ACTIVITies in Science

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Title: Describing Mixtures

Materials: 2 small clean bottles with water, sugar, sandy soil and flour.

What to do:
1. Prepare the 2 small clean bottles with water.
2. Label the bottle as glass A, glass B and glass C.
3. Put one tablespoon of sugar in glass A, then stir.
4. Put a little amount of sandy soil in glass B.
5. Put one tablespoon of flour in glass C.


1. What did you do with the materials given to your group?

2. What happened to the particles in each mixture?

3. What is the color of each kind of the three mixtures? the

added substance spread evenly?

4. Which substance sank to the bottom of the bottle?

Title: Describing Mixtures
Materials: pebbles and small container
What to do:
1. Fill the container with pebbles. Shake the box.
a. Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.
b. Of what phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?
2. Empty the box. Then put 6 pebbles in it. Shake the box.
a. Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.
b. Of what phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?
3. This time, just place the 3 pebbles in the box and then shake.
a. Describe the movement of the kernels in the box.
b. Of what phases of matter, which arrangement of particles does it resemble?
4. What conclusion can you make from the results of the activity?

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