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Demetrio L.

Alviola National High School

4th Periodical Examination
Grade 10- Horticulture

l. Direction: Choose the correct answer of the choices below : Write only the letter.

1. It is the process of converting organic materials like leaves and animal manure into humus an organic matter
through decomposition by the action of microbes and other organism.
A. Vermicompsting b. Composting c. Mulching d. Irrigation
2. This can be accelarated to as short as 30-45 days by use of earthworms to digest the organic materials.
A. Composting b. Vermicomposting c. Mulching d. Irrigation
3. Are piles of substrates that are decomposed before feeding them to the worms
A. Windrows b. Mulching c. Composting d. Drainage
4. Is the application of water to crops through artificial means
A. Irrigation b. Drainage c. Composting d. Fertilizer
5. Which of the following are NOT method to measure soil moisture
A. Direct method by gravimetric with oven drying
B. Use of tensiometer
C. Electrical resistance method
D. Manual irrigation
6. Which of the following is NOT the method of irrigation
A. Manual irrigation
B. Sub-irrigation
C. Windmill irigation
D. Seepage
7. Which of the following is Not the causes of loss of irrigation water
A. Over irrigation b. Poor grading of land c. Deep percolation d.Irrigation by hand
8. It is defined as the process of removing excess water from the soilin order to increase its productivity
A Irrigation b. Drainage c. Evaporation d. Transpiration
9. The following are the benefits of drainage Except
A. It improves the tilt of the soil
B. It improves the temperature condition of the soil
C. It increase availabilty of plant food
D. Run off at the end of the field
10. The following are the steps in vermicomposting Except;

A. Gathering of materilas
B. Selecting the site
C. Selecting the worm housing ‘
D. Use of tensiometer
11. Which of the following explains the poor grading of land
A. When a piece of land to be irrigated is not uniformly or properly graded,when certain spots are while others are low
B. Is the horizontal passage of water from irrigation canal through the surrounding ground
C. A farmer should not use more water tan his crop needs
D. Is the vertical downward movement of water that sinks much deeper than the roots of the plants.
12. Deep percolation means
A.Is the vertical downward movement of water that sinks much deeper than the roots of the plants.
B. Refers to the loss of water from plants parts, soil surface and even from the bodies of water with the ad of sunlight
C. When a piece of land to be irrigated is not uniformly or properly graded,when certain spots are while others are low
D. Is the horizontal passage of water from irrigation canal through the surrounding ground
13. Which of the following is Not a good reason for removing or controlling weeds?
A. Weeds increase land value
B. Weeds cause a decrease in crop production
C. Weeds increase labor cost and cost prodution
D. Weeds harbor plant pests,which effect plant grow and yield
14. The method of controlling weeds ,which is not environmentally friendly is
A. Using chemicals
B. Using organic
C. Methods of weed control is depriving the weeds of complete sunlight, cutting,and burning
D. Biological control
15. It is a natural predators often bring pests under control but they need time to work
A. Biological control
B. Use chemical pesticides
C. Start with prevention
D. Select pests resistant plants
16. The following are tips of using herbicides Except:
A. Be sure to read ,understand,and follow all the label directions
B. Some herbicides can kill quickly, others can take up to a week or more
C. Remember ,more is not better .use application rate on the label
D. Weeds increase labor and production cost
17. The following are the reasons why we control weeds except;
A. Some weeds are injurious to man and animals
B. Weeds lower land value
C. Weeds clogs irrigation and drainage canals or ditches thus hampering the flow of water
D. Field sanitation
18. Crop rotation means
A. Is the planting of different crop in succession in the same filed
B. Sanitation from the perspective of weeds
c. is done by depriving the weeds of complete sunlight
d. Replace -problem plants with pest-resistant ones
19. Which is Not belong to the group of weeds
A. Grasses
B. Sedges
C. Broadleaves
D. Tress
20. The benefits of cultivation: excepts:
A. Control the growth of weeds. Weeds are referred to as the chief plants competitor:
B. Cultivation aerates the soil to facilitate the respiration of plants and microorganisms
C. Cultivation helps conserve food materials in the soil.
D. Tha soil is cultivated away from the growing plants
21. Refers to loosening or breaking the around the growing plants either in rows or per hill
A. Off- barring
B. Hilling- up
C. Depth cultivation
D. Time of cultivation
.22. Which of the following is not a good reason for removing or controlling weeds?
a. Weeds increase land value.
b. Weeds cause a decrease in crop production.
c. Weeds increase labor cost and cost of production.
d. Weeds harbor plant pests, which may affect plant growth and yield.
23. Which of the following is a cultural method of controlling weeds?
a. Burning b. Cutting c. Cover cropping d. Uprooting the weeds.
24. Which method of controlling weeds should be the last result because it is not environmentally friendly?
a. Biological method b. Chemical method
c. Mechanical method d. Physical method
25. What is the most effective way to control the growth of weeds?
a. Spray herbicides.
b. Remove weeds as they appear.
c. Control weeds before their reproductive stage.
d. Cut the weeds before they grow taller than the plants.
26. What is the best time to cultivate the soil?
a. After draining the field
b. After watering or irrigating
c. Upon the appearance of weeds
27. Which fertilizer element hastens maturity, stimulates blooming, aids in seed formation, and gives plants hardiness?
a. Calcium
b. Nitrogen
c. Phosphorus
d. Potassium
28. Which is not true about organic fertilizers? Organic fertilizers . . .
a. Decomposed farm manures
b. Improve soil physical conditions
c. Facilitate soil erosion
d. Retain soil humidity
29. When the fertilizer materials are uniformly scattered over the entire area, what is the method of fertilizer
application called?
a. Side-dressing
b. Broadcast method
c. Foliar application
d. Band or localized placement
30. Which is not a method of determining soil fertility?
a. Soil analysis
b. Field fertilizer trials
c. Nutrient deficiency symptom
d. Foliar application of fertilizer
31. Which is not a method of conserving soil fertility?
a. Composting
b. Application of organic fertilizer
c. Practice cover cropping and mulching
d. Practice green manuring and intercropping
32. There are several ways of determining soil fertility which are simple and complicated. What method
observes any abnormal appearance of the growing plant which maybe caused by a deficiency of one or
more nutrient elements?
a. Soil analysis
b. Plant tissue analysis
c. Field fertilizer trials
d. Nutrient deficiency symptom
33. Which is the primary function of nitrogen?
a. Hastens maturity
b. Aids in seed formation
c. Forms and transfers starch
d. Gives dark green color to plant
34. Which refers to any organic or inorganic materials of natural or synthetic origin which is added to the soil to suppy
certain elements essential for plant growth?
a. Fertilizers
b. Trace elements
c. Macroelements
di. Microelements
35. The amount of fertilizer to be applied depends on many factors. Which is the least observed factor regarding the
rate of fertilizer application?
a. Nutrient requirement of the plant
b. The manner of applying the fertilizer
c. Environmental factors particularly rainfall
d. The capability of the farmer to supply the neededfertilizer material
36.Which method of fertilizer application is most applicable to seedlings for their starter solution?
a. Fertigation
b. Broadcasting
c. Foliar application
d. Localized application
37. The statement that explains about Manual extraction is;
a. Pick worms by hand and transfer them to a new wormbed. The vermicompost may be allowed to dry in the shade
for a few days
b. Under the shade, pile the vermicompost in such a manner that it looks like a pyramid.
c. Move the contents of the whole bed to one side. Fill the empty half with new substrate as food
d. Compost is ready to use when it is dark brown, crumbly, and has an earthy smell.
38. The vermin compost can be harvested by passing the composted materials through a sieve to separate the worms
from the decomposed leaves. How many days?
a. 45-60 days
b. 2-3 days
c. 10-20 days
d. none of the above
39. Migration means
a. Move the contents of the whole bed to one side. Fill the empty half with new substrate as food
b. When you reach the bottom of the pile, you can extract the worms manually.
c. . The vermicompost may be allowed to dry in the shade for a few days
d. The final products are placed in bags ready for storage, distribution or for use.
40. Choose the statement that explain about Direct method by gravimetric with oven drying
a. involves the weighing of the wet sample, removing the water by oven drying, and reweighing the sample to
determine the amount of water removed
b. Water content in the soil is then obtained from the calibration curve relating soil suction to water content values for
specific soils.
c. . Equilibrium is attained when water ceases to flow into or out of the block.
d. Temporary wilting may occur at mid-day when water demand reaches its climax,
41. These measures soil water content. Water content in the soil is then obtained from the calibration curve relating
soil suction to water content values for specific soils.
a. Use of tensiometer
b. Direct method by gravimetric with oven drying
c. Electrical resistance method.
d. Temporary wilting

42. Is one of the most basic types of agricultural irrigation. Farmers or laborers use watering cans to saturate the crops
by hand.
a. Manual irrigation
b. surface irrigation
c. Sub-irrigation
d. Drip irrigation

43. is a system that delivers water directly to the root zone of a plant, where it seeps slowly into the soil one drop at a
a.. Manual irrigation
b. surface irrigation
c. Sub-irrigation
d. Drip irrigation

44. How to perform the Windmill irrigation?

a. done by a machine that harnesses wind energy for a purpose like grinding grain, pumping water, or generating
b. The sprinklers rotate in a circular motion to evenly distribute water across the entire crop area
c. is done when water pumps are set in the source of water. Water is then delivered to the field through a water hose.
d. This system is used only where a valuable crop can be grown in a small piece of land.
45. Which of the following is Irrigation by power machinery
a. done when water pumps are set in the source of water. Water is then delivered to the field through a water hose.
b. . This system is used only where a valuable crop can be grown in a small piece of land, as in school and home
c. This refers to the loss of water from plant parts, soil surface and even from bodies of water with the aid of sunlight.
d. None of the above
46. Which of the following is Not belong to the methods of prevention.
a. Select pest-resistant plants, and place them under the sun or under shade with proper growing medium.
b.Clean up disease-infected plants, and compost dead plants to reduce hiding places for insect pests.
c.Pull weeds before they produce seeds and spread
d. The good news is that we really do not need those chemicals to grow a healthy and attractive
47. Tips in selecting herbicides Except
a. Remember, more is not better. Use the application rate on the label
b. Some herbicides are selective, and only kill certain types of plants, while others are non-selective and kill almost
any type of plant.
c. Some herbicides kill weeds quickly, others can take up to a week or more.
d. Pull weeds before they produce seeds and spread

48. The primary activities of sanitation involves

a. keeping equipment free of seed or other reproductive parts of weeds,

b. planting of different crops in succession in the same field.

c. site-adapted variety or another type of plant that does not have these problems.
d. None of the above
49. Why should we control weeds?
a. Weeds clog irrigation and drainage canals or ditches thus hampering the flow of water which results in overflow and
waste of water resources.
b. It is necessary to know if a weed is terrestrial or aquatic.
c. It is necessary to know whether weeds are resistant to drought or to water
logging or easily affected by these conditions
d. It is important to know if its method of reproduction is by seeds, by underground vegetative parts, or both.
50. Sedges are similar to grasses but have three-ranked leaves and triangular solid stems. Examples are:
a. MonochariavaginalisPresl./ Gabing-uwak
b. Fimbristylislittoralis Gaud./ Ubod-ubod
c. Cyperusiria Linn./ Alinang, sud-sud
d. SphenocleazeylanicaGaertu./ Dilangbutiki
51. Grasses are monocotyledonous plants, which have long, narrow, two-ranked, usually flat
leaves with parallel veins and round, hollow stems.such as;
a. dayakibok b.ubod-ubod c.biga-bigaan d. siraw-siraw
52. Schedule of cultivation for selected vegetable carrots crops
a. 2-3 days after planting
b. 2-3 days after transplanting
c. 20 days after planting
d.30 days after transplanting
53. When worms excrete egesta in the form of casts, a balanced selection of minerals and plant nutrients
is made into a form accessible for root uptake; it is
a. soil organisms b. Straw and Salt Hay c. Shredded Leaves d. Newspaper as mulch
54. bokashi composting describes;
a. the making of compost via fermentation. To achieve optimal results, your compost materials
b. are a great composting technique for backyard growers.
c. involves digging holes in your garden soil and burying raw compost ingredients.
d. none of the above

55. Composting barrels, or compost tumblers describes;

a. , are a great composting technique for backyard growers
b. describes the biological breakdown of organic materials by living anaerobic organisms
d. none of all
56. “Anaerobic composting describes;
a. the biological breakdown of organic materials by living anaerobic organisms.
b. composting involves digging holes in your garden soil and burying raw compost ingredients.
c. These starter cultures consist of several different species of microorganisms, all of which thrive in anaerobic
d. none of all
57. involves digging holes in your garden soil and burying raw compost ingredients. Some people swear by this
method, whereas others want nothing to do with it;
a. trench composting b. Anaerobic Composting c. Bokashi Composting d trench composting
58.This composting is becoming more and more popular with large-scale compost producers :
a. In-vessel Composting b. Sheet Composting c. Anaerobic Composting d. none of all

59. Cover the bed with plastic for two weeks for anaerobic decomposition by bacteria and fungi present in the
material until the temperature will rise to about 70°C;
a. Anaerobic decomposition b. Anaerobic decomposition c. windrows d. none of all

60. Which statement is true about the maintenance of worm beds:

a. When the bedding materials reached the moisture content of about 60-80%
b. The final products are placed in bags ready for storage, distribution or for use.
c. All plants show temporary wilting when water is limited.
d. none of the above
Prepared By: Emma Janine O. Sienes
Rosalyn Flores
4th PreTest Examination
Grade -9 Household
Name: Date: Score:
l. Direction :
Read the statement carefully and in circle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is one of the most heavy-duty cottons. Great for work clothes, jeans and jackets.
a.denim b. acetate c. silk d. satin
2. it is made up of fibers which runs straight at ninety degree angles to each other
a. knit fabric b. woven fabric c. silk d. denim
3. it has loops of fiber that allow the fabric to stretch
a. woven fabric b. knit fabric d.cotton c. canvas
4. used for crafts, home decorating curtains, cushions and outdoor gear,tightly woven heavy-duty cotton
a. broadcloth b. canvas c. cotton batiste d. silk
5. for elegant garments like blouses, baby dresses and underlinings, finely woven tightly cotton
a. canvas b. cotton batiste c. cotton chintz d. denim
6. this type of cotton fabrics is fantastic closely woven cotton that has slight rib.
a. cotton pique b. broadcloth c. cotton voile d. seer sucker
7. this type of cotton has 100 percent cotton that has special fabric treatment that leaves it shiny and smooth
a. cotton pique b. cotton chintz c. cotton shirting d. cotton voile
8.this type of cotton is crisp lightweight cotton that’s used for garments
a. denim b. cotton voile c. seer sucker d. cotton pique
9. it is a thick, absorbent cotton used for robes, towels, beachwear, and home decorating
a. seer sucker b. terrycloth c. velveteen d. silk
10. a very light weight silk which is used almost exclusively for lining
a. china silk b. brocade c. chiffon d. charmrose
11. textured silk with some stiffness
a. brocade b. chiffon c. china silk d. charmrose
12. the description of a chiffon cloth is
a. lightweight, very drapery silk. This is the fabric that goes with the flow and can be used in sorts of garments
b. a slinky, satiny, supple silk that works well as a 1940’s redux dressing gown, dresses and blouses
c. a very light silk which is used for almost exclusively for lining
d. textured silk with some stiffness
13. a light medium weight silk comes in two-ply, and four ply weights which is the heaviest
a. crepe de chine b. charmrose c. dupioni d. chiffon
14. a stiffer and crispier silk that has telltale slubs and raised yarn on the fabric, easy to saw silk that a lot of fashion
a. dupione b. a. crepe de chine c. charmrose d. chiffon
15. lightweight silk, barely visible is what type of silk fabric?
a. georgette b. raw silk c. washed silk d. shantung
16. rough looking silk with a dull finish; made from short silk filaments
a. raw silk b. georgette c. washed silk d. taffeta
17. the washing process makes this silk creamy and soft. It is a great travel fabric
a. washed silk b. raw silk c. shantung d. taffeta
18. this type of silk fabric is crisp and shiny silk for special occasion uses
a. shantung b. taffeta c. raw silk d. chiffon
19. a crisd silk that wrinkles and swishes when you move which is used for special occasion
a. taffeta b. raw silk c. shantung d. wool
20. it is made in similar fashion as felt, but much richer and more supple. There’s no need to finish the seam edges
a. bouche b. challis c. boiled d. crepe
21. medium lightweight ,it is washable and doesn’t wrinkle much
a. crepe b. bouche c. challis d. melton

22. can be exposed to wool, silk ,cotton, or synthetic. It varies in quality and it is expensive
a. gabardine b. challis c. crepe d. melton
23. it is a twill –weave fabric, hand washable and do not wrinkle
a. crepe b. melton c. gabardine . boiled
24. it has a distinctive sweater- like nubby surface created with little loops
a. crepe b. merino c. bouche d. melton
25. thick ,bulky wool with a soft napped surface and too thick to handle used for coats
a. merino b. crepe c. melton d. challis
26. a very fine , expensive, closely-woven wool made from merino sheep’s coats
a. melton b. crepe c. merino d. challis
27.choose the best description of the characteristics of a rayon fiber
a. strong durable synthetic fabrics, dries quickly
b. it is a substitute of an imported silk
c. stretch and recovery rate is high
d. soft, cheap and comfortable fabric absorbent
28. best describes for polyester fabric
a. it is a substitute of an imported silk
d. stretch and recovery rate is high
c. soft, cheap and comfortable fabric absorbent
d. strong durable synthetic fabrics, dries quickly
29. the characteristics of a Nylon fabrics is describes as
a. stretch and recovery rate is high
b. soft, cheap and comfortable fabric absorbent
c. strong durable synthetic fabrics, dries quickly
d. it is best developed as a substitute for imported silk
30. a characteristics and uses of a rubber and spandex fabrics
a. strong durable synthetic fabrics, dries quickly
b. it is best developed as a substitute for imported silk
c. tailored outwear, knitted wear blankets and carpets
d. stretch and recovery rate is high use for swimwear ,surgical hose , ski pants and sportswear
31. this fabrics is characterized as resists wrinkling; high bulking poer ,wool-like texture
a. rubber b. spandex c. nylon d. acrylic
32. the specific care of this type of fabric which rinse in cold water to minimize creases
a. angora b. acetate c. brocade d. acrylic
33. fabric care of buckram fabric is
a. washed with cold water
b. washed with warm water
c. hand wash like wool
d. . must be dry cleaned as it will it stiffness if washed
34. fabric care of canvas fabric is
a. wash like cotton
b. wash hand like wool
c. wash with cold water
d. scrub at stains with detergent and warm water
35. it is a stain removal products that is very effective multi purpose, stain remover on grease tannin ,chalk,
grass,ballpen ink stains
a. alcohol b. ammonia c. soda d. bread
36. a stain removal product that is a natural by-product of decaying animals ,plants ,bacteria ,animal and human
a. ammonia b. alcohol c. soda d. bread
37.a stain removal that can removes dirty fingermarks from walls and fresh dirt marks from washable fabrics
a..bread b. ammonia c. soda d. alcohol
38. it is a natural thickening agent used in cooking, but is also highly versatile greasy stain remover, rub into the stain
leave 30 min and wash off
a. cornflour b. cream of tartar c. denture cleaning tablet d. eucalyptus
39.a natural buy-ptoduct of the wine –making process that comes from the sediment left at the bottom of the barrels
after fermentation
a. cream of tartar b. cornflour c. eucalyptus d. denture cleaning tablet
40. it is natural mild bleach that works both washable and and non-washable fabrics
a. lemon juice b. milk c. potato d. talcum powder
41. this stain remover works as a quick spot dirt remover on non-washable fabrics, natural enzymes stain sticks
a. potato b. milk c. soap d. soda water
42. soda water is a stain removal that describes as
a. is a safe, clean way to get rid of liquid stains on clothes
b. absorbing mineral useful for oil and grease stains
c. enzymes in milk break down the protiens that turn it to sour cheese
d. is a surfactant that increases the spreading and wetting properties of a liquid
43. it is granular washing powder and heavy duty for liquid better for cold soaks and cool washes
a. detergent b. soda c. milk d. potato
44.Analyze the statement : this type of stain is being remove by brushing the spot with soft brush
a. water spots b. rust c. paint varnish d. grease and oils
45. regular washing and bleaching under the sun can remove
a. scorch b. chewing gum c. candlewax d. candle wax
46. apply egg white to soften gum. Wash in warm suds and rinse
a. chewing gum b. rust c. coffee d. wine
47.arrange the Steps in repairing the fabrics damages in torn seam
a. 1234
b. 4321
c. 2314
d. 2413
1. locate the torn seam. Turn the clothing item inside out and pull gently at the seam to locate the hole
2. stitch up. Push the needle through the seam just below the tear weave
3. over stitch. From the point where you finished your running stitch
4.cast off . tie 2 or 3 simple knots at the end of the stitches.
48. it a cutting a piece of cloth of the same material to cover a hole or a tear on a garment.
a. shank button b. patching c. rip d. darning
49. It is an opening along a seam. You can repair easily it by machine or hand.
a. patching b. rip c. shank button d. darning
50. what is Darning?
a. it is repairing a hole by weaving in new threads.
b. is an opening along a seam. You can repair easily it by machine or hand.
c. a cutting a piece of cloth of the same material to cover a hole or a tear on a garment.
d. Turn the clothing item inside out and pull gently at the seam to locate the hole
51. These are the basic stitches lines where parts are joined together
a. shank buttons b. torn seam c. patching d. darning
52. these is an opening of a garment sometimes accidentally detached from the garments.
a. torn seam b. re-sewing of butons c. patching d. darning
53. this type of bleaches is strong, fast acting and very effective for cotton linen and synthetic fabrics.
a. chlorine b. zonrox c. all-fabric/oxygen d. detergent
54. this kind of bleach is milder than chlorine bleach
a. soap b. detergent c. all-fabric/oxygen d. chlorine
55. describe the washboard as a tool for washing
a. is a designed for hand washing clothing
b. a liquid used for washing clothes and linens
c. an open shallow, usually round container
d. a machine used for laundry such as clothing and linens
56. it is an open shallow ,usually round container used especially for holding while washing clothes and linens
a. water b. basin c. washing machine d. washboard
57. it is a milder than detergents because they are made of mild and natural materials
a. soap b. zonrox c. ariel c. surf
58. arrange the following are the steps in washing
a. 1234 b. 4321 c. 3124 d. 2314
1. rinse each clothing and linen antil the detergent is gone
2. hang your clothes and linens and let it dry
3. fill your basin with water and add ¼ cup of detergent to the water and mix it around
4. fold the clothes as you take it from the clothes line
59. the following are the tips in good working habits except;
a. provide yourself with enough space for washing
b. provide yourself with complete tools, materials and equipment for washing
c. always work with well-lighted place

d. do not use basin while rinsing and rinse directly to the faucet
60. arrange the following steps in washing clothes, linens and fabrics
a.1234 b.4321 c.2341 d. 2314
1. collect all the soiled clothes and linens from the rooms or wherever you keep it
2. sort clothes and linen into piles
3. all whites should go only for whites
4. then put all colored like red, pink ,black away from the white or separate piles

Good Luck!

Prepared by: Emma Janine O. Sienes

Silreyta D. Calijan

4th Periodical Examination


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer:

1.It is used to prevent ESD damage to computer equipment
a.anti-static b. anti-static mat c. flat head screw driver d. tweezers

2. used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent static electricity from building up

a.anti-static b. anti-static mat c. flat head screw driver d. tweezers

3. used to loosen or tighten slotted screws

a. flathead screwdriver b. Philips screwdriver c. torx screwdriver

4. used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top,
a. torx screwdriver b. hex driver c. needle-nose pkier d. Philips screwdriver
5. sometimes called a nut driver, is used to tighten nuts in the same way that screwdriver tighten screws.
a. torx screwdriver b. hex driver c. needle-nose pkier d. Philips screwdriver

6. used to holds small parts

a. torx screwdriver b. hex driver c. needle-nose pkier d. Philips screwdriver

7. used to strips and cut wires

a. wire cutter b. hex driver c. needle-nose pkier d. Philips screwdriver

8. used to manipulate small parts

a. a.anti-static b. anti-static mat c. flat head screw driver d. tweezers

9. used to retrieve parts from location that are to small for a hand to fit
a.part retriever b. anti-static mat c. flat head screw driver d. tweezers

10. used to light up areas that you cannot see clearly

a. Flashlight b. compressed air c. cable ties d. parts organizer

11. used to blow dust and debris from different computer parts wiyhout touching the components
a. Flashlight b. compressed air c. cable ties d. parts organizer

12. used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a computer

a. Flashlight b. compressed air c. cable ties d. parts organizer

13. used to hold screw, jumpers fasteners and other small parts and prevent them from getting mixed
a. Flashlight b. compressed air c. cable ties d. parts organizer

14. Analize which is the proper use and how to clean the computer cases and monitors
a. clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild soap solution on a damp, lint=free cloth
b. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
c. used a can of compressed air
d. blow out the dust using bursts from the can

15. which of the following on how to clean the LCD Screens

a. do not use ammonited glass cleaners or any other solution
b. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
c. used a can of compressed air
d. blow out the dust using bursts from the can

16. which of the following that cleans the CRT Screens

a. clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild soap solution on a damp, lint=free cloth
b. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
c. used a can of compressed air
d. blow out the dust using bursts from the can

17. Which of the following is the proper way to clean component contacts
a. clean it with isopropyl alcohol, do not rubbing alcohol
b. clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild soap solution on a damp, lint=free cloth
c. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
d. blow out the dust using bursts from the can
18. Which of the following is the prper way of cleaning the desktop keyboard
a. clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild soap solution on a damp, lint=free cloth
b. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
c. used a can of compressed air
d. blow out the dust using bursts from the can

19. the proper way to clean the mouse is

a. use glass cleaner and a soft cloth to clean the outside of the mouse
b. clean computer cases and the outside of monitors with a mild soap solution on a damp, lint=free cloth
c. dampen a soft cloth clean lint-free cloth with distilled water and wipe
d. used a can of compressed air

20. the following are the good practices inn the proper storage of tools, parts and equipment except;
a. parts should be properly stored and labeled
b. tools should be properly on the board, and labeled
c. do not used bins for storing all parts
d. consider making an individual responsible for the good maintenance
21. the following are the benefits in proper storage of tools, parts and equipment except
a. tools and parts are kept in good condition and are easy to find
b. costs are reduced
c. productivity is increased, time is not wasted looking for tools
d. leave scattered things everywhere you wish

22. it is used most often to identify fast, temporary forms of stotage

a. memory b. read-only memory c. random access memory d. hard drive

23. these are chips located in the motherboard.

a. Read-only memory b. random access memory c. memory module d. hard drive

24. a magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer

a. hard drive b. registers c. floppy drive d. ddr
25. early drive controller interface that connects computers and hard disk which an interface that uses a
40-pin connector
a. IDE b. floppy drive c. ddr d. hard drive

26. temporary storage for data and programs that are

a. random access memory b. floppy drive c. ddr d. hard drive

27. a storage device that uses lasers to read data on the optical media
a. optical drive b. random access memory c. floppy drive d. hard drive

28. a storage device that uses removable 3.5-inch disks

a. optical drive b. random access memory c. floppy drive d. hard drive

29. soldered the memory chips on a special circuit board

a. optical drive b. random access memory c. floppy drive d. hard drive

30. a removable storage device that connects to a USB port

a. optical drive b. random access memory c. flash drive d. hard drive

31. chips that are located on the motherboard

a. read-only memory b. random access memory c. flash drive d. hard drive

32. memory cells built right into the CPU that contain specific data needed particularly the Arithmetic and
Logic Unit
a. registers drive b. random access memory c. flash drive d. hard drive

33. Technology that doubles the maximum bandwidth of SDRAM

a. random access memory b. floppy drive c. DDR d. hard drive

34. convert 14 to binary number
a. 1110 b. 0001 c. 00110 d. 0111

35. convert the decimal numbers to binary;19

a. 1100 b. 10011 c. 1100 d. 0001

36. Get the binary number of 28

a. 00011 b. 11100 c. 10101 d. 11101

37. Get the binary of 37

a. 100101 b. 00101 c. 000111 d. 10000

38. How many 10 KB jpg files can be stored on a 1 MB folder in your hard drive?
Given: 1KB = 1,024 bytes
1 MB= 1,048,576 bytes
a.140 b. 102 c. 120 d. 112

39. How many 20 KB mp3 files can be stored on a 1 MB flash drive?

Given: 1 GB= 1,073,741,824
1 MB= 1,048,576 bytes
A. a. 51.2 b. 55.0 c. 50.2 d. 51. 3

40. it is represented by a small rectangle with curved corners.

a. process b. sub-process c. decision d. terminator

41. it is represented by a rectangle, refers to an action in a business process

a. terminator b. process c. decision d. terminator
42. is represented by a rectangle with double lines on each side
a. terminator b. process c. decision d. terminator

43. it is represented by a diamond that can answer a decision

a. terminator b. process c. decision d. terminator

44. it is represented by a small circle and is labeled using letters

a. connector b. process c. decision d. terminator

45. drawn in one direction, preferably from top to bottom

a. connector b. process c. decision d. arrow lines
46. it is diagram that uses graphic symbols to depict the nature and flow of the steps in a process
a. flowchart b. process c. decision d. arrow lines

47. this basic flowchart symbols indicate both the starting and the ending point of the process steps
a. oval b. box c. diamond d. circle

48. it represents an individual step or activity in the process

a. oval b. box c. diamond d. circle

49. this shows a decision point, such as yes/no or go/no-go

a.oval b. box c. diamond d. circle

50. this symbol indicates that a particular step is connected to another page or part of the flawchart
a. oval b. box c. diamond d. circle

51. this symbols shows where an in-process measurement occurs

a. triangle b. box c. circle d. oval

52.any hazard that results from tha accidental exposure to toxic chemical

a. ergonomic b. biological hazrads c. chemical hazards d. risk

53. a situation that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people
a. risk b. hazards c. elimination d. health

54. the process of removing the hazards from the workplace

a. risk b. hazards c. elimination d. health

55. is the systematic process of making a home neat and clean and in order
a. Housekeeping b. health c. safety d. standards

56. a potential hazardous condition that a chosen action or activities causes

a. risk b. hazards c. elimination d. health

57. these point in a process where it slows down may be caused by redundant steps, re work, lack of
capacity or other factors
a. weak lines b. bottlenecks c. poorly defined steps d. none of all

58. Sieketsu means

a. standardized/ purity
b. orderliness/ proper arrangement
c. cleanliness
d. sustaining/ discipline/commitment
59. physical describe as
a. one of the most common hazards involving computer technicians like cables running across the floor
strip, falls and hurt himself
b. these point in a process where it slows down may be caused by redundant steps, re work, lack of
capacity or other factors
c. potential hazardous condition that a chosen action or activities causes
d. the process of removing the hazards from the workplace
60. Seiri means
a. sorting /putting things in order
b. orderliness/ proper arrangement
c. cleanliness
d. sustaining/ discipline/commitment
Good Luck!

Prepared by: Emma Janine O. Sienes

TLE Teacher

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