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1. Favorite Bible verse and why?

1. Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

There have been times where I have questioned God’s will. Mostly because im
in situations where I would never want to be. So out of all that frustration and
helplessness and hurt I would question him that after all the prayers, hardwork
and begging , is this what I get? To regain my spiritual sanity I would read this
specific verse and I feel like my inner conscience whispers to me that God is
trying to protect me from a possible harm in the future that I am not able to
foresee right now … is not that He has anything against me but He is just
trying to protect me. So it gives me sort of a closure.

2. How many books are there in the Bible?

2. In the Catholic Bible there are 73 books in Total…46 in the Old Testament and
23 in the New Testament.

3. Name the Gospels in the Bible.

3. In the Bible there are four such accounts, called Gospels. They are attributed to
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

4. How many individual Catholic churches are there in India and all of World?
4. In India there are three Individual Catholic churches, the Syro Malabar, the Syro
Latin and the Syro Malankara church. Globally, there are 23 individual Catholic

5. How many dioceses are there in Malankara Catholic Church?

5. there are 10 diocese and one exarchate ….I belong to the Gurugram Diocese.

6. How many Christian groups are there in India?

6. Kerala has the largest number of Christians among the
states. Christians including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants form the third
largest group in India. About 73% of the Christians in India are Catholics. The
Catholic Church in India is composed of three individual Churches- Latin, Malabar
and Malankara.
7. What are the seven sacraments?

 7. Baptism.
 Eucharist.
 Confirmation.
 Reconciliation.
 Anointing of the sick.
 Marriage.
 Holy orders.

8. What are the ten commandments?

1. 8. You shall have no other Gods but me.

2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.

3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.

5. Respect your father and mother.

6. You must not commit murder.

7. You must not commit adultery.

8. You must not steal.

9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.

10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not
be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your

9. Narrate any two parables from the Bible

9. The Parable of the Mustard Seed: Our grasp of this parable hinges upon a
correct understanding of its key elements: the sower, the mustard seed, the great
tree which grew from it, and the birds which perched on its branches.
The first two elements are easily understood.The sower is Jesus Himself. He is the
planter who came to atone for our sins so that we might become fruitful

 The mustard seed was the smallest seed known at the time. While it becomes
more of a shrub than a tree, it can reach about 10 feet high. The mustard seed
represents the Gospel, starting very small but growing to reach millions
throughout the world who will inherit the kingdom. The field represents all the
people of the earth who will receive Him.
 The tree is rooted in Jesus Christ and has grown a harvest far beyond its initial
planting. A tree, whose large branches offer a sanctuary for birds, was a familiar
Old Testament symbol for a mighty kingdom which gave shelter to the nations.
The tree represents earthly greatness and refuge to the nations. The tiny mustard
seed, growing to be a tree, symbolizes Jesus’ offer of refuge and life in God’s

The parable of the Pharsee and the Tax collector: Two men went up to the temple
to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11
The Pharisee stood by
himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers,
evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12
I fast twice a week and
give a tenth of all I get.’
“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to
heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before
God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble
themselves will be exalted.”

10. What did you learn from Chatechism?

10. They taught me a lot of things within these twelve years. Things other than
Jesus and his life. Creation of the world, first parents, prophets and there
doings, everything that happened before Jesus, everything that happened after
Jesus, church history, synods, reunion, different stages and problems of life, and
moral values ofcourse.

11. How many Gods are there?

11. one God, but three coeternal consubstantial persons or hypostases—the

Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—as "one God in three Divine
Persons". The three Persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or
nature" (homoousios).

12. Who is the Bishop of your Diocese?

12. His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Jacob Mar Barnabas

13. Who is the Cardinal of your church?

13. Moran Mor Baselios Cleemis.

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