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Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors

Robert R. Inman, Michael C. Frick, Thomas D. Hitchman, Robert A. Muiter, Jonathan H.
Owen, Gerald M. Takasaki

To cite this article:

Robert R. Inman, Michael C. Frick, Thomas D. Hitchman, Robert A. Muiter, Jonathan H. Owen, Gerald M. Takasaki (2017)
Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 47(5):396-410. https://

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Vol. 47, No. 5, September–October 2017, pp. 396–410 ISSN 0092-2102 (print), ISSN 1526-551X (online)

Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors

Robert R. Inman,a Michael C. Frick,a Thomas D. Hitchman,a Robert A. Muiter,a Jonathan H. Owen,a Gerald M. Takasakia
a General Motors Company, Detroit, Michigan 48265
Contact: (RRI); (MCF); (TDH); (RAM); (JHO); (GMT) Abstract. This paper describes how General Motors (GM) uses operations research to
optimize its new-vehicle inventory. The solution answers two complementary questions:
Copyright: © 2017 INFORMS
(1) what is the optimal number of vehicles to build? and (2) what are the optimal vehicle
configurations? To answer the first question, for each vehicle model, we find the inven-
tory that maximizes profit less inventory carrying costs, which differs from the standard
approach of finding the inventory needed to satisfy a given fill rate. To answer the second
question, we provide a decision support tool to help dealers order the best variations
for each vehicle model using a set-covering philosophy, which differs from the standard
approach of recommending the highest-selling variants. This paper describes the business
processes surrounding these decisions, how the need for implementation and ongoing
use guided our solution development, and the impact on the business.

Keywords: automotive • dealer • inventory • profit

Introduction the automaker to the dealer. Customers may request

The majority of new cars and trucks sold in the United that a custom-configured vehicle be built to order; how-
States are sold from dealers’ lots. Managing the num- ever, franchise laws typically require the customer to
ber and variety of this dealer inventory is a challenge; engage a dealer to place the order on the customer’s
optimizing it is an opportunity. In the United States, as behalf. In 2015, only five percent of U.S. vehicle sales
in most of the world, most automakers distribute new were built to order, whereas 95 percent were sold from
vehicles to franchised dealers who then sell them to dealer inventory (Vellequette 2016). Once delivered,
customers from inventory. Although some automakers the dealer offers these physical vehicles in stock for
sell a limited number of vehicles to customers directly, sale to customers. If a customer visits a dealer but can-
franchise laws generally prohibit direct-to-customer not find a suitable match in stock, the customer may
sales for brands with existing franchise contracts. The ask the dealer to order a custom-configured vehicle
autonomous and independently owned dealer part- or to search other dealers for a match. If the dealer
ners complicate the inventory-management decisions. finds a match at a nearby dealer, the two dealers can
Our project succeeded within this context by devel- trade physical vehicles so that the customer receives
oping and implementing operations research solu- the desired vehicle. If dealer inventories grow too high,
tions that respect the business processes of both Gen- dealers will order fewer, if any, additional vehicles.
eral Motors (GM) and its dealers; are understood and These sales reductions from the automaker to the deal-
trusted by GM and its dealers; and benefit GM, its deal- ers typically lead the automaker to offer incentives or
ers, and customers. discounts to dealers and end customers.
GM and most other U.S. automakers typically re- Optimizing new-vehicle inventory requires the auto-
quire a dealer order before they produce a vehicle. maker to make two decisions: (1) what is the optimal
A dealer fully configures and orders a vehicle from the number of vehicles to build? and (2) what are the opti-
automaker, who then manufactures the physical vehi- mal vehicle configurations? Determining the optimal
cle to match that order. When the vehicle ships from the number of vehicles on dealers’ lots helps GM make
assembly plant to the dealer, ownership transfers from better production decisions (e.g., overtime, assembly
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 397

line rate, and number of shifts) and marketing deci- legitimate inventory-pressure tool for increasing sales.
sions (e.g., rebates and advertising). Determining the However, we argue that excess inventory can sub-
optimal mix of vehicle configurations (i.e., the trim stantially hurt profitability. A useful insight is that a
levels, options, and colors) to have on dealers’ lots vehicle’s well-known model-year designation causes
makes the most efficient use of this inventory. Even its value to customers to deteriorate over time. As a
with ample aggregate inventory, dealers might have stocked vehicle ages and its value deteriorates, larger
stocked the wrong vehicle configurations and cus- and larger profit-depleting discounts are necessary
tomers might not be able to find their desired vehi- to sell it. This observation provides a mechanism to
cles. If inventory is too low, dealers and GM lose sales find the profit-maximizing inventory. Too little inven-
because customers cannot find their desired vehicles. tory will result in lost sales because of stockouts. Too
If inventory is too high, customers might have a wide much inventory will result in holding costs that erode
selection (if the mix is correct); however, the cost bur- profitability.
den is substantial. Another innovation of our approach is that we take
This operations research application improves both a set-covering philosophy to guide individual dealer
the aggregate inventory level and inventory-mix deci- ordering. Instead of ranking full configurations (i.e.,
sions. It improves the aggregate inventory decision vehicle variants determined by the combination of
by finding the best number of vehicles to stock using model, body style, all options, and colors) by sales,
a bottom-up algorithm that considers each vehicle we identify gaps in each dealer’s inventory portfolio.
variant at each dealer—as opposed to a top-down A full configuration is a vehicle configuration with
aggregated approach that does not consider each indi- every option and color specified. Full configurations
vidual model’s variety and each dealer’s sales charac- are completely specified. If two vehicles differ in any
teristics. The aggregate vehicle inventory is the total option or color, they have different full configurations.
of the bottom-up inventory for each model variant Advising dealers to stock vehicles based on a sales
and for each dealer. The dealer inventory-mix decision ranking of full configurations is easy, but flawed in
support tool improves the dealer inventory-mix choice practice. The first major flaw is that most automakers’
using a practical set-covering approach that shows models can be configured in many—usually millions—
the dealer the best portfolio of vehicle configurations of ways. No dealer can stock millions of a single model.
to stock. Instead a dealer might stock the highest-selling dozen
Instead of the standard approach of finding the or so configurations—less than 0.01 percent of possi-
inventory needed to provide a given service level or ble configurations. Moreover, two of these configura-
fill rate, we find the inventory that maximizes variable tions (e.g., Vehicle A and Vehicle B) might differ only
profit less inventory carrying costs. The service level in minor features (e.g., wheel locks, all-weather floor
is the number of stockouts per period, and the fill rate is mats, or a cigarette lighter and ashtray). Most cus-
the fraction of desired sales fulfilled. Variable profit is tomers would be reasonably satisfied by either Vehicle
the revenue received less the variable cost for that vehi- A or Vehicle B; therefore, a dealer does not have to stock
cle. We balance the variable profit from a sale with the both vehicles. Stocking only one of the two configu-
inventory carrying cost for the length of time needed rations and using the other inventory spot for a very
to sell. Some may argue that the automaker should be different configuration would be advantageous to the
unconcerned about the dealer’s inventory carrying cost dealer. A dealer who stocks full configurations in pro-
because it appears to be borne by the dealer. However, portion to sales risks covering only a very small frac-
taking a total supply chain viewpoint and consider- tion of demand. To address this, we developed a deci-
ing it as a single aggregate entity, regardless of which sion support tool that applies a set-covering approach
stakeholder within the supply chain pays the inven- using partial configurations. The tool helps dealers
tory carrying cost (e.g., for floor space, insurance, and avoid concentrating their inventory on a few practi-
cost of capital), the aggregate supply chain pays for it. cally indistinguishable full configurations. To increase
Since all the vehicles on dealers’ lots do sell eventually, dealer adoption, we made the tool transparent and
some managers pardon excessive vehicle inventory as a easy to use to ensure that dealers of all levels of
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
398 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

sophistication would understand and trust the recom- needed to provide a given service level from a top-
mendations. This dealer inventory-mix tool provides a down perspective, we estimate the most profitable
dealer with a comprehensive view of demand, so that inventory for GM using a bottom-up perspective that
he or she knows which colors and options have been explicitly models the details and complexities of the
selling at nearby dealerships—not solely at his or her product and the distribution network. Next, we high-
store, displayed in a set-covering framework that iden- light our approach’s innovations.
tifies dealer inventory-portfolio gaps.
Profit-Maximization Objective
The paper proceeds as follows. First, we describe
Figure 1 contrasts our profit-maximization approach
the methodology for optimizing the aggregate new-
with the standard service level approach. Because of
vehicle inventory for each vehicle model; this answers
the difficulty of quantifying the inventory’s impact on
the question “what is the optimal number of vehicles to
profit, most inventory analyses determine the inven-
build?” Then we describe the dealer decision support
tory needed to provide a given service level or fill rate.
tool for optimizing the dealers’ inventory mix for each
In contrast, we maximize profit by balancing the vari-
vehicle model; this answers the question “what are
able profit generated by an inventory level’s fill rate
the optimal vehicle configurations?” Finally, we sum-
with the costs of holding that inventory level. Taking
marize our solution’s usage and impact at GM. The
a portfolio perspective, our approach adjusts for diver-
appendix provides mathematical documentation.
sions that occur when a customer’s intended vehicle
configuration is not in stock, and the customer instead
Optimizing Aggregate diverts to a second-choice vehicle model from the same
New-Vehicle Inventory automaker. The profit lost from not having the first-
An automaker’s cars and trucks on dealers’ lots com- choice vehicle in stock is mitigated because some cus-
prise the automaker’s retail inventory. While standard tomers will not walk away; they will instead purchase
inventory analyses estimate the amount of inventory a different model from the same automaker.

Figure 1. (Color online) Rather Than Setting Inventory to Provide a Given Service Level, We Set It to Maximize Profit
Service level or fill rate

Service level or fill rate

Service level approach

Service level Inventory

Variable profit from sales

Maximize profit approach Carrying cost

Variable profit
Less carrying cost

Max profit Inventory

Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 399

Inventory Carrying Cost Borne by the Supply Chain Geographic Granularity

Recognizing that the supply chain incurs a substan- Simpler analyses aggregate cars of all dealers into a sin-
tial cost for dealer inventory enables the profit-maxi- gle inventory. However, recognizing that a car in inven-
mization approach. The typical carrying cost includes tory in Alaska does little for a customer in Florida,
the cost of capital, insurance, facilities, security, and we analyze the inventory at each dealership; we map
so forth. Since new vehicle inventory is on the deal- these dealers in Figure 2. Each dot marks a dealer. Since
ers’ books, some may argue that it does not cost the the dots overlap for dealers in close proximity to each
automaker anything. However, Copeland (2009, p. 5) other, areas with a dense network of dealers appear as
notes “a striking feature of the automobile market is the dark shading.
constant decline in prices throughout the model year.”
Copeland et al. (2011) document that for the typical Product Granularity
vehicle, prices fall over the model year at a 9.0 per- Although it is possible to use each of a vehicle’s mil-
cent annual rate. Copeland et al. (2005, p. 3) document lions of full configurations (i.e., the various combi-
that “all other things being constant, higher inventories nations of product content and colors) as the level
are associated with lower retail prices.” Corrado et al. of granularity, we instead use the concept of prior-
(2006) recognized the offsetting impacts of rebates and itized partial configurations. A partial configuration
price increases, and report a significant price decline is an incomplete vehicle specification. A prioritized
over a model year. The authors estimate that the annu- partial configuration is a partial vehicle specification
alized average transaction price that consumers pay where only the most important attributes—from the
(considering customer rebates and interest subvention) customer’s perspective—are specified. We apply the
decreases by 6.1 percent over the model year. The price Pareto principle to identify a few principal vehicle
before incentives generally declines from the start of options to represent most customer preferences. For
the model year, and the price after incentives declines example, a vehicle model’s prioritized partial config-
even more. uration could be its body style and its powertrain
The model-year designation of new vehicles signif- (e.g., two-wheel or all-wheel drive). By prioritizing the
icantly influences their resale value. Used-car buyers attributes from the customer’s viewpoint, the complete
judge the age of a vehicle and the freshness of its configurations within a prioritized partial configura-
features by its model year. Vehicle inventory carried tion would be similar in a customer’s mind. We assume
into the following model year must be discounted to that the customer is relatively indifferent to the less
attract buyers away from the new model-year vehicles. important options and could be satisfied if the sales-
So, although every vehicle produced does eventually person offers a portion of the dealer’s margin as an
sell, excess model-year inventory from the previous inducement. For simplicity, we simply say partial con-
year will require a profit-depleting rebate. This can be figuration when we mean prioritized partial configu-
approximately modeled with a carrying-cost factor to ration. Since the vehicle color plays a substantial role
avoid excessive unsold inventory from the previous in customer choice, the bottom-up algorithm explicitly
model year. includes external color as part of the partial configura-
tion characterization.
Demand and Lead-Time Distributions As an example, consider the model year 2013 Chevro-
Instead of relying on standard symmetric probability- let Equinox, which had millions of unique buildable
density functions, we analyzed observed demand and configurations—most of which were never built. How-
lead-time data to accurately represent these sources of ever, by choosing the body style, powertrain, and color
randomness. For example, we can see that a dealer’s as the most important attributes to the customer, a
order-replenishment lead time will increase when more manageable 81 partial configurations were pos-
demand exceeds the finite plant capacity, thus leading sible; this is less than 88 combinations (i.e., four body-
to skewed and positively auto-correlated lead times. style choices times two powertrain choices times 11
See Blumenfeld et al. (1999) for an analysis of the exterior-color choices, as we show in Figure 3) because
impact of order-replenishment lead-time variability on not all combinations were orderable. Figure 3 displays
finished-goods inventory. the breadth and depth of efficient inventory for a typical
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
400 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

Figure 2. (Color online) GM Has a Large, Geographically Disperse Dealer Network



dealer. The symbol shape represents the combination The partial configurations on the horizontal axis in
of body style and powertrain, and the hatching repre- Figure 3 are ranked by decreasing sales. We would plan
sents different exterior colors. If a dealer who sells 12 to hold two units of the two top-selling partial con-
Equinox vehicles per month on average (or 0.4 per day) figurations (e.g., a red two-wheel-drive Equinox with
stocked one of each of the 81 partial configurations, trim level 1LT, and a black two-wheel-drive Equinox
this would represent 81 divided by 0.4 (i.e., 202.5 days- with trim level 1LS) because of their high sales rates
supply). Days-supply is the number of vehicles in inven- and the order-replenishment lead time. As we move to
tory divided by the sales per day (i.e., the number of the right, the lower the sales rate, the lower the inven-
days that a given number of units in inventory will stay tory depth. Eventually, we reach a point at which the
in inventory using the average sales rate). For a more expected sales rate is so low that we would expect
typical inventory level of 75 days-supply, Figure 3 dis- the vehicle to sit in inventory for an extended period.
plays a good mix. The inventory breadth is the number In that case, the expected variable profit from a sale
of partial configurations the dealer stocks, and approxi- does not compensate for the cost of carrying the unit
mates the amount of customer selection. The inventory in inventory. In Figure 3, the sales rate of partial
depth is the number of vehicles within each partial con- configuration #29 is so low that we would expect it
figuration to stock. For top-selling partial configura- to sit in this dealer’s inventory for 225 days, thus
tions, the dealer may stock more than one unit to avoid incurring a substantial carrying cost. Hence, stock-
stockouts when a vehicle sells and the dealer must wait ing partial configuration #29 is not cost effective. We
for replenishment. To increase the selection within a account for the low-selling partial configuration inven-
partial configuration, the additional unit will typically tory, but a single dealer will rarely stock all partial
differ in a less important option. configurations.
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 401

Figure 3. (Color online) Our Approach Determines Both the Depth and Breadth of Inventory for Each Model at Each Dealer

Equinox for a selected dealer

4 body styles, 2 powertrain choices, 11 exterior colors => 81 orderable combinations
This dealer sells 12 Equinox’s per month
Below are 30 vehicles (or 75 days supply) in 28 varieties that cover all major equipment variations
and over two-thirds of sales
2WD-1LT 8 major
Depends on 2WD-1LZ
sales, order

time, and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 … 81
Body style/Powertrain/Color combinations ranked by total sales volume

Breadth Configuration #29 represents 1.11% of sales

Depends on number of body styles, —Expect it to sit on the lot for 7.5 months
equipment options, colors, and sales —Not cost effective to stock it at this dealer

Dealer Trades Integrating Optimization into the Business Process

Although we consider each dealer individually, we The concept of lead-time demand—the demand that
also consider the impact of the network of dealers via occurs during the order-replenishment period—is cen-
dealer trades. When a customer cannot find a satis- tral to inventory calculations. Although the average
factory vehicle in a dealer’s inventory, that dealer can is reported regularly, the variability is not. Hence, for
trade vehicles with another dealer to satisfy that cus- lack of data, some inventory analyses assume that
tomer. Since dealer trades expose the customer to a demand follows a standard probability distribution,
wider selection of vehicles, they are effectively pool- such as the Poisson. Although the Poisson distribution
ing the inventory of nearby dealers, which reduces the has theoretical appeal, actual sales data often exhibit
inventory needed by a specific dealer. However, as Iyer more variability than the Poisson distribution. Several
et al. (2009) indicate, swapping physical vehicles costs factors could cause sales data to exhibit greater vari-
several hundred dollars. ability than the Poisson distribution. First, automotive
sales exhibit seasonality. Second, many automakers
Build-to-Order Sales have dealer-incentive policies based on sales in a par-
Vehicles that are built to satisfy specific customer ticular period, such as a month. At the end of the
orders never sit in dealer inventory because the cus- period, a dealer who is within range of qualifying for
tomers are willing to wait for the new vehicles to be the incentive will use all available means to qualify.
built based on their exact specifications. If all sales were Third, weather often makes car shopping difficult and
built to order, a dealer would need little inventory; a can delay demand until the following week. Fourth,
few demonstration vehicles would suffice. We account the competitive landscape changes with new model
for the impact of build-to-order vehicles on a dealer’s entries, recalls, and competitor incentives and mar-
inventory requirements. keting campaigns. Fifth, customer preferences change
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
402 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

over time (e.g., because of fluctuations in gas prices), Figure 4. (Color online) In the Profit-Maximization
which shift customers from one segment to another. In Framework, We Maximize Sales Contribution Less
summary, for many reasons, observed sales vary more Carrying Cost
than level (yet purely random) demand.
$ Variable profit
Sales variability and lead-time variability together
determine the variability in lead-time demand. In prac-
tice, actual lead times often exhibit a positive skew.
Carrying cost
This is not surprising when one considers the delivery
process. If no problems occur, the vehicle should be Variable profit
Less carrying cost
delivered in a specified number (x) of days; there is no
good reason for it to arrive in less than x days. So, the 1 2 3 Inventory
lead-time distribution will have, at most, a short tail to
the left. If a delay occurs (e.g., traffic congestion, road
construction, an accident, inclement weather, a driver measured in dollars. The horizontal axis is the amount
arriving late to work or calling in sick, labor unrest, or of retail inventory measured in the number of vehicles
an inspection delay at a border), then the delivery will in inventory. As inventory increases, its carrying cost
be late. Many such delays can be lengthy and some can increases as the upward sloping dashed line shows. As
cause additional delays. Hence, the distribution of lead inventory increases, the sales contribution (i.e., vari-
times has a short tail to the left and a long tail to the able profit of vehicles sold) increases because fewer
right. In addition, sequential lead times may be posi- customers are unable find an acceptable vehicle in
tively correlated (because many delaying factors could inventory, as the concave dashed line shows. The objec-
persist over time or create a backlog that will require tive is to maximize the sales contribution less the inven-
time to fulfill), which deviates further from the stan- tory carrying cost, as the unimodal solid curve shows.
dard assumption of independent trials. In Figure 4, the numbers in the circles below the hor-
Recognizing the variability of sales and limited pro- izontal axis identify the following key inventory lev-
duction flexibility, the expectation of operating exactly els, which define the minimum, target, and maximum
at the target (profit-maximization) inventory level is inventory. The appendix provides details.
unrealistic. Instead, we manage inventory by keeping 1. The lower limit on inventory is based solely on
it within the normal operating bands as defined by the the fraction of lost sales, regardless of financial impli-
minimum, target, and maximum inventory levels. To cations. The key factors driving this lower limit include
find the lower limit of inventory, we estimate the inven-
the order-replenishment time (the longer the time, the
tory needed to provide a high fill rate, ignoring the
more inventory), order-replenishment time variability
product variety and financial impact. That is, at this
(the more variable, the more inventory), demand vari-
minimum inventory, the dealer will (almost) always
ability (the more variable the demand, the more inven-
have at least one unit of the model in stock. It may
tory), and sales rate (the lower the sales rate, the more
be the wrong style or color, but at least one is avail-
able. This is a lower limit on the most effective inven-
tory. Because it is based on an objective other than 2. The target inventory maximizes aggregate vari-
profit maximization, it also serves as a safeguard for able profit less inventory carrying costs. The key factors
the more sophisticated target inventory optimization. impacting the target include the variable profit (the
The target is the bottom-up estimate of the most prof- higher the variable profit, the more inventory), dealer
itable inventory. The appendix shows the mathematical cost (the lower the dealer cost, the more inventory),
details. The upper limit is the maximum inventory- price elasticity, and diversions (the less likely to divert,
control limit set to provide a buffer above the target. the more inventory).
Exceeding the upper inventory limit warrants correc- 3. The upper limit on inventory is set above the
tive action. target to accommodate forecast uncertainty, modeling
Figure 4 illustrates the profit-maximization frame- approximations, dealer stocking variances, and process
work. The vertical axis represents cost, sales, or profit limitations.
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 403

Figure 5. (Color online) Inventory-Control Bands Straddle the Profit-Maximizing Target to Trigger Production and
Sales-Promotion Adjustments

Upper band


Lower band Projected inventory Inventory target




The target inventory, and the lower and upper inven- to order the vehicles they choose. To bridge the gap
tory limits define control bands for the aggregate vehi- between the inventory GM would like dealers to stock
cle inventory (Figure 5). The circled numbers 1, 2, and 3 and the inventory the dealers do stock, we developed
in this figure correspond to the lower-limit, target, and the inventory-balancing dealer-ordering tool. The term
upper-limit inventories depicted in Figure 4. Since those inventory balancing reflects the advantages of carrying
benchmark inventories are defined in terms of days- a balanced portfolio of configurations, which aligns to
supply, and the vertical axis in Figure 5 reflects vehicles, demand, instead of stocking only the top-selling full
the control bands oscillate over time as demand varies. configurations. It provides an organized view of sales,
Figure 5 depicts a snapshot as of July 1, 2016. The solid inventory, turn rate, and price information to help the
line from January 2016 through June 2016 tracks actual dealers better understand the demand. By providing
inventory. The solid line from June through Decem- dealers with a portfolio view of demand, which is con-
ber 2016 tracks forecast inventory from the difference sistent with customer market segmentation, inventory
between planned production and forecast sales. GM balancing can improve customer satisfaction (by reduc-
uses these inventory-control charts when making pro- ing the gap between the customer’s ideal configura-
duction, capacity, fleet sales, and rebate decisions. How- tion and the configurations found on the dealer’s lot),
dealer margins (by reducing dealer trades and increas-
ever, the dealers manage the vehicle-inventory mix (i.e.,
ing the prices customers are willing to pay by stocking
which dealers stock which configurations), as we dis-
vehicles in the most desired configurations), sales vol-
cuss in the next section.
ume (by reducing the number of customers who can-
not find the desired vehicle configuration on the lot),
Dealer-Ordering Decision Support Tool and ordering efficiency (by reducing the time needed
Optimizing GM’s retail inventory level is an important to choose and configure vehicles to order).
factor in planning production. Yet, dealers are inde- The philosophy underlying inventory balancing is
pendent franchisees; as such, they retain the authority threefold. First, it provides an accurate demand-sensing
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
404 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

signal. Aggregating sales data with other dealers aver- Instead of stocking the top-five full configurations,
ages out some of the random noise that an individ- Figure 6(b) displays a near-optimal set-covering strat-
ual dealer experiences, thus offering a clearer view egy that covers much more of the demand space.
of demand. Dealers who rely solely on their own Unfortunately, in practice we are not likely to clearly
sales data risk being fooled by randomness. We dis- understand all customers’ perceptions of the relative
play the aggregate inventory and sales from deal- importance and the relative nearness of all option com-
ers in a geography that the dealer chooses for com- binations. A more sophisticated set-covering algorithm
parison. Second, it applies the Pareto principle for would be based on approximate estimates of the near-
market segmentation from a customer’s perspective. ness between two configurations in a customer’s mind,
Consistent with the bottom-up aggregate inventory and its solution accuracy would be limited by these
optimization, inventory balancing uses partial config- approximate underlying estimates.
urations based on the most important features that A practical way to achieve a diversified portfolio is
are most important in defining a segment of demand. to choose a configuration from each partial configura-
Third, it promotes an inventory-portfolio approach to tion. Conceptually similar to stratification in sampling
cover all demand segments. It applies a practical set- or clinical trials, this segmentation subdivides demand
covering solution, which follows the hierarchy dis- among mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive sub-
played on third-party vehicle-configuration websites sets. Figure 6(c) shows five full configurations, each
and which dealers understand immediately. Follow- belonging to a different partial configuration, which
ing this industry-standard product definition avoids would cover demand. Using partial configurations
the major challenge of weighting each option to define may not be theoretically optimal, but it is simpler and
nearness in a clustering approach. Finally, this high- more transparent, and provides reasonable set cover-
level categorization allows the dealers to use their judg- ing that is amenable to a real-world implementation.
ment and understanding of the local market to refine a Inventory balancing displays a vehicle’s demand and
partial configuration into a fully configured vehicle. inventory in mutually exclusive, collectively exhaus-
Figure 6 is a conceptual map of sales of a vehi- tive subsets designed to reflect the vehicle’s segmen-
cle model’s various configurations projected onto two tation in the customer’s mind. The combination of
dimensions. Each point represents a unique config- selections of vehicle features that the customer con-
uration. We can interpret the nearness between any siders to be most important defines the partial con-
two points as the magnitude of the customer’s per- figuration subsets. Many dealers use a price-ladder
ceived importance-weighted difference between those approach to stocking. Sometimes referred to as a stair
configurations. The numbers indicate the number of step, the price ladder is a series of progressively more
observed sales for each configuration. expensive configurations. In so doing, dealers cover
Blank spaces represent configurations without sales. demand over one dimension—price. Although price
Because most customers are willing to compromise on is a surrogate for content, it less accurately segments
their ideal configuration, there exists a region of rel- demand because a price ladder could be constructed
ative indifference within which a customer would be that does not distinguish which options are important
reasonably satisfied. In this example, if a dealer stocked to the customer. For example, many vehicles can be
only the five top-selling complete configurations, as configured with either two-wheel drive (2WD) or all-
some sales-ranking approaches advocate, that dealer wheel drive (AWD). Although AWD is more expen-
would cover the demand within the five circles shown sive, it is possible to add other features to a 2WD
in Figure 6(a). The five circles are centered on the vehicle such that it is more expensive than the AWD
five top-selling full configurations (i.e., the five largest vehicle. Hence, using a simple price ladder to seg-
numbers in the figure). Based on the observed sales, ment demand might allow either a 2WD or AWD
stocking these five configurations would provide over- vehicle in each segment, thus missing important infor-
lapping coverage; the dealer would be covering many mation regarding customer demand for 2WD versus
demand points twice. That dealer could improve sales AWD vehicles. Defining partial configurations based
and increase profits with a portfolio strategy that cov- on attributes important to our customers allows us to
ers more demand. build a portfolio based on content, not price alone.
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 405

Figure 6. (Color online) A Portfolio Typically Covers More Demand Than the Top-Selling Full Configurations
(a) The top-selling configurations are often very similar and cover only a narrow slice of demand

1 4 1
9 2 1
7 5
5 2 6 5 1 3
4 1
1 1
1 1
2 3
2 8 1 21
2 1 7 2 5
1 2
3 4
2 3
3 1
2 1 3
1 1 1 1
1 3 1
1 3

(b) Choosing configurations with a set-covering approach provides wider choice

1 4 1
9 2 1
7 5
5 2 6 5 1 3
4 1
1 1
1 1
2 3
2 8 1 21
2 1 7 2 5
1 2
3 4
2 3
3 1
2 1 3
1 1 1 1
1 3 1
1 3

(c) The product-ordering hierarchy provides a stratification that approximates that of the set-covering approach
Body style
Major option

1 4 1
9 2 1
7 5
5 2 6 5 1 3
2 wheel drive 4 1
1 1
1 1
2 3
2 8 1 21
2 1 7 2 5
1 2
3 4
2 3
3 1
2 1 3
All wheel drive 1 1 1 1
1 3 1
1 3

Inventory-Balancing Tool split (i.e., divide the population based on whether that
Figure 7 displays the disaggregation tree view corre- option is present) on the few most important factors.
sponding to the set covering in Figure 6(c). For each These “splitters” segment the market. In this exam-
product, we rank the options by importance and only ple, the most important product attribute is body style
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
406 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

Figure 7. (Color online) The Inventory-Balancing Tool Compares Each Dealer to a Larger Geography on Inventory and Sales
Statistics by Partial-Configuration Subset

-ODEL %15)./8

3TYLE ,3 ,4 ,4 ,:

-AJOROPTION 7$ !7$ 7$ !7$ 7$ !7$ 7$ !7$







Note. It identifies gaps in the dealer’s portfolio and recommends partial configurations to order.

(e.g., 1LS, 1LT, 2LT, 1LZ) and the second most impor- most important data fit on a single sheet. Each col-
tant attribute is the wheel drive, which distinguishes umn presents data for a partial configuration and,
between 2WD and AWD. The inverted tree’s branches taken together, they cover 100 percent of the model’s
represent partial configurations. Each partial configu- sales. The columns are sorted in increasing price order
ration includes a variety of colors and less important to align with the price-ladder framework with which
options, which the dealer specifies based on the pen- dealers are familiar. The top three rows of Figure 7
etrations reported by partial configuration, together define the partial configuration, and the data beneath
with the dealer’s judgment, local-market experience, each column refer to that partial configuration.
and consideration of other models. The dealers’ prof- “Penetrations” in the partial-configuration (Part.
itability depends on their choices; few would cede their Config.) section displays the sales penetration of the
decision-making authority to an automaker’s algo- other options, colors, and interior trims within that
rithm they do not understand. partial configuration. Each row in this section refers to
We provide an online report, which follows the an option (e.g., sunroof) or a color (e.g., white exterior
template in Figure 7, for each vehicle model at each color). The cells contain the percentage of that row’s
dealer. This data can be downloaded to allow dealers sales or inventory observed in that column’s partial
to further explore the statistics or link to other pro- configuration. For example, the row that shows white
grams. The information is displayed compactly; the exterior color might report that 25 percent of 1LS-2WD
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 407

sales are white, 15 percent of 1LS-AWD are white, and geographic area. The tool also allows the dealer to con-
so forth. The percentages across the row would gen- strain or override the solution by forcing any number of
erally not total one. Mutually exclusive options are orders as input for selected partial configurations. This
grouped together to allow the dealer to easily see the allows the dealer to apply knowledge of impending
mutual exclusivity. For categories whose elements are sales, customer inquiries, financial constraints, used-
mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive, such as vehicle inventory, and local-market trends. In addition
exterior color, the percentages of the various elements to new-vehicle ordering, many dealers also use the tool
would sum to one vertically within the section, because when another dealer approaches them for a trade; the
each vehicle must have one and only one exterior color. tool allows the dealer to specify what he or she would
The option penetrations of vehicles sold are reported like in return. The inventory-balancing tool helps GM’s
dealer network stock the right mix of vehicles to make
so that the dealer can see the option and color pop-
the most efficient use of inventory.
ularity for each partial configuration. When a dealer
decides to order a vehicle in a specific partial configura-
Summary and Impact
tion, he or she uses the option penetrations to configure GM developed two operations research applications
it based on the options that are selling. For example, for optimizing the number and the mix of vehicles in
assume that white is the most popular color for the first dealers’ inventories. Both applications rely on the con-
(1LS-2WD) partial configuration. If the dealer does not cept of prioritized partial configurations to represent
have a white 1LS-2WD partial configuration in stock, granular product variety. We apply the Pareto principle
including a white vehicle in the next 1LS-2WD order to define prioritized partial configurations to segment
would be advisable. The fifth and sixth blocks report demand for a given model based on vehicle options
inventory and sales penetrations and exposure to sales most meaningful to customers. Partial configurations
for each partial configuration for the aggregate geog- simplify the analysis by capturing the majority of cus-
raphy and the dealer. The dealer compares his or her tomer choices without resorting to a combinatorial
inventory and sales penetrations with an aggregation explosion of variety by recognizing that some options
of other dealers. That dealer chooses the most relevant matter much more than others. Partial configurations
aggregate geographic area (e.g., country, state, or local are intuitive to dealers and easily communicated.
district). The row titled exposure-to-sales reports the Instead of determining the inventory needed for a
number of days each vehicle sat on the lot before it sold given service level, we find each model’s profit-max-
(plus the number of days the unsold vehicles sat on imization inventory by trading off the variable profit
the lot, summed over all vehicles, and divided by the of sales with the carrying cost. While the automaker’s
number of vehicles that have sold). inventory carrying cost is typically assumed to be zero,
our approach incorporates the broader supply chain’s
The balanced-inventory row displays the dealer’s in-
carrying cost and the observed increase in incen-
ventory rearranged so that the relative frequency of
tives over the model year. The bottom-up optimization
inventory among partial configurations most closely
includes rich details of price elasticity, diversions to
matches the relative frequency of the sales in the com-
other products, lead-time distributions, demand dis-
parative geographic area. Whenever a dealer’s bal-
tributions, and a model for vehicle trading between
anced inventory exceeds his or her actual inventory dealers. The dealer inventory-balancing decision sup-
by a threshold amount, those inventory numbers are port tool marries a set-covering philosophy with the
highlighted to immediately suggest an opportunity for dealers’ practical product-specification framework. It
the dealer to fill a gap in his or her inventory portfo- promotes a portfolio viewpoint to counter the indus-
lio. The inventory-balancing tool can also recommend try’s one-dimensional price-ladder standard.
the partial configurations that the dealer should order. These innovations are in full use today and have
The dealer enters the number of vehicles of a given been extremely well received by General Motors and
model to order, and the embedded optimization allo- its dealers, as the following dealer endorsements exem-
cates that number of orders among the partial config- plify. For confidentiality, we do not disclose the names
urations to align with the demand in the comparative of dealers who provided these endorsements.
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
408 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

“I wanted to thank you for the inventory balancing reports Appendix. Mathematical Formulations
and congratulate you on a[n] excellent execution. Those sheets U.S. automakers’ retail inventory and ordering are typi-
are the correct execution of Demand Sensing. I think that that cally periodic review (S, TC ) inventory policies where dealers
product could make dealers more capable of having the right order every TC days and order up to S to replenish their lots.
product on the ground.” Refer to Sipper and Bulfin (1997), Blumenfeld et al. (1999),
“Thank you for your excellent support on this, it has helped and Blumenfeld (2010) for discussions of periodic-review
us improve our inventory and our sales are more efficient due inventory systems. The objective function in Equation (A.1)
to fewer dealer trades . . . . Again, thanks for your efforts on is the expected profit from sales (the first line of the objective
this, it has a payoff.” function) less the inventory carrying cost for model m. The
“I just wanted to say thank you for these overviews. As I get decision variable k is the number of lead-time demand stan-
deeper into my order cycle for inventory fill-ins, these reports dard deviations to hold in safety stock. Equation (A.2) rep-
have really been useful.” resents the average inventory for a given k, and depends on
“It has helped me . . . . We appreciate that you are doing the standard deviation of lead-time demand, which is given
this. It’s a very useful tool . . . . It’s making things better.” by Equation (A.3). Equations (A.4)–(A.7) describe how to cal-
culate the effective fill rate β 4 (i, j, k, m) used in the objec-
These tools have significantly improved GM’s sales. tive function. Equation (A.4) presents the fill-rate formula
More than 800 dealer franchises piloted the inventory- for the typical periodic-review policy previously described.
balancing tool for six months; these dealers averaged a Equation (A.8) documents the target inventory correspond-
three to five percent lift in sales and revenue compared ing to the optimal k ∗ . Equation (A.9) sums the inventories
to a control group of more than 7,000 franchises. The (adjusted to comprehend skewed and auto-correlated lead-
time demand) of all the configurations at all the dealers to
tools have also helped to reduce GM’s retail inventory.
arrive at the national target inventory. The solution proce-
GM has historically held higher retail inventory than dure searches over k.
its competitors. However, with the help of this appli- X X
max D y S(i, j, m)[β 4 (i, j, k, m)MS (j, m)
cation, its 2015 year-end inventory was 61 days-supply, k
i∈ψ(m) j∈η(m)
which is substantially lower than Ford’s 79 days-supply
+ (1 − β4 (i, j, k, m))β 4 (i, j, k, m)MA (j, m)]
and Fiat Chrysler’s 81 days-supply. This innovation
− Ī(i, j, k, m)c(j, m)h
enabled GM’s 2015 earnings report (General Motors
2016) to claim that the company had “actively managed subject to k ≥ 0 (A.1)
down U.S. dealer inventories” with “dealer inventories where the average inventory is
down 100 K units or 14% at year-end 2015 versus year
Ī(i, j, k, m)  TD + 12 TC S(i, j, m)

end 2014” (p. 30). Finally, these tools have contributed
to GM’s significant financial gains. GM President Mark + kσLTD (i, j, m), (A.2)
Reuss points out that since 2008, GM increased its aver- and the standard deviation of lead-time demand is
age transaction prices at an annual rate of 4.1 versus
σLTD (i, j, m)
2.85 percent for the industry (Reuss 2013). p
 (TT + TC )S(i, j, m)v + S(i, j, m)2 σLT (i, j, m)2 . (A.3)
The authors acknowledge the invaluable contributions of If we assumed that demand (i.e., sales) is Poisson distributed,
David Vander Veen. His leadership was essential to the full then the exponent ν (a measure of demand variability) on
realization of the benefits of this work. They thank project average sales in Equation (A.3) would be 1. Instead we esti-
sponsors Jim Bunnell, Steve Carlisle, Brent Dewar, and Susan mate ν empirically. The fill-rate expressions are
Docherty. They also thank Betty Borgula and Krisztina M. β 1 (i, j, k, m) standard fill rate for dealer i, configuration j
Gilezan for integrating the solution into the business process, of model m, and decision variable k
Craig Jackson for providing revenue-management expertise,
σLTD (i, j, m)
Kenn Griessel for his help in implementing both the bottom- 1 −(1/2)k 2
1− √ e −k[1−Φ(k)] ;
up and inventory-balancing tools, Clifford Hodges for his S(i, j, m)(TT +TC ) 2π
leadership in implementing the inventory-balancing tool, (A.4)
and Jason Brickl for explaining the viewpoint of the dealer β2 (i, j, k, m) fill rate with supply chain cost impacts
network. The authors also acknowledge the contributions  β1 (i, j, k, m)(1−φ a (i, j, k, m)); (A.5)
of Paul Beckett, Bob Glubzinski, Colleen Haesler, Bill Mis-
tele, Benoit Schlumberger, Todd Scott, Janet Shearer, and Dan β 3 (i, j, k, m) fill rate with impact of inventory cost and
Smith. Finally, the authors are indebted to Dennis Blumen- dealer trades
feld for many useful discussions. β 2 (i, j, k, m)+(1−β2 (i, j, k, m))φ t (i, j, k, m); (A.6)
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS 409

β 4 (i, j, k, m) fill rate with impact of inventory cost, dealer γs factor that adjusts for the impact of lead time’s
trades, and build-to-order sales skewness and autocorrelation;
β 3 (i, j, k, m)+(1−β3 (i, j, k, m))φ b (i, j, k, m); (A.7) η(m) set of partial configurations for model m;
ψ(m) set of dealers selling model m;
and the fill-rate adjustments are Φ( ) standard Normal distribution.

φ a (i, j, k, m)  fraction of sales lost to supply chain cost References

impacts; Blumenfeld DE (2010) Operations Research Calculations Handbook (CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL).
φ t (i, j, k, m)  likelihood of completing a trade when Blumenfeld DE, Daganzo CF, Frick MC, Gonsalvez DJA (1999)
looking for one; Impact of manufacturing response time on retailer inventory.
Internat. J. Oper. Production Management 19(8):797–811.
φ b (i, j, k, m)  likelihood of completing a build-to-order sale
Copeland A (2009) The dynamics of automobile expenditures.
when a suitable vehicle is neither in inventory Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report 394, New
nor available through a cost-effective trade. York. Accessed January 16, 2017,
medialibrary/media/research/staff_ reports/sr394.pdf.
The optimal average inventory is obtained by plugging the Copeland A, Dunn W, Hall G (2005) Prices, production and inven-
tories over the automotive model year. Working paper, National
optimal fill rate k ∗ into Equation (A.2), yielding
Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. Accessed Jan-
uary 16, 2017,
Ī(i, j, k ∗ , m)  TD + 12 TC S(i, j, m) + k ∗ σLTD (i, j, m).

(A.8) Copeland A, Dunn W, Hall G (2011) Inventories and automobile
market. RAND J. Econom. 42(1):121–149.
This formulation assumes that lead times are normally dis- Corrado C, Dunn W, Otoo M (2006) Incentives and prices for motor
tributed and independent. However, we adjust the above vehicles: What has been happening in recent years? Finance and
model’s optimal inventory because lead times are positively Economics Discussion Series, Divisions of Research & Statistics
skewed and auto correlated. The multiplicative adjustment and Monetary Affairs, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, DC.
Accessed January 16, 2017,
factor is found via simulation. The optimal national retail pubs/feds/2006/200609/200609pap.pdf.
inventory for model m is the sum over all configurations and General Motors (2016) CY 2015 results. Accessed February 22, 2017,
dealers. X X
Î ∗ (m)  γs (Ī(i, j, k ∗ , m)). (A.9) -Q4-Chart-Set.pdf.
i∈ψ(m) j∈η(m) Iyer A, Seshadir S, Vasher R (2009) Toyota Supply Chain Management
(McGraw-Hill, New York).
Reuss M (2013) Mark Reuss remarks to Automotive News World
Congress. Accessed December 11, 2016,
i dealer index; media/us/en/gm/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/
j prioritized partial configuration (of model m); en/2013/Jan/0116_anwc-reuss.html.
k decision variable representing the number of Sipper D, Bulfin RL (1997) Production: Planning, Control, and Integra-
lead-time demand standard deviations to hold tion (McGraw-Hill, New York).
Vellequette LP (2016) Why Americans reject build-to-order cars.
in safety stock;
Automotive News (June 6),
m model index; 20160606/RETAIL/306069951/why-americans-reject-build-to
h holding-cost factor; -order-cars.
c(j, m) cost of partial configuration j of model m;
D y days per year; Robert R. Inman is a technical fellow in General Motors’
MS (j, m) standard variable profit for configuration j of Operations Research group. He was named an INFORMS
model m; Fellow in 2014 for advancing the application of operations
MA (j, m) variable profit for configuration j of model m research at GM through broad and high-impact contribu-
adjusted for same-automaker diversions; tions to applied supply chain, manufacturing, vehicle sales,
P(j, m) average transaction price of configuration j of service, and dealer inventory management. He earned his
model m; PhD in industrial engineering and management sciences at
S(i, j, m) sales per day of prioritized partial Northwestern University and joined General Motors in 1989.
configuration j of model m at dealer i; Michael C. Frick retired from General Motors in 2009 after
σLT (i, j, m) standard deviation of the total lead time for working the majority of his career as a staff research scientist
partial config. j of model m at dealer i; in GM Research. His primary research areas included traffic
TC cycle time between ordering opportunities; safety, production control, and logistics. Since his retirement,
TT total time from order to delivery; he has worked as a consultant for the Vehicle Order Manage-
TD delivery time from plant to dealer (in-transit ment group at GM.
vehicles are counted as dealer inventory); Thomas D. Hitchman is the Director of Forecasting and
v factor representing empirical demand Market Analysis for General Motors. He joined GM in 1984
variability as a function of mean demand; and has held leadership roles in sales, marketing, brand
Inman et al.: Optimizing New-Vehicle Inventory at General Motors
410 Interfaces, 2017, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 396–410, © 2017 INFORMS

development, global product research, and new business Director of the GM R&D Operations Research (OR) Lab. An
development. In his current role, Tom leads the forecasting 18-year GM veteran, Jon leads strategic innovation activi-
group and the process for establishing new vehicle produc- ties for applied OR across diverse areas of the business that
tion to align supply and demand. Tom earned a BS degree include pricing and revenue management, portfolio plan-
in industrial and operations engineering and an MBA, both ning, vehicle technology selection and content optimization,
from the University of Michigan, and has held Professional supply chain and logistics, market demand modeling, and
Researcher Certification (PRC) since 2007. dealer effectiveness. Jon earned his PhD in IE/MS at North-
Robert A. Muiter is GM’s North America Director of western University and graduated from the General Man-
Order Fulfillment. His responsibilities include overseeing a agement Program at Harvard Business School. Since 2014,
series of time sensitive (annual, monthly, and weekly) end-to- Jon has served on the Analytics Certification Board and as
end business processes and decisions related to volume plan- the INFORMS VP of Practice. He also represents GM on the
ning, retail and fleet allocation, material forecasting, order INFORMS Roundtable and is a member of the IE/MS Advi-
management, Vehicle Order Management (VOM), Produc- sory Board at Northwestern University.
tion Order Management (POM), vehicle specifications (mar- Gerald M. Takasaki worked as a staff research engineer
ket and engineering intent), order processing, order schedul- within the GM Research and Development Center and within
ing and sequencing for North America and Joint Venture GM’s supply-chain organization. He worked on developing
assembly centers. Bob has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern systems and processes for demand sensing, production con-
Michigan University and completed an executive education trol and scheduling, and inventory management. He joined
program from the Columbia School of Business. General Motors after earning a PhD degree in electrical engi-
Jonathan H. Owen is Chief Scientist of Operations Re- neering at the Ohio State University in 1978, and retired from
search and Advanced Analytics at General Motors and the GM in 2007.

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