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Data Mining Application: Diabetes health care in

different age group patients

M Hussain (191851)
Institute of management sciences
In this research paper we focus on predictive analysis of treatment of diabetes with the support of
a data mining method which is regression based. The software tool used for predicting manners
of treating diabetes was Oracle Data Miner. For experimental analysis, we used Support Vector
Machine algorithm. We obtained some datasets from World Health Organism (WHO) in Saudi
Arabia of Non Communicable Diseases risk factors and used for the purpose of analysis. We
studied the dataset and analyzed to identify the effects of different types of treatment for
different age groups. Five age groups were selected and consolidated into two age groups as p(o)
for old age group and p(y) for young age group. Preferential orders of treatment were
investigated. We came to conclusion that drug treatment for young age group patients can be
suspended to avoid side effects. Whereas patients of old age group should be prescribed drug
treatment precisely, along with other treatments, because there are no other alternatives
Introduction: most common disease all across age groups.
Diabetes is the fourth leading causing death in
There was a time where data was not easily modern developed countries. This Saudi Arabia
available. With the passage of time Research shows that Diabetic Mellitus in a lot
mathematical models were prevented by patients is increasing. Six types of health care
limitations in computational capacities. Now treatment were found in WHO reports of NCD
computational available resources are able to report by Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia are
support a variety of enlightened methods. given below:
Moreover, data mining methods are now being
using for clinical data. (a) Drug
(b) Exercise
We made some reports in Saudi Arabia via use
(c) Weight reduction
of Data Mining Methods on some dataset which
(d) Diet
were pre-defined for non-communicable disease.
Data Mining has become continues increasing (e) Smoke cessation
activity in medical science research. Data (f) Insulin
mining has given us the discovery of important A. Drug:
hidden patterns from different databases. DM Oral Medications in tablet format helps
problems are usually solved using different ways to handle sugar blood level in patients
from computer sciences (such as soft computing, who are still producing some insulin in
multi-dimensional databases, data visualization their bodies. Drugs are prescribed to
and machine learning) and statistics (such as diabetic patients with some suggestions
regression, clustering, testing and classification to make specific dietary changes and
methods). In Saudi Arabia Diabetes is a getting some regular exercise. Different
common increasing health problem. It is also drugs are used collectively often to
attain some sugar blood control Many diabetic patients should take
optimally. insulin to control their disease. Due to
some reasons diabetes is an opportune
disease for DM (Data Mining). First, a
B. Exercise: lot of diabetic databases with history of
Exercise is compulsory for diabetic patient’s information are available.
patients. Diet, drugs along with Second, money can be saved by new
exercise will help them to control knowledge of treatment patterns of
diabetes. Diabetes also produce terrible
their sugar blood level and weight.
disorders like kidney failure, heart
Use of insulin is also improved in
failure and blindness.
body with the help of Exercise.
Excess body fats and weight control
also covered by exercise.
C. Weight reduction Finally, physicians need to know how to
quickly identify and diagnose potential
Weight reduction is one of the most
important remedy for diabetes. In the present investigation we apply
Control of sugar blood level and regression based data mining techniques to
body’s sensitivity for insulin is diabetes data from Saudi Arabia in 2005.
increased by weight reduction. The goal of this investigation is to use data
D. Diet mining techniques to discover patterns that
identify the best mode of treatment for
Diabetic patients can maintain
diabetes across different age groups in Saudi
stability in timing of food intake and Arabia.
food type. Dietary stability helps Related Work:
patients to avoid sugar blood level A survey of different literatures shows diabetic
from high to low. Diet planning different results. The diabetes DWH was formed
includes selecting nutritious diet and by a big integrated health care system in new
having the right amount of diet at Orleans with 30,000 diabetes patients.
right time. Doctors and registered Regression and classification tree techniques
were used to analyze datasets. Saudi Arabian
dieticians should be consulted by
diabetes was also investigated. DM pointed out
patients to learn how much amount
that HbA1c cannot be predicted by education
of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
level. Insulin therapy status for children of
are required. Diet plans should be preschool with diabetes type 1 has been studied.
chosen to fit daily habits. The daily therapy of insulin was identified in
E. Smoke cessation 142 patients with diabetes at less than 5 years of
Uncontrolled diabetes is caused by age. Diabetic study was also managed in 2001 in
smoking. Smoking increase the disorder france to check diabetic control and therapeutic
in body that cause to the body by management and cardiovascular risk factor in
making arteries hard in diabetes. type 2 patients of diabetes receiving expert care.
Smoking increases diabetic risks. Another study was conducted to indicate
F. Insulin prediction analysis for treatment of hypertension
in DM using regression based data mining.
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