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Article 1

A Hopeless Hope
“I want to become a doctor….nurse……… engineer……….a teacher….”
These are the ambitions of our youth today. These still a reality? In fact, in our time today,
some of the teens are facing the early pregnancy problem. Do they still have bright future?
Could they be still the hope of our motherland?
One of the most controversial cases today is the teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is the
status of a woman who gets pregnant in an early age. This causes the low status of our
economy because our country is too populated. Doctors and scientist invented contraceptives
just to prevent pregnancy. Some of the women already experienced abortion. This thing is
considered as a crime for killing the innocent infants. How could we move for a brighter future
if the hope of the motherland is one who faces this problem? Some us says, this is just a small
issue but think about it? A big problem starts from small problems. One of the reasons that
influence youth near to teenage pregnancy is the social media. The social media is used by the
youth in different ways. Some of them use this for watching X rated films, meet and the most
controversial use of the social media is to use it to have cybersex. How could we find solutions
for this problem? Is there any possibility to light this world again?
Let us all rise. Let us heal and make this place better. The youth just need treatments and
concerns from their parents and older ones. The key for the brighter future is to have concern
for the others and to help them. We should be the model of the young ones. With these
attitudes we could light our path again for our main goal, to have a brighter future and a
progressive environment.
Article 2
Cause and Effect: Obesity

Obesity has become a major problem in the Philippines are overweight. This is a difficult
problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.

Obesity can be divided into three main causes – diet, lifestyle and education. One of the chief
causes is diet. Young Filipinos eat more and more high-carbohydrate, high-fat burgers and pizza
in fast-food restaurants. However, some traditional foods are also very oily, and because of
increasing affluence are eaten more often than in the past. Lifestyle is a second main cause of
obesity. As a result of cheap foreign labor, many Filipinos now have sedentary jobs, and do not
exercise regularly. However, one of the main causes is lack of education and awareness. The
society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption. Parents do not teach good eating
habits to children, and many people lack knowledge about good nutrition or a balanced diet.

Obesity affects the individual and the country. The biggest effect is on the individual. First of all,
being overweight has health risks. Obesity can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other
conditions. The quality of life suffers, as it is difficult to enjoy exercise or move. Another result
is lack of self-esteem. This can lead to depression, eating disorders, and crash diets. The country
is also affected. It becomes very expensive for the government to provide advanced medical
care such as heart transplants. Unhealthy citizens are also less productive. And their children
learn poor eating habits.

Let this be a wake - up call for our consciousness and clamp in our minds what to and what not
to eat. Health may not be a fashion but it will always play a great action. Let us awaken that
business doesn’t always mean money, sometimes it means quality.

In the end, we will still end up with the saying “Health is Wealth”. We both need to take action
to examine the causes of this problem and find solutions​.
Article 3
Bring Mother Earth back to Life
We live in this house, our dwelling place in the universe – God’s home and our home, too.

Imagine what the world would be like if it is incomplete! What if there were no rains that
poured and cooled down an extremely hot earth, do you think organisms would grow to inhabit
the earth and to give rise to other organisms? Would you be able to enjoy a swim in the sea or
a thrilling trek up a mountain? Do you think you would be here reading this article with the help
of the light of the sun that is reflected in your eyes?

The earth is an enormous home. Entrusted to us is a little patch of this wide universe – the
home where our family dwells, our school, our barangay, our city, and our country. True, it is a
little patch, but whatever we do in it affects the movements of the entire universe.

The life of human beings originated on the planet Earth. The “Earth” is calling us for her
protection. People have become selfish and most of us are killing the beautiful forests,
damming the rivers and making more concrete walls without even realizing that by doing these
activities, we are giving invitation to the termination of their existence. Our earth is burning
from both ends as the rivers beds are running dry. The plants and mammals are like us living
things. The biggest challenge that our earth is facing today is “global warming”, the glaciers are
melting sea level is rising, and climate is changing on a fast pace.

We have a Mother Earth to save. You and I know that the future leaders and citizens of this
country would be the youth of the present. Therefore, even we are so young s of now; we
should practice to take care of our Mother Earth. However, it is the only planet in our solar
system on which life exists with incredible and biodiversity. The noble” Earth” has bestowed the
human beings with incredible and beautiful nature in the form of mountains, rivers, forests, and
various natural resources that helped human beings to survive and initiated our evolution. So,
now it’s our time to save our planet from the challenges which are threatening the existence of
the earth.

Who will act if we don’t? Who will start if we don’t? The future depends on us. If I could love
the environment, why can’t you? ... We may be young, but we should care. The time to act is
now! Let’s all green the Mother Earth and save more lives. When we destroy our home, we
destroy ourselves. Once a part of creation is destroyed, the universe losses. Possibilities to give
birth to other creatures to enrich our home.

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