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English II / Lesson 1.

Instituto Universitario Puebla

Actividad Práctica 1.2

1.2 Forma interrogativa de pasado simple.

En esta actividad de práctica1.2 incluimos dos temas, el de la forma interrogativa de

las oraciones en pasado simple. En la práctica A revisaras el tiempo pasado, ya
estudiaste sobre oraciones afirmativas y negativas, en esta práctica formaremos
oraciones interrogativas en pasado. Vigila el uso del auxiliar DID, fíjate en que el
verbo de la oración cambia a su forma presente.

Ve el ejemplo resuelto

Did you go to school yesterday? – ¿Fuiste a la escuela ayer?

En vez de :Did you went to school?

Did Susan go to school yesterday? - ¿ Fue Susan a la escuela ayer?

They studied English
Did they study English?

1. He worked late.
Did he work late?

2. The children played in the park.

Did the children play in the park?

3. They painted the house.

Did they paint the house?

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English II / Lesson 1.2

4. The baby cried.

Did the baby cry?

5. My sister saw the movie.

Did my sister see the movie?

6. They planned the party.

Did they plan the party?

7. Wanda drank the lemonade.

Did Wanda drink the lemonade?

8. She finished the homework.

Did she finish the homework?

9. Luis ate the pizza.

Did Luis eat the pizza?

10. The pilot flew the airplane.

Did the pilot fly the airplane?

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