My Teaching Is That Brain Control Can Be Inverted From The Brain To The Body by Setting Poses. That Redesigns Brain Activity - 2019

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Page 1 - Intro

Page 2:

A: Years of reporting wide open entrapping titled sites, justified sub section 6 of 163.1 of the criminal code

B: To say there were threats, there was false use of terms narrated to arrest and remand - to breach Habeas Corpus,
and bail hearings interrupted and blocked right to give a full account for bail. (see proof there were not threats)

Page 3

A: False use of terms to arrest to breach Habeas Corpus. (see proof there were not threats)

B: years of elementary simplest termed entrapping title sites, justified sub section 6 of the criminal code

Page 4

A: Sites and material appeared (wanted) by authorities, so he could not (simply) report, (could not simply do that
whether his reporting with evidences of material appeared provocative or not), - justified sub section 6 -

B: Proof Mr. Shawn Cullen was trusted to capture and censor any material

Page 5

A: further proof trusted to capture and censor any material for years

B: evidence part of eps was agreeing with and letting teacher Shawn Cullen

C: Prosecutor strangely suggested federal letters to scientist Shawn Cullen might be forged, knowing they
prove federal people acknowledged for years Mr. Cullen was a site and material witness, and not rambling

D: Prosecutor strangely suggesting only a expert can identify, and not those 250 political and policing persons(a
few), scientist Cullen emailed. That would be to say that any material itself is entrapping to everyone everywhere!

E: witness stand Helios a reason for sub sec 6, and feds accusing feds

Page 6

A: not able to trust authorities, Shawn Cullen needed to add believed to be respected witnesses to email list

B: Mr. Cullen tried to testify of teachings, was interrupted, not given needed right to give full answer,
Ronald A. Morin referred to Mr. Shawn Cullen as a Scientist and a (authority) on lust. Mr. Shawn Cullen tried
warning on the witness stand and not on the stand, of his greater than 20 insights on lust

C: Paramount human nature examination into public dress codes, what his scientific examination proves
Page 7

A: world-wide illusions caused by public clothing designs that are legalized public child porn, proof Mr.
Cullen’s reporting was for the administration of justice, education, and science according to sub-section 6.

Page 8

A: Parietal Occipital Scripting of fantasizing, why fantasizing leads to world-wide abuse. Proof scientist
Cullen’s reporting was for the administration of justice, education, science according to sub-section 6.
Mr. Cullen was not saying all was to be blocked. And a analysis: not a way any offender sees abuse images .

B: Teacher Shawn Cullen’s teaching on identity designing. Proof scientist Cullen’s reporting was
for the administration of justice, education and science according to sub-section 6.

Page 9

A: Mr. Cullen’s teaching on identity designing and on brain wiring a want to lust by setting poses of earliest ages,
and how children exploited at earliest ages can be designed to be enemies and threats to public safety,
and enemies & threats to national security; proof scientist Shawn Cullen’s reporting was for the administration
of justice, education, science according to sub-sec.6. - And a warning by Mr. Cullen with respect to adult stores

B: lusting that any do with their mouth or by their hind, called ‘sodomy’; How that leads to abuse to children
or designs a child to be a abuser; proof his reporting was for the administration of justice and (education).

Page 10

A: insights on eyes which lust, fornicating, and “belittling” and why belittling is evidence of a abuser to children

B: Shawn Cullen’s teachings on false anger of hypocrites and teachings on pride; insights on lying and delusions

Page 11

A: what judge said – and why Mr. Cullen would have needed to access and store evidences

working on updating to get the wordings and evidences right, and knowing authorities and knowing governors
were appearing to be the cause forcing Mr. Cullen to act on sub-section 6, he had a sound reason to believe
he was and his evidences were at risk!

B: what judge said – Mr. Cullen did not write and was not endorsing what that censored photo messaged

Page 12

A: part way censored by police persons as if material was nakedness, scientist Cullen addressed that
on the witness stand and Prosecutor James Rowan tried to down play why that appears damning, and evidence
of a scandal. Mr. Cullen told Mr. Rowan he was not being honest and was trying to mislead the court record.

B: If the burden of proof was and is not on Mr.Cullen why does he need to (remind) that wide open entrapping
titled sites and material for months and years, was undue risk by authorities!
C: If Mr. Cullen was given his right to testify of his teachings and give a full answer the court would have
heard proof he gives insights with respect to offenders with respect to sub-section 6 on education.

D: mid-June 2019 lawyer tried raising scientist Cullen writing on history records recording that the age of
consent was twelve, thirteen decades ago. Prosecutor James Rowan interrupted and tried saying that that was
American laws. – See Shawn’s words on U.S and Canada: the limbic and hypothalamus design and pituitary
gland design Canadian’s have, and hundreds of thousands of Americans that resided and settled in Canada.

Page 13

A: Mr. Cullen testified of his teaching he names Genesis’s Biknown, a low number who are a near mirror to
but are contrary to a number of children, on the witness stand saying; confusing this any sleightest way by false
broad messaging, causes shock to conscience neural circuitry, (his ninth proof his reporting was for the public
good, for the administration of justice, education, science and society health.

B: Mr. Cullen reminded the court of his reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura, scientist Cullen reports he was
forced to raise his voice ‘to remind the court that if people can by law find their self attracted to a number of
older people who appear as young as a youth then they will find their self interested in youth who appear the
way those older women do. At the end before that judge’s mid-June 2019 decision scientist Cullen was forced
to raise his voice to remind of his Yuko Ogura proof, and raising his voice he added other proofs which in deed fit,
and Mr. Cullen told the court of Numbers 31:18 which weighs in on the insight he gave. Mr. Cullen was forced
to raise his voice saying; “this is common sense , this is common sense” ! – Edmonton court room 412 June 2019

C: As the leading authority on this human nature he gives a record of his knowledge on the low number
he testified of and what he calls “loss of definition”.

Page 14

A: which is an other proof Mr. Cullen’s teachings which would have given the court proofs he is as he said;
a definer of human nature, not any way delusional.

B: What judge said - undue risk - If the burden of proof was and is not on Mr. Cullen why is he bearing the
need to remind that that material being wide open for months and years (was undue risk by authorities),
that authorities were appearing to be letting undue risk and letting that spread, (not trusted on a case by case
basis!) Wide open sites were not blocked and (((not addressed))), therefore Mr. Cullen was saying in ways
they might not need to be, and that ways they do need to be, they were not. Rowan was navigating and Shawn
was not given his lawful right to give a full answer on what his teachings are, (proof of ‘only’ legitimate reasons) .

Page 15

A: Definer Shawn Cullen feared that what was appearing was a threat to due process with respect to tyranny
and the constitution. Mr. Cullen gives the record: “when I put high profile people on my email list ‘that was like
running to a house door' (fearing) that what was much larger than myself and not friendly might be behind me”!

B: did not get any court account with respect to the (Federal letters he got), and (high priority read email
confirmations for years) from Federal people, nor with respect to Helios and his report of officer Macleod
C: shocking visit to testify by a Dr. Haig and a dangerous lying psychiatrist named Lenka Zedkova, proofs
of Mr. Cullen falsely labelled and of habeas corpus breaches

Page 16

A: shocking proofs Mr. Cullen was falsely labelled and proofs of habeas corpus breaches

Page 17

A: shocking proofs falsely labelled and habeas corpus breaches, falsified health records

Page 18

A: shocking proofs falsely labelled and habeas corpus breaches

B: false statements by crown prosecutor

C: The honourable Edmonton Sheriff Hadfield

Page 19

A: judge acted shocked that Mr. Cullen did not have a trial earlier and was not given time served.

B: days after false decision Remand guards insighted con to criminally assault Mr. Cullen

Page 20

A: abuses and threats by remand not heard on witness stand, proofs of habeas corpus breaches

Page 21

A: abuses and threats by remand not heard on witness stand, proofs of habeas corpus breaches

Page 22

A: You have brought this man to me as one who perverteth the people, and behold; I having examined him
before you have found no fault in this man

Ending pages of interest = federal letters, court room pages, - as pdf add four pages to get to page number of index

Proof falsely labelled scientist Cullen was spied on and that police narrates and sworn testimony was falsified

Proof federal letters were not forgeries by Mr. Cullen as Prosecutor James Rowan insanely tried suggesting
Said by Shawn Gordon Cullen in the Edmonton Alberta court room 412, within June 2019.

“Because for months and for years simplest termed entrapping titled sites were not blocked
and not addressed (I was not getting answers), I needed to act according to sub-section 6
of 163.1 of the criminal code for the public good, for the administration of justice”. said in court

“I need to first address the lies that I threatened anyone at any time. Det. Horchuk under oath
falsely stated that my email threatened with a ‘shooting spree’. Not any email I sent has any
evidence that I threatened that. While under oath Horchuk and few officers said I threatened
250 political people with a killing spree. Officers had to have known of my emailed report page on
(brain science and killing sprees). Within a email I expressed anger as a satire to people within
the televised open parliament appearing to ignore what I wrote, on brain science saying that in
some cases ignoring may cause a killing spree. At that I expressed anger as ‘a rhetorical satire'.
That is why I wrote in a email, ‘you would show respect if I, went on a killing spree”. said in court

The following part is what I did not have time to say and had fear of saying in court room 412;

At my earliest bail hearings I was forced to speak into a video-tron within Edmonton’s Remand.
I said I was able to account on that false police narrate thats using those two terms “killing spree”.
I was interrupted and the hearing ended. I shouted, “but I am able to account”. Guards returned
me to cell. Sept.9th 2016 I quickly spoke to give my account of my emailed words being rhetorical.
Strangely that judge angered that I spoke, got up and speedly walked out of the court room.
That day I was returned to Edmonton’s Remand and left in holding cells, for many many hours.

The following was addedly said IN EDMONTON ALBERTA COURT RM 412, JUNE 2019 – I underlined
the parts Shawn instructed me to and followed his written designs. I believe all I typed is accurate.

“Officers (did not narrate a word) (on my brain science report page nor on one of my emails on
brain science), and they used my emailed rhetorical satire killing spree statement, yes used that
to falsify investigation narrates and to appear to account for spending time to unrightly organize
a arrest, and used the emailed rhetorical statement to later account for my reporting any assaults
and excessive force cause of their outrage at my years of fullest sub-section 6 reporting for
the public good. If people believed my email was a threat (and not rhetorical) and if they believed
my reporting was not within the law, then the 250 political people who had my apartment address
would have contacted eps, (and not any did). This 2019 in court rm 412 and in 2015 Eps narrated
that before I was later arrested, they came to my door ‘to see how I was doing’, yet they ‘violently’
banged on my door. I was alarmed and I told them to say what they wanted to say thru the door.
They would not. I feared that they’d try to break down my door. I told the officers through the door
‘I have a right to defend my castle’ (which is what a legal maxim says). Strangely a female officer,
I believe that was officer Ross, asked me what I meant by the word, defend. I then answered
saying; ‘look if I wanted to kill you, if I was and am that threat you suggest, you would be dead,
but I don’t work that way’. And I was not referring to that time they were at my door, but of past
times police met with me. In one email which they referenced in court room 412 I was not
threatening. I was just trying to sound brave like a fighter cause I did not know what force of evil
might be headed my way. (epspersonsoutragedatmyreporting) Former eps officer Derek Huff warned that
officers threaten unwanted citizens, organize false reports, lie under oath, and he warned theres
a code of silence. said in court

And to cause me to appear extreme, “under oath officers tried saying that I wrote within my
reporting that politicians are Nazis. I was only writing of evidence of what other political people
suggested. And April 12 2019 the media reported that the current prime minister Trudeau shouted
(within the televised house of commons) that the conservative leader refuses to denounce
white supremacists. And with that said a MP stood and said MP Andrew Scheer is associated
with neo-nazis. Why were officers under oath trying to condemn me for saying what fits with what
the prime minister said”.(I was interrupted at that point and I said on the witness stand, “no let me finish” ).
I then said on the witness stand; - “ And I wrote that I saw evidence that Stephen Belding wrote
that Harper is a neo-con murderer and crazed pervert. I did not want to believe that your honour.
And I read that lieutenant governor James Bartleman says that federal politicians are directly
responsible for the deaths of 60 children in Canada’s Air India bombing. And I was not directing
my emailed words to any office or person I put on my email list. I put them on the list to have
witnesses. When I wrote a email I was speaking into the darkness appearing within systems.
I wasnt accusing they that I emailed. And I was hoping to prompt a ‘emergency’ debate”. said in court

“I am on trial for doing what the law says is my right (criminal code sub-section 6), and for doing
what hundreds of policy makers and a number of policing people consented to my doing”. said in court

“On one of the pages of my ‘2014’ reports, the exhibit reminds that I was warning and reporting
within exhibits since ‘2012’, (for two years), that 3 wide open sites were showing preteen images
of girls in sexualized clothing and poses holding ‘I love playboy’ signs. The three simplest- termed
and entrapping titled wide open sites were 100% supreme model portal,
and a wide open site called”. said in court

“On one of my 2014 reporting exhibits I remind of my email list and that former police commissioner
MP Mr. Julian Fantino had been receiving my report updates of lascivious preteens since 2013”. said in court

“I did not possess material, I captured material, wide open. And I did not access material.
Material accessed my right of way on the internet”(option images) (on Canada’s and Alberta’s service provider)
“I was not searching for material. I was trying to see how elementary, elementary, ‘authorities’ left
search terms to material on google. I was reporting that for months and years simplest termed
and entrapping titled wide open sites were not blocked and not addressed. I was reporting
natural one syllable terms with few numbers such as chan 155, 144, 180, elementary and legal
to type and access. I was reporting that the one syllable term ‘non’, that means ‘to not exist’,
led to sexual material of youth by the term non-nude. Chan used that term. I was reporting that
the common terms magazine led to sexual images of preteens. And I was reporting
that elementary, legal to type & access entrapping titled wide open sites like Newstar, silver stars,
were not blocked and not addressed for months and years. I was reporting a site called Play-Toy
that had a 100% legal sign on its face page. I was reporting that by searching for model ‘trains’
you find LS Models sexual images of youth, with nude material. That was that way for years,
not blocked and not addressed. Its unacceptable that searching for trains led to material. That
was entrapping to the public. I was reporting that elementary titled sites with the term ‘legal’, were
wide open and not blocked and not addressed for months, years, such as ‘supreme model portal
100% legal’ and ‘younglist legal top 30 sites’. I believe officer Horchuk and officers had to have
known my reporting exhibits were not to point to wide open legs – but pointing to how wide open
legs were appearing wide open on google. I was trying to report that the simplest titled,
simplest to find sites which I found wide open on google act as hide and seek stations for material
of child exploitation and abuse, yes simplest termed wide open sites with youth, acting as
hide and seek sites. I did not download to report with exhibits what policy makers and authorities
did not appear-to-“want” child pornographers to upload”. said in court

“I was working to give evidence of what came from simplest titled and entrapping titled sites
not blocked and addressed for months and years. And I captured evidence for my understanding
was that theres whats called photo DNA technology that some how uses images to track and find
where or who images came from. That is a (added) reason why I captured and slightly censored”.
“And to turn down evidence by saying its sick its to let justice be taboo”. said in court

The following part here is what I was not given time to say this 2019 in crt.rm. 412 - Now keep
in mind that although I did not know the way that technology works, - (knowing I was reporting
that authorities were appearing to (want) material left wide open and knowing I was reporting
for months and years, I was not able to simply report and therefore I needed to exhibit what
that was that appeared wanted). Thats one reason I was justified capturing & censoring to report
for the public good. As you will be eye-witnesses of I shall give other proofs of why my reporting
was in deed 100% within the law, according to subsection 6 for the public good.

The following was addedly said in Edmonton Alberta court room 412, June 2019;

“I captured and censored-a-little and reported material on a youngest youth named Inna on
Feb.10th 2014. For years I witnessed Inna on the simplest titled wide open sites not blocked and
not addressed for years. Evidence I gave for a public record appeared to be of extreme abuse.
I found evidence that Inna grew up and is supporting pornography. The 2014 report proves
I was entrusted by hundreds of federal policy makers and a number of policing people,
to capture and give host to whats termed category 1 material, reported for the public good.
A year and a half later I was ‘forced’ to report further material not blocked and not addressed,
with respect to Inna”, and with respect to others exploited at earlier ages. said in court (see identity designing)
“Within my 2014 reporting of the vlad model Venya preteen I remind within the exhibit that I first
sent that to hundreds of policy makers on Nov 21st 2013, Dec. 25th and 2014 January 3rd. That
was whats called category 1 explicit sexual poses nearly nude with a black mark which was to
part way censor. Within the 2014 exhibit any can see evidence that I was the one who censored.
On the page of the exhibit I wrote that the exhibit was not given for any reason other than for
the public good. The public reports of the material PROVES I was entrusted by hundreds of
politicians to gather and censor whats called explicit category 1 material, and trusted, for years!
And the legal maxim says; they who do not deny agree. And I gave proof that on June 20 2009
and July 20 2009 I got letters from Canada’s Justice Minister Nicholson and from MP Gary Doer
acknowledging that they understood I was investigating & reporting matters of and questions on
material. The prosecutor James Rowan strangely tried suggesting that I might of forged
the federal letters. I put the letters within the report pages I emailed to the hundreds of politicians
and to Nicholson and Doer who sent the letters, and so if I forged the letters they would have
contacted police to charge me. Prosecutor Rowan does not want to acknowledge the letters
cause they remind I was a witness investigating wide open sites for years and the letters prove
my reporting was not rambling. And saying that hundreds of federal policy makers and a number
of policing people might of needed years to identify explicit categ.1 material I sent, that prosecutor
James Rowan calls child porn, is to say that only a expert can identify. That would be to say
that any material itself is entrapping to everyone everywhere”. said in court

“And on July 29 2013 I got a call from a eps officer Macleod badge # 1328. He said a political
person he refused to identify called him about the material I was reporting. He said to me,
“You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?” I then said, “its much deeper than concern”.
I said I was sending high priority written and visual material for years. I said it doesn’t make any
sense any calling you now. He Macleod positively said ‘right’, in agreement. He did not say
the Venya model exhibit and earlier exhibits and other reporting broke the law. I asked if there
was an incident number. He said there would not be one. I asked and he acknowledged that he
knew of my past blogged reports. A number of ways in court I’ve recorded that people of authority
agreed to my investigating and evidences, and sub-section 6, gave me consent”. said in court

“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that
policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in
on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years.
They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.” said in court

“June 19 2004 PM Harper gave a Globe and Mail press release to say NDP and Liberal
politicians support and are soft on child pornography. Journalist Alfred Lambremont said Harper’s
government is covering up sex crimes against children. Nov.15/2013 NDP leader Thomas Mulcair
said Harpers government needs to explain why it deliberately suppressed key knowledge on
the rape and sexual abuse of children. Oct 22 2013 the National post and media reported NDP
Charlie Angus saying that Harper’s government is on the side of pedophiles and sadists”. said in court

The following parts are what I did not get to fully say in Edmonton court room 412 = I was not
able to trust authorities nor policy makers with respect to the simplest termed entrapping titled
wide open sites not blocked and not addressed for months and years. That is why I needed
to add believed to be respected witnesses to my email list.

As my friend is recording, I in deed give other proofs of why my public reporting was 100%
within the law according to subsection 6 for the public good. Within court Criminal lawyer
Ronald A. Morin referred to me as a Scientist and a authority on lust. Within court
(2019 June court rm. 412) on the witness stand I tried to share my teachings on lust.
I was strangely interrupted and not given my right to freely testify of my teachings.
That trial breach breached and breaches the criminal code and my charter rights.

Reasonable people would agree that I was fully within my right to capture and censor evidence
because for months and for years the simplest termed entrapping titled sites were not blocked
and not addressed. I was not able to find any reason to trust authorities and policy makers.

I warned the court that I have greater than 20 insights on lust which in deed prove prove
my reporting was in deed for the public good, for the administration of justice, science,
My teachings would have given the court; powerful proofs I am not a person of lust
but a just man of trust, and powerful proofs I am not delusional, but of a sound mind,
powerful proofs my reporting was for the administration of justice, science, education
and health. I was stabbed at and pricked at by a strange interruption when I tried to testify
of my teachings and of who I am. (I tried warning) of my teachings on the witness stand
and tried when I was not on the stand. My insights are proof my work was sabotaged.

The proofs you shall see are teachings I have kept for years which I am the only author of.
My teachings were what I had hoped to give last once I got my report right. I told people
I am an authority in defining human nature, and I told many to be patient !

I did a human nature examination into public dress codes. - I found proof that dress codes
are legalized public child porn thats a illusion, a illusion to men that what men are seeing
are designs of nature for men. Within my scientific examination I found that tight dresses
or any clothing that causes curves to appear to fit together, or that clothing with a
designed to surprise message such as with min-skirts (causes the illusion). In other words
any legalized clothing designed to say, ‘see how parts fit together’, therefore not a puzzle
that needs putting together. Yes a illusion, that clothing designs, ‘cause’ , yes a illusion
that there is a developed design not needing to be developed.
Men are not eyeing children. They are attracted to illusions. If you were to see those youth
naked or dressed ‘right’ you would see evidences of a puzzle that needs to be put together,
yes as ‘not’ mature. I studied and reveal that which (was) a great mystery.

With that, what I found is that nylon is designed to appear like skin, and because nylon
does not die as skin does there is a illusion on body formations that a young person has
evolvedly designed maturity. That furthers illusions. And I found that tight clothing can
cause body parts like the hind to appear as formations which are ripened, therefore
not evidencing points not developed. And knowing asian women and other older women
at times appear flat chested , illusions aren’t signaled by that part of the body dressed.

My deep scientific human nature examination into public dress codes in deed reveals
that men are not eyeing youth, but illusions, and are not accessing wide open sites
or sites because they are eyeing children, but their hypothalamus is being triggered
by illusions caused by clothing designs. This accounts for a number of people possessing
and a number of people distributing material. You see how my teaching which I am giftedly
the only author of in the world is another way of in deed proving why my reporting was
for the administration of justice, education and science. My teaching is paramount, just
as I always said my reporting was. All my rights have been brutally and madly abused .

Now because of the world-wide illusions caused by public clothing designs that are
legalized public child porn, people need the right to examine what they are conscious
and sub-conscious of. - Here is why : People are saying, ‘what was that?’ at designs
that appear to contradict what they are told. That effects or affects the lexicon of the brain,
and so does block pathways to people becoming mature. People (examining) that which
they are conscious and sub-conscious of caused by end times dressed codes, is now
a experience people need. With respect to that people need to search for wisdom lest
they aren’t examining and are heading a way that is ever false.

Let me add a biblical insight to that which effects or affects the lexicon of the brain; God lets
suffering to crucify lust. That way you are not tempted a way that affects your hope of becoming
mature. 1 Cor. 7:9 says within the end times people will forbid marriages and that its better to
marry than to burn with lust. What if government laws cause you to burn with lust? You are not
able to examine a wife you believe you need, and that causes a effect or affect to your conscious
and sub-conscious self. That does not work for the lexicon of the brain and so blocks you from
becoming mature. 2 timothy 2:2 says to flee from youthful lusts. You cannot flee from what
you believe you need to examine. - You can flee from whats not working to do you any good.

You are now an eye-witness on one of my teachings which proves why my reporting
was for the administration of justice, education, and science according to sub-section 6.
Criminal lawyer Ronald Morin said I am a scientist and authority on lust thrown inside
the remand on bs trumped up charges. Do you not see the teaching is the proof !
I was not given a Just trial and I was not given my right to freely give testimony on
my knowledge. I was falsely convicted on at mid-June of 2019 and now I must appeal
and need you to see the truth. - Do not let this miscarriage and mockery carry on.

My second teaching is on Parietal Occipital Scripting of fantasizing. The Parietal Occipital

is part of the brain with respect to imagining. I teach that fantasizing with mastur – bating
is parietal occipital “scripting” that wants consent and does repossess for that want.
Its not consent! You need to keep the understanding belief in consent (otherwise you
do not keep definition on what children are). You see why I am saying that fantasizing
leads to world-wide abuse. (If consent ‘appears’ outside of the parietal occipital brain
then that might not affect people.) Do you see how this teaching fits with my teaching
on illusions caused by clothing designs? If you do not let people examine what appears
to contradict what they are told, they will fantasize and by that turn outside of definition
on what children are, which will design people to be offenders, abusers.

You are an eye-witness on another one of my teachings which proves proves my reporting
was for the administration of justice, education and science according to sub-section 6.

My teachings would in deed have given the court powerful proofs I am not a person of lust
and given powerful proofs I am not delusional, but am of a very sound mind.

Believing that its common that policing and that system persons and citizens fantasize ,
you see why all wide open material not blocked and not addressed for years, I captured
and had a duty to report. Within wide open sites, evidences of abuse were appearing
and were reappearing of children that not any clothing can cause to appear an illusion.
I was not saying all was to be blocked. I was saying that I had a duty and had a right
to record what I was able to on the simplest termed entrapping titled wide open sites.

Edmonton Prosecutor James Rowan tried acting as if I am some common person

(not any way a scientist.) He suggested that I am likely a knowledgeless person
attracted to a abuse image James Rowan was playing on. I was forced to answer yes or no
to questions. I was not able to answer. My scientific analysis is that such images, evidence
flesh wilting cause parts are not structured to a developed integrity, and the carp of skin
parts appear to evidence cellular translucence, and bone designing appears too magnified
which magnifies lack of definition of other parts not developed.

Now does that sound like a way common persons see abuse images?

My third teaching is on exploiting children of earliest ages and identity designing.

To use a child that is (without knowledge) is to design a child by the lusts and face
of a exploiter. That child grows to believe their identity is that of their exploiter.
That is why that child grows to totally support a exploiter. That is why secret cultures
and why secret societies hide and carry on. My teaching on exploiting earliest ages
and identity designing is another reason which proves my years of reporting of wide-
open material as that of Inna was for the administration of justice and education.
And with that is my teaching on brain wiring a want to lust by setting body parts
of a earliest aged child unseemly ways, that by that by-passes brain designing activity.
Yes my teaching is that brain control of a earliest aged child can be inverted from the brain
to the body by setting poses. That redesigns brain activity. Yes thats a way to identity
designing! Yes children exploited at earliest ages can be designed to be enemies
and threats to public safety and enemies and threats to national security.

You are an eye-witness on (another) one of my teachings which (proves) (proves) my reporting
was for the administration of justice, education and science according to sub-section 6.

My 4th teaching; I examined and reported use of sex toys which are legal and common.
What keeps people from seeing a earliest child that is without knowledge as a sex toy.
Why? Toys of female anatomy are designed ways that lack definition. By that there
is a reason to believe people buying that can be attracted to the parts of a earliest child
that lack definition. And system persons use or let that.

My fifth teaching is on lusting that any do with their mouth or by their hind. That is called
‘sodomy’. - Anal and the inner parts there of were designed (to-seem) sanct letting
whats not wanted of the body out. Yes there and the inner parts thereof “were” (designed
to ‘reseem’). They that lust at that deseem and dishonor the ‘to-reseem’ design there.
That evidences that people dishonor their bodies and are lovers of lust rather than lovers
of God. That way of lusting is devouring, possessing a way thats speedly not gentle,
and (is willing to act “act” little to a false master), yes (willing to “act little” to “a belittler”).
That is why lusting that any do by their hind, leads to, abuse to children or designs
children to be abusers. Bi-sexual and gay people say that they wouldn’t do that to a child,
and they accuse people of being skinners, and yet, they know that lusting by their hind,
leads people to be that. And they that (advert) that, are lusting at their own inner-child.
And lusting that any do with their mouth, oral, is devouring, and its ‘wanting’ ‘wanting’
to eat a part of another and imagining that a way thats not mind-read. They that do that
devour seeds for life, and its a element of wanting wanting to eat a part of another.
That is not a trusted part of community. And they that do that are willing to ‘act’ ‘act’
little to a chosen master that acts as a belittler. There you see why lusting
that any do with their mouth leads to abuse to children or designs children to be abusers.
The insights on sodomy address system persons and cons running Remands that want
to accuse people of being skinners. You see why Jesus warned people to not judge, lest.
My sixth teaching is one I was able to quickly say on the witness stand. Eyes which lust
are eyes that devour. Eyes that devour see others a way they see food. And fornicating
is seeing others as flavoured, not as favoured.

My seventh teaching is on “belittling”. Its not to try to have one become meek and lowly,
otherwise the humblers would their selves be meek and lowly. That is how you know
belittlers want the one they abuse, to be like a child that they as belittlers might abuse.

My eighth teaching is on false anger of hypocrites. Hypocrites accuse cause they fear
‘they, that are brutal and murder to hide (not being able to trustedly define). Accusing
is wanting what you say you are judging. They that accuse and are not able to prove,
are saying they want to believe that, want that to be the story. A slightest want
says you do not hate that which you judge, and that you are trying to feed another
your guilt and fear of that slightest self-remind that you are a hypocrite. Hypocrites
love their anger that speeds cause thats self-blinding, “appears”, clean. Mockers are
hypocrites, false witnesses that try to turn you evil by trying to have you believe
you are what they say you are. It is a way of a seducer that try to affect who you are
by trying to find any weak part of you to try to affect you. A falsest false witness
say you are what they know only wisest words have the power to block and fight. Thats
what lawless Edmonton Psychiatrists and system enlisted persons do. Pride its judging.
Why? Cause its naming others (worth)(less). Pride - its not seeing others as gifted ways
you are not, and that, is not friendly. Its not believing in serving to give others what
you your self do not get. That is not lov(ing). Pride is hunting as people want to show you
what they know to remind you are weaker. Pride is a want to possess a advantage
by weakening or stinging one down, like what a number of psychiatrists and a number
of corrections officers, want to do. Prides what turned angels into devils!

My teachings would in deed have given the court proofs I am as I said I am, a definer of
human nature, not any way delusional. = My teachings are insights on lying and delusions !!!

I am in deed the author of many other teachings on lust and on human nature.

People that want to smoke want pride to appear as natural as eating. Thats why by
the mouth they smoke. They that want pride to appear natural do not rightly hate pride.
They that want to be drunk or high know they are a enemy to their self or know they are
a trial to their self day by day. To be (at) joy they want whats dark of their self half asleep,
yet a enemy thats half asleep, wakes up an enemy. Jesus did not say get high, but lowly.

Here are two records points which were within my reporting: The Edmonton public was not told
that the IMAX corporation giant was licensed to make and market naked lusting material of youth
for Europe’s British societies in the 1970’s and the early eighties.
Is prosecutor J. Rowan better than world-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoefer
who was accused, or world renowned John Mark Felton who developed vaccines to
fight global diseases, or founder of Pan American flights, or world renowned oil industry
director Liam Gibson, or World renowned conductor of Russia’s National Orchestra
Mikhail Pletnev, or Canada’s national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender,
or world renowned child dyslexia author Chris Singleton, or the spokesman for Hawaii’s
shark task force Randy Honebrink, or President JFK’s brother-in-law Jamie, or Chief
scientist for the sunken titanic William Kenneth Stewart, or Nasa Rocket scientist James
R. Robinson, or global child exploitation and child abuse Ice Chief Anthony V. Mangione.

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen admitted he sent the emails and reports with material
he censored, signed by him. Its reasonable to say that material was downloaded unaware,
and many images were in cache, and so not accessible, yet material was accessible on
thumb drives and computers, found in his apartment, and possession on drives proves he stored,
and so he had control. And a usb was found in his underwear which I see as a contradiction.

MY ANSWER: That which that judge said for his decision does not fit with a reasonable knowledge
of sub-section 6 for the public good. I would have needed access to material if I were to exhibit
evidences for the administration of justice, science, education and health. And therefore having
a computer was part of the need. The report was of a (high number of pages of knowledge and of
exhibits) being worked on, therefore storing evidence was part of working on updating, to get
the wordings and evidences right, fitting public good matters and issues witnessed & appearing.
And knowing authorities and governors were appearing to be the cause forcing me to act
on sub-section 6, I had a sound reason to believe I was and my evidence was at risk,
therefore elementary law leads any to know why I might have been bearing the belief I needed
to store evidences on my drive. Yes, I testified that federal parties were accusing party to party
of child abuse for years and I testified of reporting for years simplest termed entrapping titled wide
open sites not blocked and not addressed - that gave me a good reason to not trust authorities.
If the burden of proof was and is not on me why am I within this pen written report bearing the
need to remind of elementary points of law and remind of what I testified of on the witness stand?

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY; One of his exhibits shows a censored photo of a nude10 year old girl
that has a message that says she is attractive.

MY ANSWER: That exhibit does not show that as being, what I, wrote. I did not write what that
censored photo messaged, and I was not endorsing any words written, and I was not endorsing
that photo as freedom of expression. I gave that as a report exhibit cause that was wide open
and was found with a message referencing fbi suggesting that there are examples of preteens
which are not victims. I know my own report which I was working on. If the burden of proof was
and is not on me why am I within this report bearing the need to question why that exhibit was not
addressed right, with respect to a court decision to say that I did not following the law right?
WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY; Mr. Cullen admits material is clearly of youth under 18, exhibits are
not subtle, theres a exhibit of girls hiding in the grasses. He says they are trying to seduce men.

MY ANSWER: I testified on the witness stand that the girls hiding within the grasses weren’t naked,
bodies werent visible, yet were part way censored by police persons as if they were. If the burden
of proof was & is not on me why am I bearing the need to question why that false police censoring
was not addressed, with respect to a decision to say I was not of a law? And I said those girls
were seducing with their eyes, not their bodies. A teaching I have is that lusting eyes are designs
that “appear” gentle, friend-being and fitting, which is why lusting eyes are a rich way of seducing.

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen admitted he censored images of a young girl and he put
a crime scene message on that, of Inna, and he exhibited girls modeling in scantily clad ways.
And a model exhibited bondage modeling he admitted he censored, casey model.

MY ANSWER: If the burden of proof was and is not on me why am I bearing the need to remind that
that material being wide open for months and years (was undue risk by authorities), and therefore
I cannot be accused of causing a fire that authorities were letting and letting spread. And I raised
my voice to remind I wrote on (NDS) and persons at fed. levels accused of letting girls be captive.

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Mr. Cullen’s report offers unique features such as history on age
of consent. He says there are a number of youth that can consent. Although there may be
scientific revelations which might be reasonable, courts are not equipped and so will not evaluate
science. I do not see any thing on education for treating sex offenders. There needs to be
a verifiable legitimate purpose for administration of justice, science, education and health.

MY ANSWER: If the burden of proof was and is not on me, why am I bearing the need to remind
that undue risk by authorities and policy makers is a legitimate purpose, and why do I need to say
that I was interrupted and not given the right to freely testify of my teachings which give proofs
I did in deed have a number of verifiable legitimate reasons according to sub-section 6.,
for administration of justice, science, education and health. My eight teachings give insights
on accused people and insights with respect to offenders with respect sub-sec.6 on education.

I REMIND THAT JUNE 27, THE JUDGE SAID: Mr. Cullen’s report offers unique features such as history
on age of consent. He says there are a number of youth who can consent. MY ANSWER :At mid-
June my lawyer tried raising my writing on history records recording that the age of consent was
twelve, thirteen decades ago. Prosecutor James Rowan interrupted and tried saying that that
was American laws, as if people of the states do not put their pants on the way we do, and as if
they do not have the limbic and hypothalamus design and pituitary gland design Canadian’s
have. And before that time hundreds of thousands of Americans resided and settled in Canada,
and so why was James Rowan uttering non-sense if he was not trying to have false designs of
knowledge mislead the court records to unjustly prosecute me. What Oxytocin hormone levels at
youth was Rowan hiding as he was at work to brutally and madly prosecute me and my work.
That which that judge said was June 27 2019. On the witness stand June 11th or 12th 2019
I testified of my teaching I name Genesis’s Bi-known. I said I have given good reasons to believe
with respect to the earliest times there was and is a low number of youngest teens and preteens
which are as older people. I told the court they are a near mirror to but are contrary to a number
of children and that by confusing that any sleightest way by false broad messaging,
that causes shock to conscience neural circuitry. This is the ninth proof my reporting was
for the public good, for the administration of justice, education, science and health. I reminded
the court of my reporting exhibit on actress Yuko Ogura who at eighteen appeared eleven. Not
on the stand I was forced to raise my voice ‘to remind the court that if people can by law find their
self attracted to a number of older people who appear as young as a youth then they will find their
self interested in youth who appear the way those older women do. At the end before that judge’s
mid-June decision I was forced to raise my voice to remind of my Yuko Ogura proof and I added
saying other proofs are; Actress Ha Yeon -Soo who in her twenties appears 11 or 12, Actress
Inka Williams who appears 12 or 13 , Actress Annasophia Robb who at 23 appears 14 or 15,
Actress Hiromi Nagasaku who at 50 appears 18, and Actress Ariana Grande who at 23 appears
12 or 13. And I told the court, also of interest is actress Dawn Wells. I told the court of Numbers
31:18 which weighs on my insight I gave. I raised my voice saying , this is common sense , this
is common sense ! Policy designers and authorities should not be illegally detaining and isolating
me and torturing me in remand facilities, and using dangerous sociopath lying ‘psychiatrists’
to label me ‘all cause they fear debating me, hating me cause the fear debating with me.

Here I shall share a little of my knowledge on the low number I testified of: There are a low
number of youth with the knowledge to know what older people know; knowledge to know that
older people that appear friendly might turn and use; a strength, weight and height advantage
to cause fear and force consent, knowledge to know that by nature its common that men
are designed to force their will on females of all ages, knowledge to know that things must fit
otherwise things are damaged and things are a danger to life, knowledge to know that knowing
there are dangers teaches you there might be dangers where you have not visited, knowledge
to know that not having clothes on you might be at greater risk cause psychos & offenders exist,
knowledge to know that you can be trapped, knowledge to know that people can gang up on you
and that numbers do not prove you are safe, knowledge to know that in minutes a youth might
understand the nature of fire and water in the ways a older person understands, and that there
are other ways within not much time a youth might deeply understand what older people know.
Its absolutely absurd that Mr. James Rowan cannot see this. Yes by nature there are youth
which do design as older people do, and saying this is not the full truth of our world might be
the single greatest lie ever perpetrated on the earth at the end times. By that there is loss of
definition, city by city policy witch hunting, theres a person to person hypocrite element, loss of
truthful media, loss of really mature governors and citizens, a identity effect to a number of youth,
a world-wide delusional threat to children, and world wide tyranny. Is this report I give to tempt?
Its a way people deceive, saying I tempt. I am justly expecting a truthful conscience!

You are now eye-witnesses of my knowledge which is an other proof my teachings would
have given the court proofs I am as I said, a definer of human nature , not any way delusional.

My free speech rights were taken, tortured and threatened by a force of character assassins. My
fullest use of sub-sec. 6 of 163.1 was seen as justified, a first in history, and later taken captive.

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: Assuming I am wrong that Mr. Cullen did have a legitimate purpose,
theres undue risk. Mr. Cullen wrote that law makers are hypocrites. He showed a fierce devotion
to his research. He appears to alert people and appears to be trying to liberalize laws. He sent
material and yet writes on blocking material. Images were provocative and not necessary.

MY ANSWER: If the burden of proof was and is not on me why am I bearing the need to remind that
that material being wide open for months and years (was undue risk by authorities), and therefore
I cannot be accused of causing a fire that authorities were letting and letting spread. And I
was testifying that wide open sites were not blocked and (not addressed), therefore was saying
in ways they might not need to be blocked, and that ways they do need to be, they were not.
I was saying that sites were entrapping and saying that lack of definition was and is a matter of
public safety and national security with respect to the administration of justice and the charter.
Material was necessary for everyone to see evidence of what undue risk authorities appeared to
be causing and spreading !!! And if I were given my lawful right to give a full answer on what
my teachings are the judge and prosecutor would have heard other reasons why material was
necessary for the administration of justice, science, education and health. SEE MY TEACHINGS !!!

WHAT DID THE JUDGE SAY: I have serious concerns on Mr. Cullen’s reliability. A supreme court
case ruling states there cannot be a legitimate and illegitimate purpose. And undue risk cannot be
to children, its a case by case basis whether theres undue risk, and paragraph 158 of the sharp
case reminds that the very existence of cp is undue risk that undermines the charter rights
and dignity of children. Mr.Cullen did not know who he emailed, who would open his emails, who
montreal simon was, oprah winfrey. There was not any regard for who would open his reported
exhibits to minimize risk. I am satisfied the crown has proven intent to make cp available.

MY ANSWER: I am satisfied that though system persons sold their souls to illegally detain
me by habeas corpus and to force a bats flying and bullying kangaroo trial on me of which
I did not get to freely testify, I have in deed proven 100% within this report I have let you
or any see, yes proven I was fully within my criminal code rights and charter rights.

&MY ANSWER: My years of reporting was on system persons breathtakingly not appearing reliable,
and there were ‘only’ legitimate reasons I had which my eight teachings I wrote of prove, (prove).
I gave reasons why authorities were appearing to be letting undue risk and letting that spread,
and so were not trusted on a case by case basis. As that judge said, the very existence of cp is
undue risk that breaches the charter rights and dignity of children. I was reporting that for months
& years authorities were appearing to be letting undue risk and letting that spread. The very wide
open existence for years not blocked and not addressed was what I was reporting. [And I feared
that what was appearing was a threat to due process with respect to tyranny and the constitution.
When I put high profile people on my email list ‘that was like running to a house door' (fearing)
that what was much larger than myself and not friendly might be behind me.] And the judge didn’t
answer to the Federal letters I got, and to my saying I got high priority read email confirmations
for years from Federal people. I knew Montreal Simon fiercely blogs on corruption and I believed
Winfrey being of a millionaire high profile is not without her own email security measures. I did not
get any answer with respect to Helios, my report of officer Macleod, and a number of key points.
As you might see I’ve quickly answered to all that judge said June 27th 2019 which was his further
reasons for his mid-June decision. As you have to examine, I have proven that his decision
is false and cannot be the truth. I am not trying to fight with that judge but I have a right to be
acquitted in an appeal, and within this report I am not naming that judge, as a sign of respect.

Now that judge gave a few answers before his mid-June 2019 decision before I was put inside
that Remand, that Remand where I was threatened and abused 2015 and 2016. Before his false
decision there was a shocking visit to testify by a Dr. Haig and a dangerous lying psychiatrist
named Lenka Zedkova who is one of the doctors that worked with a Dr. Oto Cadsky to label
and entrap me inside the Alberta Hospital after I agreed to be sent there to get out of the Remand
that was neglecting, abusing and threatening my life. What Zedkova said June 27 2019 is perjury
and what Haig said was not truth. Feb 2003 forensic psychologist Inderjit Singh Chohon learned
that Dr.Cadsky called him paranoid. That led to a defamation law suit, and at a disciplinary hearing
Cadsky admitted he labelled him a narcissist. Cadsky threatened to return me to the Remand
if I did not talk to him. That was to extort me into trying a pharmaceutical med he knew I didnt need.
Inside the AH Psych Erin Will met with me and aggressively only wanted yes or no answers.
She and asked me if I feel I am targeted by systems. I then asked her; “first, do you believe
drugs might be given illegally by system persons?” Erin Will paused and then answered, “Yes”.
I then said; “Yes I believe I have been targeted”. Psy. Erin Will didnt document that conversation.
December 21st 2017 Dr.Cadsky within a unit 3-5 conference room told me he does not see me as
a physical threat and he said I am like the teacher from the dead poets society. I didnt know what
he was saying because I did not see the movie. Who is the teacher from the dead poets society
and why did Dr.Cadsky say I am like him? Dec.2018 I reported to ruth adria that psych aid Farhad
sat down with me and he said if I don’t “bow” to the system I will spend the rest of my life
on Alberta Hospital’s forensics 3-5 unit. Psych aid Prab acted as if he was only jesting when he
said to me, “the system won against you Shawn”. I define what a challenge is; its to hunt by
seducing you with pride of fighting to covet advantages. In a 5 page report Dr Vijay Singh stated
that I did not pose any management problems within the Alta. Hosp, and he wrote that I remained
calm collected and poised, and he wrote that he did not find evidence that I appear delusional by
what I see and hear on tv or radio, and he wrote that I did not admit to seeing things or hearing
things in the past. Jan 12 2018 AH Chief Alberto Choy who works with Zedkova on unit 3-5 told me
Dr.Cadsky asked him to interview me to write an opinion. That was at approx 11:45 am inside the
3-5 unit cafeteria rm #2004. Dr.Choy sat down and opened a green binder and said; “It says here
you are more approachable and relaxed. (Would you) say that that is from meds given to you?”
I answered; “Not Really No. If I am doing better its from diet, exercise.” Psych. Choy said;
“I believe you have a mental illness”. I then said; “Based on what?” Psych.Choy said; “You
believe theres a conspiracy with police and child porn”. I then said; “Its not my assumed view,
Its with respect to mainstream media saying that child predators appear to run things in Alberta”.
(Briar Stewart CBC news Oct. 17 2010), (L.Malenfont and Press-tv-Correspondent) Psych.Choy said; “well
I believe you have a mental illness”. I then asked again; “Based on what?” Psych. Choy said;
“based on what I told you.” I then said; “You’re diagnosing me with believing cops are predators?”
“I gave you a reasonable answer, and so you don’t have a reason?” Psy. Choy said; “based on
whats in here.”(said as he tapped on his green binder) I then said; “based on that binder that says
I am approachable and relaxed!” “So you don’t have a reason and you are talking in circles.”
Psych. Alberto Choy would not account and he left that five minute interview he ‘said he wanted’.
Not giving a account evidences my health records are being manipulated and being falsified. He
later signed to force a bail condition community treatment order in which I was forced to visit FACTS
once a month. He wrote that his opinion is that I have (delusions theres system child exploitation).
Another life threatening lying AH Psychiatrist like Lenka is, Olufunto Oluyemisi Orimalade, who
assaulted me using acuphase, a psychotropic mind altering drug, used cause, to ask a question
I opened a door to a meeting she was having. That was not provoked. Remember Dr Vijay Singh
stated within his report that I did not pose any management problems within the Alberta Hospital.
And August 17th 2016 I defeated a psychiatric panel illegally forced on me. That was chaired by
Allan Harris who I witnessed acts as head of a pack of liars that lie and label cause they want AH
to execute a clinical grip on any who know to report matters and issues with respect to systems.

Now here is what I said on the witness stand, June 2019 crt rm 412: “ If any thought I do not have
a sound mind they would not of let such a man email written and visual material as I did for years
to 250 officials who had my address and email address. When I (could not) follow bail conditions
in 2017 I was assaulted by a officer and brought to the Royal Alex. I spoke of my faith in God for
a few minutes with another. Then nearby I heard a female staff head laugh mockingly. I then heard
her say; “I can hear him talking about God, this is perfect’”. Minutes later she walked up to me and
said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”. Guilty of a scandal Nov. 22nd 2017 that Royal Alex
Psychiatrist Marsh Joyal wrote up a certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” According to
Martin’s criminal code 2016 book under annotations page 1866 section (2a), almost word for word,
says I have a right to entertain and declare my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and
a right to protection against Government intimidation with respect to my religion and conscience
which includes indirect attempts to control, like what Marsh Joyal did”. said in court
That term ‘perfect’ spoken by M. Joyal evidences that they wanted to design a way to label me.
Remember I wrote that a Psych aid acted as if he was only jesting when he said to me, “the
system won against you Shawn”. System persons conspired to label me as grandiose cause they
knew I wrote within a email to hundreds of political people that I am a very special son of God.
What they did not get is that I was referencing a prophesy from a Christian leader who wrote to me
saying the holy spirit told him I fit with Deuteronomy 7:6 which says I am chose to be very special.

Now as I wrote for my friend to type, that judge before his 2019 further reasons for his decision
let Dr. Haig and that dangerous lying psychiatrist named Lenka Zedkova testify. What Zedkova
said June 27th 2019 court room 412 is ‘perjury’ and what Haig said was not truth.

I raised my voice saying; “your honour Zedkova and Haig know I reported on the internet that they
were lying and manipulating my rights within the Alberta hospital, so there is a conflict of interest.
What they will say cannot be trusted”. said in court

June 27 2019 on that witness-stand Zedkova said that her opinion is that I am schizophrenic and
she referenced 1998 of which she said I saw a doctor to get a orchidectomy and said I was hearing
voices and seeing demons and saying that my chest was heavy. I raised my voice and said shes
a god-damned liar, and I said shes lying under oath, and I said my health records were falsified.

Sept 28 1998 Grey Nunn’s health records were rewritten. They do not have a way of proof of the
year of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health documents, therefore documents can be falsified.
And Alta.Health Authorities and Alta.Hospital are accused by the privacy commissioner of letting
sensitive health records be breached and lossed with respect to section 34.1 and section 60.1(2).

Lets say decades ago as a young man in 1998 I had such a fear of heading to hell that as a right
of passage I misinterpreted Matthew 5:29 and I went to get a orchidectomy. Lets say a fear of hell
caused me to have nightmares and I believed my nightmares were actual attacks by demons. As any
might see, who that would be decades ago does not fit with who I had become and who this report
proves I am. And if that were the truth in 1998 doctors would have signed a certificate to detain me.

That crt rm 412 Judge reminded Psych. Lenka Zedkova that a Alberta Hospital mental health panel,
(forced on me), was not able to able to find me unfit.

On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Lenka Zedkova said her opinion is that I am a narcissist
and persecutory. As I reported, her associate Oto Catsky labelled a respected doctor a narcissist.
What is of interest is a video on narcissists which I have posted within my internet blog for years.
Persecutory is a delusion of believing you are being persecuted, with reason to believe you are not
being persecuted, acting harmed with a reason to believe you are not harmed. Its at times termed
Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged about minor causes. They that are that way
at times design false reports of being stalked and want to file lawsuits. As you might see, its absurd
to believe I am persecutory having given you here my rightly reasoned knowledge on what that is.
On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Zedkova and Haig labelled me grandiose based on my saying
I am a special son of God. I raised my voice and told the court of Deuteronomy 7:6 , and I said the
scripture is a proof I have a sound account and the account proves they appear to of labelled me.
And my teachings within this report for appeal prove I am in deed an authority on human nature
and that people needed to respect my reporting I was working on. And see my teachings on pride.

That judge gave what were June 27 2019 further reasons for that at mid-June decision when
I was falsely convicted. Here are a few at mid-June reasons for that at mid-June decision;

Prosecutor Rowan said I was extremely argumentative on the witness stand and said I would not give
yes or no answers. By saying that Rowan appeared to be signalling that I would not get a just ruling.
I had fear that by answering yes or no Prosecutor James Rowan was causing misleading court records
by fallacy questions, by what his questions were designing, which was to (extremely) magnify that
evidences were of preteens and not magnify that I gave proof of why we know system persons and
persons are interested in a number of preteens with respect to wide open sites and the administration
of justice I was reporting. I would not give yes or no to his questions cause I did not want Mr. Rowan
causing misleading court records and entrapping me by not asking (Just) questions with respect to
sub-section 6. Rowan was at work to confuse that with a guilty mind. Theres not any Mensa Rea.

Rowan insulted by saying its absolutely absurd that I said I have studied human nature for the hours
I said. I studied for three decades and I spent years listening to my own recordings of my teachings
using a little recorder and head-phones. I worked within the security industry, so having my head
phones on was a way of passing time on grave yard shifts and shifts, and I slept with head phones on.
My math skills are poor but I believe I studied at least 50 thousand hours within the last three decades.
Rowan’s math skills are poor too cause he cannot do the math on history records and cannot see
that maliciously prosecuting me curses his soul which equates into him being damned and therefore
cast into a lake of fire that he believes does not exist. The judge mistakenly said that I said I studied
child porn for three decades. I did not. I said I studied human nature. And before his decision the judge
mistakenly said that I said, that as I was being arrested on my stomach, my upper arms were guarding
my ribs. I did not say that. I said my upper arms were guarding my ribs while I was not fully horizontal.
I raised my voice a number of times to try to say my case redefines the constitution. My lawyer wouldnt
be bold to have the court open its self to the constitution. Therefore the trial breached the constitution!

Before that June 27 2019 further reasons for that at mid-June decision when I was falsely convicted,
Edmonton court-house Sheriff Hadfield walked up to me and said he agreed I proved my case. I told
him I did not get to freely testify on my teachings and raise full answers. Sheriff Hadfield said;
“I am with you Shawn, you were thorough, Theres something wrong with this system. I think they
want to make a martyr out of you”. The Sheriff that was beside Mr. Hadfield appeared to agree
as he nodded his head. I hope that judge is not on side with such unjust haters wanting me trapped.
That judge told me he remanded me for a short time to think on my bail and I remember witnessing
that that judge acted shocked that I did not have a trial earlier and was not given time served.

The judge remanded me, and inside Edmonton’s remand I witnessed on its infirmary guards talking
to cell 5 inmate, a native con. That con then turned and said my name, Shawn. On June 17th 2019
that con stalked me, harassed me, and jumped me from behind and criminally assaulted me.
That proves to me that guards insighted that con to criminally assault me. Two guards asked me
to consider not filing criminal charges cause that might not be a wise way of handling that matter.
I had trouble eating food for a week and suffered harm to my head which healed within a number
of days. I was not able to sleep free of suffering cause the inside of my mouth was cut by my gums
being forced into my teeth. A nursed asked if I bit my gums. I said yes by force of that assault.

My lawyer told me to not talk of that on June 27 2019. He said; “we need to focus on getting you bail.
Don’t say any thing that might piss the judge off”. That assault was within days of being remanded.
How is that ‘persecutory’, and how is that Marsh Joyal matter persecutory, and how is not learning
til May 2 2017 that my Mother died, persecutory? My loving little Mom died in 2011, and not any
got in touch with me to let me know what was happening to her, nor did any tell me of her funeral.

A very senior member of the Crown Prosecutors Office told lawyer Christian Banks that he does
not doubt that Alberta Health persons and Caritas persons were trying to band-aid harm they
were causing to my elderly parent who was within their Misericordia hospital. I tried to touch on
that on the witness-stand and I was interrupted and told not to, for lawyer-client confidentiality.

Three years earlier before the false mid-June 2019 decision , on June 16th 2016 at a bail hearing
after my being detained like a political prisoner or hostage for 10 months, Prosecutor James Rowan
stated there was no determination of whether my reporting was a crime or not. Crt. transcript page 6
lines 21-24. A advocate who heard of that, R.M. Adria of the elder advocates society, wrote on her
website; “We respectfully submit a question therefore of why the crown detained this man, (me)
behind locked doors”.

Having recorded that matter of being stalked, harassed and criminally assaulted which was caused
by guards inside Edmonton’s remand days after that mid-June decision, I believe that gives a good
reason to record a number of matters I suffered as I was remanded Habeas Corpus from 2015 2016

June 2019 I hoped to record on the witness stand Remand torture and threats I suffered but lawyer
Ronald Morin said if I appear to want a war with unfriendly persons running Alberta’s system then
I might not get (any) justice. I need to record a few matters.

August 2015 I told the court that a cop yelled “rat” at that August 2015 false arrest at 11:30 at night
while Albertans were asleep. How and why would any say that was yelled if that were not the truth.

Remanded August 2015, I was put on the 3-D unit. I spoke of my case with a few Christian inmates.
A guard that I believe heard took me out and marched me down to a dry-cell that had rat written on its
dry cell wall. That cell did not have a toilet. For days I was not let out to use a washroom and not told
why I was taken from 3-D and put in that cell. I was forced to pass matter into a hand towel and
a paper bag. I laid on a mat bearing shock trying to understand what the hell guards were doing.
Psych-Aids passed by for days asking me if I wanted to commit suicide. I said; “no, why do you carry
on asking that?” I said I need to use a washroom. Psych-aides walked away not answering. Days
later I heard guards jest of using death-hot-sauce and a heart fibrillator. I was terrified that my life
might be at peril cause I was taken from the 3-D and not let out to use a washroom and Psych-aids
would not use language other than asking whether or not I wanted to commit suicide. I had
on my mind that my reporting and appearing trapped that way was actus rea. I reasoned that they
might want to murder me by; forcing me to swallowing death-hot-sauce and using a heart fibrillator
to cause my death to appear a suicide as if death hot sauce caused heart failure. I reasoned that
media and the public would not believe death was a suicide if I was found harmed, therefore to save
my life I gave my self black eyes. Guards took me out of that cell to the remand vid.tron court floor.
With deepest tears and fears I told legal aid duty lawyer Guy Doyon that I was reporting on system
persons appearing to not manage wide-open child porn. With deepest tears and fears I told Mr.
Doyon that I was put in a cell and not let out to use a washroom and was facing what was appearing
to be life threatening language by guards and psych aids. Lawyer Guy Doyon told the Judge. “Your
honour there appears to be a system outrage at Shawn Cullen”. At the bail hearings I saw a judge
Dickens and another judge = and neither let me freely answer to what that crown prosecutor said.
Bail was denied. After only weeks I mysteriously got violent infections in my fingers. Guards and staff
refused me anti-biotics and would not let me get to a doctor. I was given a Vaseline based gel.
October 22nd 2015 I was non-segregated with other general population people as I was when I was
put inside Edmonton’s Remand. Oct 22nd I was taken with others down to the video-tron court floor.
Before I was to speak to a Judge, guards (took me out of the cell I, was in with others) & detoured me
to cell 13, a segregate cell for a person thats marked a danger to their self and others. I told
a guard that that did not make sense and I refused to enter that cell. He said he would inquire.
A minute later a guard with a strange smile on his face yelled, “Video surveillance is shut down”.
Seconds later that guard that did a inquiry walked up to me and said; “You are right”. I was then
returned to the cell I was in with others and taken to a video-tron screen to speak to a Judge J.K.
Wheatley who I told of that attempt to detour me. That judge stated; “This man Shawn Cullen was
deemed fit to instruct counsel and so we will not have any diversions”. The judge called for a break
and I was returned to the cell and minutes later returned to face Judge Wheatley again. I tried telling
the Judge again of that attempt by guards to detour me. Its evidence of persons wanting to label me.
November 27 2015 I was put in a cell with a mad psycho named David Dawson who admitted to me
that guards pinned him up at a wall and bribed him into trying to get me segregated. With a evil grin
he suggested guards want to plant drugs on me and to cause my death to appear a suicide. I told
guards I needed another cell. They said no and said they were heading me to Max-D. - A inmate told
me Max-D is a trap with cells that do not have washrooms, and that it takes away your phone-rights.
With that = rat dry-cell no washroom hot sauce murder was a suicide trap - video-tron detour labelling
trap -with infected fingers and no doctor to get to, trap - with a drug planting con murder was a suicide
trap, headed to mad-D to cells without washrooms without phone-rights, trap = I chose to not let
my self face further risk. I climbed to a high point on the unit and I said my life was being threatened
and I needed to get out of the Remand. I said I was not really wanting to act out any suicide, I said
I was trying to save myself. A GUARD RECORDED. A Dr. Woods offered to send me to the Alberta Hospital.
The Alberta Hospital found that my infected fingers were mysteriously caused by two +4 staph
infections. A nurse said the Remand should have given you anti-biotics. For weeks I was given extra-
strength anti-biotics. The reason I am not recording what AH Staff did is I do not want to condemn
a number of staff who tried to be friends with me. I believe in love and (mercy). One unit staff worker
said he did not believe what any book was narrating. He said he was able to see there was not
anything wrong with me. I won against a psychiatric panel within AH. - I was defaulted to the
Edmonton Remand. I was put on, “Max-D”. March 25/2016 at 11:12am a guard named L(9letters)
and guard named B(4letters) handed me a lunch container of lunch that had the words “kill your self”
written on the lid. I asked why that was, and they said they did not write that. April 19/2016 I put in
a written request to be brought to Edmonton’s Remand clinic cause strangely my eye-lid and arm was
pulsating. I believed my food was being poisoned or I was enduring such deep stress from all I was
witnessing that I was suffering a effect on my nerves. I was not brought to the clinic. I witnessed that
a man was crying for help above me and guards were carrying down peed on coveralls and blankets.
I asked why and B(4letters) said;“thats a good question”. I asked that guard why I was on a max unit
with a number of second and third level cells that are without washrooms. He said; “Thats where you
are headed”. I told him; “You shouldn’t joke about that cause a advocate reported that I was put in
a dry-cell without a washroom”. I witnessed that cell 6 inmate died. Guards had cons harass me!
With my washroom rights dignity and life appearing threatened I climbed to a high point like last time.
Guards burning with anger tried to climb up to catch me. I said I would kill myself if they did not stay
down. I lied. I knew I would not but I needed to try to get out. They lied by saying they would send me
to the Alberta Hospital. Once I was lowered down, guards used cussing words and violently cuffed
and shackled me and put me in a cell without a washroom that had a giant pee-hole at its center.
June 16 2016 court-room 515 Justice Greckol appeared to agree, that evidenced by what I said,
Edmonton’s Remand was threatening my life and rights. I was again sent to Alta Hosp. to get away
from that. August 15 2016 lawyer Ronald Morin told me my case is the most important free speech
case in the country. I was later defaulted to that Remand another time. I was put on its infirmary and
(labelled) high-profile which segregated me and swallowed up my phone-rights. A high-ranking guard
named D. A(5letters) listened to one of my phone-calls. Outraged, he walked up to me and said; “I’m
sending you to Calgary’s Remand. You are losing all of your rights”. After my life being threatened a
number of ravenous times on a super-max by guards using cons within Calgary’s Remand , I got bail.

I left out names to prove I am merciful and not out to target reputations. Does that sound
persecutory to you? And I have chosen; to not name and to forgive Edmonton City Officers.
You have brought this man to me as one who perverteth the people, and behold; I having examined him
before you have found no fault in this man touching those things of which you accuse him. Luke 23:14

God does not approve you cause you possess the answers. He Judges whether or not you ARE the answer.
My teachings came from me, not from my adversaries, and they lied like the devil, and so although they
possess answers, they are not the answer, not the ones He chooses for His Kingdom. I will forgive any
who ask me, but whether any believe or not, I am one of the Lord’s very special sons. Remember,
Theres people that think they know you but you are keeping most things to your self. I see a force
using people and things to attempt to stop you. They lied about you.

Deuteronomy 27:19 Cursed be they that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, fatherless and widow.
And all the people shall say amen. -

July 23 2019 is the sentence by that Judge. Mr. Morin said the judge will give time served and Morin
will appeal for a full acquittal. Remember I am an eye-witness that that judge acted shocked that I did
not have a trial earlier and was not given time served. Right now I am a man falsely told hes guilty
and I am seeing a probation officer, and need to be monitored using the internet, and have needed my
friends to do my work for me, and why would I need to see any at f.a.c.t.s after proving every way
I was labelled. A number of my teachings you see within this report are on illusions and delusions.

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