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Running head: Social Media Evaluation 1

Social Media Evaluation

Diana Garcia Sierra

West Texas A & M University

Social Network Marketing

June 30, 2019

Social Media Evaluation 2


Marketing in social networks refers to all those activities carried out in order to promote a

brand through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, among others, which are at

their peak among Internet users, and facilitate the interaction of the brand with its target

audience, at a much more personalized and dynamic level than with traditional marketing


A tactic of marketing on social networks can range from the production of content for a

blog or twitter, to the deployment of many activities that integrate various social networks,

videos on YouTube and blogs, the important thing is to adapt them to the needs of each

company, so that it will improve its image and brand positioning, disseminate information

quickly, be more popular, be able to collect strategic information about its customers, among

other benefits.

The brands of cars and fashion are using Instagram to reach their customers and fans.

That is why I will analyze the Mercedes Benz account in this social network.


Mercedes Benz has been on Instagram for over four years and has published 12.4k

images and videos. Its rate of updates is very high and is one of the most active brands in this

platform. During the first ten months, it did not exceed the 50 monthly photos, but from there it

increased the pace and has peaks of up to 200 as in November of 2017.

Social Media Evaluation 3

In these 4 years, the signature of the star has accumulated 20.8M followers. Where 1M of

followers goes up in average every 3 days

Thursday June 27, 2019 Saturday June 29, 2019

It has an average of 100,000 interactions (likes and comments) for each image that rises

and a participation rate of 5.7%. Something enviable and that means an average of 57.8

interactions for each of his fans in the last four years.

Social Media Evaluation 4

It is true that Mercedes-Benz is one of the best-known luxury brands in the world and that

its fans go crazy with their cars and with the new launches. Mercedes-Benz uses existing

hashtags, such as #mbfanfhoto, which is used by instagramers who are passionate about the

brand and who create content from it.

Mercedes exploits very well the quality of the images with very visual photographs. The

product they sell also helps. The updates in which it shows the interiors of the cars always

receive a large number of interactions. Mercedes-Benz loves to share on Instagram his latest

products, something that his fans also like because they feel privileged to see the latest news of

the brand before many others.

This strategy is working since the increase of Mercedes-Benz fans since he came to

Instagram has been increasing. His latest publications were based on the gay pride campaign.

Alluding to the LGBT International Day of Pride (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals), also

known as LGBT Pride Day or simply LGBT Pride, is a series of acts that the LGBT community

celebrates annually in a public way to install equal rights. your collective. This celebration takes

place on June 28, the day commemorating the Stonewall riots (New York, United States) of

1969, which marked the beginning of the homosexual liberation movement.1 In some countries,

the original date of celebration of the Pride usually moves to the first Saturday before or after

June 23, although it can also be modified if it coincides with other relevant events (political

elections, mass celebrations) or to commemorate other local ephemeris of important events for

the collective.
Social Media Evaluation 5

Campaign to which Mercedes Benz joined as you can see in the following figure.

As evidenced in the interactions are not as high as the previous ones, since all the public

does not agree with the gay culture. Even some followers say it through comments like
Social Media Evaluation 6

"unfollowing" "Bye bye Mercedes" etc.

On the other hand, many followers support Mercedes with this campaign and reply the

messages of haters inviting them to respect the free development of the personality since it is not

harming anyone and is part of a culture that is expanding every more time.
Social Media Evaluation 7

Moreover, Mercedes uses the Instagram option of stories to promote their articles. With

the survey option and upload articles.

Mercedes makes sure that the whether they are posting on Instagram there is an image

posted and/or link. This is helpful in keeping consumers up to date with products and product

knowledge. As long as Mercedes continues to post the way they are marketing for them on social

media will be fairly easy. They have laid out the foundation of creating a quality product. Now

they are posting quality content.

Social Media Evaluation 8

My recommendations for Mercedes would be to utilize sponsored ads in the U.S. as well

as other countries across the world. I did not see any sponsored ads in the U.S. for Mercedes

during my search. Which leaves me concerned that they are leaving consumers in the U.S. out of

their marketing. Although the United States consumers purchase a lot of vehicles you can not

leave any ground uncovered. Mercedes Benz is doing a phenomenal job creating buzz for the

company. I would just change those things listed above when it comes to their social media

marketing, and everything should continue to run smoothly.

As you can see Mercedes is doing fairly well with their social media marketing

efforts. They are able to get their products and information out all across the world. They have

noticed that they get more conversation and more activity on their posts that include pictures and

information about the new model cars that they are coming out with. With this being said making

minor changes to who they are marketing to on social media with their sponsored ads with give

their business a slight boost that they may be looking for


Mercedes Benz(n.d.). Retrieved from

Mercedes-Benz CLA-Class. (2019, June 26). Retrieved from


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