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Guidelines Regarding the Use of Alcohols in

Acidic Stimulation Fluids

B. R. Keeney, Halliburton Services
J. G. Frost, Halliburton Services

One of the problems associated with treating gas wells in the organic acid for the desired stimulation reaction is
sandstone formations is the slow recovery of the spent possible.
acid solution. This problem often results from high water
saturation in the critical matrix surrounding the wellbore. CH3 COOH + CH3 0H ~~ CH3 COOCH3 + H2 0
Water blocks can be caused by the capillary forces present acetic acid methanol methyl acetate
in porous rock and by the high mobility ratio of gas and .....................( 1)
water. 1 When a well is put on production following a However, in an alcoholic solution of hydrochloric acid,
workover or a stimulation treatment, the gas forces some a reaction takes place, that results in the formation of
of the water out of the rock and then may break through, organic chlorides. The following are two examples.
leaving a high water saturation around the wellbore. This
residual high water saturation reduces the effective per- CH3 0H + HCl ~. CH3 Cl

meability of the formation to gas flow. methanol hycfrochloric acid methyl chloride
The lower alcohols have been used for a number of +H2 0 (2)
years in acidic stimulation fluids to aid in rapid recovery
of spent acid. The reasons for this use are well founded. CH3 CHOHCH3 + HCl ~
Alcohols aid ,in cleanup of spent acid by lowering the isopropanol hydrochloric acid
surface tension and increasing the vapor pressure of the CH3 CHClCH3 + H20 .... (3)
solution. 2 In recent years, this technique has gained popu- isopropyl chloride
larity to the extent that it is used routinely in gas- well
stimulation treatments and, to some degree, in oilwell This reaction poses a genuine' problem in acidic gas·-
acidizing. well stimulation. A reaction such as in Eq. 2 or Eq. 3 is
This paper deals with an undesirable side reaction at- irreversible, and any HCllost to this reaction can not be
tendant when alcohols are used in acid. Even under regenerated, as was possible with organic acids (Eq. 1).
moderate-temperature conditions, alcohols will react Thus, this reaction competes with the acidic-stimulation
readily with acid. 3 In the cases of organic acids (acetic or reaction for the HCI content. A second problem concerns
formic acid, for example), these reactions will result in the reaction products themselves. Although the presence
ester formation, with the only resulting problem being of organic chlorides in natural gas might not present any
possibly a loss of available acid for the stimulation reac- special problems, their presence in produced crudes or
tion. Even this may be of small consequence since the distillates is considered a serious contamination. For these
esterification reaction is reversible aq.d regeneration of reasons, this paper is limited to HCI-alcohol reactions.

Using alcohols in acidic stimulationfluids for fast cleanup ofspent acid can lead to the formation
ofhigh concentrations oforganic reaction products and an attendant loss ofavailable acid. The
problem can be minimized by limiting the alcohol concentration to a maximum of32 percent (by
volume) and by limiting treatment temperatures to 175°Ffor sandstone and 200°Ffor limestone


Comparisons are presented of the amount o~ aGid con- t4rol1gh a discharge valve· while mairitaining a constant
sumed at various temperatures by t4e reaction ofHCI with pressure of 500 psi. The ,acid samples .were then retitrated
three different alcohols: methanol, iso.propanol, and to determine the remaining acid content.
ethanol. The effects of alcohol concentration, acid Determinations of the so~ub.ility of methyl chloride in
strength, time, and temperature on the rea<;tion of kerosene were conducted using a, Wickbold combustion
methanol with HCI are also studied. :Methanol was apparatus, an instru;ment. in which organIcally bound
selected because of its common use in field operations. chlorine is converted to titratable chloride ion. The tes~
The solubility of methyl chloride in kerosene is also solutions were prepared by .bubbling gaseous methyl
investigated. chloride through samples of kerosene for I-hour periods at
?2°P and atmospheri,c pressure. T~e chloride ion concen-
Test Procedure and Equipment trations of the samples were then measured with the
The HCI-alcohol, solutions were prepared using reagent- Wickbold apparatus at various time intervals. The
grade chemicals and deionized water. The st~ength.ofthe methyl chloride content was calculated from the chloride
reagent-grade HCI was- 37.8 percen.t (23.3°Be). All the ion determinations.
test solutions initially contained the amount of HCI that
would be normally present in a HCI-H2 0 solution of Discussion of Data
equival~nt strength. After mixing, the solutions were ti- The effects of various concentrations of methanol, iso-
trated to determine the exact acid content. propanol, and ethanol on acid-st~ength reduction 'Of HCI
The pressure or reaction vessel used for conducting the at temperatures of 200° and 300 P, for a period of 1

.1-hour tests was a test cell presently under consideration hour, are shown in Pigs. '1 and 2. In all the tests, the initial
by the joint NACE-API Standards Committee for Corro- acid content of the alcohol-a<;id mixtures wa~ equivalent
sion Inhibitor Evaluation. The test cell was modified to the amount of HCI present in a IS-percent HCI-H2 0
slightly for investigating the effects of time on. the acid- solution .
alcohol reactions. A second pressure vessel for holding . At a temperature of 200 P, the reactivity order of the
the test solution at rOOm temperature (72°P) was fitted to three alcohols with HCI was methanol > isopropanol
the reaction cell. The reaction cell ,was filled with > ethanol. It should be noted that these reactivities
kerosene apd was preheated to the desired rest tempera- are based on volume rather than on molar concen-
ture. The acid-alcohol solution was then displaced from tratio~s .of. the alcohols. At the higher temperature. of
the pressure vessel (at 72°P) into the heated cell under 600 30bop, t~e residual acid concentrations w:ith ethanol and
psi nitrogen pressure. ~ample injection was c6nsid~red isopropanol were almost identical, while significantly
complete when an equivalent amount of kerosene had lower acid conc;entrations were measured at this tempera-
been displaced through a backpressure regulator, set at ture with methanol.
500 psi, on the preheated cell. The nitrogen pressure was The amount of acid conversion as a function of time (0
then lowered to 500 psi and the line was reconnected to the to 60 minutes) was measured for four different concentra-
cell so that samples could be periodically withdrawn tions of methanol (16, 32, 48, and 64 volume percent) in

Fig. 3-Effect of various concentrations of methanol on acid
Fig. l-Effect of various alcohols on acid strength. strength as a function of time.

Fig. 4-Effect of various concentrations of methanol on acid

Fig. 2-Effect of various alcohols on acid strength. strength as a function of time.

MAY, 1975 553

Test Temperature: Room Te.mperature (72°F)
Pressure: Atmospheric
Time Methyl Chloride
(hours) (gm/liter)
Initial 30.1
1.0 26.3
3.0 24.8
6.0 23.7
48 22.7
72 21.2
Fig. 5,-Effect of various concentrations of methanol on acid
strength at increasing temperatures.
HCl at temperatures of 200 0 and 300oP. These data are
shown in Pigs. 3 and 4.,At a temperature of 200°f, no
measurable acid loss was recorded for concentrations .of
16 and 32 volume percent methandlduring a 45-minute
period. This is significant in that methanol, at concentra~
tions as high as.32 volume percent, possibly could be used
when treatip.g 3: limestone formation because of the rapid
spending action of the acid on the rock. At the higher
conc,entration of 48 volume perc~nt. methanol, a small
amount of acid loss (0.25 percent) was recorded after 45
minutes. Even though this amount of acid conversion Fig. 6-Reduction in acid strength with various concentrations of
HCI containing 64 percent (by volume) methanol.
appears to be small, it represents the formation of methyl
chloride in the acid solution at a concentration of 3 700
mg/liter. A significant amount of contamination of 'pro- valved when using alcoholic-HCl solutions for .stimula-
duced hydrocarbons could result from this ,concentration tion treatme~ts of .oil-bearing formations because of the
of methy~ chloride. Even higher acid· losses were recorded possibility of contaminating the hydrocarbon- production
with methanol at £1 concentration of 64 volume percent. fluids with organic chlorides.
Prom 'the reduction in acid strength , the rate at which Conclusions
methyl.chloride was, produced at 300oP, at all four con-
centration~ of methanol, indicates th~ undesirability
1. Alcohols will readily react with 'acid solutions to
of using this alcohol at elevated temperatures. form organic reaction products, with an accompanying
, Pig. 5 sh0'Ys the effects of increasing temperature on loss.of acid strength.
the reduction of acid strength for the four concentrations 2. When alcohols are used in Hel stimulation treat-
of methanol ..The'se data sh~w that there was no significant ments, organic chlorides may, be formed as reaction
loss of acid strength with methanol concentrations up to products.
32 volume percept until the temperature exceeded 175°P. 3. One of these reaction products, methyl chloride, has
This is relevant when ~onsidering sandstone acidizing in been shown to have a high degree of solubility in a
which mixeq acid solutions of HP-Hel are used routinely. hydrocarbon fluid.
In. these treatments, a large portion of the Hel may not 4. The acid-alcohol reaction in acidic stimulation
rapidly spend on ,the formation. As a result, this acid fluids can be minimized by limiting the alcohol concentra-
would b~ available to react with methanol. Th~s, if these tion to a maximum of 32 volume percent, arid by limiting
~ea~ment temperatures to 17sop for sandstone and 200 P
acid mixtures with alcohol are considered for a sandstone
treatment, the ~imits of 175°P and/or 32 volume percent for limestone formations. The guidelines may require
m~thanol should ~e used as guidelines to help in prevent- modification as additional information becomes
ing this acid-alcohol reaction. , available.
Fig. 6 shows red.uction in acid strength as a function of Acknowledgment
time for three different concentrations (5, 10, and 15
percent) of~Cl cqniaining 64 volume percent methanol at We wish to express our appreciation to Halliburton Ser-
2500 P. A significant,reduction in acid strength was mea- vices for permission to prepare this paper, and to our
sured with all three concentrations of Hel in less than 30 co-workers fot their help in collecting the data.
minutes.. This indicates that lower-strength HCt·HP- References
alcoholic ·acid solutions still may not eliminate' organic
1. McLeod, H. 0., McGinty,.J. E., and Smith, C. F.: "Alcoholic Acid
ch1~ride formation 1?ecause of the significant amount Qf
Speeds Clean-Up in Sandstones," Pet. Eng. (Feb. 1966) 38, No.2,
organic chlorides formed even with acid strengths as low 66-70., .
as 5 percent. 2. McLeod, H. 0., McGinty, J. E., and Smith, C. F.: "Deep Well
To determine if methyl chloride has sufficient solubility Stimulation With Alcoholic Acid," paper S.PE 1558 presented at the
ip. oil to be consi~ered a significant contaminant, its vol- SPE-AIME 41st Annual Fall Meeting, Dallas, Oct. 2-5,1966.
3. Bordwell, Frederick G.: Organic Chemistry, The Macmillan Book
atility in kerosene was determined at 72°P and. atmo- Co., Inc., New York (1964) 59-60. JPT
spheric, pressure' (see Table 1). It was found that JPethyl
chloride has a very high degree of so~ubility in kerosene Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office July 30, -1974.
~ven when allowing the solu:tion to stand for a period of72 Rev.ised·manuscript received Feb: 10, 1975. Paper (SPE 5158) was first presented atthe
SPE-AIME 49th Annual Fall Meeting, held in Houston, Oct. 6-9,1974. @Copyright 1975
hours. This information further points out problems in- American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.


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