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School : SMA N 10 Magelang

Subject : English
Class/Semester : XI/ II
Material : Descriptive Text
Time Allotment : 1 x 45 minutes
Language Skill : Reading
A. Core Competence
CC-3: Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural)
based on his curiousity about science, technology, arts, culture, and events related to
phenomena seemed by eyes.

CC-4: Reworking, presenting, and reasoning in the realm of concrete (using,parsing,

composing, mpdifying, and creating) and the realm of the abstract (writing, reading,
counting, drawing, and fabricated) according to the learned in schools and other sources
in the same point of view/ theory.

B. Basic Competence and Indicator

Basic Competence Indicator

3.5 Analysing social functions, generic 3.5.1 Understanding social functions, text
structure and language feature of the structure and linguistic elements of of the
personal letter in accordance with the context personal letter.
of its use.

4.8.1 Writing a recount text using social

4.8 Arranging a personal letter using social
function, generic structure and language function, generic structure and language
feature correctly
feature correctly
C. Learning Objectives
After joining the learning activities, students are able to:
1. Analyze social functions of personal letter correctly.
2. Analyze the text structure of of personal letter correctly.
3. Analyze linguistic of personal letter correctly.
4. Construct a prsonal letter correctly.

D. Learning Material
1. Personal Letter
A personal letter is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns
personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to
another. It's longer than a dashed-off note or invitation and is often handwritten and sent
through the mail.
2. Struktur dari Personal Letter

1. Date (Tanggal) = Biasanya tanggal ini ditulis pada kiri paling atas. Tanggal ini menunjukkan kapan
waktu surat ditulis.
2. Address (Alamat) = Bagian ini adalah tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat asal si
pengirim tinggal. Alamat ditulis pada bagian kanan atas.
3. Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) = Bagian ini menuliskan salam pembuka dan nama penerima
surat. Contohnya "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart", "Darling", "My love" dan lain-lain.
4. Introduction (Pembukaan) = Pembukaan dari surat biasanya dimulai dengan sebuah pembukaan
seperti tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya atau bisa juga awal perkenalan diri jika kalian baru
memulai surat-menyurat.
5. Body (Isi Surat) = Bagian ini merupakan isi atau inti dari surat. Pada bagian Body ini kalian
menceritakan semua isi surat yang ingin kita ceritakan.
6. Closure (Penutup) Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa surat akan segera berakhir.
7. Complimentary close (Salam Penutup) = Bagian ini merupakan ungkapan penutup pendek
seperti, "With love". "Sincerely yours", "With love", and so on.
8. Signature (Tanda tangan) = Bagian ini berada di bawah complementary close, kalian bisa
membubuhkan tanda tangan atau bisa juga hanya inisial nama kalian saja.
Contoh ungkapan yang digunakan pada personal letters

Starting the letter

1. How are you?
2. Hope this letter finds you...
3. Thank you for your last letter.
4. It was so good to hear from you.
5. Sorry for answering late
6. I am sorry I should have written earlier...
7. Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought...
8. I am sorry to inform you that...

1. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

2. I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
3. My best wishes for the coming test.
4. See you.
5. I will write soon.
6. I will have to stop now.
7. I am waiting for a quick reply.
8. Looking forward to see you again.
9. Bye.

3. Language Features
1) Simple Present tense
Verbal sentence example
(+) S + V1
(- ) S + do/does + not + V1 .
(? ) do/does + S + V1

Nominal sentence example

(+) S + aux. Verb +
(- ) S + aux. Verb + not +
(? ) Aux.verb + S + adj/n/adv

2) Simple Present continuous tense

(+) S+ aux.Verb + Verb-ing -
(- ) S+ aux.Verb + not + -
(? ) Aux.verb+ S + Verb-ing -

3) Simple Present Perfect Tense

Verbal Sentence example
(+) S+ Have/Has+ Verb3 -
(- ) S+ Have/Has + not + -
(? ) Have/Has+ S + Verb3 -

Nominal Sentence example

(+) S+ Have/Has+ been + -
(- ) S+ Have/Has + not + -
been + adj/n/adv
(? ) Have/Has+ S + been + -

4) Simple Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) S+ Have/Has+ been + -
(- ) S+ Have/Has + not + -
been + Verb-ing
(? ) Have/Has+ S + been + -


Answer Key

E. Approach/Model/Method
1. Approach : Scientific Approach
2. Model : Active Learning
3. Method : Discourse and Exercise
4. Technique : In The News

F. Learning Media/Tools
1. Media : material , evaluation sheets, picture.
2. Tools : Black board, board marker
G. References
3. Syllabus SMA kurikulum 2013

H. Learning Activities

No. Activity Time Allotment

1. Pre activity (5 minutes)

a. Teacher leads the prayer, greeting and 1 minute

open the lesson
1 minute
b. Teacher checks the students’ attendance.
1 minute
c. To attract the students’ motivation, the
teacher gives some questions related to the
personal letter

While activity ( 30 minutes )


a. Teacher ask the student to take their 1 minute

printed assignment.
b. Teracher ask the student to read the ½ minute
personal leter that they allready brougnt.
c. Teacher asks the student to observ the
text. 8 minutes
d. Teacher give one example and explaining
the material. ½ minute
e. Teacher ask the student to re write the
example on their note.

Questioning 2 minutes
a. By the teacher’s guidance, the students
may ask about the material that they
haven’t understood.

10 minutes
a. Students arrange the personal letter starts
by draft and creating simple paragraphs.

Associating 5 minutes

a. together with the teacher or their fiends,

student having their feedback about social
5 minutes
funticion and the language features from
the effectifness and the efficiency.

5 minutes
a. The text that has been analyzed and
arranged by the students is corrected by
their pairs.

Post activity (15 minutes)

a. Teacher and the students discuss the

2 minutes
material again briefly.
b. Teacher and the students evaluate the
2 minutes
lesson together.
c. Teacher gives students homework.
1 minutes
d. Teacher closes the lesson and leads the
I. Learning Evaluation
Guidlines of the Assessment
1. Purpose of descriptive text
2. Generic structure of descriptive text
3. Linguistic features of descriptive text
4. Implied meaning of the descriptive text
5. Recognize particular meaning of descriptive text
No. Aspect Criteria Score
1. Concept - All correct 4
- Mostly correct 3
- Partially correct 2
- All wrong 1

No. Aspect Criteria Score
1. Knowledge - Understanding 4
- Occasionally understand 2
- Unable to understand 1

2. Practical - Practically active 4

- Occasionally active
- Inactive
- Good
3. Attitude - Occasionally Good 4
- Bad 2


No Measureable Aspect Scale

1 2 3 4
1 Students are able to follow
social function of recount text
2 Students are able to understand
examples of recount text
3 Students are able to construct the
structure of the recount text
4 Students are able showing
language features of recount text
No Measureable Aspect Scale
1 2 3
1 Students are able to understand
about the material that have
2 Students are able giving another

No Measureable Aspect Scale
1 2 3
1 Students are able to accomplish
the assignment that have given

No Measureable Aspect Scale
1 2 3
1 Students are listening to teacher
2 Students are not noisy

Student’s Perform Total
No Product Marks
Name Knowledge Practical Attitude Score

Score = ( Amount of score : amount of score maximal) x 10.

For learners whom are not satisfy terms of scoring have to take remedial
Magelang, March 11th 2018

Mengetahui Guru

Kepala SMA Negeri 10 Magelang

Dr. Dwi Winarsih, S.Pd, M.Pd. Filsafat Ash Shauffi

NIP. NPM. 1610302117
Attachment 1

Scoring Sheet

Jurnal Penilaian Sikap:

No. Hari Nama Kelas Kejadian/ Butir Kategor Tindak

dan Peserta prilaku sikap i lanjut
tanggal Didik + -
Catatan: Hasil penilaian sikap dalam jurnal akan direkap dalam satu semester dan
diserahkan ke wali kelas, untuk dipertimbangkan dalam penilaian sikap dalam rapor
(menunjang penilaian sikap dari guru PAI dan guru PPKN).
Lembar Penilaian Kompetensi Peserta Didik

Students’ Understanding of

No Name The The

The Social Particular Implied
Generic Language
Function meaning meaning
Structures Features

3 2 1
Excellent Good Acceptable
3. Kognitif

455 Miyagoka, Sapporo-shi

Hokkaido 064-0959

November, 30th 2018

Dear my friend,

I am writing this letter from a very beautiful village in Hokkaido, Japan.

How are you my old friend? It's been two years I never heard from you. I miss you.
A genuine friend like you is really hard to find, so I don't want to lose you.
But since I left my hometown and move here to Japan, we lost contact.
We don't communicate very often afterward. The number you gave me no longer reachable, and
also your social media account is not active.

I assume maybe you've lost your hand-phone or something else that's why I write this letter
only to be in touch with you again.
Our friendship should carry on until we get old like you've told me.

So if you read this letter please contact me as soon as you can.

Here is my phone number 072557575 and you can also find me on Facebook or e-mail at

I think that's all I could say. This letter has no space enough to express how much I miss you.

Can't wait to hear from you.

Your best pal,

Adrian Mizuki

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Answer the following questions!

1. Whom did Adrian write the letter to?

2. How long did Adrian never communicate with his best friend based on the letter above?

3. Why didn't Adrian communicate with his best friend?

4. What is Adrian's reason to write a letter?

5. Does Adrian's best friend live in Japan too?

6. "A genuine friend like you is really hard to find." on first paragraph, what is the synonym of
7. How could Adrian's best friend contact him?

8. Based on the letter above what kind of person Adrian is?

9. What did Adrian ask from his best friend after his best friend read the letter?

10. If you were Adrian's best friend what do you probably do about the letter?

Read the following letter and then find the missing words to fill in the blank spaces!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bandung, December 28th 2018

To Aunty Adelia
Jl. Melati 23 - Tangerang

Dear Aunt Adel,

How lovely you are to [1] . . . . . . . . . me such a [2] . . . . . . . . dress. I'm so confuse what to wear
on my birthday party. But then you send me a blue dress with matching veil and accessories too.
You know I love blue.

Now, I just need to [3] . . . . . . . a matching shoes to complete my outfit.

My party will be [4] . . . . . . . . in a cafe near our house., because our house can't [5] . . . . . . . . many
people. I choose that cafe because we just need to pay for the food, no additional place rent fee.
My close friend will be the MC. And a band in my school will [6] . . . . . . . . for free. Sounds [7] .
. . . . . . . , doesn't it?

I can't [8] . . . . . . . . for my happy day. You should be here. But sadly you have a workshop to
attend in Singapore. Never mind, you [9] ......... me the gift in advance. Hehe

Thank you again for your thoughtful gift. It [10] . . . . . . . . my heart.

I love you, Aunty.

Your lovely niece,


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Words choice:

a. Warmth
b. Good
c. Find
d. Perform
e. Accommodate
f. Present
g. Send
h. Beautiful
i. Held
j. Wait

Arrange the following parts of a letter into correct order!

Part A
Just information, I moved to San Francisco.
I feel like Monterrey is too small so there's small opportunity too. I've moved here for six months.
I work part time at a cafe near my campus.
People here are so nice. I thought a big city won't be this comfortable before. But I'm getting used
to it now.

Part B
Hi Alice, How's life? It's been a while since you moved to New York.
How's Big Apple? Is it fun? Have you made friends with the others?
I'm so curious about your story because you study at such a prestigious college.

Part C


Part D
On weekend, I get time off from work and school. So I use my time to walk around.
Recently I visited The Golden Gate Bridge. I include the picture with this letter. It was a really nice
I visited The Golden Gate Park too. There are also many interesting museums here. And I have a
place I want to visit, it's Alcatraz Island.
I hope I can visit it with you.
Just come here when you get semester break, I'll bring you to a city tour.

Part E
San Francisco, November 30th, 2018

Alicia Destiny
Broadway 165th Street
New York 10027

Part F
Please write about your life in New York too. I'm looking forward for your reply.
I miss you, my friend!

Part G
P.S.: Send me your best picture in New York.
r 3. Afektif

No Aspek yang diukur
1 2 3 4
1 Sikap siswa dalam menerima pendapat.
2 Sikap siswa dalam menerima kritikan.
3 Kesopanan dalam memberikan kritikan kepada siswa lain.
4 Kemauan untuk membantu teman yang lain yang mengalami kesulitan
dalam mengemukakan pendapat.
5 Kesabaran untuk mendengarkan usul teman.

Aspek 1:
1 = jika sama sekali tidak mau menerima pendapat teman, meskipun pendapat tersebut benar
2 = jika mau menerima pendapat teman, meskipun dengan berat hati atau menunjukkan sikap
tidak senang atau lebih banyak mempertahankan pendapatnya
3 = jika mau mendengarkan pendapat teman, meskipun sedikit kurang senang atau setelah
teman yang lain juga menyatakan bahwa pendapat yang disampaikan benar
4 = jika rela menyatakan atau mau menerima atau mengharap orang lain memberikan pendapat
Aspek 2:
1 = jika sama sekali tidak mau menerima kritikan teman, meskipun kritikan yang diberikan
memang benar
2 = mau menerima kritikan teman tetapi menunjukan sikap tidak senang atau lebih banyak
mempertahankan pendapatnya
3 = jika mau menerima kritikan teman, meskipun sedikit kurang senang atau setelah teman
yang lain juga menyatakan bahwa pendapat yang disampaikan benar
4 = jika rela mau menerima atau mengharap orang lain memberikan masukan
Aspek 3
1 = jika tidak pernah/tidak mau mendengarkan pembicaraan orang lain
2 = jika mau memberikan kritikan dengan kalimat yang sedikit masih berkesan menyalahkan
3 = jika mau mendengarkan pendapat orang lain, dengan meminta agar yang disampaikan harus
jelas fokusnya
4 = jika mau meminta kesempatan berpendapat dan rela jika pendapatnya tidak diterima
Aspek 4:
1 = jika dirinyapun tidak pernah memberi pendapat
2 = jika mau memberikan bantuan/kesempatan kepada teman untuk menyampaikan pendapat
tetapi setelah diingatkan teman lain/guru
3 = jika mau membantu/memberi kesempatan kepada teman untuk menyampaikan pendapat
tetapi dengan kalimat yang bernada menyalahkan
4 = jika rela membantu, mendorong atau memberikan kesempatan teman untuk berpndapat
Aspek 5:
1 = jika selalu berupaya memotong pembicaraan teman
2 = jika sesekali masih berupaya memotong pembicaraan teman
3 = jika mau mendengarkan pembicaraan (informasi, pertanyaan, argumentasi), meskipun
kurang serius dalam mendengarkan
4 = jika mau mendengarkan pembicaraan (informasi, pertanyaan, argumentasi) sampai teman
yang menyampaikannya selesai berbicara

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