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Al-Jaber International Company

System of Compressed Gas Program

Revision History
Revision Description of
DATE Initiated By Completed By
No# Changes
16st Jan 2018 Management Integration for ISO Management
Representative 14001 and OHSAS Representative
18001 & ISO 31000
Risk Management

Distribution List
Sr. No/ Designation Issue Date Distributed by

01 HSE Manager 16st Jan 2018
Management Management
02 16st Jan 2018
Representative Representative
03 Management
CEO 16st Jan 2018

04 Management
Chairman 16st Jan 2018

Document Issue Revision Original Document Document Document
Number Number Number Issue Date Prepared By Reviewed by Approved By
HSE Manager MR / CEO Chairman
1.1 01 01-10-16 16-01-18


This document contains confidential information. It may be copied in full or in parts only by Al-Jaber
International Company and only for the purpose of Al-Jaber International Company related activities.
Disclosure of any information contained within this procedure to any person (s) outside the employee of Al-
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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018


Revision History ................................................................................................................................... 1

Distribution List ................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 2
1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Scope............................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Responsibilities .......................................................................................................................... 3
4. Risk Assessment……………………………………………………………………………...…4
5. Program Components ................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 General Guidelines: .......................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Cryogenic Liquids: ............................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Precautions for Specific Gases: ...................................................................................... 7
5.4 Reporting Requirements:................................................................................................. 8
5.5 Training Requirements and Competency Assessment:............................................... 8
6. Proper Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders: ..................................................................... 8
7. Securing Compressed Gases Cylinders: .................................................................................. 9

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018


Al jaber users of compressed gases will take precautions to prevent injuries, property damage, and
disruption to operations caused by leaks of compressed gas and over-pressurizations. Types of
injuries and accidents that will be controlled include:

 Injuries caused by flying objects accelerated by an explosion or pressure release

 Fires and injuries caused by flammable gas ignition
 Injuries caused by inhalation of toxic or asphyxiating gases

This Purpose requires the use of industry standard gas systems, engineering controls, administrative
controls, and training. Higher-hazard gas systems may require redundant levels of engineering


To assure that al jaber employees handling compressed gases are adequately trained in the inherent
hazards of the cylinders and their contents, as well as proper handling, storage, and use according
to Cal/OSHA requirements.

Compressed gas cylinders can present a variety of hazards due to their pressure and /or contents.
This program covers requirements which must be followed for the use of all compressed gases. In
addition to the standard required work practices for inert gases, hazardous gases may require
additional controls and work practices including, but not limited to, the use of gas cabinets, gas
monitors, emergency shutoffs, proper equipment design, leak testing procedures, and the use of air
supplying respirators for certain highly toxic gases.

This program applies to the storage, use, and handling of gases in pressurized portable containers
and gas systems. The primary focus of this program is on single gas uses and systems. Additional
requirements may be applied to:

 Use of multiple gases in a single control area or building

 Pressure and cryogenic systems
 Large compressed gas facilities, storage areas, or use areas
 Transportation of compressed gases on or across Irvine public roads


 Provide adequate funds for the purchase of compressed gas cylinder equipment and related
 Identify employees affected by this safety policy and procedure
 Provide proper training to affected employees
 Ensure compliance with this safety policy and procedure through the safety auditing process.

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
Safety Department

 Provide prompt assistance to managers/unit heads, supervisors, or others on any matter

concerning this safety policy and procedure.
 Assist in developing or securing the required training.
 Coordinate with Purchasing Department to ensure all newly purchased compressed gas
cylinders equipment and supplies comply with current safety regulations and this safety
policy and procedure.

Principal Investigator/Supervisor

 Ensures that work policies are enforced and safe work practices are followed.
 Provides for and requires adequate instruction in the use and maintenance of gas cylinders
by all employees.

Al jaber Employees

 Performs all work with compressed gases in accordance with Al jaber policies and prudent
safe work practices.

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)

 Ensures that work policies are enforced and safe work practices are used.
 Assists, advises and provides training as necessary.
 Reviews and approves procedures for all controlled, highly toxic or hazardous gases.
 Assists, advises and instructs University employees in the care and handling of compressed
gas cylinders and gas systems.

4.Risk Assessment

The risk assessment tools (Risk Assessment Matrix and Risk Assessment Data Sheet), may be
applied at the project level, the subproject level, or the task level, as appropriate.

Risk assessments typically will be performed by an assessment team made up of project

managers, technical staff, operating and field staff members, customers and selected
stakeholders as appropriate. The make-up of the team will vary, based on the project element
and its position in the baseline hierarchy (i.e., project level, subproject level, or task/activity
level). A team leader may be assigned or selected to schedule, lead, and document the results of
the risk assessment session. The results of all project risk assessments will be maintained in
project files. Assessments may be performed throughout the life of the project. Typically, risk
assessments will be performed to support the change request process, when baseline adjustments
are necessary, or to support the decision process for selection and implementation of technical

The principles of this risk assessment guidance were used throughout the PMP development phase
by the project management team, enhanced with contractor technical support. The prescriptive

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
assessment tool is to be used during the intensive risk reduction and deactivation activities, when
dedicated project management technical support is not readily available.

5.Program Components

5.1 General Guidelines

Read the label on the cylinder and identify the contents before using. If the label is illegible or
missing, return the cylinder to the supplier. Don't rely on stenciling or color of the cylinder. Do
not use a cylinder with unidentified contents. All cylinders must be permanently labeled as to
their contents and if they are full or empty (example - an empty cylinder may be marked “MT”.
Empty cylinders must also be separated from full cylinders. Know the hazards of the contents
and follow appropriate safe use practices for the material inside. Reference the to the
substance's Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for additional information.

 All compressed gas cylinders must be properly stored in compliance with Cal/OSHA and
NFPA code requirements. All cylinders whether empty or full must be stored upright and
secured by chains, straps or in racks to prevent them from falling.

 Gas cylinders must be secured to prevent falling due to accidental contact, vibration, or
earthquakes. Cylinders must be secured in one of the following ways:

 By a noncombustible, two-point restraint system (e.g., chains) that secures the cylinder at
the top and bottom one-third portions.

 By a noncombustible rack, framework, cabinet, approved strapping device, secured

cylinder cart, or other assembly that prevents the cylinder from falling.

 Cylinders must be segregated by contents. For example, flammable gases must be stored
separately from oxidizing gases by a distance of 20 feet or a 5 foot high, one-hour fire-rated

 Compressed gas cylinders must be transported with protective caps in place. Cylinders
may be moved on chain equipped hand trucks or carts; they must never be rolled or dragged.

 Cylinders without regulators must be chained or strapped at an angle on carts designed for
such cylinders. Cylinders with regulators must be upright, attached to the wall or a sturdy

 If a cylinder valve cannot be opened, the valve should never be forced. If a valve cannot
be opened by hand, the cylinder should be returned and another obtained. Employees must
not attempt to repair cylinders or cylinder valves, or to force stuck or frozen cylinder valves.

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
Recommended Not Recommended

 All cylinder storage areas, outside or inside, shall be protected from extreme heat and
cold and from access by unauthorized personnel.

 Do not allow grease or oil to come in contact with oxygen cylinder valves, regulators,
gauges or fittings. An explosion or fire can result. Oxygen cylinders and apparatus must be
handled with clean hands and tools.

 Open cylinder valves slowly, directed away from your face.

 Report all suspected leaks immediately.

 If the material in the tank is highly toxic or flammable and you suspect a leak, evacuate
everyone out of the area and report it to the appropriate person in your department.

5.2 Cryogenic Liquids

 All cryogenic liquids should be used with caution due to the potential for skin or eye
damage due to the low temperature, and the hazards associated with pressure buildups in
enclosed piping or containers.

 A full face shield, loose fitting cryogenic handling gloves, apron, and cuffless pants are the
recommended equipment for transferring cryogenic fluids.

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
 Portable containers should only be used where there is sufficient ventilation. Do not place
containers in a closet or other enclosed space where there is no ventilation supply to the
area. The buildup of inert gas in such an area could generate an oxygen deficient

 Special vacuum jacket containers with loose fitting lids should be used to handle small
quantities. Vacuum jacketed containers provided by the gas supplier will have overpressure
relief devices in place.

 Any space where cryogenic fluids may accumulate (consider leakage into enclosed
equipment) must be vented or protected by overpressure relief devices. Tremendous
pressures can result in enclosed spaces as the liquid converts to gas. For example, one cubic
centimeter of liquid nitrogen will expand to 700 times this volume as it converts (warms) to
its gaseous state.

 Containers to be filled with cryogenic liquids should be filled slowly to avoid splashing.

 Cryogenic containers showing evidence of loss of vacuum in their outer jacket (ice buildup
on the outside of the container) should not be accepted from the gas supplier. Contact with
air (or gases with a higher boiling point) can cause an ice plug in a cryogenic container.

5.3 Precautions for Specific Gases

 Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for all gases used. Some gases are pyrophoric
(phosphine) corrosive (hydrogen chloride), toxic (ethylene oxide), anesthetic (nitrous oxide),
or highly reactive (anhydrous ammonia). If you are unsure how to control dangerous
properties of a compressed gas, call EH&S at 4-6200.

 Flammable gases such as propane, hydrogen, and acetylene always have a red label.
However, the color of the cylinder itself is not a good indicator of flammability as different
distributors may use different colored cylinders for the same gas. Check the label for

 Hazardous gas (arsine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, phosgene, phosphine, etc.) cylinders
should be stored in a suitable exhausted location. If a hazardous gas cylinder develops a leak,
evacuate and restrict area access. Remove sources of ignition if the gas is flammable. Call
911, or if using a cell phone, +964-783-4965282.

 Inert gases, such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide must be treated with caution. If left to
leak into closed space, these gases may displace oxygen and create a risk of asphyxiation.

 Oxidizing gases such as compressed oxygen or nitrous oxide, while not combustible
themselves, will cause many materials to burn violently. Never use grease, solvents, or other
flammable material on an oxygen valve, regulator, or piping.

 Toxic, corrosive, and pyrophoric gases have special handling and storage requirements.
Contact EH&S if you plan to use these gases.

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
5.4 Reporting Requirements
Constant awareness of and respect for compressed gas cylinders and equipment and compliance
with all applicable Al jaber safety rules is mandatory.

Representatives of the Environmental Health & Safety Office are authorized to issue warnings to
employees and stop unsafe work from continuing.

Supervisors may issue warnings and implement disciplinary actions up to and including
termination for failure to follow the guidelines of this program.

Employees shall report any safety concerns to their supervisor or EH&S.

5.5 Training Requirements and Competency Assessment

All persons handling or using cylinders must have basic training initially at time of employment
and periodically thereafter. Training will include review of information on the hazards
associated with compressed gas include oxygen displacement, fires, explosions, toxic effects
from certain gases and the physical hazards associated with pressurized systems. Special
storage, use and handling precautions necessary to control these hazards will also be covered.

The training program will be provided by EH&S and will include classroom instruction and
operational training on specific compressed gas cylinder hazards on campus.

Employees will require refresher training under any of the following conditions:

 Changes in the workplace render previous training obsolete

 Changes in the types of cylinder systems or equipment used render previous training

 Inadequacies in an employee's knowledge of compressed gas cylinders or equipment or

observed behavior indicate that the employee has not retained the required training

6.Proper Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders

All compressed gas cylinders must be properly stored in compliance with OSHA code
requirements. Cylinders internal pressure can reach over 2,000 psi. In the event of a container
breach, the cylinder becomes a projectile hazard.

Signage required at compressed gas cylinder storage locations may include any of the following.
Specific requirements will be identified by the Al jaber Lab Safety Officer.

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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018

The following precautions must be taken for the storage of compressed gas cylinders.

 Cylinders must be stored in a dry, cool, well-ventilated, secure area.

 All cylinders whether empty or full must be stored upright and secured by chains, straps
or in racks to prevent them from falling.

 Segregated cylinders by contents. For example, flammable gases must be stored

separately from oxidizing gases by a distance of 20 feet or a 5 foot high, one-hour fire-
rated wall.

 Prevent smoking or open flames in oxidizer or flammable gas storage areas.

 Do not expose cylinders to corrosive materials such as corrosive gas or other

combustible materials.

 Segregate full and empty cylinders, use “first in first out” inventory control method.

 Store cylinders away from heavily traveled areas and emergency exits.

 Provide adequate access for cylinder handling and material handling carts.

 Visually inspect stored cylinders on a routine basis, look for indication of leakage or

 All cylinder storage areas, outside or inside, shall be protected from extreme heat and
cold and from access by unauthorized personnel. Prevent indoor or outdoor
temperatures from exceeding 125 °F or 52 °C.

7.Securing Compressed Gases Cylinders

Cylinders must be secured in one or more of the following ways:

 By a noncombustible, two-point restraint system (e.g. Chains) that

secures the cylinder. Nesting of cylinders is not an approved method
to secure cylinders. Individual cylinders can use a bracket or saddle to
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Al-Jaber International Company
System for Compressed Gas Program
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CG-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st October 2016 16th January 2018
support the cylinder.

 By a non-combustible rack, framework, cabinet, approved strapping

device, secured cylinder cart, or other substantial assembly that prevents
the cylinder from falling.

 Straps must surround the cylinder approximately ½ to 1/3 the height of

the cylinder measured from the floor.

 Gas cylinders must be secured to prevent falling due to accidental

contact or vibration.

 Compressed gas cylinders must be protected from sources of heat while

stored in a well-protected, well-ventilated, and dry location away from
highly combustible materials.

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