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Subject : English

Year : 4 Smart

No.of : /34

Date/Day : 27/06/2019 (THURSDAY)

Time : 10.00am to 11.00 am

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 10: Unity in diversity

Focused Skill : Writing

Language focus : Preposition of place (next to, beside, near)

Focused module : Grammar

Proficiency level : Low ability

Previous knowledge : Pupils are familiar with some prepositions.

Content Standards Learning Standards

5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary 5.1.5 Able to use prepositions correctly and
schooling, pupils will be able to use appropriately:
different word classes correctly and (c) beside
appropriately. (d) next to
(f ) near

Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

1. Arrange 3 out of 5 materials correctly on the cardboard based on the given situation.
2. Identify at least 4 out of 7 items correctly on the worksheet given.

Language content :

Grammar Prepositions (beside, next to, near)

Educational emphasis

Moral values : Cooperation (Discuss with the friends to complete the work)

Thinking skills : Creativity (Form a structure based on the instruction)

Multiple intelligence : Interpersonal (Interact with group members to complete the

Resources/Teaching Aids : bottles, pencil box, marker, books, colourful sticks,

vegetables, stars, erasers, letters and balls

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Remarks

Set Realia objects to check their prior Preparation
induction knowledge 1. Teacher hides Phase
(± 5 items like books, (Setting the tone
minutes) APPENDIX 1
pencil box, bottles, of lesson).
marker in some
places. Rational
2. Teacher randomly
picks some pupil To arouse their
to find the item. attention and
3. The pupils answer check prior
the teacher’s knowledge.
4. Teacher To give ideas and
introduces the direct pupils to
topic. the topic.

Example questions Teaching aids:

1. Can you help me to find my

water bottle? Where was Realia objects;
2. Where is my pencil box? pencil box,
pencil, book and
Expected answer:
1. Beside you teacher.
2. Next to Aliff’s table.
Presentation Video: Learn Prepositions.
1. Teacher plays a Imagination
(± 10
video entitled phase
Prepositions”. Rationale
To create fun
2. Teacher pauses learning.
the video after
every new To give input to
preposition. the pupils.

3. Teacher drills To enhance

preposition using pupils’
the pupils as the understanding on
example. prepositions.

4. Teacher asks
question to ensure Teaching aids:
their Video

Practice Activity: Build a structure based on 1. Teacher divides Development

(± 20 the instructions given. the pupils into Phase
groups of five. (Guided
2. Teacher
distributes Rationale
materials such as
cardboard, Assess pupils’
colourful sticks, understanding.
vegetables, stars,
erasers, letters To practice the
and balls. content
knowledge, they
have gained.
3. Teacher instructs Arrange 3 out of
the pupils to build 5 materials
a structure based correctly on the
on the given cardboard based
instructions. The on the given
colourful sticks can situation.
be used as the (Assessment of
basement. LO1)

4. Teacher arranges
Teaching aids:
all the structures
colourful sticks,
built and carries
out a gallery walk.
stars, erasers,
letters and balls.
5. Pupils assess their
friends project and
award them

Production Exercise: Fill in the blanks. Action Phase

(± 20 1. Teacher (Independent
minutes) Instruction: Fill in the blanks with
distributes a practice)
the correct answer on the
worksheet that
worksheet given.
contains seven Rationale
2. Teacher shows an Apply what they
example on how to have learnt.
do the worksheet.
3. Teacher instructs Identify at least
the pupils to four out of seven
answer the items correctly on
questions. the worksheet
4. Then, teacher given.
asks them to (Assessment of
exchange the LO2.)
worksheet with
their shoulder Teaching aids:
partner. worksheet.
5. Teacher writes the
answer on the (APPENDIX 4)
whiteboard and
pupils check the
Closure Closure Phase
(± 5 Example questions. 1. Teacher asks
questions. Rationale
1. What have you learned
today? 2. Pupils will answer
2. When can you use the questions in To revise what
groups. has been taught
3. Did you enjoy the lesson?
3. Then, teacher and reinforce
summarises the pupil’s learning
Follow the instruction.

Guide: Build a chair first then start arranging the


1. Arrange the vegetables near the chair.

2. Arrange the letters next to the vegetables.

3. Arrange the bowling ball beside the chair but

not near the vegetables.

4. Arrange the eraser beside the bowling ball.

5. Arrange the star near the eraser.

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