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Language is a tool of communication for get information between listeners and speakers. Language has many
types and variations such as the first language or what we usually call mother tongue and the second
language. the second language is the language obtained by someone other than their mother tongue. So
researchers want to know more about the second language obtained by someone, after doing an interview,
the researchers gat a lot of information about the second language. finally the researchers can summarize it
in a scientific work entitled the second language obtained by children to adults.
B. Material
From the sample that interviewed by the researcher. the researchers can illustrate that the second language
obtained from the student named Rian Saputra is the language when he learn at school. So the semple only
use the second language at the time of learning and teaching in the class at once while interacting with
teachers and school staff. Sample got the second language since elementary school when the teacher
introduced the Indonesian language and taught the basics of speaking good and true. Since then the sample
knows the Indonesian language and use it in school. In addition, environmental factors are very influential on
the second language training. The majority of the language used by the family environment and the social
environment of the sample is the local language, commonly called the Serawai language. The language is
always used by the sample to communicate with the family, friends or in its social environment so the sample
is having difficulty in using the second language in school. Besides, sample rarely use the Indonesian because
some of his friends argue like this.
1. Indonesian language Is A Strange Language
2. Indonesian language Is The Language for the Rich person
3. Indonesian language Is The Language for the society in the city not for society in the village
So with the various reasons, the sample never uses Indonesian outcomes so as to result in the time the
sample speaks in school. Not infrequently sampled mix the language while talking in school, like the following
Bahasa indonesia : aku mau pergi kesekolah
Sampel : aku ndak pegi kesekola.
From this example, it does not rule out the possibility that samples always use mixed code when
communicating as a result, many sample friends laugh when they hear what the sample says. With these
conditions, the sample becomes shy and chooses to silent in class. So as to address these problems, the role
of teachers and parents is very important.
At school:
1. Teachers can build child character to be barely use the Indonesian.
2. The teacher can teach how to speak Indonesia well and right.
3. The teacher can provide support for students to always try even though you are in the word
At home :
1. The parents can guide children to speak Indonesian even though it is only 20% in communicating. 2.
Parents can be a role model for his child in teaching b. Indonesia.
3. The family who already graduated schools can provide the kitchen to the sister and so forth.
So with the cooperation between schools and families can bring benefits to the sample.

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