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Field Study 4 (FS 4) is a one-unit course. It is one of the series of sequential

studies in the Bachelor in Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary
Education Programs (BEED and BSED). This Field Study is linked to
Professional Education subjects such as Curriculum Development, Principles of
Teaching 1 & 2, and Teaching Strategies
FS 4 focuses on planning whole lessons, the preparation on instructional
materials, and team teaching with the Cooperating Teacher and other Pre-
service Teachers.
The second focus of FS 4 is for Pre-service Teachers to explore the curriculum
and gain knowledge and understanding of its vital role towards student learning.
In this field study, the PST’s closely work and collaborate with the cooperating
teachers in making lesson plans. In the process, the PST’s start to explore the
curriculum by choosing the appropriate subject matter to teach, motivational
activities and teaching strategies.
Team teaching is a feature of many school activities this is important that the
PST’s will develop awareness of the skills an understanding of the teaching-
learning process and the need to work collaboratively. The Pre-service student
teachers will also be immersed in activities that will give them the opportunities to
plan, teach and learn how to evaluate the learner’s performance.
In FS 4, the PSTs should manifest skills such as planning, teaching, managing a
class, evaluating sequences of activities for individual and whole classes via
team teaching. PSTs will also design instructional materials and develop a
professional portfolio.
Links to DepEd’s National Competency-Based Teachers Standards (

Domain 2 – Learning Environment

2.5 Creates a healthy psychological climate for learning

Domain 3 – Diversity of Learners

3.1 Determines, understands, and accepts the learner’s diverse background
knowledge and experiences.

Domain 4 – Curriculum
4.1 Demonstrates mastery of the subject.
4.2 Communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for
4.3 Makes good use of allotted instructional time.
4.4 Selects teaching methods, learning activities & instructional materials or
resources appropriate to learners and align to objectives of the lesson.
4.5 Recognizes general learning as well as unique process of individual learners.

I. The Teacher Education Institution (TEI)

A. The Dean of College of Education shall:
1. Designate a Practicum Manager to oversee/coordinate the
practicum program.
2. Assign Practicum Supervisors with 25-30 Pre-service Teachers
3. Initiate conferences with the SDS’s in selecting public and private
schools in the province/city.
B. The Practicum Manager shall:
1. Monitor the teachers handling FS.
2. Formulate policies and systems for the practicum after consultation
of the Associate Dean.
3. Manage administrative matters such as preparation and signing of
4. Communicate with stakeholders and handle paper work with regard
to practicum program.
5. Submit program evaluation report to the Associate Dean of the
C. The TEI practicum Supervisor shall:
1. Orient the Pre-service teachers of their in-campus/off-campus work
with regards to their expected attitudes, proper dress code, things
to be done when they are in school, and the expectations of their
cooperating teachers;
2. Coordinate with the Cooperating School Principal/Head regarding
the selection of the exemplary Cooperating Teachers to handle
Pre-service Teachers;
3. Assign the Pre-service Teachers to the Cooperating Teachers
designated by the School Principal/Head;
4. Coordinate with the Professional Education faculty regarding the
needs of the Pre-service Teachers in their field studies;
5. Visit the pre-service teacher and observe the classroom teaching
and will hold conferences with the cooperating teacher when
deemed necessary;
6. Coordinate regularly with cooperating school principal/head teacher
and cooperating teacher regarding performance of the pre-service
7. Conduct weekly conferences for the Pre-service Teachers to:
Monitor their performance/progress in the field
Arrange special sessions on innovations in teaching-learning
Monitor submission of the lesson plans, self-made test,
instructional materials and their reflective Journals.
Respond to problems of PSTs.
8. Assist the Pre-service Teachers in checking their lesson plans for
team teaching and in preparing their learning materials;
9. Submit written reports to the College Dean, copy furnished to the
school principal and the SDS, at ;least once a month regarding the:
9.1 progress/performance of pre-service teachers
9.2 problems/difficulties met by the pre-service teachers
9.3 solutions/actions taken to solve the problems
10. Call the Pre-service Teachers for debriefing at the end of FS 4.
D. The Pre-Service Teachers shall:
1. Participate actively in all school related activities, as appropriate
2. Consider/be open to constructive criticisms;
3. Have regular discussion/de-briefing with the cooperating
teacher/practicum supervisor.
4. Respect the dignity and rights of the learners;
5. Check papers and tests for the purpose of diagnosis and
6. Check lesson plans with cooperating teacher/practicum supervisor
before teaching and evaluates effectiveness of plans of teaching (
after teaching the class);
7. Observe lesson plan policies established by the cooperating
teacher/practicum supervisor;
8. Accept decisions of the cooperating teacher/practicum supervisor
concerning material to be covered and methods of presentation;
9. Submit to the TEI Practicum Supervisor the duly accomplishment
forms on time;
10. Return all borrowed books and materials to the cooperating school
before the term ends, accomplish clearance from the cooperating
11. Project a good image as a teacher at all times by observing
11.1 The Code of Ethics
11.2 Proper dress code
11.3 Punctuality in all activities of the Field Study
II. The Department of Education (DepEd)
A. The School Division Superintendent (SDS) shall:
1. Review and subsequently approve request for cooperating schools;
2. Conduct orientation on student teaching with the TEI’s inclusive of
the Dean, College Student Teaching Supervisors, and the School
Principals/Head Teachers.
3. Be the approving authority for Memorandum of Agreements
between TEI’s and DepEd.

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