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Action Research Plan

Topic of the Study

Classroom ePortfolios are becoming mainstream in higher education and research on

their effectiveness is abundant. Research on the use of classroom ePortfolios at the high school

level however is more limited. In order to add to the field of research, I will be conducting

action research to determine whether implementing classroom ePortfolios increases student

achievement in high school sciences classes.

Purpose of the Study

Keeping high school students engaged and involved in their education is a constant

challenge for their teachers. As ePortfolios allow students an opportunity to reflect on their

learning and connect the dots, increased achievement measured by increased test scores typically

follows. The purpose of this action research is to determine if the use of classroom ePortfolios

increases content-based student achievement in high school science classes.

Fundamental Research Question

The fundamental research question that I will be asking in this action research plan is

whether the use of high school science classroom ePortfolios increases content-based student


Research Design and Method

To determine whether or not the use of classroom ePortfolios increases achievement in

high school science classes, the test scores of two groups of students (ePortfolio students and

non-ePortfolio students) will be compared. Content-based pre-tests will be given to both groups

of students to determine baseline class averages of each group. Additionally, assessment grades
Action Research Plan

will be collected throughout the semester and will be analyzed to determine which class had the

greatest improvement in achievement. While future research studies might include qualitative

data such as student and perceptions as to the effectiveness of the use of classroom ePortfolios,

this particular study will focus solely on quantitative data, as this is the measure by which my

district defines success.

Type of Data Collected

To measure the outcome of the research question, the following data will be collected and

analyzed: content-based teacher-created pre-test scores, weekly quiz scores, unit test scores,

district CBA scores, and final exam scores. All scores will be taken from two groups of high

school Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) classes (ePortfolio students and non-ePortfolio

[control group] students).

Measurement instruments

Content-based teacher-created pre-test scores, weekly quiz scores, unit test scores, district

CBA and final exam scores of two groups of high school IPC students (ePortfolio students and

non-ePortfolio students) will be compared using the Data Analysis Tool Pack in Excel to

determine if there is a statistical significance to the scores.

Existing Literature

A review of the literature on classroom ePortfolios reveals a significant gap regarding

their use and effectiveness in high school science classes. The focus of the literature review

concentrated on whether the use of high school science classroom ePortfolios increases content-

based achievement. Because literature on the use of science classroom ePortfolios at the high

school level is scarce, this research will add to the existing field of literature.
Action Research Plan


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Action Research Plan

Implement the Plan

In the fall 2019 semester, high school Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) students

will be divided into two groups, students who use classroom ePortfolios (the ePortfolio group)

and students who don’t (the control group). In an effort to ensure the content given to both

groups of students is consistent, all direct-instruction provided by the teacher will be recorded

during the control group classes and uploaded to Schoology to be viewed by the ePortfolio group

classes. The study will take place over the entire fall 2019 semester (August 2019 through

December 2019).

Control Group. First period IPC students, the control group, will receive content-based

instruction throughout the semester using a traditional teacher-centered model of instruction.

This group will receive content via direct teacher-led instruction (which will be recorded and

uploaded to Schoology for the ePortfolio group), and assignments will consist of traditional

worksheets, station rotations, and labs. This group of students will also be given weekly quizzes,

unit tests, district CBA’s (content-based assessments) and district semester finals.

ePortfolio Group. Second period IPC students, the ePortfolio group, will receive content-based

instruction (lectures recorded during the control group classes) uploaded to Schoology. The

ePortfolio group will be asked to view the recorded lectures using Schoology and earbuds.

Assignments will be identical to the control group, however the ePortfolio group will be asked to

upload their completed worksheets and assignments to their ePortfolios housed within

Schoology. The ePortfolio group will also be given 5 minutes at the end of each class period to

reflect on the lesson and submit a 3 – 5 sentence reflection exit-ticket.

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Action Research Plan

Collect and Analyze Data

At the beginning of the semester, a content-based teacher-created pre-test will be

administered to both groups of IPC students. This pre-test creates a baseline average for each

group to determine increased achievement at the end of the semester. Throughout the semester,

multiple-choice quizzes, unit tests, district CBA’s and district final exams will be administered to

both groups of students. Both groups of students will receive the same assessments. At the end of

the fall semester, the quiz and test scores will be analyzed using the Data Analysis Tool Pack in

Excel to determine if there is a statistical significance to the scores.

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Action Research Plan

Develop Action Plan

In the spring semester of 2020, the study will be repeated on two new groups of students

to see if the results are consistent across a larger sample of students. After analyzing and

reflecting on the data collected in the previous semester, improvements, adjustments, and/or

modifications to the study will be implemented so that a continuous cycle of plan

implementation, data analysis, and plan development occurs.

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Action Research Plan

Share and Communicate Results

At the conclusion of the school year, the results of the study will be shared with the

Science Campus Content Specialist and the Science Assistant Principal to determine whether

other science classes should consider implementing ePortfolios. With the approval of

administrators, an ePortfolio pilot initiative will be offered to interested teachers in the science

department and professional development will be created to support the ePortfolio pilot teachers.

Professional Development would begin in the spring of 2021 and the ePortfolio pilot program

would begin the following school year.

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Action Research Plan

Reflect on the Process

Reflection on the process will occur throughout the entire study, however the majority of

the reflection process will occur after the collection and analysis of the data. This reflection will

determine what improvements, adjustments, and/or modifications should be implemented for

subsequent action research. Other opportunities to reflect on the process will occur during

conversations held while sharing and communicating the results with others, as they will

undoubtedly have ideas and suggestions of their own.

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