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Buddy’s Grill
January February March April
Sales and Revenues:
Restaurant 500,495.00 448,493.00 451,211.00 647,019.00
Bar 87,453.00 85,457.00 102,249.00 169,447.00
Bank Interest - 130.00
587,948.00 533,950.00 553,590.00 816,466.00

Operating Expenses:
Marketing & Groceries 270,040.00 253,515.00 249,682.00 345,225.00
Bar Supply 44,167.00 45,781.00 56,482.00 86,970.00
Salaries and Wages 74,072.00 77,499.00 72,982.00 90,690.00
Overtime -
Material and Supplies 37,645.00 26,654.00 22,723.00 39,612.00
Furniture, fixtures & equipment - 10,000.00 50,000.00
Rent 49,000.00 49,000.00 49,000.00 49,000.00
Power & Light 27,396.00 26,750.00 23,098.00 24,944.00
Water 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00
Representation & Transport Allow. 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
Travelling Expenses 1,268.00 906.00 673.00 1,126.00
Taxes and Licenses 32,309.00 4,967.00 4,217.00 14,936.00
Advertisement & Publicity
Meeting and Conferences -
Repairs and Maintenance 4,000.00 9,128.00 23,861.00 9,000.00
Insurance -
Other Operating Expenses 8,175.00 9,252.00 9,161.00 16,492.00
​Total 559,072.00 524,452.00 522,879.00 738,995.00

Net Income(Loss) 28,876.00 9,498.00 30,711.00 77,471.00

Outstanding Funds:
Cash in Bank ​ 368,667.00 126,524.00 157,235.00 234,503.00
(dividends – 251,618)
Accounts Payable:
Beef ​ 5,000.00
1 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00
Seafoods ​23,420.00 23,220.00 21,445.00 24,950.00

As of April Stockholder’s Equity Advances Total % Share

Salvador Almedilla 466,666.00 203,300.00 669,966.00 28.17%
Alexis Espejon 466,666.00 100,000.00 566,666.00 23.83%
Oswaldo Geli 400,000.00 50,000.00 450,000.00 18.92%
Noel Jolejole 266,668.00 25,000.00 291,668.00 12.26%
Kent Yuipco 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 16.82%
​Totals 2,000,000.00 378,300.00 2,378,300.00 100.00%
May June July August
Sales and Revenues:
Restaurant 806,656.00 593,849.00 592,577.00 599,699
Bar 192,909.00 140,651.00 124,291.00 138,717
Bank Interest - 94.00
999,565.00 734,594.00 716,868.00 738,416

Operating Expenses:
Marketing & Groceries 402,923.00 332,167.00 342,318.00 356,736
Bar Supply 97,448.00 66,813.00 75,059.00 81,027
Salaries and Wages 97,734.00 93,827.00 84,486.00 85,751
Overtime -
SSS Contribution 6,175.00 6,085.00 5,525.00 5,525
Philhealth 1,850.00 1,850.00 1,650.00 1,650
Pagibig 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 1,600
Material and Supplies 43,782.00 39,868.00 38,894.00 27,887
Furniture, fixtures & equipment 60,000.00 50,152.00 51,152.00 30,000
Rent 49,000.00 49,000.00 49,000.00 49,000
Power & Light 28,899.00 24,950.00 25,670.00 26,341
Water 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000
Representation & Transport Allow. 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000
Travelling Expenses 1,636.00 936.00 1,160.00 1,238
Taxes and Licenses 4,442.00 4,610.00 5,038.00 6,709
Advertisement & Publicity
Meeting and Conferences -
Repairs and Maintenance 5,500.00 67,359.00 55,000
Insurance -
Other Operating Expenses 14,716.00 7,021.00 10,307.00 18,014
​Total 821,405.00 695,579.00 770,218.00 757,478

Net Income(Loss) 178,160.00 39,015.00 ​(53,350.00) ( 19,062)

Outstanding Funds:
Cash in Bank ​ 312,663.00 351,676.00 298,323.00 279,258

Accounts Payable:
Beef 10,500.00​ - -
Seafoods 36,840.00​ ​ 0,700.00​
3 ​ 2,630.00
2 18,145

As of May: Stockholder’s Equity Advances Total % Share

Oswaldo Geli 600,000.00 50,000.00 650,000.00 28.53%
Salvador Almedilla 466,666.00 128,300.00 594,966.00 26.12%
Alexis Espejon 466,666.00 100,000.00 566,666.00 24.87%
Kent Yuipco 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 17.56%
Phiilip Sykimte 66,668.00 66,668.00 2.92%
​Totals 2,000,000.00 278,300.00 2,278,300.00 100.00%
September October November December
Sales and Revenues:
Restaurant 470,648.00 569,680.00 542,417.00 706,993
Bar 116,408.00 121,947.00 99,776.00 146,906
Bank Interest 120.00 - - 140
587,176.00 691,627.00 642,193.00 854,039
Operating Expenses:
Marketing & Groceries 244,961.00 317,289.00 294,149.00 386,442
Bar Supply 79,002.00 58,843.00 65,076.00 73,958
Salaries and Wages 110,754.00 86,132.00 106,819.00 173,974
Overtime -
SSS Contribution 6,085.00 6,745.00 6,645.00 6,645
Philhealth 1,850.00 2,050.00 2,050.00 2,050
Pagibig 1,800.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000
Material and Supplies 29,433.00 25,882.00 30,085.00 29,056
Furniture, fixtures & equipment 8,500.00
Rent 29,065.00 53,228.00 80,967.00 53,228
Power & Light 25,110.00 16,199.00 21,897.00 31,161
Water 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000
Representation & Transport Allow. 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000
Travelling Expenses 1,112.00 1,432.00 1,318.00 1,123
Taxes and Licenses 4,493.00 3,876.00 6,847.00 5,211
Advertisement & Publicity 5,000.00 -
Meeting and Conferences -
Repairs and Maintenance 18,796.00 - 16,000.00 14,700
Insurance -
Telephone 5,144.00
Other Operating Expenses 9,430.00 23,713.00 26,163.00 17,322
​Total 586,391.00 608.389.00 676,160.00 817,285

Net Income(Loss) 785.00 83,238.00 (​ 33,193.00) ​ 6,754

​Total 292,104.00 375,342.00 341,375.00 378,129
Outstanding Funds:
Cash in Bank ​ 280,222.00 363,557.00 329,586.00 366,334
Accounts Payable:​ - -
Seafoods 20,207.00 26,050.00 29,180.00

As of Sept: Stockholder’s Equity Advances Total % Share Dividends

Oswaldo Geli 600,000.00 600,000.00 26.34% 99,599.17
Salvador Almedilla 466,666.00 178,300.00 644,966.00 28,31% 107,048.32
Alexis Espejon 466,666.00 100,000.00 566,666.00 24.87% 94,040.68
Kent Yuipco 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 17.56% 66,399.45
Phiilip Sykimte 66,668.00 66,668.00 2.92% 11,041,36
​Totals 2,000,000.00 278,300.00 2,278,300.00 100.00% 378,129.00
PERSONNEL: As of Dec. 2016

Employee Position Daily rate

1. Edgar Silva Chief Cook 490
2. Jhonrey Consigna Asst. Cook 390
3. April Mejia Cashier 300
4. John Doquila Waiter 280
5. Carl Mantua Waiter 280
6. Christine Francisco Asst. Cashier 280
7. Mark Hinolus Waiter 280
8. Reymund Siona Waiter 220
9. Gio Ambilong* Waiter 250
10. A. Gealan 220
11. Josephine Siega Dishwasher 280
12. Reymark Pedraya Dishwasher 300
13. Alvin Lambastida 220


Buddy’s Grill & Resto Bar
As of Dec. 2015 Advances % Share Refund Balance
Salvador Almedilla 203,300.00 53.74% 135,230 68,070
Alexis Espejon 100,000.00 26.43% ​66,508 33,492
Oswaldo Geli 50,000.00 13,22% ​33,267 16,733
Noel Jolejole 25,000.00 6.61% ​16,633 8,367
​378,300.00​ 100.00% ​251,638 126,662

Original Equity Advances Refund Buy In/Out Withdrawal New Equity

2012 2014 2015 2016
Salvador Almedilla 400,000 203,300 (135,230) 116,666 ( 75,000) 509,736
Alexis Espejon 400,000 100,000 ( 66,508) 66,666 - 500,158
Oswaldo Geli 400,000 50,000 ( 33,267) 150,000 - 566,733
Noel Jolejole 400,000 25,000 ( 16,633) (400,000) ( 25,000) -
Kent Yuipco 400,000 - - - - 400,000
Philip Sykimte - - 66,668 - 66,668
​Totals 2,000,000 378,300 251,638 - 100,000 2,043,295

​As of Dec 2016 Stockholder’s Equity % Share Dividends

Oswaldo Geli 566,733 27.74% 104,892.98
Salvador Almedilla 509,736 24.95% 94,343.19
Alexis Espejon 500,158 24.48% 92,565.98
Kent Yuipco 400,000 19.57% 73,999.85
Phiilip Sykimte 66,668 3.26% 12,327.00
​Totals 2,043,295 100.00% 378,129.00


2016 2015 2017 MONTHLY TARGET

Sales and Revenues:
Restaurant 6,929,737 4,820,651 600,000 500,000
Bar 1,526,211 1,216,230 150,000 100,000
Bank Interest 484 115
8,456,432 6,036,996 750,000 600,000
Operating Expenses:
Marketing & Groceries 3,775,447 2,487,056 300,000 250,000
Bar Supply 830,626 641,421 75,000 50,000
Salaries and Wages 1,154,720 950,559 100,000 90,000
Overtime 26,908
SSS Contribution 49,430 7,000 7,000
Philhealth 15,000 2,000 2,000
Pagibig 14,600 2,000 2,000
Material and Supplies 391,521 364,305 35,000 30,000
Furniture, fixtures & equipment 259,804 32,850
Rent 608,488 655,700 53,228 53,228
Power & Light 302,415 238,839 35,000 30,000
Water 24,000 23,900 2,000 2,000
Representation & Transport Allow. 108,000 109,500 9,000 9,000
Travelling Expenses 13,928 16,638 1,500 1,500
Taxes and Licenses 97,655 72,029 10,000 10,000
Advertisement & Publicity 5,000 10,500 3,000 -
Meeting and Conferences 1,735
Repairs and Maintenance 223,344 10,600 10,000 10,000
Insurance 3,000 -
Telephone 5,144 2,000 2,000
Other Operating Expenses 169,766 143,154 25,000 20,000
​8,078,303 5,785,358 674,728 578,728
Net Income(Loss) 378,129 251,638 75,272 31,272

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