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BM 
2.333  10 4

2.343  10 3
 0.0996m

v) Depth of immersion of pontoon, IP vi) Depth of centre of buoyancy, CB

V 10 6 V  10 6
IP  CB 

 
(2.343 10 3 )  10 6

   
2.343  10 3  10 6
350200 2350200
 0.0335m  0.0167m


To study force balances in a static system.


To determine the meta-centric height and position of the meta-centric height with angle of heel of ship


Water tank
Ship model (floating body)

Weights ( 491 gm and 995 kg)



metacentric height

is a measurement of the static stability of a floating body. It iscalculated as the distance between the
centre of gravity of a ship and its metacentre (GM). Alarger metacentric height implies greater
stability against overturning. Metacentric height alsohas implication on the natural period of rolling of
a hull, with very large metacentric heightsbeing associated with shorter periods of roll which are
uncomfortable for passengers. Hence,a sufficiently high but not excessively high metacentric height is
considered ideal forpassenger ships

Metacentre is defined as the point about which a body starts oscillating when the body istilted by a
small angle. The meta- centre may also be defined as the point at which the line of action of the force of
buoyancy will meet the normal axis of the body when the body is givena small angular displacement .It
is denoted by M. The distance between the meta-centre (M)of a floating body and the centre of gravity
(G) of the body is called meta-centric height(GM).For a body to be in equilibrium on the liquid surface
the two forces gravity force (w) andbuoyant force (F

) must lie in the same vertical line. If the point M is above G, the floatingbody will be in stable
equilibrium. If slight angular displacement is given to the floating bodyin clockwise direction, the centre
of buoyancy shifts from B to B

such that the line of actionof F

through B1 cuts the axis at M, which is called the meta

centre and the distance GM iscalled the meta-centric height. The buoyant force F

through B

and weight W through Gconstitute a couple acting in anti- clockwise direction and thus bringing the
floating body inthe original position.

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