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Document Control

Table of contents
1 General .........................................................................................................................2
2 MASTER DATA REQUIRED.............................................................................................2
3 Functional Specification ...................................................................................................2
3.1 Functional Development Description ...........................................................................2
3.2 Input Definition.........................................................................................................2
3.3 Input definition .........................................................................................................2
3.4 Input definition .........................................................................................................3
3.5 Device to be used for accessing the program................................................................4
3.6 Assumptions............................................................................................................4
3.7 Preconditions...........................................................................................................4
3.8 Authorisation ...........................................................................................................4
3.9 Transaction code definition ........................................................................................4
4 Open points in Business/User specification .........................................................................4
5 Appendix ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Fetch master data from table


3.1 Functional Development Description

Transaction code CJ20N

3.2 Input Definition

A custom tab has to be created in CJ20N at Project definition called “Enhancement”


The fields below has to be included in the custom tab ‘‘Enhancement”

S. No Field Description SAP reference Selection

1 Business unit ID Integer - 4 Mandatory

2 National/International Integer- 2 Mandatory

3 Project Start date Calendar date field Mandatory

4 Project End date Calendar date field Mandatory

5 LOA Date Calendar date field Optional

These fields will be maintained in the Project definition in custom enhancement tab in the site ops and
need to be pushed through PI Proxy on saving the transaction CJ20N
While pushing the data through PI Proxy include other three fields that is Project definition, Created
by and created on

3.3 Input definition

A custom tab has to be created in CJ20N at Project definition called “User fields”
The fields below has to be included in the custom tab ‘‘User fields”

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S. Selection
Field Description SAP reference
No method

1 Check Box LC recd/NA

2 Check Box Adv recd/NA

3 Check Box L2 Quantity

These fields has to be appended in CN42 report

3.4 Input definition

Create a block

LOA Quantity

S. Selection
Field Description SAP reference
No method

1 Check box From sales contract

2 Check box Enter manually

3 Total Weight Quantity field with 13 digits and 3 decimal points

The user has to choose either one of the Check box mandatory if the user chooses from sales contract
same has to save in table. No actions required further

If the user chooses Enter manually. Enable a user field Total Weight which is Quantity field which
will be mandatory without entering the value the user should not be able to save.

Nothing should be default while creating the project, without selecting either of the one check box the
user shall not be allowed to save the transaction and the user cannot select both.

A text as a tool tip or if tool tip is not possible hardcode it next to Total weight field “Enter Black weight

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3.5 Input definition

A custom tab has to be created in CJ20N at WBS level called “Custom fields”
The fields below has to be included in the custom tab ‘‘Custom fields”

S. Selection
Field Description SAP reference
No method

1 Check box L2 Applicability for Billing

2 Check box L2 Applicable for PV

These fields has to be appended in CN41 report

3.6 Device to be used for accessing the program

3.7 Assumptions

3.8 Preconditions

3.9 Authorisation
Authorization objects has to be created for user fields tab in Project Definition

3.10 Transaction code definition


Sr. Description Responsible Open Status

No. Person Date

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