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I know why the caged bird sings is the autobiography novel that describe the early
years of American writer and poet Maya Angelou. This literary book, tells her life Commented [U1]: Perfect
and describe the discrimination towards black people. When Marguerite was a
child, she lives with her grandmother and they had a tender and loving family
relation. That’s why I´m focused on the influence that momma has in her
granddaughter, impacting in Marguerite´s critical thinking in relation to racism
toward black people. As well, in this written task my aim is to show, how Momma's
attitude towards racism, influences the life style of Marguerite, changing her way
of thought.
Likewise, I decided to write the diary on behalf of Marguerite to express her real
feelings. In the diary, Marguerite will tell, how she saw a group of white girls
making fun of Momma and she will speak about her thoughts and emotions in
relation to the racism. I'm going to write a diary because this type of text will allow
me to convey the courage of Momma and show their influence in her
granddaughter from the point of view of the protagonist on a particular occasion.
Also to express how the discrimination with the black people impact in her life.
I´m going to write a diary with an Informal, but friendly and polite vocabulary,
using some exclamations with a strong characterization of the language
employee by Marguerite. Furthermore I will write this diary entry employing the
technique called direct address, which will allow the character that I will represent,
to express herself with her diary as if the diary were her best friend. Commented [U2]: Take care of the limit of words (271
July 10, 1938
Dear diary
Today was a peculiar day, the truth is that I felt very indignant because of the
inconvenience that Momma had to happen because of those white girls. My
dream is that one day everything changes, right now I can´t do something
relevant that´s why, sometimes It´s so annoying!
Likewise, I can´t see white people like my neightbor. The whites could not be Commented [U3]: Linking words
people, because they had feet too small and skin too white and transparent. For Commented [U4]: Another words like since
me, neightbor are the black people in Stamps. Nonetheless, every day Momma
teaches us, that is necessary live in peace each other, and avoid any trouble
Sometimes, when white folks’ children enter in the store, they call to uncle William
for him name. When something like this happen, I feel my blood boil!
Notwithstanding, Momma does not allow them to treat her like this, because she
always anticipates their needs. Momma is very clever I admire the strength that Commented [U5]: Trata de no usar very, puedes
she has, she never loses patience with white people. remplazarlo por otras palabras como extremandamente

Lemme tell ya, the reason because I decided write you today, it was I needed put Commented [U6]: Good resource to reference with the
in words all I saw. In the morning, I was with momma admiring the yard, she was literature book
very happy. But suddenly, we saw almost at the same time, a group of white girls
going down the hill and passing by. I waited for some instruction, but she did not
say anything to me and began to sing a slow hymn. When the girls reached the
middle of the hill, halfway from the store, Momma told me “Girl, go inside.” I
wanted to say no, I wanted to tell her that enter the house and that she leave me
to serve them. I wanted to tell her that I was not afraid, but I did not and I obeyed.
I watched them behind the screen and I could hear the laughter of the white girls.
At first, they feigned a serious attitude. After this she put her right arm through
the left, I saw those making gestures and I realized that they were making fun of
I didn't know what thing do, I felt wishes of thrown black pepper to them and throw
them bleach. One of them stood on his head, placing his hands on the ground,
showing her pubic hair, while momma did not stop singing. I didn’t know how long
momma was going to resist.
After, they left the yard saying: Bye, Annie. While Momma said: Bye, Miss Helen,
Miss Ruth and Miss Eloise. Momma entered the store and she saw me crying.
But, she had a beautiful smile and I felt as if she had won the fight. What would
have been the fight that had occurred there, I knew that Momma had won. She
made me feel for some reason happy to be black.
The attitude that has Momma is one of the reasons that makes me feel proud of
her, Momma is one of the most respected black people on Stamps and I know
that sometimes children we envy Bailey and me, since we had no economic
shortages. We are very lucky, Momma is strong, brave, a bit rough and she has
allowed me to make me realize that being black is not a limit to achieve incredible
things. Without Momma not I would have realized how valuable that is the black
community and even if in the future there are difficulties like what happened the
day of today, I will try to be just as brave and I will not make me feel that I
worthless. By this and many other things, I´m happy that Bailey and I live with Commented [U7]: Change happy
her. F in your aim you said that you will use an informal register,
so do it
Word Count:

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