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The Different Branches of Chemistry (ThoughtCo.

The five main branches are considered to be organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry,
physical chemistry, and biochemistry.

The Scientific Method (ThoughtCo.)

The scientific method is a systematic way of learning about the world around us and answering
questions. The key difference between the scientific method and other ways of acquiring knowledge are
forming a hypothesis and then testing it with an experiment.

Steps of Scientific Method (ThoughtCo.)

1. Purpose/Question
2. Research
3. Hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Data/Analysis
6. Conclusion

Attitudes And Values A Scientist Must Possess (

 curious about the world

 logical and systematic
 open-minded
 intellectually honest
 works hard and is persistent
 does not jump to conclusions
 creative and thinks critically
 rational
 perseveres in his or her work until he or she is sure of the results
 tries new approaches to arrive at better solutions

Current Innovations and Issues in the Field of Chemistry (American Chemistry Council)

 Chemistry in Nanotechnology Breakthroughs:

Nanotechnology is the science of extremely small structures and is leading to advanced materials,
devices and applications in energy, medicine and electronics that improve life, health care, safety and
the environment in groundbreaking ways.

 Chemistry in Computing:
Widespread use of touch screens, enabled by plastics, adhesives and other products of chemistry are
employed on cell phones, PDAs, computer screens and more.

Difference Between Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

The Difference Between Laws And Scientific

Theories (TEDed)

Scientific laws and theories have different jobs to do. A

scientific law predicts the results of certain initial
conditions. It might predict your unborn child’s possible
hair colors, or how far a baseball travels when launched
at a certain angle.

In contrast, a theory tries to provide the most logical

explanation about why things happen as they do. A
theory might invoke dominant and recessive genes to explain how brown-haired parents ended up with
a red-headed child, or use gravity to shed light on the parabolic trajectory of a baseball.

Prepared by: RAQUIM M. INVENTO

BSED SCI I / Inorganic Chemistry

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