Improved Practices in Rearing Indigenous Chicken: Technologies and Practices For SMALL Agricultural Producers

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Improved practices in rearing indigenous chicken

Source Africa Now

Keywords Chicken, indigenous, animals, improved practices, Africa
Now, Kenya
Country of first practice Kenya
ID and publishing year 6921 and 2010
Sustainbale Development Goals No poverty, zero hunger, gender equality, decent
work and economic growth, responsible consumption
and production and partnership for the goals
Improved practices of rearing chicken from three to eight out of ten.
ensures improved incomes and productivity • If you hatch your eggs and sell chicks,
from the project. Farmers can use their earnings can be much higher (up to
existing stock of chicken to start the project 7-times higher) than if you simply sell the
but manage them in an improved way to eggs.
achieve better results. • Simultaneous hatching of hens (so all
chicks hatch at the same time) makes
Description planning for vaccinations easier.
1. Facts about indigenous chicken • By cooperating with neighbors, farmers
• Meat and eggs are tastier and preferred by with small flocks can access vaccines at
most consumers to those obtained from more affordable rates.
commercial breeds. • Planning your production to meet high
• Initial investment is less than that needed seasonal demand – such as at Christmas,
to keep commercial breeds. Easter and other festivals can greatly
• More tolerant of harsh conditions, increase your profits.
including diseases, than commercial • If hens are prevented from hatching their
breeds. own eggs or brooding chicks, they will
• Can be fed on cheap, locally available start to lay again more quickly – after
feeds. just 21 days, instead of the usual three
• When allowed to range freely, they need months.
little feeding or other care. 1.2 How do I start?
• Women and youth often control income You will need:
from chickens. • carton box with ventilation holes;
• Local markets are readily available for both • one cock for every 10 hens;
eggs and chickens. • water and feed containers;
• Droppings are rich in nutrients: can be • housing space;
used for compost making, pond fertilizing • laying nests;
and as feed for livestock.
• a sisal sack or wood
1.1 Why improved management? shavings; and
• Survival rate of chicks can be increased • a source of vaccines and
Livestock Production

2. Selection of the breeding stock eggs must fit under the bird.
• Select a hen that is broody, does not • For synchronized hatching (all chicks hatch
abandon her eggs during hatching and at the same time), delay the first hen that
looks after her chicks well. becomes broody by giving it just one egg
• Select a healthy, strong cock. to sit on while you wait for other hens to
2.1 Housing lay their clutches and become broody.
• For successive hatching (the hen or
• Housing space (2 metres by 3 metres) or the surrogate duck sits on eggs for two
a liuli (traditional brooding basket). The consecutive clutches), chicks are removed
‘liuli’ can be used as a brooder basket for when they hatch and replaced with new
chicks, either inside or outside the house. eggs.
• House should be raised to protect birds • After hatching, dispose of egg shells, clean
from predators. the nest and transfer chicks to a brooder.
• Perches should be provided in the house • Turn the eggs regularly, especially when
for chicken to roost on at night. using an incubator.
• The house should be well ventilated.
3.4 Brooding
3. What are the improved management
practices? • Brood chicks using a mother hen, foster
hen, a lantern, kerosene brooder, charcoal
3.1 Feeding stove or charcoal placed in a metal
• Provide a balanced diet. For example, a container.
small handful of maize, a teaspoonful of • If a foster hen is used, condition it for a
local fishmeal and some fresh greens, in day by giving it new chicks.
addition to scavenged feeds like insects, • Where a lantern brooder or other heat
will provide a good diet for one chicken in source is used, place it in a cardboard box
a day. with ventilation holes or inside the liuli
• Provide clean water at all times. placed upon a sisal sack or wood shavings.
3.2 Collecting the eggs • Take care that chicks cannot get burned
• Provide a safe, dry, dark place for the hens by covering charcoal stoves or containers,
to lay. ensuring that there is no risk of fire.
• Collect eggs daily, write the date on the 3.5 Rearing chicks
egg in pencil and store with the broad end • Provide clean water at all times in shallow,
facing upwards: this helps to ensure the clean troughs.
embryo develops properly. • Provide soft feeds like flour from cereals
3.3 Hatching or tubers.
• Use only eggs that were laid in the last 14 • Allow chicks to roam freely when they
days. reach 3 or 4 weeks of age.
• Hatch eggs using the mother hen, another • Vaccinate chicks against Newcastle
broody hen, a (surrogate) duck or an disease at 4 days of age.
incubator. 4. Record keeping
• For hens and ducks, make sure the Keeping good records will help you to assess
number of eggs chosen for hatching whether or not you are making a profit.
corresponds to the bird’s body size – all The table below compares the profit made

using traditional and improved management improved methods of indigenous chicken
practices. keeping.
Under traditional management, fewer eggs He was shown how to vaccinate his birds
are laid and fewer birds are reared as many and also how to timely produce to meet the
more chicks die. high demand for chickens during religious
5. Case study and cultural festivals, such as Christmas. As a
result he managed to reduce the previously
Mr. Lawrence Wamukoye has good reason to high mortality rate in his flock, double the
appreciate the benefits of adopting improved number of eggs his birds lay and increase his
management practices for indigenous income.
chickens. Proceeds from sales of chickens
have enabled him to make the last payment He keeps 10 laying hens. When they hatch
due on his plot of land. He can also now their eggs, he transfers the chicks to three
afford to buy books and uniforms for his traditional brooders and provides them with
three children who attend a local primary supplementary feeds. On average he sells
school. 10 chickens every month and has around
150 birds on his farm at any one time.
Lawrence is a small-scale farmer from
Majengo village in Western Province, Kenya. He now plans to move his expanding poultry
He is a father of four and his family depends enterprise onto a new, bigger piece of land.
on just one-fifth of a hectare of land. A few To buy the land, he is arranging to obtain a
years ago, he received training from a non- loan from a local microfinance organization
governmental organization, Africa Now, on and is confident of repaying the loan from
Figure 1. Comparison between the traditional method and
the improved method

Source: Africa Now 2015

Figure 2. Diseases of chicken, causes and solutions

Source: Africa Now 2015

the proceeds of his successful indigenous 8. Agro-ecological zones

chicken business. Agro-ecological conditions under which the
6. Validation of the practice practice has been carried out.
The practice has been tested in Western • Subtropics, warm/mod cool; and
parts of Kenya and one of the success stories • Tropics, warm.
from the practice published.
7. Minimum requirements for the successful
implementation of the practice
• Housing for the chicken; and
• capital to buy vaccines and supplementary

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