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6th grade English test 1

Name: _______________________________ Class: ____________

A. Fill in: get, play, have, brush, take.

1. I ……………. up early in the mornings. 4. In the morning, I always ……………. breakfast

2. I ……………. my teeth in the bathroom. 5. I ……………. a shower every day.

3. On the weekend, I ……………. sports.

B. Choose the correct item.

6. In the evening, we usually ……. TV. 9. Alan ……. arrives at school on time. He’s never late.
A) watch B) watches C) doesn’t watch A) usually B) always C) often

7. They ……. go to school on Saturday. 10. “Do you get up early on Sundays?”
A) doesn’t B) don’t C) aren’t “Yes, I ……. .”
A) am B) do C) does

8. She never ……. coffee.

A) drink B) drinks C) doesn’t drink

C. Complete the sentences with: always, usually, sometimes, or never.

11. They __________________ play soccer in the afternoon.

12. She ___________________ brushes her hair at night.

13. He ____________________ watches TV on Sunday.

14, He ____________________ does his homework after school.

D. Draw the hands on the clocks.

15) Three thirty 16) twelve fifteen 17) seven o’clock

E. Draw the following occupations.

18) Plumber 19) Architect 20) Mailman

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