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Getting Past The Baggage Of Your Past

Empower And Cut Yourself Loose From Negative, Abusive, And
Antagonistic Relationships & Start Loving Yourself Through Guided
Hypnosis And Meditation

Welcome to this guided session, it is all about letting go of past relationship and past attachments 
recovering from past hurt and about overcoming those old emotions that you may wish to finally release 
experiences of loss and separation affect all of us in some way throughout our lives so it is only natural 
and normal that we might take some time every now and then to truly process how it is that we can best 
realize and accept our sense of loss rediscover our ability to forgive release those old hood and finally 
allow ourselves to heal you may of course find yourself at different stages within this full process as you 
seek your personal recovery in your own unique way and this recording may be just one of the tools that 
you may choose to use but if you are ready I hope as that you will allow this experience to help you to 
move forwards to listen to your own voice and be guided by your own heart may you also remember that 
just as people and circumstances change about you you also have a great power within you a power to 
make your own choices for your very best change as the world moves you to are also capable of moving 
so why not begin by recalling that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and at this time now ahead is time 
adjusted for you you are the one in control of your level of trance or meditation and always you're afraid to 
safely open your eyes or move about whenever you choose just by thinking to yourself the words eyes 
open but for now go ahead and position your body making yourself comfortable wherever you are 
listening and you might close your eyes down as soon as you wish or just allow those eyes to close down 
all by themselves in a few short moments from now [Music] and as the eyes closed bring your awareness 
more and more to your breath just allow yourself to breathe in calmly and easily noticing the rise and fall 
of your chest [Music] and noticing those sensations across your nose or your mouth [Music] as the air 
passes in and then passes out again and now give yourself the permission to go deeper within turning 
your focus to your internal awareness breathing in and breathing out beginning to let go of all tensions 
relaxing and releasing moving deeper and deeper down and breathing in and breathing out all the way 
down into serene relaxation [Music] just like an elevator dropping down several floors you are descending 
further and further going deeper and deeper and deepest down now I want you to imagine that your 
unconscious mind has a great power within and that enormous power represents so much of your 
growing ability to truly relax both your conscious mind and your physical self deeper and deeper and now 
as each and every image your imagine and bring up in your mind's eye becomes clearer and clearer and 
each and every word and suggestion I say to you can bring you a greater sense of internal harmony I 
want you to imagine before you a Vista of a beautiful sunset a sunset stretching far across the horizon 
where an enormous Golden Sun is slowly setting imagine that you are walking down a winding mountain 
trail and the warm afternoon is tranquil and peaceful and calm as a pleasant and cool breeze picks up the 
brush lightly against your skin and the breeze brings with it a fresh scent of the cedar wood trees mingled 
with a note of wild mint and jasmine flowers all along the trial and towards the bottom of your pathway far 
below there in the distance you can see the shimmering reflection of a clear mountain lake as he noticed 
that large circle of still peaceful water waiting there for you and now you are stepping down along your 
path away relaxing deeper and deeper into your Pleasant Mountain journey you until you find yourself at 
the edge of that calm like all the way at the bottom of that trial [Music] and you see now there is a crane 
painted a royal perked waiting here for you just waiting for you so you step easily into the sturdy boat and 
find yourself relaxing as you sit and you calmly pick up a brown wooden always and allow yourself to 
begin to roll yourself out across that calm peaceful water and everything about you is just so tranquil in 
this place as you glide effortlessly across that clear lake and far up above you you can see the flights of 
colorful birds flying high up in the air as the red chest at Robins and blackbirds swirl about in their flocks 
forming colorful patterns and pleasant shapes [Music] [Music] and play in the water you notice fresh order 
fish and green turtles swimming about guarding your way now ahead like your own personal companions 
to the other far side of the lake and now you reach the opposite sure of that like and so you calmly step 
out to find a new pathway leading up towards a tall mountain summit and you begin climbing up this new 
winding pathway and as you do you discover there is a series of solid steps carved into those slopes solid 
sturdy steps guiding your way and now you feel so much much more relaxed [Music] with each step that 
passes as you just enjoy the gentle Trek of the climb [Music] and up and up around this toll mountain 
you're moving going higher and higher and over time there is that deeper part of you that continues to feel 
a wider and a lighter because the higher you climb a lighter you feel almost as if you are floating in the air 
[Music] and now what misty clouds begin to encircle you bringing you even more relaxation and calmness 
and those white mists float with you too until you arrive at the very top of that mountain now you walk 
away from the climbing path and find you are standing on a flat solid surface because you are now on the 
very summit plateau of this tall mountain and you look about and realize you have so much more 
perspective to look down over the entire world and those mists are clearing for you now and inside of you 
you just feel so incredibly welcome knowing you have arrived in your own private sanctuary and now 
standing here atop your own special mountain high up in the cloud just looking down over the many 
winding valleys and lush fields below you know this place is truly your own special place your own place 
of safety in a place of internal exploration where you can completely relax and let go because everything 
that you think or feel or imagine in this private place is always supported by the strength of your own 
mountain and it feels so incredibly good to breathe in and inhale that fresh air breathing in now down 
deeply into your lungs as you relax more and more and now you'll notice those cloudy mists dispersing 
and dissolving as the air about you clears to reveal an even wider horizon and you see the birds out there 
are flying even a higher and the clouds out there are just drifting by a scene of poetry in motion brings you 
such stillness within and now at last in your special place atop this summit you can begin to look further 
within your own self as you now reflect upon all of your past relationships and you reflect upon those 
issues relating to your personal experiences and memories all of those thoughts and feelings to do with 
attachment and separation and to those sensations within you of holding on to what you know is now past 
[Music] now you know that this time is also the time for you to reflect upon the nature of ordered means to 
truly wait go so I think now upon those relationships which you may have lost either by separation Oh 
heartbreak or grief or some other changes over time allowing yourself to realize and acknowledge all of 
those current emotions that exist within you so go down even deeper inside of yourself by allowing 
yourself to honestly accept whatever it is that you might find looking within yourself now and feeling 
whatever it is you might feel pay it a sense of sadness or a sense of despair any feelings of hurt or 
feelings of anger feelings of guilt [Music] and as you examine each immersion let yourself know that each 
and every feeling has its own purpose because everything you feel always has its own reason everything 
you feel is significant to you in some way as you listen to your own heart for these moments [Music] and 
now one by one you can take this time to let those emotions even further unlock within you as each 
emotion rises in turn although he'll keep herself to truly imagine that you can take each deep feeling and 
simply place that feeling into the palm of your hand and no matter what emotion comes up for you now 
you always remain safe and secure so there is no need to resist because you are breathing in deeply 
breathing in that calmness and relaxation into any resistance you may feel [Music] allowing that 
resistance to dissolve as your Elise and relaxed breathing into those emotions and allowing those 
emotions to just pass right through you now all of those emotions just flowed out and pass easily into the 
palm of your hand so now witness and observe all of your sadness all of your grief all of your anger all 
feelings of abandonment feelings of shame all senses of betrayal and all feelings of wrong we're doing all 
of those hurts now just flow out and down into your open hand and now as you continue to breathe deeply 
and relax I want you to look down to your help stretched end there and see with new eyes all of those 
emotions resting in your palm and notice any colors to those individual emotions there are there blacks or 
Gray's any yellows or red or greens or blues and now notice any sense of texture to those emotions 
notice which ones are pointed and which ones are smooth or which ones are hard and tough or which 
ones are fragile and loose or is there any particular sound to those emotions you notice either any 
high-pitched notes although bass note as you look upon and listen more objectively upon your own 
feelings and now perhaps some of those feelings may even speak to you as they may have important 
messages to help you or protect you in some way and if so you can take this time to really listen in to 
each individual feelings voice and whatever it is they may now say to you [Music] and now as you have 
truly listened to your own feelings and received whatever important messages they have for you bring 
your awareness back to your own body as you notice how incredibly light you're feeling right now [Music] 
as the remainder of your whole body is standing more free as if your whole body we're an empty vessel 
now perfectly clear clear and cleansed because right now you are released from your past relationships 
emotions since you see them there and you hold them all before you in your open hand and now look 
down again at those feelings down there and notice any sensations of deeper hidden qualities notice now 
all of the good feelings you hold there is there some sense of kindness or a feeling of joy [Music] or a 
vibration of warmth or is there even some hidden love that you can now discover so go ahead and notice 
only the positive feelings now a positive intentions that may have had first been hidden from you as you 
uncover with your deeper self all of those senses of the good memories and the happy loving moment 
and those wonderful personal times shared that really do feel so special and warm [Music] so now you 
have a choice before you because right now in this moment in time as you see yourself standing in this 
special place you have the choice to keep all of those good emotions and feelings that you may choose to 
keep and you also have the choice to finally release and let go all of those unwanted emotions and 
feelings that no longer benefit you so go ahead now and first bring all of those positive loving warm 
emotions and feelings back into your heart as you breathe in and accept everything you truly wish to keep 
and now in your hand remains everything else that you wish to finally release all of those feelings and 
behaviors and habits of old thinking that no longer serve you so if you choose this moment to finally let go 
of those past relationships you can simply open your fingers wide and everything that is unwanted well 
now float up and away permanently and forever released up into the skies [Music] and so now watch one 
by one has their old emotions and all of those attachments can reelect go all of your sadness now 
releases up into the air [Music] all of your grave releases and away Oh anger is now just floating away 
and releasing all of your hurt I let go letting go of all feelings of abandonment all sense of betrayal or guilt 
all of those resentments release Oh shame and despair disappears now any remaining pain of loneliness 
or separation or loss each and every negative emotion simply flies up and away so easily away from your 
open hand drifting up up into those waiting and darkening clouds which you can see just absorb and suck 
up all of that negativity into them [Music] and now you watch as H gray darkened cloud drifts further and 
further out into the distance far out across a distant blue sea and finally those dark clouds dissolve and 
empty just like rain clouds emptying their contents down into that sea at the light of the Setting Sun 
penetrates make a loom and darkness and now the clouds lose all of their power as they completely fade 
away and leaving only the clear skies and now you realize within you that you have become completely 
free now take these a moment to connect again to your heart and really let yourself know that it is truly 
safe once again for you to open your heart up to the loving kindness of the world because now you 
yourself carry her a nude sense of deeper love you yourself have so much love and kindness within you 
so much love that you are filling up with the compassion and warmth of the entire world all good things 
come to you now as you now allow yourself to let go and forgive [Music] feeling that special warmth 
feeling deeply into your chest and now allow at peaceful loving want inside of you to send forgiveness to 
all of those people from your past just gently and as the best as you can send your forgiveness to that 
person what are those people who may have once caused you any pain as you offer your best 
forgiveness to all of those who may have wronged you in some way either by accident or on purpose 
allow yourself to forgive as best that you can as you repeat silently to yourself I forgive you let yourself 
forgive all of those people you may have personally blamed all of those people who felt may have 
previously held you back or that person or people who left against your wishes send it to them your best 
forgiveness as completely as you can now allow yourself to be forgiven as you are also letting go of all 
resentment or blame for yourself knowing that none of us are perfect for we are all human and we all 
make mistakes even as we aim to do the very best and we can send this forgiveness into your own heart 
and gently and giving yourself time make room in your heart to receive your own deepest love now you 
are truly healing as the soft winds about the mountain sweep all past hurts away happiness comes so 
easily to you now because you know you can't move forward once more in your life you know within you 
you have the confidence and courage to carry on now picture yourself in your own future as you have 
moved so far beyond all old opticals and you have finally and permanently let go of those rostered 
anchors that once held you back see yourself smiling and at ease because you are truly happy within 
yourself your inner light is glowing brighter and brighter and the quiet song in your heart is returning to it 
special harmony once again [Music] imagine yourself motivated and in tune enjoying all of your favorite 
activities because you take great pride and pleasure in your own sense of lightness and fun and you find 
that each and every part of you continues to heal more and more healing and replenishing you deeply 
across the coming days nights and weeks so that all the time your mind in your body and your inner spirit 
are together growing stronger and stronger and now you feel yourself growing lighter and lighter as those 
winds of the mountain gently pick you up now off your feet and you feel yourself gliding and drifting calmly 
through the air and you see the slopes of that mountain passing year because you are gliding and drifting 
down from the mountaintop and as you feel yourself hurting through the warm mists of pure healing 
energy you know that their energy supports you as you drift and float easily and gently all the way back to 
the shoreline of that fresh Mountain Lake and now you step into that grain rowboat again and easily and 
gently you are rowing yourself back across those calm waters and you noticed that all of the colors of the 
fish and the turtles swimming beneath here are beaming so much brighter now so much clearer to your 
eyes and up in the skies you can hear the pleasant cries of those robins at black birds as their soothing 
songs fill into your heart with more and more healing warmth and now you're calmly stepping out of that 
boat and you are returned to the original relaxing Mountain trial as the cedar trees and the flowers 
themselves seem to turn to you and smile and you know that you can return to your special mountain 
retreat any time that you cheers because all you have to do is allow yourself the time to relax and go 
deeper so as you continue to relax and go deeper now you are beginning to drift and dream and you 
know that each time that you listen to this recording you'll find it easier and easier to go deeply into your 
most relaxing state at each time that you hear my voice you find it easier and easier to go into a deeply 
pleasant state of hypnosis and before you really allow yourself to drift away entirely into your bedtime 
sleep you know that both your subconscious mind and your conscious mind can continue to learn in so 
many ways from everything you have just experienced so that you're comfortable confident 
self-awareness continues to reveal to you or and more of your own abilities your own skills and your own 
inner resources that are always allowing you new possibilities in your life be it with new thoughts and new 
feelings on you positive behaviors and now take this time to relax even deeper as you integrate these 
deeper learnings within you feeling wonderfully good in each and every way and when my voice returns to 
you you will find yourself descending into a deep and restful sleep so sleep now as you drift and dream 
and completely let go because now is the time for you to fully rest and replenish and when you wake once 
again from your full deep and complete sleep you will feel so refreshed and reenergized because you 
always allow yourself and your mind and your party and your spirit to sleep deeply drifting and dreaming 
as your dreams Rock you Jed lead asleep so sleep now easily and calmly you're now drift away to sleep 

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