Far Eastern University - SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

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Far Eastern University – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

A Position Paper presented to

the Senior High School Department
Far Eastern University, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the course, English for Academic and
Professional Purposes

Ablaza, Samantha
Bautista, DJohn Krence L.
Dalangin, Lorraine G.
De Asis, David Joshua S.
De Lara, Jhoyce V.
Desoy, Kyla Mae Nichol A.
Dumlao, Kristina Rae C.
Kato, Kenjie P.
Melana, Ralph Kiven N.
Miñano, Asha Nicole S.
Miranda, Adrian Xavier B.
Soterio, Adrienne A.

February 2019
Far Eastern University – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

People nowadays really like expressing themselves in televisions, radios, and songs

as a form of art. Their passion and love for their character is naturally manifested on their

films and their love for music that enables them to say what they want to say. But these

things will not continue if they are not being recognized because of it.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) is the one that

recognize the excellence in cinematic achievements of the actors annually through a

ceremony called “The Oscars” where most of the members are based on United States. The

Oscars is a ceremony wherein the talented actors was given a set of awards for their artistic

and technical achievements in the films. Every year this ceremony was being talked about

not just because of the beautiful and talented people but also because of their films that was

just amazing and breathtaking.

During the 89th Academy Award ceremony of Oscars last February 26, 2017 at the

Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles California one of the things that caught the

attention of the people is the award given to Casey Affleck for his marvelous acting

performance in “Manchester by the Sea”. Because of the issues regarding the sexual cases

of Affleck some say that the award should not be given to him because it only means

recognizing his misdeeds.

The film “Manchester by the Sea” has a lot of message to take. Unfortunately, if the

actor did something that is not appealing to the viewers, the film will also be affected by it.

The actor attended the Oscar’s Award to claim his award for being the “Best Actor of the

Year”, because he did great and gives justice on the role that was given to him. Basically, he

came in the Oscar’s Award as an actor with same character on the film and it is his right to

claim his reward. He did not attend the Oscar’s Award, so the audience will throw him
Far Eastern University – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

negative words or to point out his mistakes that he did but for them to should look at him as

the “Lee Chandler” and not as Casey Affleck. People should look deeper on the message

that was portrayed of the film than paying attention to actor’s personal life. They should be

focus on the art he contributed to the history on film-making, because everyone’s art has a

lot of messages to give to the viewers or audience. Despite being courted for the sexual cases

from the complaints, they should not use this damage all the masterpiece they had partaken

to. Art is art and we and all people should appreciate it and know what the art mean to our

daily lives. Affleck is just a normal person with a huge fame who also naturally do mistakes,

and they should not blame all him. They should be more professional in Oscar’s Award, not

bragging his misdeed all the time, because it would reflect themselves. Focus on the beautiful

art that the actor did. Separate his misdeed to his art, it has huge differences. Art is art.

Mistake is a mistake. Be more professional and do not be hypocrite.

To get appreciation and praise to the public it must need a great effort and hardships,

because being able to look at by all people you must show and proves to them that you really

deserves the award or achievement you earn by striving hard and giving your best in every

single thing that you’re doing. We are all equal and we have a dark side too, that we do not

want to show it to others, because it makes us embarrassed but we need to also accept the

fact that we need to appreciate each other, despite our differences, the gossips that we heard

in others’ mouth, because as a human we all perfectly imperfect created by God, we don't

have the right to criticize someone because of envy or other aspects because as human we

have the right to be seen and appreciate by the people surrounds us.

Artist are people, and sometimes people make bad choices or behave despicably. At

times good people make bad things and bad people also make good things. In evaluating a
Far Eastern University – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

performance, it is more professional if we look in the output of the work and its quality and

not into the personal aspects of the artist itself. Making a film is different from the reality.

Art is a reflection of society but not necessarily real. The artist itself does not affect the

movie, it is the role and the story that gives an example or impact to viewers thus, and the

artist will not be playing and showing his personal aspects. Not because he/she is good or a

responsible person, and because he/she is a criminal, it doesn't mean that he/she cannot make

a good art as well. Unjudging and criticizing an art, you have to be a professional. Focus on

the real artwork, its message for you, and its appeal for you. A good art is a good art not

because of the artist, but also for the meaning and the essence of beauty behind it. We should

separate the art from the artist, yes it is impossible for an artist to separate their soul from

their work, but we should try, instead to evaluate the work and the artist separately. We

should not judge the film based off the filmmaker’s personal action but we can judge the

filmmaker outside the film. (1000)

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