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A horizontal prismatic bar AB, of negligible

Second Semester (All Branch) weight and length l, is hinged to a vertical wall at
COURSE NO. ME 1101 LTPC A and supported at B by a tie rod BC that makes
3 10 8 the angle α with the horizontal (Fig. F). A weight
ASSIGNMENT - 4 P can have any position along the bar as defined
1. A boat is suspended on two identical davits like ABC by the distance x from the wall. Determine the
which is pivoted at A and supported by a guide at B tensile force S in the tie bar. Ans. S = .

(Fig. A). Determine the reactions Ra and Rb at the
points of support A and B if the vertical load 7. A prismatic bar AB, of weight Q and length l, is
transmitted to each davit at C is 960 N. Friction in the supported at one end B by a string CB of length a and
guide at B should be neglected. The dimensions are rests at A, vertically below C, against a perfectly smooth
shown in the figure. Ans. Ra = 1600 N; Rb = 1280 N. vertical wall (Fig. G). Find the position of the bar, as
defined by the length x, for which equilibrium will be
2. A prismatic bar AB of weight Q = 2 tons is hinged to a
vertical wall at A and supported at B by a cable BC (Fig. B). possible. Ans. = .
Determine the magnitude and direction of the reaction Ra at
the hinge A and the tensile force S in the cable BC. The 8. A prismatic bar AB of weight W = 14 N and
directions of the bar and the cable are as shown in the figure. length l = 8 m is hinged to a vertical wall at A
Ans. Ra = 1 ton acting at 600 with the vertical; S = √3 tons. and supported at its other end B by a
horizontal strut BC (Fig. H). Find the
compressive force S induced in the strut and
3. A ball of weight Q and radius r is attached by a string AD to the reaction Ra at A if α = 25o. Ans. S = 15 N;
a vertical wall AB as shown in the Fig. C. Determine the Ra = 20.5 N.
tensile force S in the string and the pressure Rb against the
wall at B if Q = 8 N, r = 3 cm, AB = 4 cm. Neglect friction at 9. A weightless bar AB is supported in a vertical plane
wall. Ans. S = 10 N; Rb = 6 N. by a hinge at A and a tie bar DC, as shown in Fig. I.
Determine, the axial force S induced in the tie bar by
4. A 150 N man stands on the middle rung of a 50 N ladder, the action of a vertical load P applied at B. Ans. S =
as shown in the Fig. D. Assuming a smooth wall at B and 2P, tension.
a stop at A to prevent slipping, find the reactions at A and
B. Ans. Ra = 206 N; Rb = 50 N. 10. A roller of radius r = 12 cm and weight Q = 500 N is
to be pulled over a curb of height h = 6 cm by a
horizontal force P applied to the end of a string wound
around the circumference of the roller (Fig. J). Find
5. A horizontal beam AB is hinged to a vertical wall at the magnitude of P required to start the roller over the
A and supported at its mid-point C by a tie rod CD curb. Ans. P = 288 N.
as shown in the Fig. E. Find the tension S in the tie
rod and the reaction at A due to a vertical load P
applied at B. Ans. S = 2.83P; Ra = 2.24P.
11. A bar AB hinged to the foundation at A and
supported by a strut CD is subjected to a
horizontal 5-ton load at B, as shown in Fig. K.
Find graphically the tensile force S in the strut
and the reaction Ra at A. Ans. S = 5.55 tons; Ra =
5.00 tons.

12. Find graphically the reactions Ra and Rb induced

at the supports A and B of the right-angle bar
ACB supported as shown in Fig. L, and subjected
to a vertical load P applied at the mid-point of
AC. Ans. Ra = 1.2P; Rb = 0.67P.

13. The vertical axis AB of a crane is supported by a guide at

A and a socket at B as shown in Fig. M. Determine the
reactions Ra and Rb produced at A and B by the load P =
4 tons. Friction at the supports should be neglected. Ans.
Ra = 3 tons; Rb = 5 tons.

14. Determine the magnitude of a horizontal force P applied

at the centre C of a roller of weight Q = 1000 N and
radius r = 15 cm which will be necessary to pull it over a
3 cm curb (Fig. N). Ans. P = 600 N.

15. A prismatic bar AB of weight Q and length l is hinged

at A and supported at B by a string that passes over a
pulley D and carries a load P at its free end (Fig. O).
Assuming that the distance h between the hinge A and
the pulley D is larger than the length l of the bar, find
the configuration of equilibrium of the system as
defined by the ratio of lengths r/h. Ans. 2P/Q.


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