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Teacher Professionalism

Profession: a vocation or occupation requiring advanced education and training and

involving intellectual skills. The work is based on unique knowledge and skills grounded in
research and practice in the field. Professional: has completed higher education, usually at the
advanced level, and engages in and is worthy of the high standards of a profession.

Profess: Profession (Noun) + Professional (Adjective) = Profess (Verb) Teacher.

The concept of professionalism in teaching is commonly discussed on sociological,

educational and ideological bases in the literature. Secondly, the key ideas of professionalism
approaches underlying these bases are reflected in brief. Lastly, in the light of multiple
perspectives and arguments, a workable definition for today’s teacher professionalism notion and
an interpretation embracing these perspectives are tried to be presented. When the subject is
teacher professionalism (Sachs, 2003, 17), the meaning of the term changes as a response to
external pressures, public discourses and scientific developments. However, it seems possible to
make a workable professionalim definition in the field of education based on these different

B. Teacher Development

Teacher development has emerged over the last decade as an identifiable area of study
and much has been written on the subject. The teacher development literature has served to
disseminate information on and ideas for improving teachers’ and, by extension, schools’
performance. It has provided the forum for discussion about the future of the teaching profession
and the nature of teaching as a job. Yet, as an area of study, teacher development tends for the
most part to be dominated by issues, while the concept it self and the methods that may effect
teacher development remain comparatively neglected.

Professional development of teacher is very need and significant because in this period of
drastic changes that occur day by day in all the walk of life, as a teacher we should go on
updating our knowledge as well as skills related in teaching.

1. Changes the child psychology

As a teacher we should update our knowledge that related to child growth and development
than characteristic

2. Change in the attitude of students

Today’s students are entirely different from students of the olden days, and will show
anymore a higher degree of differences, As a teacher must be able to catch the changes in the
attitude of the students in our different eras.
3. Add to teachers’ professional skills.

Such programmes not only engage teachers in developmental activities, but are also
necessarily new for them adding to their prior knowledge what they did not know before.
However sometimes an activity can be repeated to be used more skilfully.

4. Keep teachers familiar with the current educational thinking,

It aims to provide teachers with critical consideration to educational policy in particular how
to raise standards. As a result of developmental programmes, teachers would gain insight to probe
into the educational problems at national level and could comment wisely on them.

5. Develop combined and collaborative approach,

Involving a sharing of knowledge among educators and a focus on the practice by teachers’

community rather than individual teachers .

Provision for Professional Development of Teachers Profission for Professional
Development of Teachers

1. Preservice Training

Training provided before entering the profession for securing the basic skills of teaching,
basic psychological theories, basic qualification for teaching, skill of classroom
managementTraining provided before entering the profession for securing the basic skills of
teaching, basic psychological theories, basic qualification for teaching, skill of classroom

2. Inservice Training

Training provided after entering the profession for updating knowledge and skills related
to teaching methods, child psychology, source of knowledge, on accordance of changes occurred
in all these departments.

3. Self Development

Teachers can update themselves by indulging in dynamic reading, browsing online,

consulting experts in different fields, making trips, conducting interviews with parents and
teenagers, observing the routines of own children Teachers can update themselves by indulging
in dynamic reading, browsing online, consulting experts in different fields, making trips,
conducting interviews with parents and teenagers, observing the routines of own children.

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