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7Rs of


Group 4:
Agin P Jose
Anna Mary Philip
Lakshmi Prakash
Asif Yahya
Aditya Venchamala
Naigin Antony
Aravind PS
7Rs of Logistics
Right Product
While designing/manufacturing/selecting a product, the organization should look into potential issues
that can arise during transportation. Special packaging requirements, for example, can arise from the
product’s weight or bulk, its shape or its fragility and distance of transportation. Product when designed
properly will greatly facilitate logistics if they ensure a certain level of standardization in the product’s
measurements during the design will make packaging, warehousing, product handling and transport
considerably easier.

Right Customer
The right customer is about finding the customer and creating an awareness about our product and
services. The greatest challenge involved in this would be to identify the customer to be targeted. The
solution to finding the right customer wold be to do a market research. A market research would give
an insight into whom we are supposed to target. Then as per the budget one would choose which
marketing strategies to employ so that the right people knows about our product and how to access the

Right Quantity
The right quantity plays a key role in logistics. If we don’t meet the demand of product, we will
ultimately loose some chance of making money. Also if we have excess quantity our warehousing
expenses and other associated expenses will increase. So the production must be in a balance to cater
the demand and must not make huge inventory cost.

Right Condition
The right condition in logistics is about the safe delivery of the proposed product. The quality of the
products should be maintained till the time it reaches the end user or the customer. The distribution
strategy should be such that it is preserving the quality of the product without increasing the overhead

Right Place
The demand for your product may vary depending on geography and demography and other factors. It
is necessary to understand from doing extensive market research the exact place that needs to be
targeted, as certain areas might have demand for the product whereas the other areas might not care
about the product at all. After choosing the place it is important to choose a distribution strategy that
would satisfy the demand without oversupplying or undersupplying the product at any given point.

Right Time
Timing is very essential, even if everything else in the process is done accurately the entire process can
fail if the timing is not right. For example it is essential to have the products on the shelves or in stock
at the right time to cater to the demand if the product demand is not met at the right time it might be
lost to competition. Timing is everything in this form of business. It is important to make a schedule
and stick to it in order to facilitate a smooth and efficient functioning.

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