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Cafe Scene

Who is in the cafe? Who is wearing an apron?

Who is ordering some food? Who has a milkshake?

Where is the menu? Where is the burger?

Where is the door? Where is the waitress?

What is the man doing? What is the woman doing?

What is the
What is the waitress doing?
waitress holding?

Why is the waitress holding

Why is the man in the cafe?
a notepad?

Why is the menu on Why is the waitress wearing

the wall? an apron?
Answers: The man, woman Answers: The waitress is
and waitress are in the cafe. wearing an apron.

Answers: The woman is Answers: The man has a

ordering some food. milkshake.

Answers: The menu is on Answers: The burger is on

the wall. the table.

Answers: The door is at the

Answers: The waitress is
front of the cafe (acceptable
next to the woman.
for the child to point).
Answers: The woman is
Answers: The man is going
ordering her dinner.
to eat his dinner.

Answers: The waitress is Answers: The waitress is

taking the woman’s order. holding a notepad.

Answers: The waitress is

Answers: The man is in the
holding a notepad so she can
cafe as he is hungry.
write down the order.

Answers: The menu is on Answers: The waitress is

the wall so everyone can see wearing an apron so her
what they can order. clothes do not get dirty.

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