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Value Added Tax in the GCC

Insights by industry | Volume 2

Ninety years in
the Middle East
Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

The property
Chapter 1: Real estate and construction industry

and construction
industry – building
with VAT in mind

Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

The scale of many A quick look at court cases concerning VAT some extent this was inevitable; the

businesses operating in
matters around the world would confirm gestation of the VAT project in the region
that amongst some of the most regularly has been somewhat erratic to a number
the sector, and the cost heard issues are those that concern the of observers and some businesses have

and revenue throughput

application of VAT to the property planned for that status quo to remain for
development and construction industry. some time. Clearly that is no longer the
that they manage, by case.

nature creates an Why, you might wonder, is this the case?

environment of risk
The industry has been around for a long The issue associated with the duration of
time, so surely this is one aspect of VAT contracts drawn up in the sector is that
associated with poorly that must be well and truly settled by many will not, at the time of drafting, have

understood or managed
now? Unfortunately that is not the case. included any of the normal terms and
Simply put, the range of transactions conditions relating to VAT which one
VAT obligations underpinning the planning, construction would ordinarily expect in jurisdictions
and sale of commercial or residential real where the tax has been implemented.
estate are varied and often highly complex
which, necessarily, creates the need for an For the contractor in such instances, will
extensive suite of bespoke VAT rules to they be in a position to charge VAT in
cope with these challenges. addition to their normal contract price? On
the face of it this appears to be a simple
The development and construction sector question, but in reality, it is often not.
is of huge importance to the GCC as a
whole. It supports large numbers of Payment for VAT purposes is generally
livelihoods as well as delivering the considered to be inclusive of VAT. That
necessary infrastructure, commercial and means that in our case the contractor will
residential spaces that are so important to need to agree with their customer that
the continued development of the region. they can charge VAT in addition to the
The introduction of VAT by the GCC price previously agreed in order to avoid
member states is not an attempt to the charge becoming a cost they have to
harm those future prospects; indeed, bear themselves.
governments want the sector to thrive and
make a positive tax contribution, bearing Bearing in mind that contracts in the
in mind the sums involved. region are generally struck on a tax-
inclusive basis, making this change may
Equally, however, the scale of many not be as straightforward as one would
businesses operating in the sector, and hope, regardless of the position of the
the cost and revenue throughput that customer vis a vis VAT recovery.
they manage, by nature creates an
environment of risk associated with poorly Furthermore from a pricing standpoint,
understood or managed VAT obligations. it is unlikely that the market (after the
introduction of VAT) would simply reprice
1. Construction sector challenges itself to cover the VAT charge in full.
Lead times on major projects Indeed, customers may well look to their
Lead times are common in most demand- suppliers to cover some of the VAT charge
led industries, but in the case of major themselves anyway.
construction projects they can be
extremely long. It is almost certain that a There may well be some sort of a
large number of the major projects due to transitional regime granting suppliers the
be delivered over the next few years will right to “grandfather” existing tax-inclusive
not have had VAT factored into them, contracts into the new VAT environment.
either on the cost or revenue side. To However whilst such approaches have

Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

been seen elsewhere, it remains to be An issue arises when one addresses the There are two ways to give a relief – one is
seen whether that would be the case in construction and supply of residential to allow a refund of VAT by the developer –
the GCC. properties. Many governments attempt to this obviates the need to give a relief at
create a level playing field between the the contractor level on the grounds the
This is, therefore, a major area of potential supplies related to new residential developer can recover the VAT charged by
risk for any contracts agreed before the premises and those of ‘second hand’ the contractor. The second is to relieve the
implementation of VAT but which will be residences (which are normally supplied actual supply of construction services, so
executed or delivered after, the purchaser by unregistered persons, and are that those services themselves are not
and vendors are unlikely to simply therefore not subject to VAT). Driving this subject to VAT. Both approaches are used
concede their respective positions easily process are other factors such as the around the world to differing degrees
given the cost of VAT must fall on one of perceived requirement of giving some though the latter approach achieves little
them. preferential treatment to costs of basic without supplementary reliefs for the
living necessities likely to affect the lower developers.
Registration of subcontractors

In the normal course of the application

Another commercial issue that contractors
will need to confront is the fact that many

of VAT, the construction and supply of

smaller subcontractors will either not
be registered, or not required to be

commercial, industrial and retail

registered for VAT for the simple reason
that they fall below the registration

properties, in addition to the

threshold. As a result of not being
registered those businesses will be

construction of infrastructure, is
unable to recover VAT incurred on costs.

treated as subject to VAT at standard

This being the case, it might cause the
industry to seek to restructure to some

degree, in order to prevent the blockage
stemming from businesses unable to
claim VAT refunds from unregistered
sub-contractors; any such blockage
would result in an element of VAT being income households. In order to achieve
included in the costs of construction. this outcome, some countries will treat the In either case, allowing such a relief would
For subcontractors that fall below the first supply of residential properties as have the effect of supporting the local
mandatory registration threshold, but are being exempt or zero-rated rather than construction industry, which, as
entitled to register voluntarily, they may standard rated. mentioned previously, is very important to
well need to consider that option, as the GCC economy. The effectiveness of
failing to do so could make them It must be said that this relief is by no any relief in the construction sector is of
uncompetitive compared to registered means a given – and each GCC country course tempered by the treatment of
subcontractors that will charge VAT that may well end up with different rules. supplies of the real estate made by the
the contractor can recover. Certainly in Europe there are countries developer – there is little point in zero-
that charge VAT on homes and this is rating construction services, if the sale of
Treatment of residential versus often, but not always, a substitute for the villa itself is standard-rated. There are
commercial property transfer/stamp taxes. It is hoped that in essentially two choices here – zero-rating
In the normal course of the application the GCC, given the pressure on new or exemption.
of VAT, the construction and supply of housing and in particular on prices, that
commercial, industrial and retail this will not be the case. If the first sale of residential premises is
properties, in addition to the construction zero rated, then the VAT incurred during
of infrastructure, is treated as subject to So if there is a relief, what relief? the construction process will be
VAT at standard rate – i.e. 5% as expected recoverable, and there should be no
in the GCC. impact on the costs of construction.

Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

As a result there is not a need to relieve amounts that are reflected on the pro It is possible that the
supply of commercial real
the construction work itself as the VAT is a forma invoice.
pass through (deductible by the
developer). Another area that could cause some estate either by way of
sale or letting of real
differences in treatment would be the
If, however, the first supply of residential manner in which retention payments
property is treated as exempt, this will are ultimately dealt with. Once again, estate will be treated as
mean that the developer will not be able differences between what is stated in the
taxable at the standard
rate of VAT in most, if not
to recover any VAT incurred during the contracts as compared to the industry
construction of residential property, practice could result in the incorrect
but will generally seek to recover that amount of VAT being accounted for, or all of the GCC
additional cost as well as its normal the treatment of the VAT occurring in the
margin if it can when the property is incorrect tax period.
either sold, or leased out. This in turn
means that a relief at the contractor level 2. Property development sector
is much more effective (as the developer challenges
avoids paying VAT that would otherwise be It is possible that the supply of commercial
a cost). real estate either by way of sale or letting
of real estate will be treated as taxable at
As a result of the above, the ability for a the standard rate of VAT in most, if not all
construction company to pass on the full of the GCC. Charging VAT on the supply of
impact of VAT to property developers will commercial buildings should only create
very much depend on whether those an additional cost to taxable persons and
developers will be eligible to claim a full other bodies which are not able to recover
input VAT credit. A developer’s VAT VAT in full, for example, because those
recovery position will be determined by persons perform exempt or non-business
reference to the VAT treatment of the real activities. Consequently, vendors should
estate transactions that the developer be sensitive to this during price
enters into. negotiations. In the context of commercial
leases, landlords may wish to consider
Industry practices undertaking fit-out works on behalf of
Other operational issues will arise through exempt tenants to incentivize them to
existing industry practices and the manner occupy properties. That said, many larger
in which they tend to interact with the VAT institutions that are treated as exempt
law. might incorporate taxable supplier entities
to act as the landlord in respect of
Examples of this would include dealing property used by the exempt supplier.
with the time of supply where work done While this does not have the effect of
on construction is subject to certification. ridding them of the VAT burden, it can
Typically a pro-forma invoice is issued, but have the effect of delaying the timing of
this is in reality just the start of a process the negative effects of VAT on businesses
of negotiation as to what work is ultimately that are not able to recover the VAT as an
agreed as having been done. However, if input tax credit.
not documented carefully, and not dealt
with contractually, this could have the Supplies of bare land are often treated
effect of bringing forward the recognition as VAT exempt (regardless of whether
of supplies that could well be in dispute, the land is intended for commercial or
with the result that the VAT payable could residential use or development), in order
be substantially different from the to control the potentially inflationary

Deloitte | Value added Tax in the GCC | Real estate and construction industry

impact of taxing such transactions (which Therefore, it is critical for the business to proportionate input tax credit for each
are in essence often a form of investment, perform a comprehensive impact accounting period. Any lapses in such
and so charging VAT serves to tax assessment and determine the additional calculations will make VAT an additional
investment by private individuals). This cash flow requirement, as this will have an cost for the business, impact its
also reflects the fact that any value that impact on its working capital requirements. competitiveness and may give rise to
may be added on the supply of bare land penalties.
is often merely an indication of the Barter transactions
inflation of the value rather than any Property transactions often involve Construction work
process by which the value may have consideration other than, or in addition to, The provision of construction services
been enhanced. It also removes the money, which can cause complex VAT (including materials) is normally subject
possible need for private investors to problems. By way of example, an exchange to VAT at the standard rate.
register for VAT purely as a consequence of of property interests, such as a surrender
their involvement in such transactions. of an old lease in exchange for the grant of Subcontractors are also likely to be
a new lease, or a sale and leaseback impacted. This is because many
Finally, as discussed briefly above, transaction, may take place without any subcontractors are likely to fall below the
transactions in residential real estate tend exchange of money. These are barter registration threshold and therefore they
to require special treatment. Residential transactions and it is important to analyze will seek to pass on the cost of their
property development is a capital intensive the VAT implications for each party and to irrecoverable VAT. This could then lead to
business and allowing refunds is often ensure that there are no unexpected VAT a change from contracts for the supply of
desirable, on the other hand, charging costs by appropriately documenting the goods together with a service, to that of
VAT on residential property is not always transactions. Failure to recognize these a service alone, in order to ensure that
sensible given the impact on pricing. As a transactions could result in penalties. materials are purchased by the head
result it is not uncommon for residential contractor, which is then able to recover
developers to be entitled to claim zero- Lease incentives the VAT.
rating on the sale of properties – in order It is relatively common for property
to recover VAT on costs whilst developers, particularly in the retail, office There will also be pressure for registered
simultaneously not impacting prices due and industrial markets, to offer rent-free subcontractors to provide VAT invoices to
to the absence of VAT on the sale. Often periods and other lease incentives to head contractors on a timely basis to
this zero-rating is limited such that other prospective tenants. This could trigger a enable swift VAT recovery. To this end,
residential property sectors, such as the VAT liability for both the tenant and some countries have sought to introduce
secondhand or leasing market, are exempt landlord if it is determined that something special regimes for subcontractors, such
from VAT (thus suffering a VAT cost on has been supplied in return for the as reverse charge rules, or self-billing
expenses). These are complex policy inducement (e.g. building works). Further, arrangements, to facilitate higher levels
options and it remains to be seen what some jurisdictions deem a market value for of compliance.
choices the GCC governments will make. rental during a rent-free period requiring
the landlord to account for VAT, even It is clear from the selection of issues
Notwithstanding these broader challenges, though this may not apply to leases explored above that this is a complex
a range of other considerations now face between arm’s-length parties where the area, and while the VAT itself is still under
the sector: rent-free period is effectively subsidized by construction, those involved in the area
the higher rental received during the would do well to review what it is that they
Cash flow remaining term of the lease. currently do, and consider undertaking
One of the biggest areas of concern for the risk mitigation steps in order to protect
property development sector will be Mixed-use properties themselves.
planning for its cash flows. The sector, For companies engaged in the supply of
which can operate on thin margins, could both exempt (e.g. residential) and taxable
be under pressure in terms of meeting the (e.g. commercial) units, often referred to
additional requirement of paying 5% VAT as mixed-use properties, the impact could
on the purchase of goods or services each be significant as there will typically be
month or quarter on an accrual basis. complicated calculations for recovery of

This publication has been written in general terms and therefore cannot be relied on to cover
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Deloitte & Touche (M.E.) is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) and is
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Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services through 26 offices in
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