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and Keto
What you
need to
One would be hard
pressed to find a more
controversial topic in health and
Conversely, seemingly credible
health experts dismiss the whole
notion of cholesterol as irrelevant.
medicine than cholesterol. This This cocksureness may be ok for
should be surprising given that their individual lives but for the
there have been tens of billions of many people who are
dollars spent on researching understandably confused about
cholesterol and its effects on cholesterol and its role in health
health. Yet we still have more and disease, these polar extremes
questions than answers. This can be both frustrating and scary.
article is largely in response to
I’ll do my best to unpack the topic
thousands of questions from
of cholesterol but I’ll tell you
confused people buried under
upfront that much of this story
hoards of information.
depends on some fairly unique,
Some health experts think we individual factors. To better
should have cholesterol as low as understand, let’s look at what
possible. Some have suggested cholesterol is, what it does, and
even children should be explore the relationship between
considered for cholesterol cholesterol and cardiovascular
lowering statin drugs. Prescribing disease.
statins to kids might be a boon for
pharmaceutical companies—as
you’ll see it’s entirely unclear
whether statins actually help and
might actually hurt the people
they’re supposed to benefit.

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What is
Cholesterol is a waxy substance primarily example, better known as table salt), while
found in animal based products such as some substances do not mix well in water at
meat, dairy, and seafood, although there are all. This is the case with cholesterol. It’s
similar compounds produced by both plants waxy nature allows it to dissolve well in
and fungi. Cholesterol is an integral part of olive oil or gasoline, but not that great in
every cell in your body. Without it life water or blood.
would grind to a halt pretty quickly.
What’s a living organism to do? It wraps
As I’m sure you’re aware, your circulatory cholesterol in a neat little package called a
system is filled mainly with water (good ol’ “lipoprotein.” The proteins carry the
dihydrogen monoxide) but interestingly, for cholesterol inside of the lipoprotein,
our life process to work we need to move a keeping it away from the water portion of
dizzying number of substances around the our blood. However, the proteins eventually
body via our circulation. Some things dissolve due to the chemistry of the protein
dissolve easily in water (sodium chloride for in contact with the water.

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What is Cholesterol?

This may sound like a lot of academic geek- You’re most likely familiar with terms like
speak and most cholesterol research has “HDL” and “LDL.” Although researchers
largely ignored this, but knowing the and medical practitioners have focused on
lipoprotein molecule moves cholesterol the cholesterol fraction of these substances,
(and other substances) around the body is they’ve ignored the lipoproteins. A good
arguably the most important element of the analogy here is that lipoproteins are like
story as it is likely not cholesterol, but rather cars, busses, and motorcycles (different
the lipoprotein carrier that may be the sizes and functions) and cholesterol is the
largest factor in the atherogenic process. passenger on these vehicles.



When you get routine blood work, you’ll

likely be tested for things like HDL, LDL,
Small LDL particles
triglycerides, glucose, etc. For the vast
majority of tests, what is reported is the
cholesterol (passengers) and not the
lipoproteins (vehicles).
This is a particularly important point to
consider as two people may have the
same cholesterol levels but remarkably LDL-C=120mg/dl
different lipoprotein counts.
Take the graphics on the right, where we
have two people (represented here as Large LDL particles
bridges) with the same cholesterol levels
(120mg/dl respectively). The person on
the top has relatively few, larger
lipoproteins while the person on the
bottom has a much higher lipoprotein
count. However, both have the same
relative cholesterol levels. If “we” (our
doctor) only look at cholesterol levels, we
may miss a huge part of this story, which LDL-C=120mg/dl
can have dire consequences.

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What is Cholesterol?

Some people have what appears to be high lipoprotein counts (see graphic below).
normal, low cholesterol, yet they have quite

Road A. Discordance scenario A: low cholesterol, high lipoprotein

Arguably, these people may be ticking CVD These are often the folks who die in their
time bombs since their doctor is only 30s and 40’s due to a cardiac event.
looking at cholesterol and not considering
lipoproteins in the least. At our clinic we Conversely, we see people with what
frequently see this type of person frequently appears to be high cholesterol but low
in police, military, and re personnel. We lipoprotein counts (below).
suspect this type of discordance is driven in
large part by insulin resistance borne or bad
sleep and high stress.

Road B. Discordance scenario B: high cholesterol, low lipoprotein

Both of these situations are classified as a well-supported by research, it’s a decision

type of “discordance.” But the first case of based on inadequate information, i.e.
low/normal chol+high lipoproteins MAY without the lipoprotein number or other
explain why nearly half of the people who inflammatory markers, which may be a
suffer a heart attack have low/ normal critical piece of this story.
cholesterol (but these folks may be running
around with high lipoproteins...I’ll get to The consensus within mainstream
why that’s important in a moment). The lipidology is that atherosclerosis (a disease
people who have “high cholesterol”+ low in which plaque builds up inside your
lipoprotein counts are often the people who arteries) is a “gradient driven process.” In
are told to go on a statin. However, this simple terms this suggests that if one has
recommendation is not only typically not more lipoproteins, there’s a greater
information differently

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What is cholesterol?

likelihood of an “accident.” And by accident to mainly focus on the lipoprotein number.

we’re talking about a lipoprotein and/or its
cholesterol passengers getting stuck in the I’ve seen a small number of anecdotal
cells that line our vascular system. This is examples of people with HIGH
the beginning of an atherosclerotic plaque. lipoproteins but low insulin resistance and
Going back to our vehicle analogy, this inflammation who underwent additional
makes sense—the more cars, busses, and screening such as carotid intima- medial
motorcycles on the road, the greater thickness (CIMT) and appeared to be 100%
likelihood of complications. atherosclerosis free. They

However, without knowing an individual’s They showed no signs of atherogenic

lipoprotein count, I’m hard pressed to see disease process. Now, this is NOT
how any healthcare provider can default to information coming from a medical trial, it’s
either the position “you’re totally safe from small in number and observational in
Cardiovascular disease (CVD), regardless of nature...most people would scoff at even
cholesterol levels” (a very common position considering this information. But I’ve seen
within the ardent low-carb camps who enough emerging trends to at least put a bit
attribute all of CVD to insulin of thought into the possibility that yet again,
dysregulation) or the other extreme of “we we might be faced with a “not one size fits
must put you on a statin” even if you’re a all” scenario. I’ll provide some guidelines
woman and the research suggests higher and resources shortly to help you make a
cholesterol may in fact confer a longer life more informed decision about your unique
for you. situation.

Our best current understanding is that Keep this in mind for a moment as we
lipoprotein count, not cholesterol amount, consider what cholesterol and lipoproteins
is likely the primary driver to CVD actually do in the body.
potential. The frightening part of this is that
the vast majority of healthcare providers are
either unaware of lipoprotein testing or
neither use nor understand it’s implications
Further, if an individual is insulin resistant
and inflamed, lipoprotein count may be
much more of a factor. Said another way, if
we had two people, both with the same
lipoprotein counts and cholesterol levels,
but one person is insulin resistant and the
other is say, eating a low carb diet...we have
two VERY different disease potentials. Yet
our mainstream healthcare system assumes
these people should get the same treatment
based entirely on looking at cholesterol
I’d like to point out that this is a
controversial position in the lipidology
world, as most of these very smart scientists
and doctors are of the opinion that we need

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the role of
cholesterol and
Most healthcare providers look at body. This ‘shuttling’ plays a key role for
cholesterol like a ticking time-bomb, poised growth and repair in the body as well as in
to kill us with a “widow maker” heart attack the innate immune system. It’s the “first line
or stroke. But like we talked about before, of defense” the body uses in dealing with
cholesterol is found in ALL animal species everything from bacterial and viral
and every critter on earth would die if it did infections to cancer.
not obtain cholesterol either from its diet or
making it itself (the only two ways of It’s worth noting that people with the life
obtaining the cholesterol necessary for life: threatening condition called sepsis (caused
eat it or make it). Seems like a lot of effort by a bacterial infection), those with
for all of biology to make something that’s HIGHER lipoprotein and cholesterol levels
going to kill the host! have a much better likelihood of surviving
the septic process than those with low levels
Lipoproteins help shuttle cholesterol and of cholesterol and lipoproteins. There’s also
other fat soluble substances throughout the research which suggests that people with
body higher

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What’s the role of cholesterol and lipoproteins?

higher cholesterol and lipoproteins may

have a lower risk for certain cancers likely
due to the immune supporting features of
the lipoproteins..
Phew! That’s a lot of info. But it’s important
to have a little background of this material
to understand what your individual story
may be with regards to cholesterol,
lipoproteins, and disease potential.
We’ll explore how and why these substances
may play a role in CVD but it’s worth
knowing that these molecules have critical
roles in the body and they’re not just a
nuisance waiting to kill us. Additionally,
understanding the functions of lipoproteins
may help us understand why levels may be
higher or lower due to infections, stress, or
hormonal changes such as low thyroid.
Let’s take a look at where the idea that
cholesterol causes CVD came from.
Perhaps we can better understand the reality
and dispense with some of the fiction :)

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What’s the
history of
and why does
my doctor think
it’s going to kill me?
In the 1940’s and ‘50’s researchers and A few integral pieces of
medical providers noticed increasing rates
of CVD in certain countries, including the
research during the 40s and
US. Several factors came together at this 50s
time which painted cholesterol and fat
Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH):
(particularly saturated fat) in a poor light.
People with a specific genetic mutation
It’s a complex, convoluted story and both
which causes them to have exceptionally
myself and many other people have gone
elevated cholesterol and lipoprotein
deep in this history at various points. I’ll
numbers were observed to die from CVD at
provide links if you want to dig into this in
relatively young ages (in some cases late 20’s
detail. For now, you just need the big
but more often the early 30’s). Autopsies of
picture to understand how we arrived at our
these individuals demonstrated large
current state of a airs with cholesterol.
amounts of atherosclerotic plaquing
throughout the arterial system of FH

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What’s the history of cholesterol?

affected individuals. This finding, plus what conviction that saturated fat was a root
I’ll share with you shortly, was pretty cause of CVD, even he fully exonerated
damning for cholesterol. It’s worth noting dietary cholesterol as a factor in this story.
however, that FH may not have been a Despite all this, most healthcare providers
problem until relatively recently. There’s still claim that dietary cholesterol is a CVD
research that suggests FH was in fact a risk.
survival advantage in the pre-antibiotic era.
Rabbit Model: Researchers fed rabbits
(strict herbivores) a diet of oxidized The perfect storm
cholesterol mixed into a chow formula.
These rabbits developed significant These three stories, Familial
amounts of atherosclerotic lesions, where hypercholesterolemia, rabbit studies, and
normally the rabbits developed little, if any, Ancel Keys’ influence, came together in a
of this disease process. perfect storm. A storm that not only greatly
oversimplified the cholesterol/CVD link
Ancel Keys and the Seven Countries but also has driven research, governmental
Research: A charismatic researcher, Ancel policy, and public behavior in directions
Keys championed the notion that saturated that are both expensive and injurious.
fat was the primary driver of CVD based on Again, this is a surface-level history, I’ll
his early epidemiological research famously provide links at the end for you to explore
titled The Seven Countries Study. While this topic further. Let me now shift gears to
Keys definitely presented a compelling talk about what our best understanding of
argument for his case, there are the atherogenic process is. I think this will
fundamental issues with his research. For put a lot of the moving parts into
one, correlation does not always prove perspective.
causation. In this case it’s worth mentioning
that research initiated by Keys himself
suggested that saturated fat did not in fact
increase CVD rates. This research hugely
contradicts the claims of Keys’ Seven
Countries Study. But—get this—it was
“lost” for decades. And by “lost”, I mean it
appears the results were effectively buried.
In brief, during the study, the researchers
fed a group of mental patients two different
diets: one contained large amounts of
saturated fat, the other replaced saturated
fat with polyunsaturated vegetable oils. The
vegetable oil group did in fact see reduced
cholesterol levels but their rates of CVD
and all cause mortality were actually
WORSE than the saturated fat group. All of
this was uncovered only a few years ago and
it puts a rather large thumb in the eye of
many of the saturated fat/cholesterol cause
CVD claims. It’s also worth mentioning that
although Keys remained unswayed in his

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good arteries
go bad
The atherogenic process, where plaque development of CVD in terms of an injury
causes vascular blockage and a heart attack but the processes are effectively the same.
or stroke occurs, is a remarkably complex For example, if we get a cut, a number of
process and has required decades to unravel. things occur at that site: clotting, immune
Because one could easily write a book on response, localized inflammation, scar
this topic alone, I’ll take some liberties and formation, and some degree of tissue
opt for the simple story but, again, I’ll remodeling. The same process occurs in our
provide references for you to dig into this arteries. An injury may occur due to non-
topic in greater detail if you so choose. laminar ow of blood through certain parts
of the arterial system. This type of blood ow
is turbulent and is often an outgrowth of
high blood pressure. The turbulence tends
Think of CVD like an injury to cause a low-grade injury to the artery,
People don’t typically think about the which causes a cascade of events similar to
development that

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How good arteries go bad

that of a cut described above. argument that the “gradient driven effects”
(the total number of lipoproteins present)
As one of the first stages in healing, are a large factor in atherosclerotic potential.
lipoproteins, mainly from the LDL class, The idea again is simply more lipoproteins
enter the vascular lumen (the cells in direct mean more problems. A reasonable
contact with the blood) and deposit assumption but there are important details,
cholesterol. This in itself should not be a for example relatively large LDL-particles
problem. The trouble occurs if the appear to be less atherogenic. These large
inflammatory environment is sufficiently particles are cleared faster which might be
high—immune cells will make their way to important since cholesterol carried by the
this site and begin to engulf both the LDL-particles is at constant risk for
cholesterol fragments and the surrounding oxidation. Oxidized cholesterol is quite
tissues. This IS an issue when it progresses, inflammatory and atherogenic.
getting worse over time.
Insulin resistant individuals tend to have a
The end stage of this process is effectively a larger number of small, dense lipoproteins.
scab in the arterial wall. Above the scab are So, small, dense lipoproteins are bad, right?
the contents of circulation, below the scab Well... the smaller particles are actually
are a mix of immune cells, cholesterol, and better at helping us deal with chronic and
various pro-inflammatory substances. If the acute infections! The scientific literature is
scab remains intact one could argue fairly clear that chronic infections, ranging
“nothing bad happens” although the whole from gingivitis in the mouth to small
atherosclerotic process is itself intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO),
inflammatory in nature and can worsen increase the likelihood of an atherogenic
conditions such as insulin resistance. profile.
If the scab ruptures (and the likelihood of Infections are by nature pro-inflammatory.
this occurring grows with increased systemic But what may be happening here is: if the
inflammation, insulin resistance, and body is under a long term stress of
interestingly, significant blood sugar infection, the lipoproteins may shift towards
swings), the contents of the scab are a smaller, more dense pro le to help mitigate
dumped into the circulation—that’s when the toxic effects of low grade sepsis. That’s
things get bad. Massive clotting and good. The downside? These small, dense
inflammatory cascade are initiated with the particles are likely much more problematic
end result most often being some kind of for the circulatory system.
occlusive heart attack or stroke.
This is a significant piece of the story but Not to muddy the waters, but worth
there are a few more details. mentioning: thyroid hormone is a critical
component of lipid metabolism and
hypothyroid is strongly associated with an
increased atherogenic potential. In the
Size vs quantity hypothyroid individual LDL-particles are
not cleared rapidly, tend to build up in the
Lipoproteins are constantly moving in and circulation, and are prone to oxidation.
out of the vascular epithelium in order to
shuttle cholesterol and other nutrients Interestingly, chronic stress and infection
around the body. In theory this is a can dramatically alter effective thyroid
reasonably seamless process but there’s an hormone levels. I’ll talk about this a bit
argument more

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How good arteries go bad

more later, but part of my reticence to improvements in their advanced testing, this
buy into what the mainstream was not across the board. In some cases we
lipidologists are promoting is although had wacky situations in which an individual
elevated lipoprotein levels likely present lost weight, felt great, improved
an increased risk for atherogenic performance, and reversed insulin
resistance...only to see LDL-P INCREASE.
processes, there are a lot of factors, This was perplexing at best—everything but
anything from infection to low vitamin one parameter improved.
D levels to hormonal disturbances, that
may be the cause of elevated Due to the clinic’s lipidology focus, the
lipoproteins. standard treatment was a low dose statin.
Now by low dose, I really do mean low. The
average dosage for a statin like Crestor
would be in the 20-30mg/day range. In our
Two-year pilot study: police case, the doctors were recommending 5mg.
and fire Quite small, but I just have this sneaky
feeling people do not have statin
Let’s put all of this information into clinical deficiencies.
context. I serve on the board of directors
for a medical clinic in Reno, NV that I sat down with our staff and looked at
specializes in metabolic risk assessment and some of the other elements in these folks’
lipidology. This clinic implemented a two- medical histories and found what was likely
year pilot study with the Reno Police and subclinical hypothyroid in some cases,
Fire departments which looked like this: 35 SIBO in other cases, and a mix of both
individuals were identified as being at high problems in others. Our doctors and
risk for CVD and type 2 diabetes based on dieticians starting digging into that. In a
advanced testing (disordered lipids and number of situations we addressed either
insulin resistance being the primary factors) thyroid or infections and brought LDL-P
and a comprehensive Health Risk down from numbers like 2,000 to 1,000.
Assessment (HRA). Not all cases resolved this well, but quite a
few did. For the folks whose LDL-P was
The high risk individuals were placed on a still elevated we do recommend additional
low-carb paleo diet coupled with efforts to screening to help better understand their
improve sleep (a huge factor) and exercise. situation. I’ll talk about this more in a
Based on changes in the blood work of moment.
these individuals it’s estimated the pilot
study saved the city of Reno upwards of
$22MM with a 33/1 ROI. Pretty impressive
stuff and, as I mentioned, lipidology Statins! The dirty deets
program with a focus on advanced testing
(looking specifically at LDL-P, not just This is a good time for an aside to talk
cholesterol) was a cornerstone of this about statins in a bit more detail.
program. Statins are quite good at reducing the
When I arrived on the scene I was quite production of both cholesterol and
impressed with the program but a few lipoproteins. They bring these numbers
elements made me curious. Although down but have generally only shown
people generally saw dramatic efficacy in preventing heart attacks
improvements (presumably, the intended purpose) in a

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How good arteries go bad

very specific population: men between the

ages of 55-65 who have suffered a previous
cardiac event. This is a remarkably small
segment and yet statins are routinely
recommended to a whole host of
populations which they’ve shown no clinical
relevance. To the degree statins help with
CVD, it appears to have little to do with the
cholesterol lowering effects and everything
to do with anti-inflammatory effects.
Additionally, we’re now seeing a remarkable
number of research findings suggesting
statin use may increase risk for type 2
diabetes, obesity, insulin resistance, and
neurodegenerative disease. I’ve talked at
length with the folks at our clinic about all
of this and it’s just an area of relative
unknown. Which one of these biomarkers
should we believe? How do we balance one
risk factor for another? In the next section
let’s look at how we might triage all of this
and what we can do, ranging from diet to
additional screening to hopefully minimize
our CVD risk as it related to cholesterol and

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to do
1. Reduce blood pressure
This may be a surprising recommendation finding an appropriate carbohydrate load,
as, looking through the literature, efforts to we tend to see a remarkable decrease in
reduce blood pressure (mainly via a low fat blood pressure. One of the ironic criticisms
diet and drugs) does not typically reduce of low carb diets is that in the early stages
blood pressure much, if at all. What’s most of the weight loss is “just water
missed is the likely reason behind the weight.” That “water” is excess fluid
consistent elevated blood pressure seen in volume due to elevated insulin, which is at
modern Westernized countries. And that is the root of hypertension. If you recall,
the elevated insulin levels that cause an elevated blood pressure can damage the
increase in the hormone aldosterone, which arteries, which expedites the atherosclerotic
causes the kidneys to retain sodium. If we process.
reduce insulin levels by improving sleep and

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Things to do

2. Get advance testing 4. Additional screening

Standard blood work doesn’t tell us enough Something that’s not often discussed is that
to begin to understand the real risks if all the studies behind cholesterol and
we’re looking at is total, HDL, and LDL lipoprotein levels and their relationship to
cholesterol. standard the atherosclerotic process are correlative.
Correlation can be helpful in looking further
At a minimum I recommend getting an into a process, but all too often it is
LDL-P (LDL particle count test) in addition presented as gold standard “proof” of
to standard testing. In many cases we may causation. Unfortunately, this story is not
see that the total cholesterol is “high” but that simple.
the lipoproteins are low. In the case where
both cholesterol and lipoproteins are The medical establishment tries to look at
elevated to concerning levels we do still easily tracked biomarkers and hope they
have options that should be explored. have a real, predictive relationship to the
disease process we’re concerned with. This
is a reasonable approach, but not a
complete approach. There’s evidence to
3. Check thyroid, vitamin D, suggest that at least in some situations
and gut health (inflamed + insulin resistant) atherosclerosis
is a gradient driven process (worse with high
This track can be tricky since not many lipoproteins, better with low lipoproteins).
doctors know what to look for with these But we do have anecdotal observations that
tests. In most doctors offices a “thyroid call into question the notion that this is a
test” involves nothing more than a TSH 100% airtight case. My good friend, Rocky
(thyroid stimulating hormone) level, which Patel MD related an interesting experience.
doesn’t tell us much except for in very I’ll pull a quote from his blog post:
extreme cases. If you’re generally looking,
feeling, and performing better on your
version of a low carb diet but have elevated
lipoproteins, I don’t think it wise to ignore “I had my CIMT done in 2006 on the Standard
this. I recommend connecting with American “heart healthy diet” eating low fat, higher
providers from organizations like the carb. You know those espoused by the ADA and
Institute for Functional Medicine and AHA. My lipids were “normal” at this time. My
The Kresser Institute. When contacting thickness was 0.6 mm (about the 50th percentile). I
these people, or interviewing other also had two small “road bumps “ (minimal
providers, ask them if they’re familiar with plaques) at my left carotid bulb both measuring 1.2
how thyroid, vitamin D, and gut health mm. I was not happy. I also had similar findings on
(SIBO) can affect lipoprotein and a study in 1/2010.
cholesterol levels. If familiar, they should be Flash-forward to June 2012, about 4 months into
easily conversant and likely able to provide CNS (a cyclic low carb diet), my CIMT showed a
some examples of people they’ve worked thickness of 0.445 mm (13th percentile) and I had
with. If the provider is not familiar, you’ll the vascular age of a 16 year old! And oh by the
likely hear a long silence in which the way, the “road bumps” were gone. All the while
person thinks you’re nuts. Unfortunately, carrying an LDL-P of over 2500 consistently for
this person will not be any help to you and
over a year. I have also had a CT Coronary
you’ll need to keep looking. Calcium score that was zero.”

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Things to do

Rocky had some clear carotid artery LDL-P intrigue

thickening and as he said, a few “bumps”
when he was eating a low fat, high carb diet. Let me share a somewhat similar story for
He did not know his LDL-P at this point, more perspective. Dave Feldman is an
but his cholesterol was “low.” While eating engineer by training who became interested
a cyclic low carb diet Rocky saw both his in ketogenic diets several years ago. Dave
cholesterol and LDL-P elevate to rather jumped into this process as only an engineer
alarming levels. Yet, when he had a CIMT can—bringing a remarkable amount of
performed, he appears to have REVERSED analytical scrutiny to the ketogenic diet in
both carotid artery thickening and plaquing general but to the story of cholesterol and
in this area, all while running an LDL-P that lipoproteins in particular.
would make just about any lipidologist
shudder. But, it would appear that a direct Historically Dave has had fairly high relative
measure of disease process indicates “no cholesterol and lipoproteins. In general
problems.” eating a ketogenic diet has pushed these
numbers up, but Dave has done a series of
self experiments on himself and others in
which he’s able to shift his LDL-P from as
Are there in fact no problems? No one low as 800 to as high as 3,500 in just a
really knows. No one. The people who are matter of DAYS. Now, if you talk to people
strongly wed to the gradient driven knowledgeable about cholesterol and
paradigm will conveniently ignore the lipoproteins, they’ll say it takes weeks and
remarkable changes Rocky experienced months to see any appreciable shift in
despite having very high LDL-P numbers. lipoprotein numbers.
Conversely, there are folks who completely
and totally dismiss LDL-P so long as one is
eating a low carb (low insulin) diet.
Side note: I haven’t seen research in which people
Personally, I don’t feel comfortable being look at lipoproteins at an hourly or daily level, so
smugly sure about either of these positions. this may be a huge blind spot in lipidology. There
The fact Rocky saw elevated LDL-P and may be a host of assumptions out there that are
cholesterol while reversing CVD wrong or incomplete. I’ve tried to get commentary
processes... that’s damn interesting. from some top lipidologists about what Dave is
Confusing, but interesting. reporting and I can’t get anything back. Some folks
who follow Dave’s work online have dismissed it as
Rocky has played with adding more carbs to “anecdotal.” Yes, it’s one guy tinkering, not a
his diet and he reported that he starts to see randomized controlled trial, but I’m a bit amazed
signs of blood sugar dysregulation and just that people can respond in this way. At a minimum
feels poor relative to consistently eating low one would expect a “Wow, that’s crazy...I sure hope
carb. We know pretty clearly that being there’s research soon that will look at this.”
insulin resistant, heading towards diabetes
leads to increased CVD risk. From this
perspective it makes sense for someone like
Rocky to stick with a low carb diet as it has The reason I’m sharing this specific story is
arguably brought his IR and diabetes risk for two reasons: First, it questions many
down considerably. What’s unclear is if the assumptions that are made about lipidology
apparent reversal of the vascular changes and lipoproteins. There’s an assumption
Rocky experienced while seeing an LDL-P these numbers take weeks and months to
in the 2,500s is a net win. change. If it may only be hours, what else

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Things to do

might we be wrong about? And second, The first two steps involve simple dietary
although Dave has had elevated lipoproteins strategies to hopefully reduce LDL-P,
for quite some time, his CIMT and similar ideally without damaging other aspects of
screening put him in the “no risk” category our health. The 3rd step involves screening
for CVD. So, similar to Rocky, Dave had for actual disease process. None of these
CORRELATES of CVD that suggest he options are any type of guarantee and we
has problems brewing but when looking for don’t have a lot of data to go on at this
specific disease process we see either none point.
or in Rocky’s case, what appears to be
reversal of disease process. I wish I had a The thinking behind the advanced screening
definitive answer to all this. I do not. like the 3D CAT scan is that if there’s no
established disease process, perhaps the
And the folks who are staunchly in one lipoprotein levels are not an issue. While
camp or the other are confusing to me as there’s logic behind this, there’s no concrete
there is enough evidence (IMHO) to data. Using a low dose statin will likely bring
question just about everything in this story. down lipoprotein levels, but are we making
On one hand we have the more lipidology a Faustian bargain, trading CVD potential
oriented folks who default to statins to for increased diabetes and
knock down the LDL-P. On the other hand neurodegenerative potential? This is of
we have people who say that so long as particular concern for people with the
insulin levels are low, there’s no dangerous APOE 4/4 and 4/3 genotypes, as they
LDL-P level. appear to be at particular risk for both
neurodegenerative disease and CVD.
What makes sense to me is if every other
parameter of your health appears to
improve—from inflammation to blood
glucose to insulin—but your LDL-P
remains elevated one could do the
1. Try adding a few more carbs while
reducing fat and see if that positively
affects LDL-P without negatively
impacting other important markers, not
the least of which is how you feel.
2. Try adding monounsaturated fat
sources and limit saturated fat sources.
3. Get a screening like CIMT or a much
more powerful intervention called 3D
Coronary CAT scan. During this
procedure they 3D image all the
coronary arteries of your heart to assess
them for blockage. This technique has
proven to be incredibly powerful in
predicting coronary events. You can find
out more about this procedure from Dr.
Eric Harrison MD at his website

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where does
that leave us?
My personal bias is that doing whatever we
can to reduce both insulin and inflammation
is where we get the greatest benefit. We can
achieve this by sleeping better, getting
reasonable amounts of exercise, and finding
a dietary carbohydrate load that works for
us. Beyond this things are a bit of a guess, at
least until we have more and better data.

Want to dive deeper into the world of

cholesterol? Check out Peter Attia, M.D.’s
10-part series

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