting one single life equal to giving life to the whole of humanity (al-
M’aidah 5:32). The Prophetic commands even prohibiting unjust violation of life
of plants, birds, animals etc. indicates Prophet’s concern.

Criminality and Delinquency

 Islam seeks to reform the criminal. The Quran often makes mention of
repentance in association with the crimes that it deals with, making it clear that
the door to repentance is open whenever the criminal abandons his crime and
behaves properly. It has made repentance a means of waiving a fixed
punishment in some instances, like the punishment for highway robbery. God

“…except for those who repent before you take hold of them. Then know that
God is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Quran 5:34)

God says regarding the punishment for fornication:

“It they both repent and mend their ways, then leave them alone. Verily, God is
the Accepter of repentance, the Merciful.” (Quran 4:16)

God says after mentioning the punishment for false accusation:

“… except for those who repent afterwards and makes amends, then verily God
is the Forgiving, the Merciful.”

God says after mentioning the prescribed punishment for theft:

“Whoever repents after his wrongdoing and makes amends, then verily God will
accept his repentance and verily God is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (Quran 5:39)

This objective is seen more frequently with regard to discretionary punishments,

whereby it is incumbent upon the judge to take into consideration the
circumstances of the criminal and what will insure his betterment.


 MANY people, especially women, have asked me if family planning is

permissible in Islam. They say the imams and ulema say the Quran prohibits
family planning and quote a verse which says, “And kill not your children for fear
of poverty — We provide for them and for you. Surely the killing of them is a
great wrong” (17:31).

They cannot even clothe them properly nor can they provide proper living space.
In such circumstances one cannot raise quality human beings, and quantity does
not matter much. That said, we should understand that at the time of the
revelation of the Quran, the problem of family planning did not exist, nor did the
need for population control.

It is a modern problem which has arisen in our time. Most nation states in the
developing world do not have the economic means to support large populations,
and when we say supporting large populations it does not mean only feeding
them but also includes education and the provision of proper health services.
These are the basic duties of modern nation states.

Environmental Degradation

 Islam, the religion of mankind and humanity, has shown an obvious significance
on the issue of preservation of environment and nature. According to Shariah,
the Islamic law, it is the sacred duty of a true Muslim to protect the degradation of
environment anywhere that is harmful for mankind. In fact, Human being is
considered as the best part of nature, even in some views, they are also the
regulator of it. From the Islamic point of view we can see such ideas, and where
nature or environment is regarded as the gift of the Almighty.

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