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______________ (Mother) and ________________ (Father), the biological parents of (____________),

in the interest of cooperative parenting for the mental, physical, financial, and emotional well-being of our
child to bring forth love within the context of a loving and diverse community and according to the values
we hold in relation to spiritual and cultural, hereby enter into the following agreement, enter into the
following support agreement:

1) Management of Child Support

The father will financially provide support for the well-being of the child amounting to FIFTEEN
THOUSAND PESOS (P15,000.00) a month.

Both parents acknowledge that there may be extra-ordinary expenses will be incurred by the mother, as
the child will reside with her. Such extra-ordinary expenses will also be shouldered by the father provided
that satisfactory proof is shown that such expense is for the best interest of the child.

The mother will make her best effort to create and maintain equitable environments for the child in her
home, including but not limited to the child’s belongings, clothing, toys, and other play equipment.

2) Child’s Residence

We intend for the child to have a strong emotional bond with both parents. The child shall reside with the
mother and the father may visit his child not barred by the hindrance of physical deprivation as stated
below, with the goal of fostering a strong relationship with both parents.

Since the father is residing abroad the child shall live with the mother, and the father may visit the child at
the mother’s home when he visits the country. Recognizing that the mother will be making a major
adjustment during that time period, the father agrees to be flexible and sensitive to the needs of the
mother and the baby as to the timing and length of his visits as it is deemed healthy for the child and at
times when it will not interfere with the child’s nursing schedule.

Considering that the father is abroad most of the time, the father can request the mother at reasonable
hours to “Face-Time” (video-call application) with his daughter at his own convenience. The father, in
turn, will undertake to shoulder the monthly internet expenses to constantly see, perceive, observe and
monitor the well-being of his child.

3) Consistency in child-rearing practices:

Both parents agree that their childrearing practices and everyday routines will be consistent with each
other and will be discussed on a continuing basis.

4) Counselling and/or Mediation.

If a conflict arises in which both parents cannot reach a consensus and the issue is outside final decision-
making both parents agree that they shall meet with a mutually acceptable professional counsellor, local
government office and/or a qualified mediator.
5) Binding Arbitration.

If a dispute involving the child or this agreement cannot be resolved by discussion, counselling mediation,
both parents acknowledge that each of them has the option to seek to resolve the dispute by obtaining the
agreement of the other person to binding arbitration.

6) Review and Amendment of This Agreement - Proposed Changes

If either parent would like to consider clarification of, or change to, the terms of this agreement, both
parents shall meet together and attempt to reach an agreement on any such proposed change. The
agreement may only be amended by mutual written consent between both parents.

7) Effectiveness.

This agreement shall remain in effect until voided in writing by both parents or until the child reaches the
age at which all terms of this agreement no longer apply or control.

8) Severability

If any clause of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, those clauses shall be severable, while
the other provisions of this agreement shall remain in effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parents herein affixed their signature on the date and place above



Signed in the presence of:

_________________ _________________

Republic of the Philippines)

City of Davao ) S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the City of Davao, this _____ day of ________
2019 personally appeared:

Name Identification Card

_________________ ___________
_________________ ___________

all known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and hereby
acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

This instrument consisting of ____ pages, including this page on which this acknowledgment is
written refers to a Child Support Agreement and has been signed by the parties and their witnesses
and sealed with my notarial seal.


Doc. No. ____

Page No. ____
Book No. ____
Series of 2019.

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