Amritapuri Newarrival January 2018

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Sl Access-
No on No Title Author Subject

A Text Book of Applied

1 49811 and Statics Prasad I.B Mechanical

Advanced Engineering
2 49806 Mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin Mathematics
An Introduction To Computer
3 49808 Database System Date, C.J Science
Aristotle on the art of
4 49743 poetry Bywater, Ingram Philosophy
Bayes or bust: a
critical examination of
Bayesian confirmation
5 49742 theroy Earman, John Philosophy
Bayes or bust: a
critical examination of
Bayesian confirmation
6 49741 theroy Earman, John Philosophy

Better than aspirin:

how to get rid of
emotions that give you
7 49780 a pain in the neck Harmin, Merrill Psychology
Business &
management :
Principles and Business
8 49791 guidelines Ivancvich, John M Management

9 49801 cultural anthropology Ember, Carol R History

Data Structures KANETKAR, Computer
10 49804 Through C++ Yashavant Science
11 49800 Dialogue with death Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual
Differential Calculus :
for JEE main &
12 49797 Advanced Agarwal, Amit M Mathematics

Edo craftmen: master

13 49783 artisans of old Tokyo JUDGE, Thomas Arts
Engineering Vibration
Analysis :Worked
14 49786 Problems 2 Svetlitsky, V.A Mechanical
15 49805 Engineering Basak, N N Engineering
Fluid mechanics and
thermodynamics of
16 49803 turbomachinery Dixon, S L Mechanical
From 'i' to 'I':Part I for BALAKRISHNAN,
17 49778 students Prasanna General

Fundamentals of Computer
18 49792 Software Engineeing Mall, Rajib Science
God at the speed of
19 49750 light BAUMANN,Lee T Spiritual

Guns,Germs and
Steel:A Short History
of Everybody for the
20 49776 last 13000 Years Diamond, Jared Science
Handbook of self-
21 49764 hypnosis Aron, Harry Psychology
22 49777 Human Anatomy Graaff, Kent M Van Biology
23 49745 Inspire Yourself Howard, Vernon Spiritual
Jnanam: Margavum
24 49769 Lakshyavum SREE RAMA DAVI Spiritual
Lasers: The light
25 49784 fantastic Hallmark, Clayton L Physics
Lectures from
26 49795 Colombo to Almora Vivekananda, Swami General
Kanetkar, Yashavant Computer
27 49810 Let Us C P Science
Living thoughts of
28 49757 great people Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual
Love is God : nurturing
devotion for God
29 49754 everyday Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual

management Computer
30 49794 Information Systems Jawedekar, Waman S Science
Mantra and the
31 49749 modern man Duneja, Prabha Spiritual

32 49788 AND MANUFACTURE HSU RAN-TAI Electronics
Methods and uses of
hypnosis and self-
33 49773 hypnosis Hollander, Bernard Psychology
Modern Operating Computer
34 49809 Systems Tanenbaum, Andrew S Science
Musical Applications of Computer
35 49802 microprocessors Chamberlin, Hal Science
My guru and his Isherwood,
36 49758 disciple Christopher Spiritual

37 49763 My journey to Lhasa David-Neel, Alexandra General

Nectar of supreme
knowledge : yoga Sarvadevananda,
38 49748 vasistha sara Swami Spiritual
Database Systems:
Approaches and Computer
39 49790 Architectures PRABHU, C S R Science
Database Systems:
Approaches and Computer
40 49789 Architectures PRABHU, C S R Science
Perfect Questions Prabhupada, Swami
41 49752 Perfect Answers Bhakthivedanta Spiritual

42 49798 Popular Short Stories English

43 49799 Popular Short Stories English

44 49807 Programming with C GOTTFRIED, Byron S Science
Spirituality a Pictorial
Journal and a
45 49775 Workbook PALHALLI, Narendra P General
46 49793 Software engineering Sommerville, Ian Science
47 49766 Spiritual education Zweers, Purnima Spiritual
Spiritual Heritage of Prabhavananda,
48 49782 India Swami Spiritual

Taking sides: clashing

views on controversial
49 49746 educational issues NOLL, James Wm Education
Talks with Ramana
50 49747 Maharshi Spiritual

The C++ Programming Computer

51 49812 Language STROUSTRUP, Bjarne Science

The Complete Idiot's

52 49770 Guide to Hinduism Johnsen,Linda Spiritual

The Concise
Cambridge History of
53 49787 English Literature SAMPSON, George English
The Four Yogas of TAPASYANANDA,
54 49767 Swami Vivekananda Swami Spiritual
The hidden messages
55 49772 in water EMOTO, Masaru General

The Java Programming Computer

56 49785 Language ARNOLD, Ken; etal. Science

57 49796 The last billable hour WOLFE,Susan General

The Life of
58 49768 Ramakrishna ROLLAND, Romain Spiritual
The teachings of Don
Juan : a yaqui way of
59 49753 knowledge Castaneda,Carlos Spiritual
The teachings of
60 49760 Ramana Maharshi OSBORNE,Arthur Spiritual

The Timeless Path:A

Step-by-Step Guide to Ramakrishnananda
61 49744 Spiritual Evolution Puri, Swami Spiritual

The true power of

water : healing and
62 49762 discovering ourselves EMOTO, Masaru General
63 49761 The Upanishads Easwaran, Eknath Spritual

The wisdom teachings

of Nisargadatta
64 49751 Maharaj Greenblatt, Mathew Spiritual
65 49759 The Wishing Tree Christopher General
The wonderous
66 49771 vigilance SARADA Spiritual
Thousand names of
67 49774 Vishnu Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual
Verbal & emotional
abuse : Victory over
verbal and emotional
68 49779 abuse Hunt, June Psychology
Vrindavan Days:
Memories of an Indian
69 49765 holy town Wheeler, Howard Travelogue

70 49781 When things fall apart Chodron, Pema Psychology

Your Life is Your
71 49756 Message Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual
Your Life is Your
72 49755 Message Easwaran, Eknath Spiritual

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