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Make a bee line for When Ahmad said her to get out of the room ,

she made a bee line for the door.

To have a bee to ones Don’t give a shit to his nonsense talk. He doesn’t
bonnet sometimes know what is he saying. He has a bee
to his bonnet.
Have ones name he has his name bandied about.
bandied about Imran khans name have bandied about because
of his third marriage.
The be-all and end-all Wealth is not be-all and end-all of life.
Beard the loin in his Courage is required to beard the loin in his den.
Beat about the bush Come to the point don’t beat the bush.
Beg the question Saying that he is not corrupt is to beg the
question of corruption amount
Beggar description The beauty of his verses beggars description.
To hit below the belt It is not graceful to hit the enemy below the belt.
Beside the point To ask about his financial position is quite beside
the point when we consider him for a job.
get the better his smoking habit got better of him
of him
Bid fair My plan bids fair to succeed.
Blow over The storm will soon blow over.
The difficult period will soon blow over.
Keep body and A good diet will keep our body and soul together.
soul together
Boil down His argument boiled down to this that he is
Out of bounds
Backstairs Industrialists have backstairs influence on
Bad blood Their cold blood became the cause of bad blood
between them.
Bag and His luggage was thrown out bag and baggage.
Balance of There should be a balance of power between
President and Prime Minister.
Bask the Industrialists have been basking in sunshine of
political favor for a long time.
Be carried away I was carried away by his speech.
Be Greek to His way of teaching is greek to me.
To be in a bad New govt is in bad odor due hike in prices.

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