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What is technology?

It´s a set of knowledge and techniques, which are applied in a logical and orderly manner. It
makes it posible for human beings to modify their material environment or virtue to satisfy
their desires or needs.

technology has brought changes in ideas and human life helping and affecting human
and natural existence.

Years ago the technological tools are very few, bigger, with little capacity and simple
processes, for example:

My parents had to see tv´s in black and White, the tv´s were very big and heavy unilike now
that the tv´s are thinner and lighter, also they were more expensive and not all people had tv´s
or there was only one in each family.

This has now changed because the tv´s are smaller and ligher moreover the tv´s are faster than
old tv´s and now they are more beautifull, on the other hand there were radios, with which we
listened to the news radio soaps and sports. Now a days this is reported or internet and tv.

The communication was through telegrams and this was very expensive, now for
communicating we use the phone however, there used to be phones longer and heavier than
the new one.

when my parents studied was difficult to use the technology but they had some computers,
the computers took up a lot of space and were slow, it was difficult to access to work and
study, this the homework always were written in notebooks and not virtual. Now this has
changed since everything revolves around internet; homeworks, communication, games,
reading among other topics.

The technology has advanced in several fields that help to the easy development of daily tasks,
like the domestic tasks, that before was carried out by people, for example wash the clothes
by hand, the use of coal for cooking; Then they created machines that made those exchanges,
for example, the old washing machines were noisier and slower than those of now. Also the
clothes iron worked with coal or gasoline, they were slow to heat up and they were very
heavy, the new clothes irons are faster and easier to use that the old.

My parents tell me than the technology was very difficult to had because it was expensive and
it was not a priority, because the people was stronger and made the work without help, now
my parents thinks that technology is very necessary for the jobs and home, They also believe
that yhe technology it is very important to improve academicaly the studies of young people,
and there may be more opportunities for them.

Years ago, children played the Street, the games were in groups, they had more fun than now
because the games now are by internet and for this caused people are more alone and
dependen ton a virtual life.

the future may be affected by the massive advance of technology, generating damage to the
environment and people, for example, could cause damage to health due to the
electromagnetic waves that move, also damage to the body due to the constant use of the cell
phone will damage social relationships because they are not real.

there will be a loss of natural resources, because the technology generates pollution causing
the earth to die due to the toxins that this produces, likewise the excessive use of energy
affects the atmosphere, technological advances will cause more social inequalities, and forms
of manipulation of the media that will affect the stability of families or social groups.
However, technology will allow the development of new forms of life. If it is put to good use, it
can help to conserve a healthy environment by promoting renewable energy sources.

On the other hand, technology allows knowledge in different fields to improve the life of the
human being, looking for it to be easier and with more access to good tools to work and learn;
it will help to create medicines for diseases, good distance communication, job opportunities.
in a few years intelligent robotic life creations will occur that will make the labyrinths of the
home, also the possibility that the internet that three-dimensional, faster ways of moving
where cars, planes among others are intelligent and automatic, another possibility is that they
find smart cities.

The future will be prosperous if human beings become aware of the advantages and
disadvantages of the massive development of the internet and technology, and with them look
for tools for a responsible support of both natural and industrial resources that will help the
creation of multiple manquinas and forms of progress of society. Human beings are
responsible for the future to be better, where people can be free, responsible and protective
of the world to have many years full of many good and sustainable developments for nature
and life.

Jakeline Parra Cagua

Level V

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