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Documentation for Roll Cage

Refer rule A7.3.1 Failure to meet the deadlines. PG: 8; Rule book revision no: 00

 The roll cage design details submission guidelines :

o Complete roll cage only, JPG images in minimum 3 sides (front, side and rear) &
Isometric view.
o Standard 2D drawing softcopy for complete roll cage along with driver-cockpit and
engine compartment. It should clearly show the position of seat, pedal, gear shifter,
fire extinguisher, seat belt, steering, engine, fuel tank, drive shafts.
o Material strength calculation sheet for selection of primary and secondary members
(if it’s other than SAE 1018). It should give Yield strength, Bending Stiffness etc.
o Material test report from college/accredited lab which describes both the chemical
and physical properties. Material report from tube supplier and invoice copy.
o CAE analysis by 3D evaluation method for various impacts in crash /roll over
 Submission targets :
o Your report in soft copy should be mailed to the zonal leaders assigned from technical
mentor group. (mail id to be mentioned).
o The report should reach on or before 23th of October 2017 by 5pm.
o The reply for the normal design considerations will be provided by lead mentor or
mentor assigned for the respective college. The reply will be given by mail in a week’s
time, before end of the 29th October 2017.
o The feedback on non-compliance need to be corrected and reverted back within 7
days of the feedback. The team needs to submit only the corrected portion and not
the complete file in this case as mentioned above.
o In case of any doubts, you are requested to contact zonal lead mentor or your
assigned mentor.
o By 15th November 2017, teams should target to complete drivable vehicle and make
more validation.
o Non submission of report is considered for case of disqualification and team need
not prepare and participate anymore this year.
 Local Technical Inspection Requirements by 01 Jan 18:
o The weld joints and its test reports are to be made available.
o Manufacture proof for the roll cage welding, fixtures and templates made, drawings
used for development and bending of the tubes and photographs for work carried out
are required to be made available.

Note 1: All these reports in original copies are required to be carried at event location as well.

Note 2: Teams participating at IIT-Roper will also need to follow the same timeline for submission of
documents for roll cage design verification. In reality, team should target to complete the buggy on
wheels by 15 Nov 2017 and then continue design validation in the next 2 months. For Roper teams
will get more time for practice and long validation of the buggy in terms of quality& ruggedness.

1 | BAJA SAEINDIA 2018 I Rollcage Document

Baja SAEINDIA Frame Pre-Check &
College Name:
Team ID:
Instructions: -

Insert 2D engineering drawings/CAD renderings of your frame in the following standard views: -

1. Front
2. Side
3. Top
4. Isometric X 2 (1 primary + 1 secondary)

The drawings should note the major dimensions and angles required to meet the frame rules
in B7.3 as specified in the below mentioned diagram and as per NOTE* given.


In this part, insert the following information as a screenshot, photo, or scanned image. Add as
many pages are necessary; please make sure that your information is CLEAR and READABLE!
– Roll Cage Specification Sheet

– You do NOT need to specify the car number or competitions on this pre-check form
– You do NOT need signatures on this pre-check form
– The above two items are needed on the paper copy that you bring to the competition.

– Frame Material Documentation

– Invoice of roll cage material

– Material Test of Certification (Mechanical & Chemical Properties)

Submitting this Document: -

When you are ready to submit this document, print/convert it to PDF format; the maximum
acceptable file size is 10 MB.

Mail the document to before the specified deadline.

Format: Team ID_Rollcage check sheet (Ex: 18549_Rollcage check sheet)

The Technical Inspection Team will review your submission and mark it as “Accepted” or “Rejected”
on the bajasaeindia forum. Questions or feedback will be provided for rejected submissions.

2 | BAJA SAEINDIA 2018 I Rollcage Document

Material Specifications –


Cross section of tube
Outer Dimension of tube
Bending Strength
Bending Stiffness
Application in (eg RRH, FLC etc)


Cross section of tube
Outer Dimension of tube
Bending Strength
Bending Stiffness
Application in (eg SIM, FAB etc)

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Supporting Calculations (If applicable)

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Roll Cage Spec Sheet

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Material Invoice: -

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Material Certification(s): -
The following document should clearly define the chemical composition of the material used for the
roll cage along with the report from Govt. Approved Laboratory.

7 | BAJA SAEINDIA 2018 I Rollcage Document

Dimensions of roll cage


S.N. Description of the rule Dimension Unit

1 Inclination of RRH from vertical
2 Width of the RRH, measured at a point 686 mm (27 in.) above the inside
seat bottom is
3 Width of the RRH measured at a point 355.6 mm (14 in.) above the seat
bottom is
4 Length of ALC member is
5 No of diagonal bracing in RRH is
6 The top intersection of the LDB members and the RRH vertical members
7 The bottom intersections of the LDB members and the RRH vertical
members is
8 The angle between the LDB members and the RRH vertical members is
9 Points CR and CL of RHO is ____ forward of a point, in the vehicle’s
elevation view defined by the intersection of the RHO members and a
vertical line rising from the after end of the seat.
10 Points CR and CL is ____ lower than the top edge of the template
11 The SIM height above the seat bottom is
12 The angle between the FBMUP and the vertical is
13 Unsupported length of FAB members is
14 The intersection with the FBMUP members measured as a straight-line
distance from centerline to centerline of points C is at ___ (refer fig 25)
15 Attachment of rear bracing with system FAB is at _______ of Point B
(refer fig 25)


S.N. Description of the rule Dimension Unit

1 Thickness of the flanges used for the joints is
2 Minimum radius of the flange used in tube frame is
3 Maximum gap between the flanges before tightening is
4 Minimum no of bolts in any flange in tube frame is
5 Minimum diameter of the bolt in any flange is
6 The distance between the bolt hole and edge of the flange is

NOTE: - Also fill the above-mentioned roll cage dimensions in the following images in the
boxes specifically designated for each dimension in the roll cage.

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Front View


Show that RRH width > 32
inches at 14 “above seat

Seat surface

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Side View



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Top View

NOTE*:-With the above given details, also add details like Max length, Width & Height of vehicle.
Details of Angle between RRH, RHO to FAB/FBM. This details should be added in front, side or top
view where ever they can be conveniently shown.

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Isometric View

Add 2 images of your roll cage in the isometric view: -

1) Showing the primary members in color coding specified below: -

2) Showing the secondary members in color coding specified below: -

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