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a deep analyst by

Robert John McDuren

University of California Los Angeles




Everyone has dreams and problems. And everyone wants to achieve dreams and overcome
problems. Dreams encourage everyone to advance and strive to achieve their dreams. Everyone has
a dream of the future or a better life. A better life is a life without problems even though it sounds
implausible but this is everyone's dream. Therefore everyone will try to overcome the problem
without new problems. Is it possible?

Unfortunately many people work hard to pursue success and dreams but fail. And in the end they
are stressed. But if you know this great secret what is impossible will be possible.

What is your dream? Everyone must have a dream to be achieved. There are various things to be
achieved, among others, the things that I will convey the following:


A businessman both off-line and online has a successful business dream and brings huge profits. But
not always the business runs smoothly. Usually you have issued a large amount of capital but the
expected income is not balanced, minus. Maybe you have promoted or advertised everywhere but
the results are still unsatisfactory. Your ad does not get "targeted traffic" or the right target. Or
maybe you put up a paid advertisement or PPC (Pay Per Click) but don't get enough income because
the pay click costs are far greater than the "conversion" (the transaction). All the ways you have
done but seem to be deadlocked. Then what do you have to do to make you successful?

Or you have a business such as a shop, kiosk, or small business. There are many visitors who come.
But for some reason they just came around and then left without buying. What's wrong huh? Is your
product not attractive, or is your service unsatisfactory? After you think about it you seem to have
done your best. Then what's wrong? There are secrets that you need to know that you never knew.
We will explain all of this in the next chapter.

Maybe you are a service seller like insurance services. Your job is to try to get as many clients as
possible to become a member or member of the insurance service where you work. You have your
own technique how to prospect prospective members. And it seems like many are interested in your
prospects. All of your expertise is spent to persuade the prospect of becoming a member. Somehow
the results you expect are not very satisfying. Why? Shortly in the next chapter I will uncover
everything to you.

Problems such as those mentioned above are often experienced by many people who carry out
business activities. And those problems usually add new problems to existing problems. And finally it
becomes a burden on the mind and causes stress.

Even if you use the mind power technique that I will reveal in the next chapter, you don't need to
spend too much energy and money to make your business run smoothly. You can use the potential
power of your mind, which you may never know that you have that ability, to launch your business.

Another problem that is often experienced by humans on planet Earth is the problem of love.
Everyone on this earth craves true love in his life. He will try hard to find happiness. But that effort
does not always go smoothly because: first - the person we love does not accept our love; second -
he prefers other people. We have seen how many marriages last only a few years and eventually
divorce. This indicates that the love gained so far is not true love, because true love will last all time.

We also know and may experience a husband and wife's life or a sad love affair. Maybe we are still
'together' but actually the feeling of love is almost non-existent because it may not be suitable
anymore. Or maybe we still love but our partners no longer have the same feelings so that the love
relationship is in a poor condition, is on the verge of collapse.

Why doesn't everyone get their true love? There are many things that we do not understand that
often do not enter our reasoning. But if we know one big secret, we can get our true love. Or we can
also improve relations that are not harmonious or relationships that are on the verge of collapse.
Your various efforts do seem to have a dead end. If you know this SECRET, you will know the right
solution for your love or romance problems.

There is a member who joins only because he wants to get his true love. At first he failed, so he
called for my guidance. Then I gave further guidance to him. And the next day he called and said
"master, crazy right.

I invented my ideal girl. I shot and he received my love ... Thank you master ". I am not a master, I
just want to share this important knowledge.

Subjective communication techniques are indeed extraordinary if practiced correctly.


One of the biggest problems in this country is work. The unemployment rate in our country is very
high, and layoffs (Termination of Employment) are things that often occur. With more and more job
applicants, it means narrowing down the work and getting less opportunities to get the ideal job.

Because of the circumstances so many people are resigned to the situation and accept any job even
though the job is not pleasing to him because it requires income to enable him to survive.

Maybe also right now you are looking for your dream job but the opportunity is very small. Maybe
you have applied from one agency to another but you don't get the job you want. Your qualification
has met the requirements but is still refused for failure during an interview or interview. But if you
master subjective communication techniques you will get the job you want.

There is one testimony from many testimonies that you need to know. One student of Jim Francis,
master subjective communication, tested the efficacy of subjective communication that he had just
learned. One company is looking for one staff for their company. They also advertise the vacancy. As
a result there are many applicants including a student of Jim Francis. However, one of the
requirements for prospective staff is that he must have had at least 10 years of experience. This Jim
Francis student is still very easy and doesn't have any work experience. The day before the student's
interview or interview shows subjective communication with the target company leader. What

It was amazing that he was accepted to work at the company even though he did not have any work
experience. He has successfully influenced the mind of the company's leader with Subjective

The same thing was done by one of our members. He managed to get a job abroad. The following is
a testimonial that he sent to me:

There are still many similar testimonials but we only provide one of these examples to prove that
subjective communication techniques are truly effective and can help you.


Every human who has a career longs for a high position. Because the position is considered to
increase the "degree" or social status of a person. Position also gives more power to someone so we
can do what we want. Try to pay attention to people who have high positions. They seem to have
more power than others who don't. Also they have a proud social status. Of course you also want
something like this right?

But how? Because it is not easy to persuade your boss and there are also other people who want a
position that you seek.

Usually people use wealth or connections to get positions. But what if you don't have enough money
and also don't have a connection. If you want to talk directly there must be psychological problems,

If you know this technique you can make your boss give it voluntarily to. You can influence your
boss's mind so he unknowingly gives you the position you want.


Everyone wants a harmonious relationship. Problems with husband and wife relationship, dating,
friendship sometimes not as smooth as we imagined. Disputes are commonplace. And sometimes it
can get worse. For example, a marriage relationship might end in divorce. If you are experiencing a
relationship problem, and you have tried various methods but still fail, then you can try subjective
communication techniques. This technique will change the mind of your partner or friend to become
more open and better.

In the next chapter I will explain further what is meant by subjective communication, the basic
principles, and how to practice it. If you have mastered it, you can achieve all your dreams. You will
have the ultimate secret weapon in achieving your success and dreams.

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